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Mycotoxins are secondary fungi metabolites that induce acute and chronic toxic effects in humans and animals. In the present study, nine mycotoxins including aflatoxins (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2), fumonisins (FB1 and FB2), Ochratoxin A (OTA), deoxynivalenol (DON), and zearalenone (ZEN) were determined in one hundred rice samples collected from Tehran using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence or photodiode array detector. In addition, possible risk to public health was investigated by assessing dietary exposure through rice consumption, the margin of exposure (MOE), respective risk of cancer and hazard index (HI) of the monitored mycotoxins in children and adults. The higher mean levels were determined for DON (102.22 μg.Kg-1), followed by FB1 (85.00 μg.Kg-1). For the rests of mycotoxins the levels did not exceed 20 μg.Kg-1. The estimated AFB1 intake for the adults and children through rice consumption exceeds the safe levels established for both carriers and non-carriers of hepatiIR Iran.Metastasis of malignant melanoma to the bladder is rarely seen clinically with only 29 cases reported in English-language literature. However, autopsy series of melanoma patients have shown that metastasis to the bladder could be as high as 37%, implying that numerous cases remain undiagnosed. This report details a case of malignant melanoma metastasis to the bladder. Patient presented with severe anemia and history of gross hematuria. Computerized tomography (CT) revealed a 2.7 cm mass in the bladder. Cystoscopy confirmed presence of a mass. Patient underwent cystoscopy and transurethral resection of the tumor, revealed to be melanoma on pathology.Ureteral fibroepithelial polyps (UFP) are relatively rare, benign tumors. A total of 236 total cases were documented between 1932 and 2013. Notably, imaging studies, including computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are often negative. This report details a case of a patient with a UFP who presented with hematuria. CT suggested a possible 1.8 cm mass, but subsequent MRI was negative. Cystoscopy showed a polyp that prolapsed out of the left ureter and into the bladder with peristalsis. The patient subsequently underwent retrograde ureteroscopy and holmium laser excision of the polyp.

Massive herniation of the bladder presents a rare diagnostic challenge. Rarely, bladder herniation is complicated by the development of bladder calculi. We present a therapeutic approach for this situation.

A 90-year-old presented with recurrent urinary tract infections secondary to bladder calculi in the setting of inguinoscrotal bladder herniation. He subsequently underwent successful

-scrotal percutaneous cystolitholapaxy as a creative approach to an unusual presentation.

Massive inguinoscrotal herniation of the bladder is a rare clinical entity with significant morbidity and mortality. Intervention requires a balance of patient health status and anatomy, lending to creative approaches as necessary.

Massive inguinoscrotal herniation of the bladder is a rare clinical entity with significant morbidity and mortality. Intervention requires a balance of patient health status and anatomy, lending to creative approaches as necessary.Syringocystadenocarcinoma papilliferum (SCACP) is an extremely rare adnexal neoplasm of the sweat glands. It is believed to arise from the malignant transformation of syringocystadenoma papilliferum (SCAP). The majority of cases present on the head and neck and up to 17% of cases show metastatic progression. These tumors seldom occur in the anogenital area and, to date, only one case has been reported on the penis. Here, we report a rare case of SCACP in a 65-year-old man who presented with an erythematous, non-healing, ulcerated lesion on the penis.One patient with bladder leiomyosarcoma and urothelial carcinoma is very rare. Only 10 cases have been reported in the literature. A 70-year-old patient was admitted due to bladder tumor. Two TURBTs were performed confirming the patient was free of tumor, and pathology reported low-grade urothelial carcinoma. Three years later, a tumor was also found on the right anterolateral wall of urinary bladder and was diagnosed as leiomyosarcoma by pathological examination. Radical cystectomy was performed. With 45 months follow-up, the patient has no recurrence. Two malignancies in the same anatomic region at different time has never been reported to date.Schwannoma is a tumor of soft tissue originating from Schwann cells which rarely appears in the retroperitoneum region. The retroperitoneal schwannoma can grow to a large size slowly without any specific clinical sign or symptoms. We report a 35-year-old woman with ancient schwannoma complaining abdominal pain for three years, which was initially judged as urinary tract infection. Following imaging studies, retroperitoneal mass was found and judged as benign lesion. Partial excision of the tumor was performed, with histology examination showed degenerative changes that was consistent with ancient schwannoma. No evidence of recurrence appeared during follow-up period.Renal cysts can be identified using standard medical imaging and, a histological diagnosis is not required. However, lesions that are more complex require a detailed characterization to allow for determination of differential diagnosis and subsequent management approach. Oncocytoma is a benign epithelial tumor of the kidney, which usually presents as a solid tumor with a central stellate scar. But rarely, it can have central cystic degeneration or can present as a multilocular cyst. We are presenting a case of incidental renal complex renal cyst managed by laparascopic partial nephrectomy which came to be rare cystic presentation of this benign tumor.Urethral foreign bodies are rare with a variety of causes, including psychiatric illness, autoeroticism, intoxication, and perceived contraception, we present a 49-yr-old man who went to the emergency ward 9-month ago inserting an AA battery in his urethra. The battery was removed without surgery after 24 hours. The patient was then referred to the hospital after 5 months with complaints of obstructive urinary symptoms such as decreased urinary caliber, diagnosed with penile urethral stricture, and undergoes dilatation of the urethra. Usually, in the case of urethral stricture, the initial steps including urethral dilation and internal urethrotomy can be used.

