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group also had higher pain catastrophizing than the OA group (p less then .005). Results highlighted the importance of the interactions between the multiple factors of socioeconomic status, age, and race in the experience of chronic pain. The intersectional identity theory approach through LCA provided an integrated picture of chronic pain disparities in a highly understudied and underserved population.

Recent research has highlighted the need for a deeper understanding of the heterogeneity in trajectories of children's distress after acute pain exposure, moving beyond the group means of behavioural pain scores at a single timepoint. During preschool vaccinations, 3 distinct trajectories of postvaccination pain regulation have been elucidated, with approximately 75% of children displaying trajectories characterized by downregulation to no distress by 2 minutes postneedle and 25% concerningly failing to downregulate by 2 minutes. The objective of this study was to examine child and caregiver predictors of preschool children's postvaccination regulatory patterns. Our results indicated that higher child baseline distress, more caregiver coping-promoting verbalizations in the first minute after the needle, less coping-promoting verbalizations in the second minute, and more caregiver distress-promoting verbalizations in the second minute after the needle were associated with membership in the trajectories chararies of preschool pain responding when examining the factors that are associated with children's pain-related distress.

The auditory brainstem response (ABR) test has been widely used in childhood. Although it is a painless procedure, sedation can be needed in pediatric patients. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate safety and complications of sedation anesthesia applied in pediatric patients during ABR testing.

Medical records of 75 children who underwent ABR testing between 2018 and 2020 were evaluated retrospectively in terms of applicability, safety, and complications of sedation anesthesia.

The ages ranged from 3 to 9 (mean 6.2) years. Comorbidity was detected in 20% (n = 15); 3 had multiple comorbidities, and the most common comorbidity was Down syndrome (4%). The drugs used in sedation anesthesia were midazolam in 81.3% (n = 61), a combination of propofol and ketamine in 14.7% (n = 11), and only propofol in 4% (n = 3) of the patients. An additional drug use was needed in 44% (n = 33). The mean procedure time was 40 (range 30-55) min. The mean anesthesia duration was 45 (range 35-60) min. The mean recovery time was 1 of sedative agents should be remembered, especially in children who have comorbidities.

In addition to neuronal and endothelial regulators of vascular tone, the passive mechanical properties of arteries, determined by the molecular structure of extracellular matrices, are the principle modulators of vascular distensibility. Specifically, the association between collagen type IV (Col IV), a constituent of basement membrane, and arterial compliance remains unclear.

In 31 healthy adult men, radial applanation tonometry and pulse wave analysis were used to assess aortic augmentation index (AIx), aortic-to-radial pulse pressure amplification (PPAmpl), and time to reflection wave.

Plasma Col IV and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) concentrations were correlated with AIx (r = 0.51, p = 0.021 and r = -0.45, p = 0.042, respectively) after adjustment for age and heart rate (HR). Greater matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and TIMP-1 levels were associated with high PPAmpl (r = 0.45 and r = 0.64, respectively) and hence with compliant arteries. Multiple regression analyses revealed that 99% of the variation in PPAmpl was attributable to age, HR, Col IV, TIMP-1, and Col × TIMP-1 interaction (p < 0.001). No relations between tonometric variables and levels of MMP-1, -2, and -3; TIMP-2 and -4; fibronectin; glycosaminoglycans; and hydroxyproline were found.

High circulating Col IV level indexes were associated with stiffer peripheral arteries whereas increased MMP-9 and TIMP-1 concentrations were associated with more compliant ones.

