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DNA methylation, in the mammalian genome, is an epigenetic modification that involves the transfer of a methyl group on the C5 position of cytosine to derive 5-methylcytosine. The role of DNA methylation in the development of the nervous system and the progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease has been an interesting research area. Furthermore, mutations altering DNA methylation affect neurodevelopmental functions and may cause the progression of several neurodegenerative diseases. Epigenetic modifications in neurodegenerative diseases are widely studied in different populations to uncover the plausible mechanisms contributing to the development and progression of the disease and detect novel biomarkers for early prognosis and future pharmacotherapeutic targets. In this manuscript, we summarize the association of DNA methylation with the pathogenesis of the most common neurodegenerative diseases, such as, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington diseases, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and discuss the potential of DNA methylation as a potential biomarker and therapeutic tool for neurogenerative diseases.Galectin-3 (gal-3) is a multifunctional regulator of various biological processes and diseases, which are common comorbidities in psoriasis. Data regarding potential diagnostic role of gal-3 in psoriasis are insufficient. Serum gal-3 levels were evaluated before and after twelve weeks of treatment with acitretin or methotrexate in 31 patients with plaque-type psoriasis and compared to 11 healthy control group. this website The mean serum galectin-3 level in patients with psoriasis was significantly higher compared to the control group (p 20 years) positive relations of gal-3 and PASI were noted. In psoriatics with low gal-3 levels, positive correlations between the gal-3 and BMI, glucose level, and with the latter in short-lasting psoriasis ( less then 20 years) were noted. In the long history of psoriasis, gal-3 was negatively correlated with lipids levels. The Gal-3 level might be a multifaceted modulator of the course of psoriasis and predictive factor of cardiometabolic comorbidities' development, especially in patients with a long history of the disease or obesity. Patients with low serum gal-3 and short history of psoriasis are presumably at greater risk of diabetes. In patients with long-lasting psoriasis and concomitant obesity, gal-3 may exert a protective role against dyslipidemia or perhaps further CMD development.Food safety is a constant challenge for stakeholders in the food industry. To manage the likelihood of microbiological contamination, food safety management systems must be robust, including food and environmental testing. Environmental monitoring programs (EMP) have emerged this last decade aiming to validate cleaning-sanitation procedures and other environmental pathogen control programs. The need to monitor production environments has become evident because of recent foodborne outbreaks. However, the boundaries of environmental monitoring are not only limited to the management of pathogens but also extend to spoilage and hygiene indicators, microorganisms, allergens, and other hygiene monitoring. Surfaces in production environments can be a source of contamination, either through ineffective cleaning and disinfection procedures or through contamination during production by flows or operators. This study analyses the current practices of 37 French agri-food industries (small, medium, or large), reporting their objectives for EMPs, microbial targets, types, numbers and frequency of sampling, analysis of results, and types of corrective actions.In forensic scenarios involving homicide, human remains are often exposed to fire as a means of disposal and/or obscuring identity. Burning human remains can result in the concealment of traumatic injury, the creation of artifacts resembling injury, or the destruction of preexisting trauma. Since fire exposure can greatly influence trauma preservation, methods to differentiate trauma signatures from burning artifacts are necessary to conduct forensic analyses. Specifically, in the field of forensic anthropology, criteria to distinguish trauma from fire signatures on bone is inconsistent and sparse. This study aims to supplement current forensic anthropological literature by identifying criteria found to be the most diagnostic of fire damage or blunt force trauma. Using the skulls of 11 adult pigs (Sus scrofa), blunt force trauma was manually produced using a crowbar and flat-faced hammer. Three specimens received no impacts and were utilized as controls. All skulls were relocated to an outdoor, open-air fire where they were burned until a calcined state was achieved across all samples. Results from this experiment found that blunt force trauma signatures remained after burning and were identifiable in all samples where reassociation of fragments was possible. This study concludes that distinct patterns attributed to thermal fractures and blunt force fractures are identifiable, allowing for diagnostic criteria to be narrowed down for future analyses.DAHP synthase catalyzes the first step in the shikimate pathway, deriving the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids (Trp, Phe and Tyr), phenazine-1-carboxamide, folic acid, and ubiquinone in Pseudomonas chlororaphis. In this study, we identified and characterized one DAHP synthase encoding gene phzC, which differs from the reported DAHP synthase encoding genes aroF, aroG and aroH in E. coli. PhzC accounts for approximately 90% of the total DAHP synthase activities in P. chlororaphis HT66 and plays the most critical role in four DAHP synthases in the shikimate pathway. Inactivation of phzC resulted in the reduction of PCN production