A deficiency of glycogen debrancher enzyme in patients with glycogen storage disease type III (GSD III) manifests with hepatic, cardiac, and muscle involvement in the most common subtype (type a), or with only hepatic involvement in patients with GSD IIIb.

To describe longitudinal biochemical, radiological, muscle strength and ambulation, liver histopathological findings, and clinical outcomes in adults (≥18years) with glycogen storage disease type III, by a retrospective review of medical records.

Twenty-one adults with GSD IIIa (14F & 7M) and four with GSD IIIb (1F & 3M) were included in this natural history study. At the most recent visit, the median (range) age and follow-up time were 36 (19-68) and 16years (0-41), respectively. For the entire cohort 40% had documented hypoglycemic episodes in adulthood; hepatomegaly and cirrhosis were the most common radiological findings; and 28% developed decompensated liver disease and portal hypertension, the latter being more prevalent in older patienter and muscle are needed.

GSD III is a multisystem disorder in which a multidisciplinary approach with regular clinical, biochemical, radiological and functional (physical therapy assessment) follow-up is required. Despite dietary modification, hepatic and myopathic disease progression is evident in adults, with muscle weakness as the major cause of morbidity. Consequently, definitive therapies that address the underlying cause of the disease to correct both liver and muscle are needed.Gaucher disease is reckoned for extreme phenotypic diversity that does not show consistent genotype/phenotype correlations. In Argentina, a national collaborative group, Grupo Argentino de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Gaucher, GADTEG, have delineated uniformly severe type 1 Gaucher disease manifestations presenting in childhood with large burden of irreversible skeletal disease. Here using Long-Read Single Molecule Real-Time (SMRT) Sequencing of GBA1 locus, we show that RecNciI allele is highly prevalent and associates with severe skeletal manifestations in childhood.Cubital tunnel syndrome is a common entrapment neuropathy affecting the ulnar nerve. Intraneural ganglion cyst and nerve abscess due to leprosy can cause cubital tunnel syndrome. In this article, we are presenting a case of cubital tunnel syndrome caused due to an intraneural ganglion cyst in a 48-year-old lady. It had produced some diagnostic confusion due to its clinical similarity with nerve abscess. This is the first report of a case of an intraneural ganglion cyst of the ulnar nerve masquerading the diagnosis of a nerve abscess.

Various joint preserving treatments are available for use in Avascular Necrosis of the femoral head. Most of these are effective in the pre-collapse stage of the disease. This review aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of core decompression and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate in various stages of AVN, in modifying the progression of the disease and the need for hip replacement.

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis Extension for Scoping Reviews reporting guidelines were followed. The literature search was conducted from inception till 2

May 2021, on the PUBMED, SCOPUS, and Google Scholar search engines, using "bone marrow aspirate concentrate osteonecrosis femur" and "bmac osteonecrosis femur" as the keywords. In all these studies, Core Decompression with Bone marrow Aspirate concentrate was performed. The evaluation was done based on the progression of osteonecrosis, improvement in functional outcomes and the conversion to total hip arthroplasty.

We have analyzed 612 hips from11 studies, based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria. The mean age of the patients was 38.27 years. There was a predominance of males. The grade of AVN ranged from grade 1 to 4. The average follow-up period of the cases ranged from 2 to 12 years (average 4.38 years). The functional scores were improved in the majority of cases. Radiographic progression occurred in 23.5% of hips, and the Total Hip Arthroplasty was performed in 14.9% of hips.

Core decompression with Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate in pre-collapse stages of the disease is beneficial in improving the functions scores and for reducing the radiological progression of the disease and need for total hip arthroplasty, in the majority of cases.

Core decompression with Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate in pre-collapse stages of the disease is beneficial in improving the functions scores and for reducing the radiological progression of the disease and need for total hip arthroplasty, in the majority of cases.Hypereosinophilic syndrome is a rare disorder arising from neoplastic, or idiopathic causes. The availability of NGS panels has increasingly identified rare mutations as underlying pathogenic events and have led to reclassification of cases of idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome as chronic eosinophilic leukemia(CEL). In this report, we describe a case of a young man with hypereosinophilia whose disease initially did not fit the WHO criteria for CEL but harbored a rare mutation in CCT6B gene. We report our experience in successfully treating this patient with multiple tyrosine kinase inhibitors and provide literature review of this rare entity including potential treatment strategies.

Autoři článku: Steinlillelund0645 (Henry Tyler)