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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are used extensively in commercial products. Their unusual solubility properties make them an ideal class of compounds for various applications. However, these same properties have led to significant contamination and bioaccumulation given their persistence in the environment. Development of analytical techniques to detect and quantify these compounds must take into account the potential for these properties to perturb these measurements, specifically the potential to bias the electrospray ionization (ESI) process. Direct injection ESI analysis of 23 different PFAS species revealed that hydrophobicity and PFAS class can predict the ESI overall response factors. In this study, a method for predicting the behavior of individual PFAS compounds, including relative retention order in chromatography, is presented which is simply based on the number of fluorine atoms in the molecule as well as the class of the compound (e.g., perfluroalkylcarboxylic acids) vs. computational estimations (e.g., non-polar surface area and logP).During the past 40 years, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has developed over 180 natural matrix Standard Reference Materials® (SRMs) for the determination of trace organic constituents in environmental, clinical, food, and dietary supplement matrices. A list of the Top Ten SRMs intended for organic analysis was identified based on selection criteria including analytical challenge to assign certified values, challenges in material preparation, novel matrices, longevity, widespread use, and unique design concept or intended use. The environmental matrix SRMs include air particulate matter, marine sediment, mussel tissue, and human serum with the focus on contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlorinated pesticides, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Human serum and plasma SRMs for clinical diagnostic markers including vitamin D metabolites represent clinical analysis, whereas infant formula, multivitamin/multielement tablets, and Ginkgo biloba constitute the food and dietary supplement matrices on the list. Each of the SRMs on the Top Ten list is discussed relative to the selection criteria and significance of the material, and several overall lessons learned are summarized.Industrially applied bioprocesses for the reduction of C1 gases (CO2 and/or CO) are based in particular on (syn)gas fermentation with acetogenic bacteria and on photobioprocesses with microalgae. In each case, process engineering characteristics of the autotrophic microorganisms are specified and process engineering aspects for improving gas and electron supply are summarized before suitable bioreactor configurations are discussed for the production of organic products under given economic constraints. Additionally, requirements for the purity of C1 gases are summarized briefly. Finally, similarities and differences in microbial CO2 valorization are depicted comparing gas fermentations with acetogenic bacteria and photobioprocesses with microalgae.The automation of processes in all areas of the life sciences will continue to increase in the coming years due to an ever increasing number of samples to be processed, an increasing need to protect laboratory personnel from infectious material and increasing cost pressure. Depending on the requirements of the respective application, different concepts for automation systems are available, which have a different degree of automation with regard to data handling, transportation tasks, and the processing of the samples. Robots form a central component of these automation concepts. Classic stationary robots from the industrial sector will increasingly be replaced by new developments in the field of light-weight robots. In addition, mobile robots will also be of particular importance in the automation of life science laboratories in the future, especially for transportation tasks between different manual and (partially) automated stations. With an increasing number of different, highly diverse processes, the need for special devices and system components will also increase. This applies to both, the handling of the labware and the processing of the samples. In contrast to previous automation strategies with a highly parallel approach, future developments will increasingly be characterized by individual sample handling.

Tobacco use among women, especially during pregnancy is a public health concern. There is a need to understand the diverse nature of their tobacco consumption across the globe.

We used Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) data collected between 2010 and 2016 from 42 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to estimate the prevalence of smoking, smokeless tobacco, and dual use among pregnant and non-pregnant women of reproductive age (15-49 y). We compared tobacco use between both groups adjusted for age, type of residence, education and combined wealth index, and a subgroup analysis for the South-East Asia Region (SEAR) as the tobacco use in SEAR among women is far more diverse than in other regions primarily due to the popularity of smokeless tobacco use in this region.

Based on the data of 1 310 716 women in 42 LMICs, the prevalence of smoking was 0.69%(95%CI 0.51-0.90) among pregnant women and 1.09%(95%CI 0.81-1.42) among non-pregnant women. The prevalence of smokeless tobacco use was 0.56%(95%CI 0.3 ignored as a public health issue and the tobacco industry continues to market its products to women, the level of tobacco use may rise as it did in HICs. Also, despite low prevalence rates and with no evidence that these differ among pregnant and non-pregnant women, is concerning as tobacco consumption in any form during pregnancy is associated with poor birth outcomes. This suggests a need for raising awareness about the harms of tobacco use among women in LMICs, especially during pregnancy. There is a need to develop preventive and cessation interventions to decrease tobacco use (smoking and smokeless) among women who are from low socio-economic status and less educated, as they bear the greatest burden of tobacco use.