by more than 90%, while the absence of genes aroF, aroG and aroH reduced PCN yield by less than 15%, and the production of PCN was restored after the complementation of gene phzC. Moreover, the results showed that phzC in P. chlororaphis HT66 is not sensitive to feedback inhibition. This study demonstrated that gene phzC is essential for PCN biosynthesis. The expression level of both phzC and phzE genes are not inhibited in feedback by PCN production due to the absence of a loop region required for allosteric control reaction. This study highlighted the importance of PhzC and applying P. chlororaphis for shikimate pathway-derived high-value biological production.Generative processes have been evaluated in six European buttercup species in order to verify the hypothesis that the reproduction efficiency of clonal species is lower than that of nonclonal ones. The study covered common species (Ficaria verna, Ranunculus auricomus, R. bulbosus, R. cassubicus, R. lanuginosus) and the endangered R. illyricus. The following properties have been assessed pollen viability (staining method), pollen grain germination and the pollen-tube elongation in pistil tissues (fluorescence microscopy), seed formation efficiency, seed viability (tetrazolium test) and germination ability by introducing factors interrupting dormancy (low temperature and gibberellin application). Additionally, the pistil morphology was documented for R. bulbosus, R. illyricus and R. cassubicus using SEM techniques. It was demonstrated that the reproductive efficiency, expressed as the production of viable seeds able to germinate, was significantly higher in the species reproducing sexually (especially in R. lanuginosus) compared to the clonal ones. However, the complexity observed leads to separation of an additional group (cluster) of apomictic species R. auricomus and R. cassubicus, distinguished by the lowest pollen viability and a low ability of the seeds to germinate. In the vegetatively reproducing R. illyricus, the seed formation efficiency was just 13.2% despite the having highest number of pistils in its flowers. The developed seeds of this species observed in our experiment were viable, but in general effective methods to stimulate their germination have not been proposed yet. Here, the first comparative study concerning the biology of sexual reproduction of R. illyricus is presented in the context of its decreasing distribution in natural habitats.The tri-trophic interactions between plants, insects, and insect predators and parasitoids are often mediated by chemical cues. The attraction to herbivore-induced Plant Volatiles (HIPVs) has been well documented for arthropod predators and parasitoids, and more recently for insectivorous birds. The attraction to plant volatiles induced by the exogenous application of methyl jasmonate (MeJA), a phytohormone typically produced in response to an attack of chewing herbivores, has provided controversial results both in arthropod and avian predators. In this study, we examined whether potential differences in the composition of bouquets of volatiles produced by herbivore-induced and MeJA-treated Pyrenean oak trees (Quercus pyrenaica) were related to differential avian attraction, as results from a previous study suggested. Results showed that the overall emission of volatiles produced by MeJA-treated and herbivore-induced trees did not differ, and were higher than emissions of Control trees, although MeJA treatment showed a more significant reaction and released several specific compounds in contrast to herbivore-induced trees. These slight yet significant differences in the volatile composition may explain why avian predators were not so attracted to MeJA-treated trees, as observed in a previous study in this plant-herbivore system. Unfortunately, the lack of avian visits to the experimental trees in the current study did not allow us to confirm this result and points out the need to perform more robust predator studies.The Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis shows obvious sexual dimorphism. The economic and nutrition value of male individuals are significantly higher than those of female individuals. Pseudo-females which are base to all-male breeding have been obtained by estrogen induction, while the gene function and molecular mechanism of sex reversal remain unclear in P. sinensis. Here, comparative transcriptome analyses of female, male, and pseudo-female gonads were performed, and 14,430 genes differentially expressed were identified in the pairwise comparison of three groups. GO and KEGG analyses were performed on the differentially expressed genes (DEGs), which mainly concentrated on steroid hormone synthesis. Furthermore, the results of gonadal transcriptome analysis revealed that 10 sex-related sox genes were differentially expressed in males vs. female, male vs. pseudo-female, and female vs. pseudo-female. Through the differential expression analysis of these 10 sox genes in mature gonads, six sox genes related to sex reversal were further screened. The molecular mechanism of the six sox genes in the embryo were analyzed during sex reversal after E2 treatment. In mature gonads, some sox family genes, such as sox9sox12, and sox30 were highly expressed in the testis, while sox1, sox3, sox6, sox11, and sox17 were lowly expressed. In the male embryos, exogenous estrogen can activate the expression of sox3 and inhibit the expression of sox8, sox9, and sox11. In summary, sox3 may have a role in the process of sex reversal from male to pseudo-female, when sox8 and sox9 are inhibited. Sox family genes affect both female and male pathways in the process of sex reversal, which provides a new insight for the all-male breeding of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle.

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