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In addition, depletion of DHX9 reduced cell cycle progression from G1 to S-phase in mouse fibroblasts. The data suggest that DHX9-CIZ1 are required for efficient cell cycle progression at the G1/S transition and that nucleolar recruitment is integral to their mechanism of action.Understanding past climate variability is critical to informing debate of likely impacts of global warming on weather and climate, and water resources. Here we present a near annual resolution reconstruction of climate developed from a speleothem that spans the Eemian [Marine Isotope Stage 5e (MIS 5e)] from 117,500 to 123,500 years BP-the most recent period in the Earth's history when temperatures were similar to those of today. Using 25 Mg, 88Sr, and 137Ba as proxies, we show the first indication of solar and teleconnection cyclic forcing of Eemian climate in southeast Australia, a region at present often affected by severe drought and bushfires. We find evidence for multi-centennial dry periods interpreted as mega-droughts, and highlight the importance of understanding the causes of these in the context of a rapidly warming world, where temperatures are now, or projected to exceed those of the Eemian.We introduce a compact, fast large area multiphoton exoscope (FLAME) system with enhanced molecular contrast for macroscopic imaging of human skin with microscopic resolution. A versatile imaging platform, FLAME combines optical and mechanical scanning mechanisms with deep learning image restoration to produce depth-resolved images that encompass sub-mm2 to cm2 scale areas of tissue within minutes and provide means for a comprehensive analysis of live or resected thick human skin tissue. The FLAME imaging platform, which expands on a design recently introduced by our group, also features time-resolved single photon counting detection to uniquely allow fast discrimination and 3D virtual staining of melanin. We demonstrate its performance and utility by fast ex vivo and in vivo imaging of human skin. With the ability to provide rapid access to depth resolved images of skin over cm2 area and to generate 3D distribution maps of key sub-cellular skin components such as melanocytic dendrites and melanin, FLAME is ready to be translated into a clinical imaging tool for enhancing diagnosis accuracy, guiding therapy and understanding skin biology.Urinary metabolomics is a useful non-invasive tool for large-scale screening of disease-related metabolites. However, no comprehensive urinary metabolomic analysis of vitiligo is presently available. To investigate the urine metabolic pattern of vitiligo patients, we conducted a combined cross-sectional and prospective self-control cohort study and an untargeted urinary metabolomic analysis. In the cross-sectional study, 295 vitiligo patients and 192 age- and sex-matched controls were enrolled, and 71 differential metabolites between two groups were identified. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed that drug metabolism-cytochrome P450, biopterin metabolism, vitamin B9 (folate) metabolism, selenoamino acid metabolism, and methionine and cysteine metabolism showed significant enrichment in vitiligo patients compared with the status in healthy controls. In the self-control cohort, 46 active vitiligo patients were recruited to analyse the urinary metabolic signatures after treatment. All of these patients were asked to undertake follow-up visits every 2 months three times after first consulting and the disease stage was evaluated compared with that at the last visit. Folate metabolism, linoleate metabolism, leukotriene metabolism, alkaloid biosynthesis, and tyrosine metabolism were predicted to be involved in vitiligo activity. Our study is the first attempt to reveal urinary metabolic signatures of vitiligo patients and provides new insights into the metabolic mechanisms of vitiligo.This study investigates thermal natural convective heat transfer in a nanofluid filled-non-Darcian porous and wavy-walled domain under the local thermal non-equilibrium condition. The considered cavity has corrugated and cold vertical walls and insulated horizontal walls except the heated part positioned at the bottom wall. The transport equations in their non-dimensional model are numerically solved based on the Galerkin finite-element discretization technique. The dimensionless governing parameters of the present work are the nanoparticle in volume concentration, the Darcy number, number of undulations, modified heat conductivity ratio, dimensionless heated part length, and location. Comparisons with other published theoretical and experimental results show good agreement with the present outcomes. The findings indicate that the heater length, its position, and the waves number on the side vertical walls as well as the nanoparticles concentration can be the control parameters for free convective motion and heat transport within the wavy cavity.In countries with low endemic Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) prevalence, identification of risk groups at hospital admission is considered more cost-effective than universal MRSA screening. Predictive statistical models support the selection of suitable stratification factors for effective screening programs. Currently, there are no universal guidelines in Germany for MRSA screening. Instead, a list of criteria is available from the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention (KRINKO) based on which local strategies should be adopted. We developed and externally validated a model for individual prediction of MRSA carriage at hospital admission in the region of Southeast Lower Saxony based on two prospective studies with universal screening in Braunschweig (n = 2065) and Wolfsburg (n = 461). Logistic regression was used for model development. The final model (simplified to an unweighted score) included history of MRSA carriage, care dependency and cancer treatment. In the external validation dataset, the score showed a sensitivity of 78.4% (95% CI 64.7-88.7%), and a specificity of 70.3% (95% CI 65.0-75.2%). Of all admitted patients, 25.4% had to be screened if the score was applied. A model based on KRINKO criteria showed similar sensitivity but lower