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Genes involved in cellular processes undergo environment-dependent co-regulation, but the co-expression patterns of fungal cellulase and xylanase-encoding genes remain unclear. Here, we identified two novel carbon sources, methylcellulose and 2-hydroxyethyl cellulose, which efficiently induced the secretion of cellulases and xylanases in Penicillium oxalicum. Comparative transcriptomic analyses identified carbon source-specific transcriptional patterns, mainly including major cellulase and xylanase-encoding genes, genes involved in glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and genes encoding transcription factors, transporters and G protein-coupled receptors. Moreover, the weighted correlation network analysis of time-course transcriptomes, generated 17 highly connected modules. Module MEivory, comprising 120 members, included major cellulase and xylanase-encoding genes, genes encoding the key regulators PoxClrB and PoxXlnR, and a cellodextrin transporter POX06051/CdtC, which were tightly correlated with the filter-paper cellulase, carboxymethylcellulase and xylanase activities in P. oxalicum. An expression kinetic analysis indicated that members in MEivory were activated integrally by carbon sources, but their expressional levels were carbon source- and/or induction duration-dependent. Three uncharacterized regulatory genes in MEivory were identified, which regulate the production of cellulases and xylanases in P. oxalicum. These findings provide insights into the mechanisms associated with the synthesis and secretion of fungal cellulases and xylanases, and a guide for P. oxalicum application in biotechnology. Copyright © 2020 Li, Zhao, Luo and Feng.The terrestrial green algal members of the genera Interfilum and Klebsormidium (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta) are found in biological soil crusts of extreme habitats around the world where they are regularly exposed, among other abiotic stress factors, to high levels of ultraviolet radiation (UVR). As a consequence those species synthesize and accumulate either one or two mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), but with a missing structural elucidation up to now. Therefore, in the present study both MAAs were chemically isolated and structurally elucidated. The two new compounds exhibit absorption maxima of 324 nm. MAA 1 has a molecular weight of 467 and MAA 2 of 305, and the latter (MAA 2) was identified as N-(4,5-dihydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methoxy-3-oxocyclohex-1-en-1-yl)-N-methylserine using one- and two-dimensional 1H and 13C-NMR spectroscopy. MAA 1 contains an additional sugar moiety. As trivial names for these two novel MAAs we suggest klebsormidin A and klebsormidin B. Different species from all previously described phylogenetic clades of Klebsormidiophyceae were chemically screened for their MAA composition in aqueous extracts using RP-HPLC and LC-MS. The novel klebsormidin A was present throughout all clades and hence could be suitable as a chemotaxonomic marker. Additionally, controlled UVR-exposure experiments with all investigated species showed that MAA biosynthesis and intracellular enrichment is strongly induced by short wavelengths, supporting the function of these compounds as natural UV-sunscreen as well as explaining the cosmopolitan distribution and ecological success of Interfilum and Klebsormidium in terrestrial habitats. Copyright © 2020 Hartmann, Glaser, Holzinger, Ganzera and Karsten.The intestinal gut microbiota is essential for maintaining host health. Concerns have been raised about the possible connection between antibiotic use, causing microbiota disturbances, and the increase in allergic and autoimmune diseases observed during the last decades. To elucidate the putative connection between antibiotic use and immune regulation, we have assessed the effects of the antibiotic amoxicillin on immune regulation, protein uptake, and bacterial community structure in a Brown Norway rat model. Daily intra-gastric administration of amoxicillin resulted in an immediate and dramatic shift in fecal microbiota, characterized by a reduction of within sample (α) diversity, reduced variation between animals (β diversity), increased relative abundance of Bacteroidetes and Gammaproteobacteria, with concurrent reduction of Firmicutes, compared to a water control group. In the small intestine, amoxicillin also affected microbiota composition significantly, but in a different way than observed in feces. Thy bowel diseases and food allergies, our findings surprisingly indicated that amoxicillin-induced perturbation of the gut microbiota promotes acute immune regulation. We speculate that the observed increase in relative abundance of small intestinal regulatory T cells is partly mediated by immunomodulatory lipopolysaccharides derived from outgrowth of Gammaproteobacteria. