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Adjusted gas fill should be considered in these cases.

The available data on strabismus surgery in South East Asian countries are scarce. This study aimed to identify visual outcome and factors influencing surgical outcome of horizontal strabismus surgery in a Southeast Asian cohort.

A retrospective review of patients who underwent horizontal strabismus surgery between 2013 and 2017 in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia was conducted. Surgery was considered successful if the post-operative deviation was within 10 prism diopters at 6 months' postoperative period. Factors influencing the outcome of surgery at 6 months were identified. Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were used in data analysis.

Ninety-eight patients were included. Both genders were equally affected. Exotropia (58.2%) was the most common type. About 65.3% of patients had alternating strabismus, while 51% had an angle of deviation of more than 45 prism diopters. Amblyopia was documented in 14.3% of patients. Those operated on below 10 years of age comprised 64.3%. Ninety-four patients complen our review.Couching in Nigeria is a well-documented treatment for cataracts among adult population, especially in the northern part of the country. Couching option among the pediatric age group is extremely rare, and its evolvement may be a pointer to deteriorating eye care in the country.The reduction of intraocular pressure is currently the only known modifiable risk factor for the treatment of Glaucoma, which is the leading cause of irreversible worldwide blindness. This concise review discusses the evidence underpinning the reduction of intraocular pressure in the treatment of glaucoma, the role of target intraocular pressure in clinical practice and appraises clinical data supporting the concept that every mmHg of intraocular pressure reduction is important in reducing the risk of developing glaucoma and the progression of existing disease. Every mmHg in IOP reduction is important, with evidence showing an impact on both functional and structural progression but does not however explain all glaucoma risk.Normal tension glaucoma (NTG) has similar optic neuropathy as primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), but intraocular pressure (IOP) is within the normal range. Compared with high-pressure POAG, the development of NTG is possibly a consequence of a complex interaction of several ocular and systemic factors. Recent data have shown higher translaminar pressure gradient due to impaired cerebrospinal fluid dynamics may account for the pathogenic mechanism. Insufficient blood supply and vascular dysregulation may also be the cause of the disease. In clinical evaluation, NTG is a diagnosis by excluding other nonglaucomatous optic neuropathies. NTG is characterized by larger and deeper optic-disc cupping, more central visual field defects and a higher incidence of disc hemorrhage compared with POAG. In clinical practice, controlling IOP as low as possible (with medication, laser trabeculoplasty, or surgery) is the key to manage NTG patients. In addition to IOP reduction, the control of systemic risk factors or improving ocular perfusion may be beneficial therapies. NTG is more prevalent in Asia than in the Western countries. Due to increasing old population and underdiagnoses in the clinical settings, NTG became a great challenge for ophthalmologist in Asia. Therefore, the aim of this article is to focus on the epidemiology, to update pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management for NTG.

South Africa has the world's largest antiretroviral treatment programme, which may contribute to the adverse drug reaction (ADR) burden. We aimed to determine the proportion of adult non-trauma emergency unit (EU) presentations attributable to ADRs and to characterise ADR-related EU presentations, stratified according to HIV status, to determine the contribution of drugs used in management of HIV and its complications to ADR-related EU presentations, and identify factors associated with ADR-related EU presentation.

We conducted a retrospective folder review on a random 1.7% sample of presentations over a 12-month period in 2014/2015 to the EUs of two hospitals in Cape Town, South Africa. We identified potential ADRs with the help of a trigger tool. A multidisciplinary panel assessed potential ADRs for causality, severity, and preventability.

We included 1010 EU presentations and assessed 80/1010 (7.9%) as ADR-related, including 20/239 (8.4%) presentations among HIV-positive attendees. Among HIV-positiveemics of infectious and non-communicable diseases. ADRs among HIV-positive EU attendees were more severe and less likely to be preventable.

Cerebrovascular disease remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally. In South Africa, it was the fourth leading cause of death in 2016, responsible for 5.1% of all deaths - the leading cause of death in individuals 65years and older. Atrial fibrillation accounts for 15% of all strokes and 25% are diagnosed when patients present with a stroke. We set out to determine the prevalence of atrial fibrillation in patients with confirmed ischaemic strokes in a district level hospital in the Western Cape, South Africa.

This descriptive study was conducted at Mitchells Plain Hospital in Cape Town and data was collected over a one-year period. Patients diagnosed with a stroke were identified from an electronic patient register and relevant radiology and clinical data were sourced retrospectively. The diagnosis of ischaemic stroke was confirmed by a CT scan report and ECGs were independently screened by two Emergency Physicians. Ethical approval was granted by the University of Cape Town Hume the risk of stroke related to atrial fibrillation can be reduced significantly by oral anticoagulation, further studies should aim to explore barriers and challenges to effective screening.

