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Furthermore, the anti-tumoral actions of TCMNPs are also demonstrated in the treatment of lung cancer in an antigen-nonspecific manner. Taken together, TCMNPs have a potential to improve the current cancer immunotherapy.

Psychosocial distress among cancer patients leads to poor health outcomes and lower satisfaction. However, little is known about psychosocial distress among disadvantaged populations. We examined the prevalence, predictors, and follow-up experience of psychosocial distress among cancer patients within a diverse, urban, and multi-lingual safety-net setting.

We conducted a retrospective cohort study of cancer patients undergoing psychosocial distress screening at initial medical oncology visits from 2014-2016. The primary outcome was self-reported moderate to severe psychosocial distress, defined by the NCCN as a Distress Thermometer score ≥ 4. Predictors of distress were assessed using logistic regression. Patients reporting distress were contacted by telephone 1-12 months later to reassess distress and assess completion of supportive service referrals.

Among 200 screened patients, 61% had moderate to severe psychosocial distress. African-American race, psychiatric illness, greater number of emotional prsocial distress. Closer follow-up and assistance for patients who report high distress levels may be needed.There is a growing anthropological literature analyzing the place that epidemiological surveillance occupies in contemporary global health. In this article, I build on this literature and take it into new directions by exploring what I call the epidemiological imaginaries of the social. Drawing on science and technology studies, I suggest that epidemiologists help make up the world, articulating complex and normatively loaded visions of social life that both enable and constrain action. More specifically, I argue that epidemiologists tell stories about the type of societies and people that compose the world and that these stories often shape global health policies and programs in powerful ways. To substantiate this argument, I examine epidemiologists' efforts to map smoking in postcolonial Africa, documenting how they have imagined smokers and smoking through the lense of modernization theory and showing how these imaginaries have shaped tobacco control policies in the region up to this day.Organic solar cells (OSCs) have made rapid progress in terms of their development as a sustainable energy source. However, record-breaking devices have not shown compatibility with large-scale production via solution processing in particular due to the use of halogenated environment-threatening solvents. Docetaxel concentration Here, slot-die fabrication with processing involving hydrocarbon-based solvents is used to realize highly efficient and environmentally friendly OSCs. Highly compatible slot-die coating with roll-to-roll processing using halogenated (chlorobenzene (CB)) and hydrocarbon solvents (1,2,4-trimethylbenzene (TMB) and ortho-xylene (o-XY)) is used to fabricate photoactive films. Controlled solution and substrate temperatures enable similar aggregation states in the solution and similar kinetics processes during film formation. The optimized blend film nanostructures for different solvents in the highly efficient PM6Y6 blend is adopted to show a similar morphology, which results in device efficiencies of 15.2%, 15.4%, and 15.6% for CB, TMB, and o-XY solvents. This approach is successfully extended to other donor-acceptor combinations to demonstrate the excellent universality of this method. The results combine a method to optimize the aggregation state and film formation kinetics with the fabrication of OSCs with environmentally friendly solvents by slot-die coating, which is a critical finding for the future development of OSCs in terms of their scalable production and high-performance.Despite the increasing policy focus on integrated dementia care in the UK, little is known about the opportunities and challenges encountered by practitioners charged with implementing these policies on the ground. We undertook an extensive, mixed-methods analysis of how a contemporary multidisciplinary dementia pathway in the UK was experienced and negotiated by service providers. Our pragmatic mixed methods design incorporated three types of research interaction with practitioners (a) Semi-structured interviews (n = 31) and focus group discussions (n = 4), (b) Practitioner 'shadowing' observations (n = 19), and (c) Service attendance and performance metrics reviews (n = 8). Through an abductive analysis of practitioner narratives and practice observations, we evidenced how inter-practitioner prejudices, restrictive and competitive commissioning frameworks, barriers to effective data sharing and other resource constraints, all challenged integrative dementia care and led to unintended consequences such as practice overlap and failure to identify and respond to people's needs. In order to more successfully realise integrated dementia pathways, we propose innovative commissioning frameworks which purposefully seek to diffuse power imbalances, encourage inter-provider respect and understanding, and determine clear lines of responsibility.

The Analysis of Oligonucleotide Modifications from Mass Spectra (Aom

S) was created to support the analysis of oligonucleotide mass spectra. This application complements the existing software tools by providing a comprehensive analysis of oligonucleotide fragments from high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (HR-MS/MS) data in a flexible and user-friendly manner, directly accessible through a web browser without any need for installation.

MS measurements of aminoC6-DNA and inosine-RNA were performed using an LTQ Orbitrap FT-MS instrument. The obtained data were analyzed by our newly developed open-source package Aom

S accessible from the web page or directly at https// to demonstrate the various functionalities of this tool, notably the possibility to identify different product ions from a nucleotide sequence with any fixed/variable modification by matching theoretical isotopic patterns to any experimental mass spectra with similarity scores ranking.