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/chloroquine.html Copyright © 2020 Graversen, Bahl, Larsen, Ballegaard, Licht and Bøgh.Mosquito-borne flaviviruses (MBFVs) spread between vertebrate (mammals and birds) and invertebrate (mosquitoes) hosts. The cis-acting RNAs of MBFV share common evolutionary origins and contain frequent alterations, which control the balance of linear and circular genome conformations and allow effective replication. Importantly, multiple cis-acting RNAs interact with trans-acting regulatory RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and affect the MBFV lifecycle process, including viral replicase binding, viral RNA translation-cyclisation-synthesis and nucleocapsid assembly. Considering that extensive structural probing analyses have been performed on MBFV cis-acting RNAs, herein the homologous RNA structures are online folded and consensus structures are constructed by sort. The specific traits and underlying biology of MBFV cis-acting RNA are illuminated accordingly in a review of RNA structure. These findings deepen our understanding of MBFV cis-acting RNA biology and serve as a resource for designing therapeutics in targeting protein-viral RNA interaction or viral RNA secondary structures. Copyright © 2020 Zeng, Duan, Zhang, Wang, Jia, Zhu, Liu, Zhao, Yang, Wu, Zhang, Liu, Zhang, Yu, Chen and Cheng.Bacterial persisters are rare phenotypic variants that are temporarily tolerant to high concentrations of antibiotics. We have previously discovered that stationary-phase-cell subpopulations exhibiting high redox activities were less capable of producing proteins and resuming growth upon their dilution into fresh media. The redox activities of these cells were maintained by endogenous protein and RNA degradation, resulting in self-inflicted damage that transiently repressed the cellular functions targeted by antibiotics. Here, we showed that pretreatment of stationary-phase cells with an ATP synthase inhibitor, chlorpromazine hydrochloride (CPZ), significantly reduced stationary-phase-redox activities and protein degradation, and yielded cells that were more susceptible to cell death when exposed to antibiotics in fresh media. Leveraging this knowledge, we developed an assay integrating a degradable fluorescent protein system and a small library, containing FDA-approved drugs and antibiotics, to detect medically relevant drugs that potentially target persister metabolism. We identified a subset of chemical inhibitors, including polymyxin B, poly-L-lysine and phenothiazine anti-psychotic drugs, that were able to reduce the persistence phenotype in Escherichia coli. These chemical inhibitors also reduced Pseudomonas aeruginosa persistence, potentially verifying the existence of similar mechanisms in a medically relevant organism. Copyright © 2020 Mohiuddin, Hoang, Saba, Karki and Orman.Microorganisms that thrive in hypersaline environments on the surface of our planet are exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, for their protection, they have sunscreen pigments and highly efficient DNA repair and protection systems. The present study aimed to identify new genes involved in UV radiation resistance from these microorganisms, many of which cannot be cultured in the laboratory. Thus, a functional metagenomic approach was used and for this, small-insert libraries were constructed with DNA isolated from microorganisms of high-altitude Andean hypersaline lakes in Argentina (Diamante and Ojo Seco lakes, 4,589 and 3,200 m, respectively) and from the Es Trenc solar saltern in Spain. The libraries were hosted in a UV radiation-sensitive strain of Escherichia coli (recA mutant) and they were exposed to UVB. The resistant colonies were analyzed and as a result, four clones were identified with environmental DNA fragments containing five genes that conferred resistance to UV rsistance to UV radiation, 4-NQO and perchlorate have been identified in this work and two of them encoding hypothetical proteins that could be involved in DNA damage repair activities not previously described. Copyright © 2020 Lamprecht-Grandío, Cortesão, Mirete, Benguigui de la Cámara, de Figueras, Pérez-Pantoja, White, Farías, Rosselló-Móra and González-Pastor.Brucellosis has been reported in several regions of Hainan Province, but the extent of the disease has not been fully elucidated. Conventional biotyping methods, multiple locus variable number tandem repeats analysis (MLVA), and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from draft genome sequencing were employed to characterize the strains. There were four biovars (Brucella melitensis bv. 1, 2, and 3 and Brucella suis bv. 3) detected, which showed that the biovar diversity of Brucella in Hainan is higher than in other areas of China. Both B. melitensis bv. 3 and B. suis bv. 3 were dominant species and showed epidemiology patterns that were compatible with both southern and northern China. Eight of MLVA-11 genotypes were known (31, 111, 116, 120, 136, 291, 297, and 345), and the remaining seven were novel (HN11-1 to HN11-7); these data showed that Brucella strains in this study had multiple geographic origins and exhibited characteristics of origin and evolution of co-existing imported and Hainan specific lineagerther investigation of the transportation of animals, such as pigs, is needed to elucidate the origins of these strains. Copyright © 2020 Li, Wang, Zhu, Wang, Cheng, Li and Liu.Aspergillus exists commonly in many crops and any process of crop growth, harvest, storage, and processing can be polluted by this fungus. link2 Once it forms a biofilm, Aspergillus can produce many toxins, such as aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), ochratoxin, zearalenone, fumonisin, and patulin. Among these toxins, AFB1 possesses the highest toxicity and is labeled as a group I carcinogen in humans and animals. link3 Consequently, the proper control of AFB1 produced from biofilms in food and feed has long been recognized. Moreover, many biosensors have been applied to monitor AFB1 in biofilms in food. Additionally, in recent years, novel molecular recognition elements and transducer elements have been introduced for the detection of AFB1. This review presents an outline of recent progress made in the development of biosensors capable of determining AFB1 in biofilms, such as aptasensors, immunosensors, and molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) biosensors. In addition, the current feasibility, shortcomings, and future challenges of AFB1 determination and analysis are addressed. Copyright © 2020 Wang, Yang and Wu.

Autoři článku: Taylorbentzen9937 (Beach Potts)