specificity, leading to a considerably higher proportion of patients to be screened (49.5%).Acinetobacter baumannii is a common pathogen of nosocomial infection, and its ability to form biofilms further contributes to its virulence and multidrug resistance, posing a great threat to global public health. In this study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of five biofilm inhibitors (BFIs) (zinc lactate, stannous fluoride, furanone, azithromycin, and rifampicin) on biofilm formation of nine extensively drug-resistant A. baumannii (XDRAB), and assessed the synergistic antibacterial effects of these BFIs when combined with one of four conventional anti-A. baumannii antibiotics (imipenem, meropenem, tigecycline, and polymyxin B). Each of the five BFIs tested was found to be able to significantly inhibit biofilm formation of all the clinical isolates tested under sub-minimal inhibitory concentrations. Then, we observed synergistic effects (in 22%, 56% and 11% of the isolates) and additive effects (56%, 44% and 44%) when zinc lactate, stannous fluoride and furanone were combined with tigecycline, respectively. When zinc lactate and stannous fluoride were each used with a carbapenem (imipenem or meropenem), in 33% and 56-67% of the isolates, they showed synergistic and additive effects, respectively. Additivity in > 50% of the isolates was detected when rifampicin was combined with imipenem, meropenem, tigecycline, or polymyxin B; and a 100% additivity was noted with azithromycin-polymyxin B combination. AM 095 datasheet However, antagonism and indifference were noted for polymyxin B in its combination with zinc lactate and stannous fluoride, respectively. In conclusion, five BFIs in combination with four antibacterial drugs showed different degrees of in vitro synergistic and additive antibacterial effects against XDRAB.Malignant gliomas are primary brain tumours with an infiltrative growth pattern, often with contrast enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, it is well known that tumour infiltration extends beyond the visible contrast enhancement. The aim of this study was to investigate if there is contrast enhancement not detected visually in the peritumoral oedema of malignant gliomas by using relaxometry with synthetic MRI. 25 patients who had brain tumours with a radiological appearance of malignant glioma were prospectively included. A quantitative MR-sequence measuring longitudinal relaxation (R1), transverse relaxation (R2) and proton density (PD), was added to the standard MRI protocol before surgery. Five patients were excluded, and in 20 patients, synthetic MR images were created from the quantitative scans. Manual regions of interest (ROIs) outlined the visibly contrast-enhancing border of the tumours and the peritumoral area. Contrast enhancement was quantified by subtraction of native images from post GD-images, creating an R1-difference-map. The quantitative R1-difference-maps showed significant contrast enhancement in the peritumoral area (0.047) compared to normal appearing white matter (0.032), p = 0.048. Relaxometry detects contrast enhancement in the peritumoral area of malignant gliomas. This could represent infiltrative tumour growth.In the present study black tea extract (BTE) solution which is familiar for drinking was used to prepare cerium metal-complexes (Ce(III)-complex). The prepared Ce(III)-complex was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The results indicate that BTE solution is a novel green coordination chemistry approach for the synthesis of metal complexes. The outcomes signify that coordination occurs between cerium cations and polyphenols. The synthesis of metal-complexes with superior absorption performance in the visible region is a challenge for optoelectronic device applications. The suspended Ce(III)-complex in distilled water was mixed with poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) polymer to fabricate PVA/ Ce(III)-complex composites with controlled optical properties. The PVA/Ce(III)-complexes composite films were characterized by FTIR, XRD, and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The XRD findings confirms the amorphous structure for the synthesized Ce(III)-complexes. The addition of Ce(III)-complex into the PVA host polymer led to the growth of polymer composites with controllable small optical band gaps. It is shown by the FTIR spectra of the composite films that the functional groups of the host PVA have a vigorous interaction with the Ce(III)-complex. The XRD deconvolution on PVA composites reveals the amorphous phase enlargement with increasing Ce(III)-complex concentration. It is indicated in the atomic force microscopy (AFM) that the surface roughness in the doped PVA films increases with the increase of the Ce(III)-complex. There is a decrease in absorption edge from 5.7 to 1.7 eV. It becomes possible to recognize the type of electron transition by studying both the Tauc's model and optical dielectric loss (ɛi) parameter.The homing journeys of nine loggerhead turtles translocated from their nesting beach to offshore release sites, were reconstructed through Argos and GPS telemetry while their water-related orientation was simultaneously recorded at high temporal resolution by multi-sensor data loggers featuring a three-axis magnetic sensor. All turtles managed to return to the nesting beach area, although with indirect routes encompassing an initial straight leg not precisely oriented towards home, and a successive homebound segment carried out along the coast. Logger data revealed that, after an initial period of disorientation, turtles were able to precisely maintain a consistent direction for several hours while moving in the open sea, even during night-time. Their water-related headings were in accordance with the orientation of the resulting route, showing little or no effect of current drift. This study reveals a biphasic homing strategy of displaced turtles involving an initial orientation weakly related to home and a successive shift to coastal navigation, which is in line with the modern conceptual framework of animal migratory navigation as deriving from sequential mechanisms acting at different spatial scales.

Autoři článku: Stronghuynh8669 (McMillan Balslev)