Neighborhood walking connotes physical activity and opportunities for social and cognitive engagement and improved mental health, factors previously associated with outcomes including mortality, cardiovascular disease, and dementia. Few studies have examined correlates of neighborhood-specific walking in older adults.

We investigated the individual and neighborhood/regional correlates of neighborhood-based walking among US older adults.

We obtained cross-sectional data on≥65year olds from the population-based 2017 National Household Travel Survey (n=73,523). Respondents completed diaries detailing trips during an assigned travel day. Adjusted logistic regression (using survey weights) tested associations between individual, neighborhood, and regional characteristics and≥1 versus no neighborhood walk trips/day (from travel diary).

Twelve percent had≥1 neighborhood walk trip/day and 54% of the neighborhood walkers achieved≥30min of walking/day. Selleck PKC-theta inhibitor African Americans/Blacks (versus non-Hispanic Whites) and wure work is needed to determine other neighborhood factors associated with greater neighborhood walking.Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are biocompatible, nano-sized secreted vesicles containing many types of biomolecules, including proteins, RNAs, DNAs, lipids, and metabolites. Their low immunogenicity and ability to functionally modify recipient cells by transferring diverse bioactive constituents make them an excellent candidate for a next-generation drug delivery system. Here, the recent advances in EV biology and emerging strategies of EV bioengineering are summarized, and the prospects for clinical translation of bioengineered EVs and the challenges to be overcome are discussed.Endovascular embolization to treat vascular hemorrhage involves pushing coil-shaped metal wires into the artery repeatedly until they are densely packed to slow the blood flow and clot. However, coil embolization is associated with high rebleeding rates, unpredictable economics and, most importantly, they rely on the patient's ability to make a clot. These issues are exacerbated when the patient is anticoagulated or coagulopathic. A novel bioengineered tantalum-loaded nanocomposite hydrogel for gel embolic material (Ta-GEM) that can be rapidly delivered using clinical catheters for instant hemostasis regardless of the coagulopathic state is reported. Ta-GEM formulation is visible by most of the clinically available imaging modalities including ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and fluoroscopy without significant artifact. In addition, Ta-GEM can be retrieved, allowing temporary vascular occlusion, and it can be used to rescue cases of failed coil embolization. Ta-GEM occlusion of first-order arteries such as the renal artery and iliac artery in a swine model is found to be safe and durable; by 28 days, 75% of the injected Ta-GEM in the arterial lumen is replaced by dense connective tissue. Altogether, this study demonstrates that Ta-GEM has many advantages over the current technologies and has potential applications in clinical practice.Fluorescent proteins (FPs) are commonly used in pairs to monitor dynamic biomolecular events through changes in proximity via distance dependent processes such as Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). The impact of FP association is assessed by predicting dimerization sites in silico and stabilizing the dimers by bio-orthogonal covalent linkages. In each tested case dimerization changes inherent fluorescence, including FRET. GFP homodimers demonstrate synergistic behavior with the dimer being brighter than the sum of the monomers. The homodimer structure reveals the chromophores are close with favorable transition dipole alignments and a highly solvated interface. Heterodimerization (GFP with Venus) results in a complex with ≈87% FRET efficiency, significantly below the 99.7% efficiency predicted. A similar efficiency is observed when the wild-type FPs are fused to a naturally occurring protein-protein interface system. GFP complexation with mCherry results in loss of mCherry fluorescence. Thus, simple assumptions used when monitoring interactions between proteins via FP FRET may not always hold true, especially under conditions whereby the protein-protein interactions promote FP interaction.Herein, we demonstrate how to predict and experimentally validate phase diagrams for multi-component systems from a high-dimensional virtual space of all possible phase diagrams involving several elements based on small existing experimental data. The experimental data for bulk phases for known systems represents a sampling from this space, and screening the space allows multi-component phase diagrams with given design criteria to be built. This approach uses machine learning methods to predict phase diagrams and Bayesian experimental design to minimize experiments for refinement and validation, all within an active learning loop. The approach is proven by predicting and synthesizing the ferroelectric ceramic system (1-ω)(Ba0.61Ca0.28Sr0.11TiO3)-ω(BaTi0.888Zr0.0616Sn0.0028Hf0.0476O3) with a relatively high transition temperature and triple point, as well as the NiTi-based pseudo-binary phase diagram (1-ω)(Ti0.309Ni0.485Hf0.20Zr0.006)-ω(Ti0.309Ni0.485Hf0.07Zr0.068Nb0.068) designed for high transition temperature (ω ⩽ 1). Each phase diagram is validated and optimized through only three new experiments. The complexity of these compounds is beyond the reach of today's computational methods.

Autoři článku: Stendertyler2123 (Strauss McCurdy)