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This work aims to analyze the impacts on the psychological changes of Chinese returning college students after the outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19). A questionnaire survey is used to take 1,482 college students who returned to school after the epidemic as the research objects. The Chinese college students' knowledge of the epidemic, alienation in physical education class, school happiness, and expectations for a healthy life in the future are investigated and analyzed. The research results manifest that Chinese returning college students have relatively poor awareness of COVID-19, and the overall degree of alienation in physical education classes after the epidemic is low, with an average score of 3.55 ± 1.018. The overall level of school happiness is high, with an average score of 4.94 ± 0.883; the overall level of expectation for a healthy life in the future is high, with an average score of 3.50 ± 0.840. It denotes that the epidemic has a great psychological impact on returning college students, and it is necessary to strengthen mental health education for college students after COVID-19. It provides a sustainable theoretical reference for the formulation of psychological intervention measures for returning college students.This study was conducted to develop evaluation indicators for instructor-led management of sports centers for the disabled using universal design (UD) principles in South Korea. These indicators have been developed through Delphi technique to identify the effectiveness of an instructor's management skills. There were 11 documents related to UD used in the literature review, and seven were related to the evaluation index. Through reading and analyzing the relevant contents of the collected literature and many rounds of the Delphi technique, we selected the method and criteria for deriving the evaluation index. In this study, we developed a method that constitutes an evaluation index. The index comprises one evaluation criterion and four evaluation indices. First, for the sub-items of the "recruitment" category, four principles of UD and one supplementary principle of product performance program (PPP) were applied to create items for the evaluation index. Second, the sub-items of the "education" category comprise three evaluation criteria and 10 evaluation indicators. These were applied to the fourth principle of UD and the first and second by-supplementary principles of PPP. Calcium folinate manufacturer The third category, "welfare," comprised two evaluation criteria and six evaluation indices, and the first by-supplementary principle of PPP was applied to the evaluation indices. The index created for evaluating instructors in sports centers using the method elucidated in this study was adequately reliable. Following a similar method, more evaluation indicators should be developed for evaluations of other functions (such as programs, public relations, safety, and finance) based on the principles of UD.

School meal programs operate throughout Africa, serving as a social safety net and aiming to improve children's nutrition, influence their dietary choices, and strengthen the agrifood economy through local procurement. Despite their rapid expansion in the past decade, there has been no systematic effort to comprehensively document school feeding activities across the continent.

Detailed information on school feeding activities in each country was captured in the Global Survey of School Meal Programs©, which launched in 2019. An invitation to participate was extended to each government, which appointed a national-level respondent to gather information on every large-scale school meal program in the country.

Forty-one countries in Africa (38 in sub-Saharan Africa) responded to the survey in 2019 with information on 68 large-scale programs that together reached 60.1 million children. Across these countries, the aggregate school feeding budget was USD 1.3 billion. Diversity in school meal programs is evidend to supply chains and logistics-impediments that need to be addressed if these programs are to achieve their objectives. Overall, the survey results underscore the important position of school meal programs within African food systems and their potential (if well-designed) to sustainably improve food security, child health, and nutrition.