A detailed descruct ion assignment in a comprehensive manner, including internal fragments and variable modification localization, with clear graphical representation of the results.

Five-year other cause mortality (OCM) after nephrectomy for non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) should be marginal in properly selected surgical candidates. We examined 5-year OCM rates as a quality of care indicator for patient selection.

Within the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database (1997-2011), we identified 59267 RCC patients treated with either radical (n = 27 804, 46.9%) or partial nephrectomy (n = 31 463, 53.1%). Temporal trends and multivariable Cox regression analyses assessed 5-year OCM. Data were stratified according to age group, year of diagnosis, race, marital status, gender, and socio-economic status. The overall OCM rates for the entire cohort at 5 years of follow-up was 4.7% and decreased from 9.4% to 5.6% over the study span (-3.8%, P < .001). The greatest decrease in 5-year OCM rates over time was recorded in patients >70 years (17.0%-9.6%, slope, -0.6%/y), as well as in African-Americans (12.0-6.2%; slope, -0.3%/y) and in males (8.9%-4.7%; slope, -0.3%, all P < .001).

An important OCM decrease was recorded over the study span. Nonetheless, further improvement may be accomplished, especially in African-Americans, unmarried and older individuals, who exhibited higher OCM rates than others. These three groups may represent ideal targets for better patient selection based on OCM considerations.

An important OCM decrease was recorded over the study span. Nonetheless, further improvement may be accomplished, especially in African-Americans, unmarried and older individuals, who exhibited higher OCM rates than others. These three groups may represent ideal targets for better patient selection based on OCM considerations.Peptides are attractive drugs because of their specificity and minimal off-target effects. Short half-lives are within their major drawbacks, limiting actual use in clinics. The golden standard in therapeutic peptide development implies identification of a minimal core sequence, then modified to increase stability through several strategies, including the introduction of nonnatural amino acids, cyclization, and lipidation. Here, we investigated plasma degradations of hormone sequences all composed of a minimal active core peptide and a C-terminal extension. We first investigated pro-opimelanocortin (POMC) γ2/γ3-MSH hormone behavior and extended our analysis to POMC-derived α-melanocyte stimulating hormone/adrenocorticotropic hormone signaling neuropeptides and neurotensin. We demonstrated that in all the three cases analyzed in this study, few additional residues mimicking the natural sequence alter both peptide stability and the mechanism(s) of degradation of the minimal conserved functional pattern. Our results suggest that the impact of extensions on the bioactivity of a peptide drug has to be carefully evaluated throughout the optimization process.High mobility group AT-hook 2 (HMGA2) is a non-histone transcriptional regulator protein. Aberrant expression of the HMGA2 gene (HMGA2) and structural rearrangement at the chromosomal region 12q14 with HMGA2 involvement have been reported in several mesenchymal tumors. We analyzed truncated and full-length HMGA2 expression in 55 cases of meningioma, the most common brain tumor of mesenchymal origin. Fluorescence in situ hybridization and 3'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends were used to investigate the possibility of gene rearrangements. Moreover, the relationship between HMGA2 expression and clinicopathological features was assessed. Compared with normal brain tissues, 95% of the meningioma tissues exhibited increased HMGA2 expression. In 14 cases, the expression of truncated HMGA2 was more than two-fold higher than that of paired full-length HMGA2. Chromosomal translocation involving the chromosomal region 12q14 was undetectable. No significant correlation was found between the Ki-67 labeling index and HMGA2 expression and between the HMGA2 expression and the clinicopathological features. The majority of the meningioma cases displayed increased HMGA2 expression, which was not attributed to the chromosomal rearrangement at the corresponding region. Similar to that in the other mesenchymal tumors, increased HMGA2 expression was not associated with tumor cell proliferation in meningiomas.

Cardiac stimulation (CS) limits to gradient coil switching speed are difficult to measure in humans; instead, current regulatory guidelines (IEC 60601-2-33) are based on animal experiments and electric field-to-dB/dt conversion factors computed for a simple, homogeneous body model. We propose improvement to this methodology by using more detailed CS modeling based on realistic body models and electrophysiological models of excitable cardiac fibers.

We compute electric fields induced by a solenoid, coplanar loops, and a commercial gradient coil in two human body models and a canine model. The canine simulations mimic previously published experiments. We generate realistic fiber topologies for the cardiac Purkinje and ventricular muscle fiber networks using rule-based algorithms, and evaluate CS thresholds using validated electrodynamic models of these fibers.

We were able to reproduce the average measured canine CS thresholds within 5%. In all simulations, the Purkinje fibers were stimulated before the ventricular fibers, and therefore set the effective CS threshold.

Autoři článku: Stentoftbusch6414 (Singh Muir)