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In the second mechanism, stacked 2D plates may act as van der Waals templates for each other to enhance growth, which leads to an autocatalysis. When linkage reactions possess a 10001 selectivity (γ) for staying in plane vs rotating, solution-synthesized 2D polymers can have comparable size and yield with those synthesized from confined polymerization on a surface. Autocatalysis could achieve similar effects when self-templating accelerates 2D growth by a factor β of 106. A combined strategy relaxes the requirement of both mechanisms by over one order of magnitude. We map the dependence of molecular weight and yield for the 2D polymer on the reaction parameters, allowing experimental results to be used to estimate β and γ. Our calculations show for the first time from theory the feasibility of producing two-dimensional polymers from irreversible polymerization in solution.Crystal growth of the intermetallic alloy, Ni50Al50, is investigated by molecular dynamics simulations with two different interatomic potentials. The calculated growth rate can be captured by the Wilson-Frenkel or Broughton-Gilmer-Jackson model at small undercoolings but deviates from the theory at deep undercoolings. Failure of the theory is found to be correlated with the dynamic processes that emerged at the interface, but not apparently with the static interface structure. The chemical segregation of Ni and Al atoms occurs before the geometrical ordering upon crystallization at small undercoolings. In contrast, the geometrical ordering precedes the chemical one at deep undercoolings. These two ordering processes show a collapsed time evolution at the crossover temperature consistent with the onset of the theoretical deviation. We rationalize the delayed chemical segregation behavior by the collective atomic motion, which is characterized by the super-Arrhenius transition of the temperature-dependent diffusivity and structural relaxation time at the crossover point.One of the most exciting and debated aspects of polariton chemistry is the possibility that chemical reactions can be catalyzed by vibrational strong coupling (VSC) with confined optical modes in the absence of external illumination. Here, we report an attempt to reproduce the enhanced rate of cyanate ion hydrolysis reported by Hiura et al. [chemRxiv7234721 (2019)] when the collective OH stretching vibrations of water (which is both the solvent and a reactant) are strongly coupled to a Fabry-Pérot cavity mode. Using a piezo-tunable microcavity, we reproduce the reported vacuum Rabi splitting but fail to observe any change in the reaction rate as the cavity thickness is tuned in and out of the strong coupling regime during a given experiment. These findings suggest that there are subtleties involved in successfully realizing VSC-catalyzed reaction kinetics and therefore motivate a broader effort within the community to validate the claims of polariton chemistry in the dark.We study ion pair dissociation in water at ambient conditions using a combination of classical and ab initio approaches. The goal of this study is to disentangle the sources of discrepancy observed in computed potentials of mean force. In particular, we aim to understand why some models favor the stability of solvent-separated ion pairs vs contact ion pairs. We found that some observed differences can be explained by non-converged simulation parameters. However, we also unveil that for some models, small changes in the solution density can have significant effects on modifying the equilibrium balance between the two configurations. We conclude that the thermodynamic stability of contact and solvent-separated ion pairs is very sensitive to the dielectric properties of the underlying simulation model. In general, classical models are very robust in providing a similar estimation of the contact ion pair stability, while this is much more variable in density functional theory-based models. The barrier to transition from the solvent-separated to contact ion pair is fundamentally dependent on the balance between electrostatic potential energy and entropy. This reflects the importance of water intra- and inter-molecular polarizability in obtaining an accurate description of the screened ion-ion interactions.High resolution coherent multidimensional spectroscopy has the ability to reduce congestion and automatically sort peaks by species and quantum numbers, even for simple mixtures and molecules that are extensively perturbed. this website The two-dimensional version is relatively simple to carry out, and the results are easy to interpret, but its ability to deal with severe spectral congestion is limited. Three-dimensional spectroscopy is considerably more complicated and time-consuming than two-dimensional spectroscopy, but it provides the spectral resolution needed for more challenging systems. This paper describes how to design high resolution coherent 3D spectroscopy experiments so that a small number of strategically positioned 2D scans may be used instead of recording all the data required for a 3D plot. This faster and simpler approach uses new pattern recognition methods to interpret the results. Key factors that affect the resulting patterns include the scanning strategy and the four wave mixing process. Optimum four wave mixing (FWM) processes and scanning strategies have been identified, and methods for identifying the FWM process from the observed patterns have been developed. Experiments based on nonparametric FWM processes provide significant pattern recognition and efficiency advantages over those based on parametric processes. Alternative scanning strategies that use synchronous scanning