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Our study reveals a vital layer of DNAm and associated expression regulation for many cancer-related genes and we also provide a valuable database resource for interrogating epigenetically mediated lncRNA-gene interactions in cancer.

National Natural Science Foundation of China [91959106, 31871255].

National Natural Science Foundation of China [91959106, 31871255].

Primary Total Knee Replacement (TKR) is one of the most commonly performed elective orthopaedic procedures globally. Many patients undergoing this type of surgery are overweight or obese. In the UK, clinical commissioning groups have imposed arbitrary Body Mass Index (BMI) thresholds for TKR surgery. Many obese patients undergoing TKR believe they will lose weight following the procedure because of increased mobility.

This paper aims to present the findings of a scoping literature review about the relationship between obesity and primary TKR and to make recommendations for clinical practice, education and policy.

A scoping literature review investigated the impact of BMI/body weight on the need for TKR, the impact of body weight and or BMI on patient outcomes following TKR, weight loss/gain following TKR and the implications of obesity on cost of TKR.

Seventy-one papers were included in the review. Seven studies reported statistically significant associations between increased BMI/obesity with the neeomotion regarding the association of being overweight/obese in young adulthood and developing osteoarthritis of the knee joints requiring TKR in middle and older age.

The findings of the review challenge the legitimacy of setting BMI thresholds to control access to TKR surgery. There is an urgent need to develop evidence based approaches to support weight loss and weight management for this group of patients. Obese patients undergoing TKR should receive specific information regarding potential additional risks of complications and poorer outcomes. There is a need for health promotion regarding the association of being overweight/obese in young adulthood and developing osteoarthritis of the knee joints requiring TKR in middle and older age.The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural properties of μ-calpain induced by hydroxyl radical oxidation and its effect on the degradation of myofibrillar protein (MP) from the dorsal muscles of Coregonus peled. The carbonyl and sulfhydryl content of μ-calpain changed significantly after oxidation. The content of α-helix in the secondary structure decreased from 0.825 to 0.232 and the changes in intrinsic fluorescence and ultraviolet (UV) absorption spectra indicated that oxidation could cause the expansion and aggregation of µ-calpain molecules. Changes in µ-calpain structure could improve the activity of µ-calpain, reaching the highest value at 0.5 mM H2O2. The highest µ-calpain activity facilitate the degradation of unoxidized MP, while the degradation of oxidized MP was facilitated at the 1 mM H2O2. Thus, our results provide a scientific basis for the interaction mechanism among hydroxyl radical oxidation, µ-calpain, and MP degradation.This study investigated the differences in bioavailability and tissue accumulation efficiency between all-E- and Z-isomer-rich carotenoids after oral administration to rats. Three commercially important carotenoids (lycopene, β-carotene, and lutein) were chosen for the study. For all carotenoids, feeding with Z-isomer-rich diets increased their concentrations in plasma and tissues at least similar to or more than the all-E-isomer-rich diets, e.g., in rats fed a Z-isomer-rich lycopene, the lycopene concentrations in the plasma and liver after the 2-week administration were respectively 6.2 and 11.6 times higher than those fed an all-E-isomer-rich diet. These results strongly indicate that carotenoid Z-isomers have higher bioavailability and tissue accumulation efficiency than the all-E-isomers. Moreover, diets rich in carotenoid Z-isomers significantly improved the total Z-isomer ratio in plasma and several tissues compared to the all-E-isomers. Since carotenoid Z-isomers potentially have higher antioxidant activity than the all-E-isomers, their accumulation in the body might bring remarkable health benefits.A novel active packaging film was prepared in this study that incorporated Akebia trifoliata (Thunb.) Koidz. peel extracts (APE) and montmorillonite (MMT) into chitosan (CH) films. Compared with the pure CH film, the CH/APE film showed significantly higher tensile strength, elongation at break, UV light resistance, and antibacterial activity; the CH/MMT film displayed significant increases in contact angle, antioxidant activity, oxygen permeability, and thermal stability. SEM and AFM analyses showed that the additions were well-distributed into the CH matrix, but MMT induced a more compact and rougher structure. The CH-based film formula was optimized using the single-factor test and Box-Behnken design and was 0.15% MMT, 0.15% APE, and 1.50% CH. Besides, the optimized coating was applied in the postharvest preservation of A. trifoliata fruits, which yielded a significant effect on the delaying crack and mature of the fruits during 35 days of storage at 5 °C.This study was conducted to evaluate and validate the efficacy and safety of videoceloscopy and gonadal biopsy as sexing methods for the A. ocellatus. A total of 31 adult individuals were used. Florfenicol (50 mg/kg) and morphine (5 mg/kg) were administered intramuscularly during the pre-surgical period. Animals were maintained in a supine position preceding a ventral midline incision and endoscope optics were then utilized for gonad visualization and sex identification. A gonadal fragment was collected using laparoscopic forceps and conditioned in 10 % formalin. To suture the cavity, polyamide yarn was used in a simple and continuous pattern. At 15 days subsequent to surgery, healing was evaluated, and the stitches were removed. Videoceloscopy accuracy and gonadal biopsy effectiveness were 97 % and 83 %, respectively. Total time devoted in the videoceloscopy, gonadal biopsy and surgery was longer for animals identified as males compared to females The survival rate was 100 %. There were differences regarding food consumption at 24 and 36 h post-surgery when compared to control specimens (pre-surgical) Regarding position in the water column, differences were observed at 24 and 72 h after surgery when compared individually to the control specimens. There were differences for interaction behavior at 24, 36 and 60 h, and regarding search for hiding places at 12 and 24 h after surgery in relation to the control specimens. The applied videoceloscopy and gonadal biopsy surgical techniques are, therefore, effective and safe for A. ocellatus sexing procedures.

