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VGluT antibody may stain pinealocytes as well. Some cells were immunoreactive for substance-P, oxytocin, vasopressin, leu-enkefalin and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). These immnoreactivities showed colocalization with neuron-specific nuclear protein immunoreactivity indicating that these cells are neurons. Calbindin was observed in oval and elongated cells resembling pinealocytes. Based on the results obtained in adult mammals, the pineal neurons may be analogue to retinal ganglion cells, or they may function as interneurons in the retino-pinealo-retinal neuronal circuit or the peptidergic neurons may influence the pinealocytes in a paracrine manner.The possible role of Blastocystis sp. and Giardia lamblia infections in the development of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has long been controversial. In this study, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate whether these protozoan infections are associated with IBS development. We systematically searched international databases for all studies that reported these protozoa in IBS patients published by May 10, 2021. Studies were included in the review if they were observational studies with confirmed patients with IBS (in case-control and cross-sectional studies) or parasitic infections (cohort studies) with an appropriate control group. Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals were estimated using a random-effects meta-analysis model for included studies. A total of 32 papers (42 datasets), including 29 papers (31 datasets) for Blastocystis sp./IBS and 11 papers (11 datasets) for G. lamblia/IBS met the eligibility criteria. Our results indicated that the individuals with Blastocystis sp. infection were significantly at a higher risk of IBS development (OR, 1.78; 95%CI, 1.29-2.44). Moreover, cohort studies indicated a significant positive association between G. lamblia infection and IBS risk (OR, 5.47; 95%CI, 4.23-7.08); while an increasing but no statistically significant risk was observed in case-control studies (OR, 1.19; 95%CI, 0.75-1.87). Our findings suggested that Blastocystis sp. and G. lamblia infections are associated with the increased risk of developing IBS. Despite these results, further studies are needed to determine the effect of these protozoa on IBS development.Plasmodium knowlesi, recognized as the fifth Plasmodium parasite, is the least studied malaria parasite. It is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the South-East Asia region. Enzymes of folate synthesis, especially dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), is a well-approved drug target in other Plasmodium species, but its role in Plasmodium knowlesi is poorly studied. This work characterizes PkDHFR as a drug target and identifies inhibitors that can withstand the upcoming problem of resistance. The 3D structure of the PkDHFR target is modelled using comparative modelling, and further, it is refined and validated using energy minimization and torsional angle analysis methods. We extracted 13 compounds from DrugBank and ZINC databases using the "target similarity search" criteria. These compounds were categorized based on their binding affinity (-4.49 to -10.08 kcal/mol) and pose prediction against the active site of PkDHFR. Later on, the top 5 PkDHFR-compound complexes with high or equivalent binding affinity to its natural ligand (dihydrofolate) have undergone for dynamics. The simulation experiments reveal the higher stability of DB00563-PkDHFR complex and less conformational fluctuations and share a similar degree of compactness throughout the simulation trajectory. The MM/GBSA calculation of free energy of DB00563 is also the least (-72.84 kcal/mol) compared to others. Furthermore, the flexible side chain of DB00563 can bind and block the active site of PkDHFR more efficiently. Thus, the identified drug may be considered as a potential candidate for treating P. knowlesi malaria.

As the long-term benefits of a sustained virological response (SVR) in hepatitis C virus (HCV) cirrhosis following direct-acting antivirals (DAA) remain undefined, we assessed the incidence and predictors of liver-related events (LRE), non-liver related events (NLRE) and mortality in DAA-treated cirrhotics.

Consecutive SVR cirrhotics were enrolled in a longitudinal, single-center study, and divided into 3 cohorts Cohort A (CPT-A without previous LRE), Cohort B (CPT-B or CPT-A with prior non-HCC LRE), Cohort C (previous HCC).

636 cirrhotics (65 years-old, 58% males, 89% CPT-A) were followed for 51 (8-68) months [Cohort A n=480, Cohort B n=89, Cohort C n=67]. The 5-year estimated cumulative incidences of LRE were 10.4% in Cohort A vs. 32.0% in Cohort B [HCC 7.7% vs. 19.7%; ascites 1.4% vs. 8.6%; variceal bleeding 1.3% vs. 7.8%; encephalopathy 0 vs. 2.5%] vs. 71% in Cohort C [HCC only] (p<0.0001). The corresponding figures for NLRE were 11.7% in Cohort A vs. 17.9% in Cohort B vs. 17.5% in Cohort C (p=0.non-liver related events and mortality.

