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tor countries. Conclusions The results indicate underreporting of suicides in Islamic countries. This might inadvertently lead to reduced access to mental health preventive services in both Western and Islamic countries.Abstract. Aims Intimate partner violence (IPV) is an important risk factor for perinatal depression (PND). But IPV's impact on the natural prognosis of PND symptoms is not well understood. We tested two hypotheses (1) pregnant women with IPV experiences will exhibit more severe PND symptoms than women without IPV experience; (2) IPV experience will impede the recovery prognosis of PND. We also explored the contribution of IPV to PND comparing with other risk factors. Method The sample is comprised of 813 pregnant women followed through perinatal period in Hunan, China. We assessed IPV experience using items from the Short Form of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2S), and PND symptoms via the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPSD). We conducted Linear Mixed-effects Model to compare the trajectories of PND symptoms between victims and non-victims and a multistage Generalised Estimating Equations Model to explore salient factors on the trajectory of PND symptoms. Results There were 90 participants (11nism to the poorer prognosis of PND symptoms would benefit the prevention and treatment of PND.The efficiency of in vitro embryo production technologies would be improved by the development of suitable non-invasive biomarkers that allow the selection of good quality cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs). The present study used whole, single oocyte culture to investigate whether the expression levels of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR), insulin-like factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) and three steroidogenesis-related enzymes (CYP11al, CYP19al and HSD3β) in cumulus cells reflected the developmental competence of COCs. Oxaliplatin Cumulus cells were collected from single COCs before maturation culture and relative mRNA levels were assessed using real-time PCR. The analysis indicated that mRNAs for FSHR, IGF1R, CYP11al and HSD3β were present at higher levels in cumulus cells from COCs that failed to form blastocysts compared with cumulus cells from COCs that formed blastocysts. Moreover, FSHR and IGF1R mRNA levels were positively correlated with those of genes for steroidogenesis-related enzymes. In conclusion, poor developmental competence of COCs was related to higher expression of FSHR, IGF1R, CYP11al and HSD3β in cumulus cells, which may indicate the advanced differentiation of cumulus cells into granulosa cells.Genetic research into human sexuality was scarce at the end of last century. In 1992 Nick developed a 12-page questionnaire to send to twins to investigate the underpinnings of sexuality. The questionnaire included items about sexual orientation, sociosexuality and sexual behavior, and was completed by almost 5000 twins. The resulting data, unique at the time, has been used to investigate many previously unexaminable research questions. Here we describe how Nick's questionnaire contributed to our understanding of human sexuality and how we got involved in this endeavor.The Academic Development Study of Australian Twins was established in 2012 with the purpose of investigating the relative influence of genes and environments in literacy and numeracy capabilities across two primary and two secondary school grades in Australia. It is the first longitudinal twin project of its kind in Australia and comprises a sample of 2762 twin pairs, 40 triplet sets and 1485 nontwin siblings. Measures include standardized literacy and numeracy test data collected at Grades 3, 5, 7 and 9 as part of the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy. A range of demographic and behavioral data was also collected, some at multiple longitudinal time points. This article outlines the background and rationale for the study and provides an overview for the research design, sample and measures collected. Findings emerging from the project and future directions are discussed.I recount early formative experiences with my father, Nick Martin.Paleolithic Diet (PaleoDiet) is an allegedly healthy dietary pattern inspired on the consumption of wild foods and animals assumed to be consumed in the Paleolithic era. Despite gaining popularity in the media, different operational definitions of this Paleolithic nutritional intake have been used in research. Our hypothesis is that specific components used to define the PaleoDiet may modulate the association of this diet with several health outcomes. We comprehensively reviewed currently applied PaleoDiet scores and suggested a new score based on the food composition of current PaleoDiet definitions and the theoretical food content of a staple dietary pattern in the Paleolithic age. In a PubMed searched up to December 2019, 14 different PaleoDiet definitions were found. We observed some common components of the PaleoDiet among these definitions although we also found high heterogeneity in the list of specific foods that should be encouraged or banned within the PaleoDiet. Most studies suggest that the PaleoDiet may have beneficial effects in the prevention of cardiometabolic diseases (type 2 diabetes, overweight/obesity, cardiovascular diseases and hyperlipidemias) but the level of evidence is still weak because of the limited number of studies with large sample size, hard outcomes instead of surrogate outcomes and long-term follow-up. Finally, we propose a new PaleoDiet score composed of 11 food items, based on a high consumption of fruits, nuts, vegetables, fish, eggs and meats; and a minimum content of dairy products, grains and cereals, and legumes and practical absence of processed (or ultra-processed) foods or culinary ingredients.In vitro activation of primordial follicles provides cancer patients subjected to oncotherapy with a safe therapeutic strategy for fertility preservation, however a successful protocol for activation of primordial follicles in prepubertal patients has not yet been defined