and asynchronous scanning to create new kinds of patterns have also been identified. Rotating the resulting patterns in 3D space leads to an insight into similarities in the patterns produced by different FWM processes.Two-dimensional vibrational-electronic (2DVE) spectra probe the effects on vibronic spectra of initial vibrational excitation in an electronic ground state. The optimized mean trajectory (OMT) approximation is a semiclassical method for computing nonlinear spectra from response functions. Ensembles of classical trajectories are subject to semiclassical quantization conditions, with the radiation-matter interaction inducing discontinuous transitions. This approach has been previously applied to two-dimensional infrared and electronic spectra and is extended here to 2DVE spectra. For a system including excitonic coupling, vibronic coupling, and interaction of a chromophore vibration with a resonant environment, the OMT method is shown to well approximate exact quantum dynamics.Plausible methods for accurate determination of equilibrium structures of intermolecular clusters have been assessed for the van der Waals dimer N2O⋯CO. In order to assure a large initial dataset of rotational parameters, we first measured the microwave spectra of the 15N2O⋯12CO and 15N2O⋯13CO isotopologs, expanding previous measurements. Then, an anharmonic force field was calculated ab initio and a semi-experimental equilibrium structure was determined. The dimer structure was also calculated at the coupled-cluster level of theory using very large basis sets with diffuse functions and counterpoise correction. It was found that the contributions of the diffuse functions and the counterpoise correction are not additive and do not compensate each other although they have almost the same value but opposite signs. The semi-experimental and ab initio structures were found to be in fair agreement, with the equilibrium distance between the centers of mass of both monomers being 3.825(13) Å and the intermolecular bond length r(C⋯O) = 3.300(9) Å. In this case, the mass-dependent method did not permit us to determine reliable intermolecular parameters. The combination of experimental rotational constants and results of ab initio calculations thus proves to be very sensitive to examine the accuracy of structural determinations in intermolecular clusters, offering insight into other aggregates.A statistical method is developed to estimate the maximum amplitude of the base pair fluctuations in a three dimensional mesoscopic model for nucleic acids. The base pair thermal vibrations around the helix diameter are viewed as a Brownian motion for a particle embedded in a stable helical structure. The probability to return to the initial position is computed, as a function of time, by integrating over the particle paths consistent with the physical properties of the model potential. The zero time condition for the first-passage probability defines the constraint to select the integral cutoff for various macroscopic helical conformations, obtained by tuning the twist, bending, and slide motion between adjacent base pairs along the molecule stack. Applying the method to a short homogeneous chain at room temperature, we obtain meaningful estimates for the maximum fluctuations in the twist conformation with ∼10.5 base pairs per helix turn, typical of double stranded DNA helices. Untwisting the double helix, the base pair fluctuations broaden and the integral cutoff increases. The cutoff is found to increase also in the presence of a sliding motion, which shortens the helix contour length, a situation peculiar of dsRNA molecules.Model patchy particles have been shown to be able to form a wide variety of structures, including symmetric clusters, complex crystals, and even two-dimensional quasicrystals. Here, we investigate whether we can design patchy particles that form three-dimensional quasicrystals, in particular targeting a quasicrystal with dodecagonal symmetry that is made up of stacks of two-dimensional quasicrystalline layers. We obtain two designs that are able to form such a dodecagonal quasicrystal in annealing simulations. The first is a one-component system of seven-patch particles but with wide patches that allow them to adopt both seven- and eight-coordinated environments. The second is a ternary system that contains a mixture of seven- and eight-patch particles and is likely to be more realizable in experiments, for example, using DNA origami. One interesting feature of the first system is that the resulting quasicrystals very often contain a screw dislocation.We develop new methods to efficiently propagate the hierarchical equations of motion (HEOM) by using the Tucker and hierarchical Tucker (HT) tensors to represent the reduced density operator and auxiliary density operators. We first show that by employing the split operator method, the specific structure of the HEOM allows a simple propagation scheme using the Tucker tensor. When the number of effective modes in the HEOM increases and the Tucker representation becomes intractable, the split operator method is extended to the binary tree structure of the HT representation. It is found that to update the binary tree nodes related to a specific effective mode, we only need to propagate a short matrix product state constructed from these nodes. Numerical results show that by further employing the mode combination technique commonly used in the multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree approaches, the binary tree representation can be applied to study excitation energy transfer dynamics in a fairly large system including over 104 effective modes.

Autoři článku: Stendermoses9388 (Myers Akhtar)