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We therefore provide rare evidence that a severe decline in population density is associated with the loss of vocal culture in a wild animal, with concomitant fitness costs for remaining individuals. The loss of culture may be a precursor to extinction in declining populations that learn selected behaviours from conspecifics, and therefore provides a useful conservation indicator.Seasonal resource pulses can have enormous impacts on species interactions. In marine ecosystems, air-breathing predators often drive their prey to deeper waters. However, it is unclear how ephemeral resource pulses such as near-surface phytoplankton blooms alter the vertical trade-off between predation avoidance and resource availability in consumers, and how these changes cascade to the diving behaviour of top predators. We integrated data on Weddell seal diving behaviour, diet stable isotopes, feeding success and mass gain to examine shifts in vertical foraging throughout ice break-out and the resulting phytoplankton bloom each year. We also tested hypotheses about the likely location of phytoplankton bloom origination (advected or produced in situ where seals foraged) based on sea ice break-out phenology and advection rates from several locations within 150 km of the seal colony. In early summer, seals foraged at deeper depths resulting in lower feeding rates and mass gain. As sea ice extent decreased throughout the summer, seals foraged at shallower depths and benefited from more efficient energy intake. Changes in diving depth were not due to seasonal shifts in seal diets or horizontal space use and instead may reflect a change in the vertical distribution of prey. Correspondence between the timing of seal shallowing and the resource pulse was variable from year to year and could not be readily explained by our existing understanding of the ocean and ice dynamics. Phytoplankton advection occurred faster than ice break-out, and seal dive shallowing occurred substantially earlier than local break-out. While there remains much to be learned about the marine ecosystem, it appears that an increase in prey abundance and accessibility via shallower distributions during the resource pulse could synchronize life-history phenology across trophic levels in this high-latitude ecosystem.Hybridization represents a natural experiment that can provide insight into processes of speciation and diversification. Though considerable research has focused on hybrid zone dynamics, macroevolutionary investigations of the factors that influence hybridization are few. Here, we compile a database of avian hybrids and perform comparative analyses to determine whether several social and life-history variables influence broad patterns of hybridization. We perform three main analyses phylogenetic logistic regression to examine variables that are associated with the presence of hybridization, phylogenetic Poisson regression of only those species exhibiting hybridization to determine which variables are associated with the extent of hybridization, and a phylogenetic logistic regression on a subset of data to assess potential pseudoreplication. After testing several social and life-history variables, we found that social bond duration is associated with the presence and extent of hybridization. Specifically, lengthy social bonds are negatively associated with the presence and extent of hybridization. In addition to social bond length, migration is positively linked with a greater likelihood of hybridization. The broad-scale correlations between species-specific traits and hybridization across diverse avian lineages suggest commonalities in the fine-scale processes involved in mating with heterospecifics, which in turn has implications for how we think about, study and understand hybridization processes and their influence on evolutionary trajectories.Parasitic worms (i.e. helminths) commonly infect multiple hosts in succession before reproducing. At each life cycle step, worms may fail to infect the next host, and this risk accumulates as life cycles include more successive hosts. Risk accumulation can be minimized by having high establishment success in the next host, but comparisons of establishment probabilities across parasite life stages are lacking. selleck kinase inhibitor We compiled recovery rates (i.e. the proportion of parasites recovered from an administered dose) from experimental infections with acanthocephalans, cestodes and nematodes. Our data covered 127 helminth species and 16 913 exposed hosts. Recovery rates increased with life cycle progression (11%, 29% and 46% in first, second and third hosts, respectively), because larger worm larvae had higher recovery, both within and across life stages. Recovery declined in bigger hosts but less than it increased with worm size. Higher doses were used in systems with lower recovery, suggesting that high doses are chosen when few worms are expected to establish infection. Our results indicate that growing in the small and short-lived hosts at the start of a complex life cycle, though dangerous, may substantially improve parasites' chances of completing their life cycles.The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated providing populations with simple and relevant, actionable informational messages for them to be informed on individual and community level measures to combat the pandemic. Distilling guidance from various sources into simple actionable message themes in a short time frame should be the hallmark of any rapid health promotion campaign. We developed and disseminated actionable Information, Education and Communication (IEC) messages on prevention and control during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic by selecting five key message themes of prevention. A modified Delphi technique was used for the development process which was peer reviewed after consensus was generated. An online training model using specifically developed YouTube videos and Zoom Meetings was utilized to train Master Trainers and the further hierarchy reaching out to 6989 Community Resource Persons at the peripheral echelons. Conservatively the population reached out has been estimated to be more than 6 million (across 1.2 million households), over a two week period in April 2020. The implementing agency has created 300 videos in around 22 languages based on the 5 Key Messages, which are available online for universal access. A rapid IEC campaign that can be developed, designed and rolled out in a short span is required for emergency situations such as the ongoing pandemic. NGOs play an important role in reaching out relevant messages to the community, filling in the gaps by virtue of their relative systemic agility.