The use of a hybrid operating room equipped with robotic C-arm cone-beam computed tomography for single-step localization and excision of small pulmonary nodules finds high cost barriers. The new generation of 3D C-arm system not only depicts soft tissues with high contrast but also offers a more affordable and sustainable solution. This approach has been chiefly applied in the field of orthopedic surgery. In this case series, we describe the use of a mobile 3D C-arm system for localizing and removing small pulmonary nodules.

Between July and September 2020, we identified 14 patients who underwent localization and removal of small pulmonary nodules with a 3D C-arm system. We retrospectively reviewed clinical records to document the feasibility and safety of the procedure.

The median tumour size was 7.5 mm [interquartile range (IQR) 5 - 9.75 mm], with a median distance from the pleural surface of 4.2 mm (IQR 0.5 - 6.45 mm). We successfully visualized all of the pulmonary lesions by intraoperative CT imaging. Localization was achieved in 13 patients, who subsequently underwent complete thoracoscopic resection. The median time required to localize lesions was 41.5 min (IQR 33.75 - 53.25 min), with a median radiation exposure (expressed through the skin absorbed dose) of 143.45 mGy (IQR 86.1 - 194.6 mGy). Failure to localize occurred in 1 patient because of pneumothorax caused by repeated needle puncture. All patients were successfully discharged and the median length of stay was 2.5 days (IQR 2 - 3 days).

This case series demonstrates the feasibility of single-step localization and excision of small pulmonary nodules using a mobile 3D C-arm.

This case series demonstrates the feasibility of single-step localization and excision of small pulmonary nodules using a mobile 3D C-arm.Brain decoding can predict visual perception from non-invasive electrophysiological data by combining information across multiple channels. However, decoding methods typically conflate the composite and distributed neural processes underlying perception that are together present in the signal, making it unclear what specific aspects of the neural computations involved in perception are reflected in this type of macroscale data. Using MEG data recorded while participants viewed a large number of naturalistic images, we analytically decomposed the brain signal into its oscillatory and non-oscillatory components, and used this decomposition to show that there are at least three dissociable stimulus-specific aspects to the brain data a slow, non-oscillatory component, reflecting the temporally stable aspect of the stimulus representation; a global phase shift of the oscillation, reflecting the overall speed of processing of specific stimuli; and differential patterns of phase across channels, likely reflecting stimulus-specific computations. Further, we show that common cognitive interpretations of decoding analysis, in particular about how representations generalize across time, can benefit from acknowledging the multicomponent nature of the signal in the study of perception.Raw sequencing reads of miRNAs contain machine-made substitution errors, or even insertions and deletions (indels). Although the error rate can be low at 0.1%, precise rectification of these errors is critically important because isoform variation analysis at single-base resolution such as novel isomiR discovery, editing events understanding, differential expression analysis, or tissue-specific isoform identification is very sensitive to base positions and copy counts of the reads. Existing error correction methods do not work for miRNA sequencing data attributed to miRNAs' length and per-read-coverage properties distinct from DNA or mRNA sequencing reads. We present a novel lattice structure combining kmers, (k - 1)mers and (k + 1)mers to address this problem. The method is particularly effective for the correction of indel errors. Extensive tests on datasets having known ground truth of errors demonstrate that the method is able to remove almost all of the errors, without introducing any new error, to improve the data quality from every-50-reads containing one error to every-1300-reads containing one error. Studies on experimental miRNA sequencing datasets show that the errors are often rectified at the 5' ends and the seed regions of the reads, and that there are remarkable changes after the correction in miRNA isoform abundance, volume of singleton reads, overall entropy, isomiR families, tissue-specific miRNAs, and rare-miRNA quantities.Annular dilatation is the main mechanism for tricuspid regurgitation, but right ventricular dilatation often adds a restrictive mechanism, which may limit durability. We describe a subvalvular technique anchoring the chordal origins to the annuloplasty, with the aim to stabilize valve geometry and increase durability. A Goretex suture is attached to the anterior papillary muscle. Cyclopamine One arm of the suture is stitched through the septal muscle and both arms are atrialized underneath the septal leaflet and tied to the annuloplasty band. In 12 patients (75 ± 6 years, EuroSCORE II 10 ± 9%), severe-torrential tricuspid regurgitation was successfully reduced to mild. Results were stable in all but one patient during follow-up (1-15 months). NYHA class and general health status was improved. This subvalvular technique is safe with the potential to generate a durable repair.

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