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Inappropriate use of the word 'depression' creates a sense of taboo for those experiencing emotions other than depression. CONCLUSION Consensus between the two target groups indicated a strong need to integrate emotional support in diabetes care, and the need to support and train HCPs in addressing psychosocial aspects of T2DM. Shared language is recommended across diabetes services to appropriately refer to wellbeing. Addressing barriers and considering ways to incorporate emotional management in diabetes consultations is recommended, includings introducing HCP training to increase confidence and enhance counselling skills. Copyright © 2020, The Authors.BACKGROUND Many countries have insufficient numbers of family doctors, and more females than males leave the workforce at a younger age or have difficulty sustaining careers. Understanding the differing attitudes, pressures, and perceptions between genders toward their medical occupation is important to minimise workforce attrition. ​AIM To explore factors influencing the resilience of female family doctors during lifecycle transitions. ​DESIGN & SETTING International qualitative study with female family doctors from all world regions. ​METHOD Twenty semi-structured online Skype interviews, followed by three focus groups to develop recommendations. Data were transcribed and analysed using applied framework analysis. ​RESULTS Interview participants described a complex interface between competing demands, expectations of their gender, and internalised expectations of themselves. Systemic barriers, such as lack of flexible working, excessive workload, and the cumulative impacts of unrealistic expectations impair likely to be of interest to all health professional staff of any gender. Copyright © 2020, The Authors.BACKGROUND Policymakers are directing attention to addressing the needs of an ageing population. Since 2017, general practices in England have been contractually required to identify and code 'frailty' as a new clinical concept and, in doing so, support targeted management for this population with the aim of improving outcomes. However, embedding frailty policies into routine practice is not without challenges and little is currently known about the success of the programme. AIM To explore the implementation of a national policy on frailty identification and management in English primary care. DESIGN & SETTING Qualitative study entailing interviews with primary care professionals in the North of England. METHOD Semi-structured interviews were conducted with GPs (n = 10), nurses (n = 6), practice managers (n = 3), and health advisors (n = 3). Normalisation process theory (NPT) and 'system thinking' provided sensitising frameworks to support data collection and analysis. RESULTS Primary care professionals were starting to use the concept of frailty to structure care within practices and across organisations; however, there was widespread concern about the challenge of providing expanded care for the identified needs with existing resources. Concerns were also expressed around how best to identify the frail subpopulation and the limitations of current tools for this, and there was a professional reticence to use the term 'frailty' with patients. CONCLUSION Findings suggests that additional, focused resources and the development of a stronger evidence base are essential to facilitate professional engagement in policies to improve the targeted coding and management of frailty in primary care. Copyright © 2020, The Authors.BACKGROUND Video consultation (VC) is an emerging consultation mode in general practice. The challenges and benefits of implementing it are not necessarily realised until it is in use, and being experienced by patients and clinicians. To date, there has been no review of the evidence about how patients and clinicians experience VC in general practice. AIM The study aimed to explore both patients' and clinicians' experiences of VCs in primary care. DESIGN & SETTING A systematic scoping review was carried out of empirical studies. METHOD All major databases were searched for empirical studies of any design, published from 1 January 2010 to 11 October 2018 in the English language. Studies were included where synchronous VCs occurred between a patient and a clinician in a primary care setting. Outcomes of interest related to experience of use. The quality of included studies were assessed. Findings were analysed using narrative synthesis. PTXinhibitor RESULTS Seven studies were included in the review. Patients reported being satisfied with VC, describing reduced waiting times and travel costs as a benefit. For patients and clinicians, VC was not deemed appropriate for all presentations and all situations, and a face-to-face consultation was seen as preferable where this was possible. CONCLUSION The findings of this scoping review show that primary care patients and clinicians report both positive and negative experiences when using VCs, and these experiences are, to a certain extent, context dependent. VC is potentially more convenient for patients, but is not considered superior to a face-to-face consultation. Accounts of experience are useful in the planning and implementation of any VC service. Copyright © 2020, The Authors.This systematic review was conducted to help clarify the effect of lifting at work on pregnancy outcome, by focusing on specific exposure categories. A search in Medline and Embase identified 51 articles reporting association of spontaneous abortion (SA), preterm delivery (PTD) or small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant with exposure