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Hybridization is known to drive plant speciation through the establishment of homoploid or allopolyploid hybrid species. Here we investigate the origin of Pulmonaria helvetica, a narrow endemic species described across a restricted area of Switzerland that was entirely covered by ice during the last glacial maximum. This species presents an original number of chromosomes (2n = 24) and morphological traits suggestive of a hybrid origin.

We sequenced a plastid locus and 1077 double-digest restriction-site-associated DNA (ddRAD) loci in 67 individuals from across the distribution range of P. helvetica and candidate progenitor species growing in the same area. Assignment of genotypes to main genetic clusters within and among taxa using STRUCTURE tested whether P. helvetica represents a genetically differentiated lineage and addressed the hypothesis of its hybrid origin. Comparative ecological modelling further addressed possible niche differentiation among taxa.

Pulmonaria helvetica was highlighted as a gen

Hybridization appears as a major process having promoted the postglacial origin of the narrow endemic P. helvetica, suggesting hybrid speciation as an effective process that rapidly produces new species under climate changes.

This study examines differences in the mental and physical health of the U.S. population during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic among three groups non-caregivers, short-term caregivers (one year or less), and long-term caregivers (greater than one year).

Data from the Understanding America Study are used to describe group differences in reports of psychological distress and somatic symptoms. Logistic and negative binomial regression models are used to examine whether these differences persist after adjusting for demographic, socioeconomic, and pre-pandemic health conditions. To understand within-group differences in caregiving demands, the intensity of care provided by short-term and long-term caregivers, as well as selected patients' health conditions are summarized.

Adults' mental and physical health varied substantially by caregiver status. Caregivers continued to fare worse than non-caregivers in terms of mental health and fatigue, and long-term caregivers were more likely to report headache, body aches, and abdominal discomfort than both short-term caregivers and non-caregivers, net of controls. The nature of caregiving differed between short-term and long-term caregivers, with the latter more likely to provide greater hours of care, and to be looking after patients with permanent medical conditions.

Efforts to understand and mitigate the impact of the pandemic on population health should include caregivers, whose mental and physical health were already vulnerable before COVID-19.

Efforts to understand and mitigate the impact of the pandemic on population health should include caregivers, whose mental and physical health were already vulnerable before COVID-19.

One hundred days after SARS-CoV-2 was first reported in Vietnam on January 23rd, 270 cases were confirmed, with no deaths. We describe the control measures used by the Government and their relationship with imported and domestically-acquired case numbers, with the aim of identifying the measures associated with successful SARS-CoV-2 control.

Clinical and demographic data on the first 270 SARS-CoV-2 infected cases and the timing and nature of Government control measures, including numbers of tests and quarantined individuals, were analysed. Apple and Google mobility data provided proxies for population movement. Serial intervals were calculated from 33 infector-infectee pairs and used to estimate the proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission events and time-varying reproduction numbers.

A national lockdown was implemented between April 1st and 22nd. Around 200 000 people were quarantined and 266 122 RT-PCR tests conducted. Population mobility decreased progressively before lockdown. 60% (163/270) of casmatic and imported cases, and evidence for substantial pre-symptomatic transmission.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread rapidly in the United States since January 2020.

We estimated mean epidemic doubling time, an important measure of epidemic growth, nationally, by state, and in association with stay-at-home orders.

The epidemic doubling time in the United States was 2.68 days (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.30-3.24 days) before widespread mitigation efforts, increasing by 460% to 15 days (12.89-17.94 days) during the mitigation phase. Among states without stay-at-home orders, the median increase in doubling time was 60% (95% CI, 9.2-223.3), compared with 269% (95% CI, 277.0-394.0) for states with stay-at-home orders.

Statewide mitigation strategies were strongly associated with increased epidemic doubling time.

Statewide mitigation strategies were strongly associated with increased epidemic doubling time.

During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we detected a new immunofluorescence (IF) pattern in serum autoantibody (autoAb) screening of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients.

The IF pattern was composed of liver and gastric mucosa staining on rat kidney/liver/stomach sections.

We describe 12 patients positive for the cross-reactive antibody, compared with a negative group of 43 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, finding association with either neurologic or thrombotic complications. In sequential pre- and post-COVID-19 serum samples, we confirmed autoAb seroconversion.

Our data indicate that autoAb screening in COVID-19 patients may be easily performed by IF and alert for autoreactive-mediated complications such as thrombotic or neurologic events.

Our data indicate that autoAb screening in COVID-19 patients may be easily performed by IF and alert for autoreactive-mediated complications such as thrombotic or neurologic events.

Nursing homes are highly vulnerable to the occurrence of COVID-19 outbreaks, which result in high lethality rates. Most of them are not prepared to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic.

A coordinated on-site medicalization program (MP) in response to a sizeable COVID-19 outbreak in 4 nursing homes was organized, with the objectives of improving survival, offering humanistic palliative care to residents in their natural environment, and reducing hospital referrals. Ten key processes and interventions were established (provision of informatics infrastructure, medical equipment, and human resources, universal testing, separation of "clean" and "contaminated" areas, epidemiological surveys, and unified protocols stratifying for active or palliative care approach, among others). Main outcomes were a composite endpoint of survival or optimal palliative care (SOPC), survival, and referral to hospital.

Two hundred and seventy-two of 457 (59.5%) residents and 85 of 320 (26.5%) staff members were affected.

Autoři článku: Stevensbarbour8555 (Myrick McCaffrey)