High circulating Col IV level indexes were associated with stiffer peripheral arteries whereas increased MMP-9 and TIMP-1 concentrations were associated with more compliant ones.Tissue engineering is a promising approach to overcome the severe worldwide shortage of healthy donor corneas. In this work, we have developed a silk-gelatin composite scaffold using electrospinning and permeation techniques to achieve the properties comparable to cornea analog. In particular, we present the fabrication and comparative evaluation of the novel gelatin sheets consisting of silk fibroin nanofibers, which are prepared using silk fibroin (SF) (in formic acid) and SF (in aqueous) electrospun scaffolds, for its suitability as corneal stromal analogs. All the fabricated samples were treated with ethanol vapor (T) to physically crosslink the silk nanofibers. Micro/nano-scale features of the fabricated scaffolds were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy micrographs. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed characteristic peaks of polymeric functional groups and modifications upon ethanol vapor treatment. Transparency of the scaffolds was determined using UV-visible spectra. Among all thesilk-gelatin composite that exhibits acceptable transparency, cellular biocompatibility, as well as improved mechanical stability comparable to that of native cornea. Therefore, we anticipate that the fabricated novel scaffold is likely to be a good candidate for corneal tissue construct. Moreover, among the fabricated scaffolds, the outcomes depict gelatin-permeated SF (in formic acid; T) composite scaffold to be a better candidate as a corneal stromal analog that carries properties of both the silk and gelatin, i.e., optimal transparency, better stability, and enhanced cytocompatibility.A novel Ti3+-based thiospinel ZnTi2S4is successfully synthesized via a low-temperature ion-exchange reaction. ZnTi2S4shows a signature of metallic ground state evidenced by a contribution of conduction electrons in the heat capacity and Pauli-like paramagnetic susceptibility. These observations contrast to the electronic state of similar Ti3+-based spinel MgTi2O4exhibiting the metal-insulator transition associated with a molecular orbital crystallization (MOC). Furthermore, the magnetic susceptibility of ZnTi2S4shows a pseudogap-like behavior indicated by a vast peak in the magnetic susceptibility around 110 K, likely originating from the MOC fluctuation. The origin of the difference in the electronic states of MgTi2O4and ZnTi2S4would be due to the different magnitude of overlap between Ti 3dandporbitals (O 2pand S 3p). The presence of a MOC state in the close vicinity of insulator-metal transition may suggest the importance of itinerancy in a MOC.Carbon black (CB) supported palladium-platinum catalysts were prepared with and without nickel(II) oxide or iron(III) oxide promoter materials. By applying ultrasonic cavitation highly efficient CB supported catalysts were created. The designed catalyst preparation is a one-step procedure, as post-treatments (e.g. calcination, hydrogen activation) are not necessary. The activation of the catalysts occurs during their preparation due to the ultrasonic cavitation. Thus, a fast and simple catalyst preparation procedure have been developed. The activity of the catalysts was compared in nitrobenzene hydrogenation at different temperatures in the range of 283-323 K at 20 bar hydrogen pressure. In terms of selectivity and aniline yield, no significant differences were detected even when promoters were present. By using the NiO promoter, the activation energy was extremely low (7.6 ± 0.7 kJ mol-1). The selectivity was over 99% in every case, and 99.6% aniline yield was achieved without any promoters (99.7% with NiO), while less than 1.0% by-products were formed. The reaction rate was high with every catalyst, and no significant differences were detected. All in all, the prepared catalysts show excellent catalytic activity in the hydrogenation of nitrobenzene.Ising-like spin-1/2 magnetic materials are of interest for their ready connection to theory, particularly in the context of quantum critical behavior. In this work we report detailed studies of the magnetic properties of a member of the rare earth pyrosilicate family, D-Er2Si2O7, which is known to display a highly anisotropic Ising-likeg-tensor and effective spin-1/2 magnetic moments. We used powder neutron diffraction, powder inelastic neutron spectroscopy (INS), and single crystal AC susceptibility to characterize its magnetic properties. Neutron diffraction enabled us to determine the magnetic structure below the known transition temperature (TN= 1.9 K) in zero field, confirming that the magnetic state is a four-sublattice antiferromagnetic structure with two non-collinear Ising axes, as was previously hypothesized. Our powder INS data revealed a gapped excitation at zero field, consistent with anisotropic (possibly Ising) exchange. An applied field of 1 T produces a mode softening, which is consistent with a field-induced second order phase transition. To assess the relevance of D-Er2Si2O7to the transverse field Ising model, we performed AC susceptibility measurements on a single crystal with the magnetic field oriented in the direction transverse to the Ising axes. This revealed a transition at 2.65 T at 0.1 K, a field significantly higher than the mode-softening field observed by powder INS, showing that the field-induced phase transitions are highly field-direction dependent as expected. These measurements suggest that D-Er2Si2O7may be a candidate for further exploration related to the transverse field Ising model.We review recent studies of spin dynamics in rare-earth orthorhombic perovskite oxides of the type RMO3, where R is a rare-earth ion and M is a transition-metal ion, using single-crystal inelastic neutron scattering (INS). After a short introduction to the magnetic INS technique in general, the results of INS experiments on both transition-metal and rare-earth subsystems for four selected compounds (YbFeO3, TmFeO3, YFeO3, YbAlO3) are presented. We show that the spectrum of magnetic excitations consists of two types of collective modes that are well separated in energy gapped magnons with a typical bandwidth of less then 70 meV, associated with the antiferromagnetically (AFM) ordered transition-metal subsystem, and AFM fluctuations of less then 5 meV within the rare-earth subsystem, with no hybridization of those modes. We discuss the high-energy conventional magnon excitations of the 3dsubsystem only briefly, and focus in more detail on the spectacular dynamics of the rare-earth sublattice in these materials. We observe that the nature of the ground state and the low-energy excitation strongly depends on the identity of the rare-earth ion. In the case of non-Kramers ions, the low-symmetry crystal field completely eliminates the degeneracy of the multiplet state, creating a rich magnetic field-temperature phase diagram. In the case of Kramers ions, the resulting ground state is at least a doublet, which can be viewed as an effective quantum spin-1/2. Equally important is the fact that in Yb-based materials the nearest-neighbor exchange interaction dominates in one direction, despite the three-dimensional nature of the orthoperovskite crystal structure. The observation of a fractional spinon continuum and quantum criticality in YbAlO3demonstrates that Kramers rare-earth based magnets can provide realizations of various aspects of quantum low-dimensional physics.

Autoři článku: Svenssonzimmerman9497 (Hassan Johnson)