comprehensively. There is evidence that amino acids such as leucine, arginine and glutamine could stimulate the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, which plays a pivotal role in primordial follicle activation. Nevertheless, there has been no report that elucidates the effect of these amino acids on in vitro development of ovarian follicles. Therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of these amino acids and their combination on the formation and activation of primordial follicles in 1-day-old murine ovaries during an 11-day culture period. The experimental groups consisted of base medium (BM), base medium + arginine (ARG), base medium + glutamine (GLU), base medium + leucine (LEU) and base medium + a combination of arginine, glutamine and leucine (AGL). The proportions of different stages of ovarian follicles and gene expression of regulatory factors were assessed using histology and quantitative real-time PCR on days 5 and 11 of culture. The proportion of transitional and primary follicles was greater in all amino acid-treated groups compared with the BM group (P less then 0.05). Moreover, leucine resulted in elevated expression of Gdf9 and Bmp15, and glutamine augmented the expression of Pi3k on day 11 of culture. In conclusion, the present study showed that inclusion of leucine, glutamine, arginine or their combination in the culture medium for murine ovarian tissue could accelerate the activation of primordial follicles and alter the expression of the corresponding factors.The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS). 57 stable severe mental disorder patients (42 men, 73.7%, and 15 women, 26.3%), ranging in age between 23 and 64 years, (M = 46.25; SD = 7.52) answered to the BRCS and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREF). Descriptive analyses, estimations of internal consistency, and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted, and correlations between the BRCS and the WHOQOL-BREF were calculated. The factorial validity of the scale was tested using confirmatory factor analysis, with a single dimension of resilience. The BRCS showed acceptable internal consistency (alpha of .69). Correlations between the BRCS and WHOQOL-BREF were positive, r(PhH-R) = .42, r(PsH-R) = .40, r(SR-R) = .33, r(E-R) = .35, and significant (p less then .01). In conclusion, the Spanish adaptation of the BRCS seems to be a reliable and valid measure of resilience in stable severe mental disorder patients.This article opens with the brief life histories of reared-apart monozygotic (MZ) male twins. A New York City program that helped childless couples conceive via artificial insemination from the 1930s to the 1950s is examined as it related to these twins. The frequency with which pregnancies following assisted reproductive technology resulted in MZ twin pairs is also provided. Next, summaries of twin research concerning selective resuscitation, gene editing, sexual arousal and jejuno-ileal atresia are presented. The article ends with media reports of twin girls' efforts to find a bone marrow donor for their father, possible parasitic twinning in a puppy, identical female twins' business venture, the surgical separation of craniopagus twins, a twin-themed magazine cartoon and tragic events involving identical male twins.Background Euthanasia and assisted suicide (EAS) based on a psychiatric disorder (psychiatric EAS) continue to pose ethical and policy challenges, even in countries where the practice has been allowed for years. We conducted a systematic review of reasons, a specific type of review for bioethical questions designed to inform rational policy-making. Our aims were twofold (1) to systematically identify all published reasons for and against the practice (2) to identify current gaps in the debate and areas for future research. Methods Following the PRISMA guidelines, we performed a search across seven electronic databases to include publications focusing on psychiatric EAS and providing ethical reasons. Reasons were grouped into domains by qualitative content analysis. Results We included 42 articles, most of which were written after 2013. Articles in favor and against were evenly distributed. Articles in favor were mostly full-length pieces written by non-clinicians, with articles against mostly reactive, commentary-type pieces written by clinicians. Reasons were categorized into eight domains (1) mental and physical illness and suffering (2) decisional capacity (3) irremediability (4) goals of medicine and psychiatry (5) consequences for mental health care (6) psychiatric EAS and suicide (7) self-determination and authenticity (8) psychiatric EAS and refusal of life-sustaining treatment. Parity- (or discrimination-) based reasons were dominant across domains, mostly argued for by non-clinicians, while policy reasons were mostly pointed to by clinicians. Conclusions The ethical debate about psychiatric EAS is relatively young, with prominent reasons of parity. More direct engagement is needed to address ethical and policy considerations.In Western Burkina Faso, the host range of fruit flies was evaluated in three plant formations between May 2017 and April 2019. Samples of 61 potential hosts were collected and incubated for fruit fly emergence. Twenty-seven hosts including cultivated and wild fruit were identified. Among cultivated fruit species, mango, and guava were the most infested while high infestation incidences were observed in the fruit of the indigenous plants Vitellaria paradoxa, Annona senegalensis, Sarcocephalus latifolius, and Saba senegalensis. Low infestation rates were observed in Anacardium occidentale, Citrus species, Opilia celtidifolia, and Cissus populnea. The highest infestation index (1648.57 flies kg-1) was observed from V. paradoxa. Eleven new host fruit infested with many fruit fly species are reported in Burkina Faso. A total of 18 fruit fly species were reared; Bactrocera dorsalis (42.94%), Ceratitis cosyra (29.93%), and Ceratitis silvestrii (22.33%) dominated those that emerged. Four fruit fly species have been detected for the first time in Burkina Faso.

Autoři článku: Stokholmlangley4837 (Hewitt Gammelgaard)