The extent to which school meal programs in Africa are supported with domestic funding reflects a dramatic shift in favor of national ownership and domestic food procurement. At the same time, programs have grappled with inadequate and unpredictable budgets and challenges related to supply chains and logistics-impediments that need to be addressed if these programs are to achieve their objectives. Overall, the survey results underscore the important position of school meal programs within African food systems and their potential (if well-designed) to sustainably improve food security, child health, and nutrition.With the rapid expansion of the Internet, it continuously penetrates the life of older adults around the world. This study aims to explore the effect of Internet use on the multi-dimensional health of the elderly with the mediating role of cultural engagement. Using data from the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2015 and 2017, this study adopts logistic regression and a single-step multiple mediation model to investigate how Internet use affects the multi-dimensional health of older adults in China. The results show that Internet use has positive effects on the self-rated health, physical health, and mental health of the elderly. Endogenous tests, robustness analysis, and sensitivity analysis show that the above conclusions remain robust. Additionally, the mediating effect analysis shows that cultural engagement plays a mediating role in the relationship between Internet use and the three health-related responses. Therefore, to improve the elderly's health level, the government should not only cultivate the ability to use the Internet but also encourage greater cultural engagement amongst the aged.Inflammation is considered a key event in the pathology of many chronic diseases, including pulmonary and systemic particle induced effects. In addition, inflammation is now considered as the key response in standard setting for poorly-soluble low toxicity (PSLT) particles and also the critical endpoint to screen for in OECD based sub-chronic animal inhalation testing protocols. During Particles & Health 2021, an afternoon session was dedicated to the subject and a brief summary of the most important messages are summarized in this paper. In the first part of this session, two speakers (Prof. Lison and Dr Duffin) provided state of the art insight into different aspects and sequels to (persistent) inflammation as a protective or adverse response. Most recent insights on the role of different macrophage cell types were presented as well as perspectives and data provided by inflammatory pathways in humans, such as in asthma and COPD. A brief review of the expert workshop on PSLT particles focusing on the regulatory impact of using persistent inflammation as a key outcome was provided by Kevin Driscoll. The second part of the session focused on the outcomes that are associated with inflammation in animal studies, with an emphasis by Drs. Harkema (Michigan State) and Weber (Anapath) on cell proliferation and other pathologies that need to be considered when comparing human and animal responses, such as outcomes from 14- or 28 day inhalation studies used for specific target organ toxicity classification.As an important part of green financial instruments, green bonds have become increasingly popular in recent years. This study employs green bond issuance as a proxy to measure investors' recognition of a firm's sustainable activities by linking literature on ESG and financial performance and those on green bond issuance. This study innovatively creates the datasets by combining the ESG performance of Chinese listed companies with their green bond issuance from 2016 to 2020 based on the Wind and CSMAR databases and examines the relationship between the performance of ESG dimensions and green bond issuance from the perspective of listed firms in the emerging market. The results indicate that decent ESG practices not only increase the propensity in green bond issuance by listed firms but also help them issue more green bonds. More specifically, we found evidence to support this finding from every dimension of these sustainable practices. However, this study identified the negative effect of financial performance in issuing green bonds when combining the effect of ESG performance.

Our study aimed to identify the common themes, knowledge gaps and to evaluate the quality of data linkage research on diabetes in Australia.

This systematic review was developed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (the PRISMA Statement). Six biomedical databases and the Australian Population Health Research Network (PHRN) website were searched. A narrative synthesis was conducted to comprehensively identify the common themes and knowledge gaps. The guidelines for studies involving data linkage were used to appraise methodological quality of included studies.

After screening and hand-searching, 118 studies were included in the final analysis. Data linkage publications confirmed negative health outcomes in people with diabetes, reported risk factors for diabetes and its complications, and found an inverse association between primary care use and hospitalization. Linked data were used to validate data sources and diabetes instruments. There were limited publications investigating healthcare expenditure and adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in people with diabetes. Regarding methodological assessment, important information about the linkage performed was under-reported in included studies.

In the future, more up to date data linkage research addressing costs of diabetes and its complications in a contemporary Australian setting, as well as research assessing ADRs of recently approved antidiabetic medications, are required.

In the future, more up to date data linkage research addressing costs of diabetes and its complications in a contemporary Australian setting, as well as research assessing ADRs of recently approved antidiabetic medications, are required.Psychiatric disorders are the number one cause of disability in adolescents worldwide. Yet, in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), where 90% of adolescents reside, mental health services are extremely limited, and the majority do not have access to treatment. Integration of mental health services within primary care of LMICs has been proposed as an efficient and sustainable way to close the adolescent mental health treatment gap. However, there is limited research on how to effectively implement integrated mental health care in LMIC. In the present study, we employed Implementation Mapping to develop a multilevel strategy for integrating adolescent depression services within primary care clinics of Maputo, Mozambique. Both in-person and virtual approaches for Implementation Mapping activities were used to support an international implementation planning partnership and promote the engagement of multilevel stakeholders. We identified determinants to implementation of mental health services for adolescents in LMIC across all levels of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, of which of 25% were unique to adolescent-specific services.

Autoři článku: Sykeskessler2675 (Martensen Svenstrup)