Impetigo is a superficial bacterial skin infection largely affecting the pediatric population. The objective of this review is to provide a comparison of mechanism of action, efficacy and safety of the available topical antibiotics for impetigo.

Randomized clinical trials that evaluated the use of topical antibiotics for treatment of impetigo were included. Two thousand eighty-nine studies were initially identified, and five randomized clinical trials met the criteria for further analysis.

Topical antibiotics had greater resolution of impetigo in comparison to vehicle in these pivotal clinical trials. Adverse events were minimal, with the most common being pruritus at the application site. Cost or insurance coverage may be a limiting factor in choosing the best therapeutic agent, with mupirocin ointment having the lowest cost. Mupirocin has shown clinical efficacy against MRSA but a bacterial culture is recommended to rule out resistance. Ozenoxacin and retapamulin are effective alternatives but may entials. Fusidic acid, available in other countries, is a non-FDA approved medication although rising resistance rates represent a growing concern.

The tunneling technique is currently widely used for placement of CVC. Recently, some clinicians have used this technique for peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC), or Midline catheters (MCs).

To describe a safe antegrade tunneling technique for PICCs and MCs insertion with a blunt tunneler.

This retrospective monocentric survey collected ASST Lodi hospital data from January 1st to December 31st, 2019. The indication for PICCs and MCs tunneled implant was to respect the correct vein/catheter ratio or special clinical situation (children, burns, wounds, and wider catheter 5/6 fr). Contraindications included the operator's low skills and severe risk of bleeding (INR > 3; Platelet count <50'000).

About 390 PICCs (327 4 fr and 63 5 fr) and 183 MCs were placed. One hundred and sixty-five PICCs (42%) and 110 MCs (60%) were tunneled. Five fr PICCs were more present among tunneled catheters (54/165 [32.7%] vs 9/225 [4%]

 < 0.0001). In the majority tunneling was necessary to respect the correct catheter/vein ratio. The exit site was shifted only for four special clinical situations skin infections (one PICC and two MCs); burns (one MC). No early complication (intraprocedural, major bleeding), catheter related thrombosis, or device fractures occurred. Two catheter-related bloodstream infections (one PICC, one MC), nine dislocations (four PICCs, five MCs), one MC occlusion were recorded.

The antegrade tunneling technique with blunt tunneler of PICCs and MCs is simple, rapid and is regarded as a safe maneuver. More in-depth and future prospective studies are needed to evaluate the impact of tunneling on early and late complications.

The antegrade tunneling technique with blunt tunneler of PICCs and MCs is simple, rapid and is regarded as a safe maneuver. More in-depth and future prospective studies are needed to evaluate the impact of tunneling on early and late complications.Purpose/Aim In the United States, high rates of vision impairment and eye disease disproportionately impact those who lack access to eye care, specifically vulnerable populations. The objective of our study was to test instruments, implement protocols, and collect preliminary data for a larger 5-year study, which aims to improve detection of eye diseases and follow-up eye care in vulnerable populations using community health workers (CHW) and patient navigators. In the study, trained CHWs conducted vision screening and patient navigators scheduled on-site eye exams and arranged appointments for those referred to ophthalmology to improve adherence to follow-up eye care.Materials and Methods Eligible individuals age 40-and-older were recruited from the Riverstone Senior Center in Upper Manhattan, New York City. Participants underwent on-site vision screening (visual acuity with correction, intraocular pressure measurements, and fundus photography). Individuals who failed the vision screening were scheduled withuals to additional eye care appointments. The full five-year study aims to further examine these outcomes.The purpose of this longitudinal study was to identify and verify the compensatory motor strategies for upper limb functioning of individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). We evaluated 32 patients diagnosed with DMD (aged 6-19 years) for cognitive and motor functioning using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Vignos Scale Jebsen Taylor Test (JTT) and Functional Skill Scale (FSS) at baseline testing and over retest intervals of six and 12 months. We used the MMSE to screen participants for capacity to engage in the research, and we analyzed absolute and percentile changes in the frequency distribution of motor strategies participants used on each JTT subtest. We also used analysis of variance with repeated measures and Bonferroni post-hoc testing of multiple comparisons to identify disease progression through FSS scores. We observed an increased frequency of compensatory motor strategies over six months. We recommend the associated use of the JTT and FSS to assess patients with DMD, since we observed worsened movement quality over a time interval of six months even while essential motor competence was maintained.

Autoři článku: Terrellcoley4495 (Ebsen Hein)