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Excellent agreement is found in comparison with calculations to literature values for the 100 kPa recombination rate coefficient (1.0 × 10-12 m3 s-1) in He. We also recover the experimentally observed increase in the recombination rate coefficient with pressure at sub-atmospheric pressures, and the observed decrease in the recombination rate coefficient in the high pressure continuum limit. We additionally find that non-dimensionalized forms of rate coefficients are consistent with recently developed equations for the dimensionless charged particle-ion collision rate coefficient based on Langevin dynamics simulations.Effective Hamiltonians, which are commonly used for fitting experimental observables, provide a coarse-grained representation of exact many-electron states obtained in quantum chemistry calculations; however, the mapping between the two is not trivial. In this contribution, we apply Bloch's formalism to equation-of-motion coupled-cluster wave functions to rigorously derive effective Hamiltonians in Bloch's and des Cloizeaux's forms. We report the key equations and illustrate the theory by application to systems with two or three unpaired electrons, which give rise to electronic states of covalent and ionic characters. We show that Hubbard's and Heisenberg's Hamiltonians can be extracted directly from the so-obtained effective Hamiltonians. By establishing a quantitative connection between many-body states and simple models, the approach facilitates the analysis of the correlated wave functions. We propose a simple diagnostic for assessing the validity of the model space choice based on the overlaps between the target- and model-space states. GDC-6036 Artifacts affecting the quality of electronic structure calculations such as spin contamination are also discussed.The effects of lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide, Li[N(SO2F)2] (LiFSI), as an additive on the low-temperature performance of graphite‖LiCoO2 pouch cells are investigated. The cell, which includes 0.2M LiFSI salt additive in the 1M lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6)-based conventional electrolyte, outperforms the one without additive under -20 °C and high charge cutoff voltage of 4.3 V, delivering higher discharge capacity and promoted rate performance and cycling stability with the reduced change in interfacial resistance. Surface analysis results on the cycled LiCoO2 cathodes and cycled graphite anodes extracted from the cells provide evidence that a LiFSI-induced improvement of high-voltage cycling stability at low temperature originates from the formation of a less resistive solid electrolyte interphase layer, which contains plenty of LiFSI-derived organic compounds mixed with inorganics that passivate and protect the surface of the cathode and anode from further electrolyte decomposition and promotes Li+ ion-transport kinetics despite the low temperature, inhibiting Li metal-plating at the anode. The results demonstrate the beneficial effects of the LiFSI additive on the performance of a lithium-ion battery for use in battery-powered electric vehicles and energy storage systems in cold climates and regions.The classical Wigner model is one way to approximate the quantum dynamics of atomic nuclei. Here, a new method is presented for sampling the initial quantum mechanical distribution that is required in the classical Wigner model. The new method is tested for the position, position-squared, momentum, and momentum-squared autocorrelation functions for a one-dimensional quartic oscillator and double well potential as well as a quartic oscillator coupled to harmonic baths of different sizes. Two versions of the new method are tested and shown to possibly be useful. Both versions always converge toward the classical Wigner limit. For the one-dimensional cases, some results that are essentially converged to the classical Wigner limit are acquired and others are not far off. For the multi-dimensional systems, the convergence is slower, but approximating the sampling of the harmonic bath with classical mechanics was found to greatly improve the numerical performance. For the double well, the new method is noticeably better than the Feynman-Kleinert linearized path integral method at reproducing the exact classical Wigner results, but they are equally good at reproducing exact quantum mechanics. The new method is suggested as being interesting for future tests on other correlation functions and systems.A computational scheme of coupled Maxwell's equations and polarizable molecular dynamics simulation has been developed based on a multi-scale model to describe the coupled dynamics of light electromagnetic waves and molecules in crystalline solids, where the charge response kernel model is employed to incorporate electronic polarization of the molecules. The method is applicable to electronically non-resonant light-matter interaction systems that involve atomic motions in spectroscopy and photonics. Since the scheme simultaneously traces the light propagation in a medium on a macroscopic scale and the microscopic molecular motion under the light electric field, this enables us to treat the experimental setup and mimic its measurement process. As the first applications, we demonstrate three numerical examples of basic spectroscopies of an ice crystalline solid simulations of reflection and transmission of visible light, infrared absorption measurement, and stimulated Raman scattering measurement. These examples show the detailed behaviors of the interacting light fields and molecules in the spectroscopic processes.Transition metal tetrahalides are a class of highly symmetric molecules for which very few spectroscopic data exist. Exploratory ab initio calculations of electronic potential energy functions indicate that the equilibrium molecular geometries of the vanadium, niobium, and tantalum tetrafluorides (i.e., VF4, NbF4, and TaF4) exhibit strong distortions from the tetrahedral configuration in their electronic ground state (2E) and first excited state (2T2) along the nuclear displacement coordinates of e symmetry. The distortions result from the E × e and T2 × e Jahn-Teller (JT) effects, respectively. In addition, there are weaker distortions in the 2T2 state along the coordinates of t2 symmetry due to the T2 × t2 JT effect. The description of the large-amplitude dynamics induced by these JT effects requires the construction of JT Hamiltonians beyond the standard model of JT theory, which is based on Taylor expansions up to second order in normal-mode displacements. These higher-order JT Hamiltonians were constructed in this work by expansions of the electronic potentials of the title molecule in terms of symmetry invariant polynomials in symmetry-adapted nuclear displacement coordinates for the bending modes of VF4.

Autoři článku: Stryhnritter5800 (Lundsgaard Short)