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reased BDNF expression in the same tissue. Cell treatment represents a further perspective in the research and treatment of depression and possible mood disorders.Oily sludge is a hazardous waste due to the enrichment of nitrogen, sulfur, PAHs, and heavy metals. In this work, an oily sludge from oil refining factory was pyrolyzed at various temperatures of 250-850 °C in a fixed bed reactor focusing on product distribution and migration of hazardous compounds of PAHs, sulfur, nitrogen-containing compounds, and heavy metals. The mechanism of PAHs formation and migration of nitrogen, sulfur, heavy metals were elucidated by comprehensive analysis of the solid, liquid, and gas products. The distribution and risk analysis of heavy metals were also conducted. The pyrolytic products distribution was markedly affected by pyrolysis temperatures. A maximum oil yield was observed at 500 °C, which can further crack into gas due to secondary reaction. The pyrolytic gas was enriched in the order of CO2 > CO > CH4 > H2. At lower temperatures, CO2 was largely generated due to the elimination of oxygen-containing functional groups, while H2 was mainly formed above 450 °C due to the recombination reaction. Higher temperatures promoted more N-/S-containing compounds into tar and gas phases. The N-/S-containing compounds mainly included NH3, HCN, H2S, SO2, COS in the gas phase and amines, indoles, pyridines, nitriles, thiophenes in liquid phase. PAHs with 2-ring to 5-ring were mainly generated due to the secondary reaction at higher temperatures. Moreover, Pyrolysis caused the accumulation of heavy metals in chars. Cd presented a high potential risk while the other heavy metals in chars presented a low risk.The molecular mechanisms through which dinoflagellates adapt to nitrate fluctuations in aquatic environments remain poorly understood. Here, we sequenced the full-length cDNA of a nitrate transporter (NRT) gene from the harmful marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum Schiller. The cDNA length was 2431 bp. It encoded a 529-amino acid protein, which was phylogenetically clustered with proteins from other dinoflagellates. Nitrate supply promoted cell growth up to a certain concentration (∼1.76 mM) but inhibited it at higher concentrations. Interestingly, at the inhibitory concentrations, nitrite levels in the medium were considerably increased. Nitrate concentration affected the expression of PmNRT, nitrite transporter (PmNiRT), nitrate reductase (PmNR), and nitrite reductase (PmNiR). Specifically, PmNRT was upregulated after 24 h, with ∼6-fold change compared with the control level, in both nitrate-depleted and nitrate-repleted cultures. In addition, PmNR transcript levels increased to the maximum of 4-fold at 48 h but decreased thereafter. In contrast, PmNiR levels remained unchanged in both nitrate-repleted and nitrate-depleted cultures. Therefore, P. minimum likely copes with nitrate fluctuations in its environment by regulating a set of genes responsible for nitrate uptake.Silver-based materials have microbicidal action, photocatalytic activity and electronic properties. The increase in manufacturing and consumption of these compounds, given their wide functionality and application, is a source of contamination to freshwater ecosystems and causes toxicity to aquatic biota. Therefore, for the first time, we evaluated the toxicity of the silver tungstate (α-Ag2WO4), in different morphologies (cube and rod), for the microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata. To investigate the toxicity, we evaluated the growth rate, cell complexity and size, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence. The α-Ag2WO4 - R (rod) was 1.7 times more toxic than α-Ag2WO4-C (cube), with IC10 and IC50 values of, respectively, 8.68 ± 0.91 μg L-1 and 13.72 ± 1.48 μg L-1 for α-Ag2WO4 - R and 18.60 ± 1.61 μg L-1 and 23.47 ± 1.16 μg L-1 for α-Ag2WO4-C. The release of silver ions was quantified and indicated that the silver ions dissolution from the α-Ag2WO4 - R ranged from 34 to 71%, while the Ag ions from the α-Ag2WO4-C varied from 35 to 97%. The α-Ag2WO4-C induced, after 24 h exposure, the increase of ROS at the lowest concentrations (8.81 and 19.32 μg L-1), whereas the α-Ag2WO4 - R significantly induced ROS production at 96 h at the highest concentration (31.76 μg L-1). Both microcrystal shapes significantly altered the cellular complexity and decreased the Chl a fluorescence at all tested concentrations. We conclude that the different morphologies of α-Ag2WO4 negatively affect the microalga and are important sources of silver ions leading to harmful consequences to the aquatic ecosystem.The present work reviews recent developments in plant cellulose-based biomaterial design and applications, properties, characterizations, and synthesis for skin tissue engineering and wound healing. Cellulose-based biomaterials are promising materials for their remarkable adaptability with three-dimensional polymeric structure. They are capable of mimicking tissue properties, which plays a key role in tissue engineering. WAY-262611 Besides, concerns for environmental issues have motivated scientists to move toward eco-friendly materials and natural polymer-based materials for applications in the tissue engineering field these days. Therefore, cellulose as an appropriate substitute for common polymers based on crude coal, animal, and human-derived biomolecules is greatly considered for various applications in biomedical fields. Generally, natural biomaterials lack good mechanical properties for skin tissue engineering. But using modified cellulose-based biopolymers tackles these restrictions and prevents immunogenic responses. Moreover, tissue engineering is a quick promoting field focusing on the generation of novel biomaterials with modified characteristics to improve scaffold function through physical, biochemical, and chemical tailoring. Also, nanocellulose with a broad range of applications, particularly in tissue engineering, advanced wound dressing, and