• In this large single-center study enrolling HCV cirrhotic patients cured by direct-acting antivirals, pre-treatment liver disease history strongly influenced long-term outcomes. • In HCV cirrhotic patients, hepatocellular carcinoma accounted for the most frequent liver-related complication after viral cure. • Due to improved long-term outcomes, cirrhotic patients after HCV cure are exposed to a significant proportion of non-liver related events and mortality.Despite several recent meta-analyses on the topic, the comparative risk of HCC in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients receiving entecavir (ETV) and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) remains controversial. The controversy partly results from the arbitrary nature of significance levels leading to contradictory conclusions from very similar datasets. However, the use of observational data, which is prone to both within- and between-study heterogeneity of patient characteristics, also lends additional uncertainty. The asynchronous introduction of ETV and TDF in East Asia, where the majority of these studies have been conducted, further complicates analyses, as does the ensuing differences in follow-up time between ETV and TDF cohorts. Researchers conducting meta-analyses in this area must make many methodological decisions to mitigate bias but are ultimately limited to the methodologies of the included studies. It is therefore important for researchers, as well as the audience of published meta-analyses, to be aware of the quality of the observational studies and meta-analyses in terms of the patient characteristics, study design and statistical methodologies used. This review aims to help navigate the published meta-analyses on this topic and to provide researchers with recommendations for future work.Biorelevant solubility and dissolution testing is an important tool during pharmaceutical development, however, solubility experiments performed using biorelevant media often do not properly match the solubility data observed in human intestinal fluids. Even though the bicarbonate buffer is the predominant buffer system in the small intestine, in vitro assays are commonly performed using non-volatile buffer systems like phosphate and maleate. In the current study, bicarbonate- and phosphate-buffered biorelevant media were applied to solubility, dissolution, and precipitation testing for a broad range of model compounds. It was found that the medium affects primarily the dissolution kinetics. However, with the knowledge of the unique buffering properties of bicarbonate buffer in the diffusion layer, it was not always possible to predict the effect of buffer species on solubility and dissolution when changing from phosphate to bicarbonate buffer. This once again highlights the special role of bicarbonate buffer for simulating the conditions in the human intestinal fluids. Moreover, it is necessary to further investigate the factors which may cause the differences in solubility and dissolution behavior when using phosphate- vs. bicarbonate-buffered biorelevant media.

MRI linear accelerators (MR-Linacs) may allow treatment adaptation to be guided by quantitative MRI including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and precision of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements from DWI on a 1.5T MR-Linac in patients with central nervous system (CNS) tumours through comparison with a diagnostic scanner.

CNS patients were treated using a 1.5T Elekta Unity MR-Linac. DWI was acquired during MR-Linac treatment and on a Philips Ingenia 1.5T. The agreement between the two scanners on median ADC over the gross tumour/clinical target volumes (GTV/CTV) and in brain regions (white/grey matter, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)) was computed. Repeated scans were used to estimate ADC repeatability. Daily changes in ADC over the GTV of high-grade gliomas were characterized from MR-Linac scans.

DWI from 59 patients was analyzed. MR-Linac ADC measurements showed a small bias relative to Ingenia measurements in white matter, grey matter, GTV, and CTV (bias -0.05±0.03, -0.08±0.05, -0.1±0.1, -0.08±0.07μm

/ms). ADC differed substantially in CSF (bias -0.5±0.3μm

/ms). The repeatability of MR-Linac ADC over white/grey matter was similar to previous reports (coefficients of variation for median ADC 1.4%/1.8%). MR-Linac ADC changes in the GTV were detectable.

It is possible to obtain ADC measurements in the brain on a 1.5T MR-Linac that are comparable to those of diagnostic-quality scanners. This technical validation study adds to the foundation for future studies that will correlate brain tumour ADC with clinical outcomes.

It is possible to obtain ADC measurements in the brain on a 1.5 T MR-Linac that are comparable to those of diagnostic-quality scanners. This technical validation study adds to the foundation for future studies that will correlate brain tumour ADC with clinical outcomes.

Primary (chemo)radiation (CHRT) for HNC may lead to late dysphagia. The purpose of this study was to assess the pattern of swallowing disorders based on prospectively collected objective videofluoroscopic (VF) assessment and to assess the correlations between VF findings and subjective (physician- and patient-rated) swallowing measures.

189 consecutive HNC patients receiving (CH)RT were included. Swallowing evaluation at baseline and 6 months after treatment (T6) encompassed CTCAE v.4.0 scores (aspiration/dysphagia), PROMs SWAL QOL/ EORTC QLQ-H&N35 (swallowing domain) questionnaires and VF evaluation Penetration Aspiration Scale, semi-quantitative swallowing pathophysiology evaluation, temporal measures and oral/pharyngeal residue quantification. Aspiration specific PROMs (aPROMs) were selected. Correlations between late penetration/aspiration (PA_T6) and clinical factors, CTCAE and aPROMs were assessed using uni- and multivariable analysis.

Prevalence of PA increased from 20% at baseline to 43% afttion for baseline and follow-up VF examination. selleck products Furthermore, all aspiration related OARs involved in aforementioned swallowing components should be addressed in swallowing sparing strategies. The dose to these structures as well as baseline PROMs should be included in future NTCP models for aspiration.

Autoři článku: Steensenforsyth6584 (Vasquez Halberg)