to occupational lifting. A global validity score was assigned to each study and six potential sources of bias were considered in sensitivity analyses. For each exposure-outcome combination, a summary risk estimate (RE) was obtained from all studies and from a subset of studies with high validity score, this latter summary RE was selected as a final result. Statistical heterogeneity was measured with I2 and Q tests and the possibility of a publication bias was also assessed. For each meta-analysis, the strength of evidence was established from explicit criteria. Heavy (or ≥10 kg) loads often (or ≥10x/day) lifted were associated with increased risks of SA (summary RE=1.31, 95% CI 1.17 to 1.47) and PTD (summary RE=1.24, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.43), with good strength of evidence. No association was identified with SGA, nor with lower exposure levels and SA or PTD. These results are reassuring for lower levels of exposure; however, observed associations can guide health professionals' recommendations aimed at the prevention of SA and PTD for pregnant women who frequently lift (or ≥10x/day) heavy (or ≥10 kg) loads at work.Résumé. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVE We examined the effects of age, gender, and ethnicity on the risk of acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and end-stage renal disease according to type 2 diabetes mellitus status among adults aged 40-79 in Singapore. METHODS A Bayesian inference framework was used to derive age-specific, gender-specific and ethnicity-specific prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus from the 2010 Singapore National Health Survey, and age-standardized gender and ethnicity-specific incidence rates of acute myocardial infarction, stroke and end-stage renal disease from the National Registry of Diseases Office. Population forecasts were used in tandem with incidence rates to project the future chronic disease burden until 2050. RESULTS The highest relative risk of acute myocardial infarction was observed in the youngest age group (aged 40-44), with higher relative risk for women (men 4.3 (2.7-6.4); women 16.9 (9.3-28.3)). A similar trend was observed for stroke (men 6.5 (4.2-9.7); women 10.7 (6.0-17.4)). For end-stage renal disease, the highest relative risk was for men aged 45-50 (11.8 (8.0-16.9)) and women aged 55-60 (16.4 (10.7-24.0)). The annual incidence of acute myocardial infarction is projected to rise from 9300 (in 2019) to 16 400 (in 2050), the number of strokes from 7300 to 12 800, and the number of end-stage renal disease cases from 1700 to 2700. CONCLUSIONS Type 2 diabetes mellitus was associated with an increased risk of complications and is modulated by age and gender. Prevention and early detection of type 2 diabetes mellitus can reduce the increasing burden of secondary complications. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.BACKGROUND Recent research in febrile neutropaenia (FN) has focused on reducing the intensity of treatment for those thought to be at low risk of significant morbidity or mortality. This has not led to a reduced burden of treatment for either families or healthcare systems. An alternative approach is to discharge all patients who remain well after 48 hours of inpatient treatment, either with no ongoing treatment or with appropriate antibiotics if the cultures are positive. This paper aimed to demonstrate that this approach is safe. METHODS Patients treated according to this approach in a single centre were reviewed retrospectively, with a random selection of patients from a 4-year period. Data were collected according to the Predicting Infectious Complications of Neutropenic sepsis in Children with Cancer dataset. In addition, all septic deaths over a 10-year period were reviewed in the same manner. link2 RESULTS 179 episodes of FN were reviewed from 47 patients. In 70% (125/179) of episodes, patients were discharged safely once 48-hour microbiology results were available, with only 5.6% (7/125) resulting in readmission in the 48 hours following discharge. There were no septic deaths in this cohort.There were 11 deaths due to FN over the 10-year study period. Almost all patients were identified as severely unwell in the early stages of their final presentation or had a prolonged final illness. CONCLUSION This paper indicates that the policy described provides a balance between safety and acceptability. link3 Further work is needed to demonstrate non-inferiority and cost-benefit. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Adapting evidence-based treatments for online delivery has potential to significantly increase the reach of effective care to Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This paper describes the rationale for and methods of a randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy and efficiency of written exposure therapy versus imaginal exposure for PTSD delivered in a novel online and variable length format. Participants will be 300 Veterans seeking treatment for clinically significant symptoms of PTSD. Participants will be randomly assigned to either written exposure or imaginal exposure via verbal recounting and will complete between 4 and 8 online therapy sessions facilitated by trained peer support specialists. Treatment is terminated before session 8 if the PTSD symptom improvement criterion is met. Assessments will be conducted at baseline, post-treatment, and at 3-month follow-up. The primary hypotheses are that written exposure therapy will be noninferior to imaginal exposure with respect to treatment efficacy and efficiency.

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