as a material for coupling with drugs and sensorics, has been reviewed here. Moreover, the potential cytotoxicity and immunogenicity of cellulose-based biomaterials are addressed in this review.In order to improve the hydrophobicity of traditional polyethersulfone (PES) membranes, this study combined the reverse thermally induced phase separation (RTIPS) method with the constructed bimetallic polyphenol networks (BMPNs) to prepare hydrophilic anti-fouling membranes. As for BMPNs, tannic acid (TA) was served as an intermediate to construct both the inner and surface hydrophilic layers of the PES membranes. On the one hand, etching Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (EZIF-8) with synergistic etching and surface functionalization via TA not only retained the high pore structure of MOFs, but also had good hydrophilicity. On the other hand, the MPN hydrophilic layer was formed on the membrane surface by the combination of TA from the surface of EZIF-8 and iron ions in the coagulation bath. Therefore, BMPNs structure penetrated the interior and surface of PES membrane, which greatly improved the hydrophilic properties. In addition, the membrane with porous surfaces and spongy cross sections by RTIPS method improved the permeability and mechanical properties of the membrane by several times compared with the membrane via NIPS method. The obtained membranes in this experiment showed excellent permeability, just like pure water flux reached 1662.16 L/m2 h, while BSA rejection rate remained at 92.78%. Compared with pure membrane, it showed a better flux recovery rate (FRR = 83.33%) after cleaning, and the reduction of irreversible (Rir = 16.67%) fouling indexes indicated that the adsorption of protein was inhibited. These results suggested that the hydrophilic anti-fouling PES membranes prepared by this method possessed great application potential in membrane separation technology.Global warming issues, rapid fossil fuel diminution, and increasing worldwide energy demands have diverted accelerated attention in finding alternate sources of biofuels and energy to combat the energy crisis. Bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass has emerged as a prodigious way to produce various renewable biofuels such as biodiesel, bioethanol, biogas, and biohydrogen. Ideal microbial hosts for biofuel synthesis should be capable of using high substrate quantity, tolerance to inhibiting substances and end-products, fast sugar transportation, and amplified metabolic fluxes to yielding enhanced fermentative bioproduct. Genetic manipulation and microbes' metabolic engineering are fascinating strategies for the economical production of next-generation biofuel from lignocellulosic feedstocks. Metabolic engineering is a rapidly developing approach to construct robust biofuel-producing microbial hosts and an important component for future bioeconomy. This approach has been widely adopted in the last decade for redirecting and revamping the biosynthetic pathways to obtain a high titer of target products. Biotechnologists and metabolic scientists have produced a wide variety of new products with industrial relevance through metabolic pathway engineering or optimizing native metabolic pathways. link2 This review focuses on exploiting metabolically engineered microbes as promising cell factories for the enhanced production of advanced biofuels.Although ketamine (KET) has been widely detected in aquatic environments, the ecotoxicity data in aquatic invertebrates and associated risk remained unclear. This study aimed to investigate the adverse effects on benthos (Caenorhabditis elegans (C.elegans)) posed by KET from chronic (10 days) and multigenerational (four generations) exposure. Such exposure induced dose-dependent alterations on apoptosis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) induction, locomotion activity, feeding rate, chemotaxis, and brood size of nematodes, showing a cumulative damage through generations. KET posed vulva deformations and worm bags of C. elegans with a dosed-dependent increase. As a consequence, the fecundity and viability of worms would be impaired, which could eventually impact aquatic ecosystem equilibrium. link3 Meanwhile, the bioactivation/detoxification process of xenobiotics and longevity regulating pathway induced by KET might be responsible for the physiological function disorders. Accordingly, the risk quotients (RQ) of KET in surface water in China were calculated using the 90% indicator protection concentration (C0.1) derived from multiple toxicity indicators cumulative analyses. The results would be more objective considering numerous biomarkers changes of one species in comparison with traditional method using no observed effect concentrations (NOEC) of teratogenesis. The risk in surface water in southern China was up to high level (RQ > 1), suggesting long-term monitoring was imperative.Ocean contamination mostly comes from anthropogenic contamination in watercourses. However, what happens in desert areas where watercourses are few or nonexistent? Are these coastal areas exempt from contamination? Do the remote locations of desert areas enable pristine coastal areas? Atacama is widely known for its desert aridity and mining resources; however, human impacts in its coastal areas have not been widely studied. Coastal zone uses of this region of Chile were analyzed per province in relation to the population settlements and economic activities on the coastal edge. This study includes a review of the contamination in this desert coastal area in relation to the territorial organization, activities, and land uses. The results determined that most of the coastal edge was used for fishing and aquaculture (52%) and for conservation and protected areas (39%). However, 2% of the coastal edge was susceptible to conflicts due to shared uses. A strong lack of scientific research was detected despite environmental interest (Humboldt Current, diversity hot spots, desert blooming, algae kelps, protected areas, etc.

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