Acute supraglottitis (AS) can be a life threatening infection that may lead to sudden airway obstruction. Thankfully, paediatric instances have decreased with public health vaccination programmes. Owing to the nature of the location of pathology, this time sensitive emergency requires astute clinical acumen and awareness of early warning signs. This study aimed to i) determine if the incidence of AS has changed over time; ii) investigate geographical and seasonal variation of infection; iii) identify features of presentation which may predict airway intervention; iv) assess efficacy of treatment and make recommendations for management.

All adult patients admitted to a tertiary hospital with the diagnosis of acute supraglottitis between 2013 and 2021 were included. Diagnosis was confirmed with flexible nasendoscopy and consultant review. Demographics, management and outcomes were recorded. Statistical analysis was performed by calculating means and standard deviation for descriptive purposes. Fischer's exa supraglottitis in adults. Factors such as stridor, respiratory distress and elevated CRP should alert the clinician to the possible need for airway intervention. Acute supraglottitis is more common in higher density populated regions.Drivers continually interact with other road users and use information from the road environment to make decisions to control their vehicle. A clear understanding of different parameters impacting this interaction can provide us with a new design approach for a more effective driver assistance system - a personalised trajectory prediction system. This paper highlights the influential factors on trajectory prediction system performance by (i) identifying driver behaviours impacting the trajectory prediction system; and (ii) analysing other contributing factors such as traffic density, secondary task, gender and age group. To explore the most influential contributing factors, we first train an interaction-aware trajectory prediction system using time-series data derived from the Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS). Prediction error is then analysed based on driver characteristics such as driver profile which is subjectively measured through self-reported questions, and driving performance which is based on evaluation of time-series information such as speed, acceleration, jerk, time, and space headway. The results show that prediction error significantly increased in the scenarios where the driver engaged in risky behaviour. Analysis shows that trajectory prediction system performance is also affected by factors such as traffic density, engagement in secondary tasks, driver gender and age group. We show that the driver profile, which is subjectively measured using self-reported questionnaires, is not as significant as the driving performance information, which is objectively measured and extracted during each specific driving scenario.Systemic inflammation is known to alter behaviour, and since it has been reported that individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have higher levels of circulating cytokines, it has been hypothesized that systemic inflammation may exacerbate behaviours characteristic of ASD. The acute phase proteins α-2-macroglobulin, C-reactive protein, haptoglobin, serum amyloid P, serum amyloid A, ferritin and tissue plasminogen activator, as well as markers of intestinal permeability (intestinal fatty acid binding protein and lipopolysaccharide) were quantitated in the plasma of very young children with ASD. Behaviour severity was measured using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale (VABS). 1-Thioglycerol price An increase in circulating I-FABP correlated with more severe deficits in communication, communication + social interaction as well as maladaptive behaviour. The acute phase protein haptoglobin was associated with more severe social interaction and communication + social interaction. In summary, I-FABP, a marker of intestinal epithelial damage, was associated with more severe behavioural phenotypes in very young children with ASD. In addition, the acute phase protein, haptoglobin, was associated with behaviour.

Atrial electrograms recorded from the epicardium provide an important tool for studying the initiation, perpetuation, and treatment of AF. However, the properties of these electrograms depend largely on the properties of the electrode arrays that are used for recording these signals.

In this study, we use the electrode's transfer function to model and analyze the effect of electrode size on the properties of measured electrograms. To do so, we use both simulated as well as clinical data. To simulate electrogram arrays we use a two-dimensional (2D) electrogram model as well as an action propagation model. For clinical data, however, we first estimate the trans-membrane current for a higher resolution 2D modeled cell grid and later use these values to interpolate and model electrograms with different electrode sizes.

We simulate electrogram arrays for 2D tissues with 3 different levels of heterogeneity in the conduction and stimulation pattern to model the inhomogeneous wave propagation observed during atrial fibrillation.

Autoři článku: Tennantballing2291 (Dinesen Wren)