People living with HIV (PLWH) are at risk of noninfectious comorbidities. It is important to individualize those at higher risk. In a single-center cohort of PLWH, we performed a cross-sectional analysis of comorbidities, diagnosed according to standard procedures. The primary endpoint was the prevalence of subclinical carotid/coronary atherosclerosis. Secondary endpoints were its association with selected inflammatory/immune activation biomarkers and with other comorbidities. Associations were examined by using Chi-square or Fisher's exact test for categorical variables and Student or Wilcoxon tests for quantitative variables, and a stepwise multivariate logistical model was performed for further exploration. Among 790 participants [median age 49.8 years (interquartile range, IQR 44.5-55.6), 77.1% males, median CD4 536/mm3 (IQR 390-754), 83.6% with undetectable viral load], asymptomatic atherosclerosis was found in 26% and was associated in multivariate analysis with older age, longer known duration of infection, higher sCD14, and lower adiponectin levels. Hypertension was found in 33.5% of participants, diabetes in 19.4%, renal impairment in 14.6%, elevated low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol in 13.3%, elevated triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol ratio in 6.6%, and osteoporosis in 7.9%. The presence of two or more comorbidities was found in 42.1% of participants and was associated in multivariate analysis with older age and longer exposure to antiretrovirals. Comorbidities were diversely associated with biomarkers osteoporosis with higher IL-6, renal impairment with higher sCD14, hypertension with higher D-dimer, diabetes and elevated triglyceride/HDL-cholesterol ratio both with lower adiponectin and lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Asymptomatic atherosclerosis and multimorbidity were frequent in a cohort of middle-aged, well-controlled, PLWH and were associated with traditional and HIV-specific factors. Associations between morbidities and inflammatory/immune activation biomarkers were diverse.A new law on experts will be in force in the Czech Republic from 1st January 2021. It is an entirely new law that repeals the old law of 1967, which has already been criticized. The new regulations, of course, bring changes to which experts must respond. The main change is the legal right to appoint an expert after meeting the pre-set conditions. It is essential, it is now possible that of the two equally qualified doctors from the two counties, only one has been appointed. Furthermore, it is the appointment of the only administrative body of the managing expert, which will be the Ministry of Justice. It will be mandatory for a medical examiner to pass an attestation exam and have eight years of experience. The certificate will have to be given by the Czech Medical Chamber. The expert opinion will also be able to be in electronic form. Expert institutes, such as universities, will also have to have natural persons as appointed experts. Experts will have to pass an entrance examination, which will have a general part and a special part. The special part will be professional for each field. Current experts will not have to compose a special part, only a general one. The general exam will be based on knowledge of legal regulations in expertise. The structure of the report will be given precisely and in detail. Expert opinions for private entities will need to be detailed. Liability insurance will be mandatory. Although there were other proposals, the rule for forensic autopsy, which still has to be performed by two experts, remains valid. The law provides for severe sanctions for breaches of various duties of an expert. It may be advantageous to apply for the appointment of an expert by the end of 2020.Uterine rupture in pregnancy belongs to acute conditions in gynaecology and obstetrics. It is a life-threatening complication for both mother and foetus. The occurrence of fatal consequences in developed countries is very rare. The causes of rupture include scarring after the caesarean section, fibroid enucleation, rough curettage, muscular insufficiency in uterine developmental defects, uterine wall damage due to inflammation, uterine hypoplasia, elevated intrauterine pressure during contraction, cephalopelvic disproportion, previous fibroid, prostaglandin or oxytocin administration, etc. This paper aims at the presentation of a 32-year-old woman who died in the 35th week of gestation due to uterine rupture at home despite having been transferred to a medical facility at the terminal stage of life. At the autopsy, a complete rupture of the posterior uterine wall with bleeding into the abdominal cavity and an amniotic sac with a male foetus in the abdominal cavity was found. selleck chemical There were no signs of the effects of violence detected. Histopathological examination revealed no pathological changes in the uterine muscle. The immediate cause of maternal death was a haemorrhagic shock. The autopsy of the foetus revealed signs of asphyxia. The immediate cause of foetal death was intrauterine asphyxia. In this case, forensic expertise ruled out the violent causes of uterine rupture and deaths in terms of mechanical and chemical factors and supported to make a diagnosis of spontaneous rupture.Tonsillitis is a relatively well treatable disease. Complications of untreated tonsillitis can even today result in life-threatening complications. The aim of this study is to present a case of a 47-year-old man without previous history of health problems, who suffocated after a brief episode of breathing difficulties. At the forensic autopsy, left-side necrotising tonsillitis with adjacent soft tissue, uvula, and epiglottis swelling and inflammation and significant airway narrowing were found.Předkládaná studie zkoumala aktuální stav a příčiny smrtelných pracovních úrazů ze zdravotně-sociálního hlediska. Retrospektivně jsme hodnotili případy smrtelných pracovních úrazů mezi lety 2007 a 2016 v Ósace, která je druhým nejlidnatějším městem v Japonsku, z forenzních posmrtných dat 1689 zemřelých. Z těchto případů jsme analyzovali celkem 57 smrtelných průmyslových nehod. Oběťmi byli typicky muži v relativně pokročilém věku pracující generace, téměř polovina případů (přesněji 28) byli muži mezi 50 a 70 lety života. Nejčastějším typem nehody byl pád z výše (24 případů) a nejčastějším místem, kde k nehodám docházelo, bylo staveniště (28 případů). Většina nehod (29 případů) se odehrála na pracovišti s malým pracovním týmem. V 60 % případů oběť na sobě neměla ochranou helmu a ve 34 případech (60 %) byla nehoda připisována vlastní nedbalosti.