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Spatiotemporal context is an intrinsic aspect of episodic memory. Although a large literature has demonstrated that emotion enhances episodic memory, less research has considered whether and how emotion affects memory for the timing of an experience, despite theoretical and practical importance. In this review, we bridge three heavily researched cognitive domains - memory, emotion, and time - by discussing findings from a burgeoning literature on their intersection. We identify and review two broad ways in which memory for time has been conceptualised in the emotional memory literature, namely (1) memory for relative aspects of event timing ("when" an event detail occurred), which includes studies of temporal-order and source memory; and (2) memory for the time that elapsed during an event ("how long"), which includes studies of retrospective duration estimation. Emerging trends demonstrate that although temporal-order memory can be impaired or enhanced by emotion depending on study demands, temporal source memory, instead, is usually enhanced. Studies of duration memory show that the remembered duration of negative experiences is dilated, but it is less clear how duration memory is affected for positive events. These findings are considered under the lens of broader emotional memory literature theories, and directions for future research are proposed.

Communication skills are assessed by medically-enculturated examiners using consensus frameworks which were developed with limited patient involvement. Assessments consequently risk rewarding performance which incompletely serves patients' authentic communication needs. Whilst regulators require patient involvement in assessment, little is known about how this can be achieved. We aimed to explore patients' perceptions of students' communication skills, examiner feedback and potential roles for patients in assessment.

Using constructivist grounded theory we performed cognitive stimulated, semi-structured interviews with patients who watched videos of student performances in communication-focused OSCE stations and read corresponding examiner feedback. Data were analysed using grounded theory methods.

A disconnect occurred between participants' and examiners' views of students' communication skills. Whilst patients frequently commented on students' use of medical terminology, examiners omitted to mention this in feedback. Patients' judgements of students' performances varied widely, reflecting different preferences and beliefs. Participants viewed variability as an opportunity for students to learn from diverse lived experiences. Participants perceived a variety of roles to enhance assessment authenticity.

Integrating patients into communications skills assessments could help to highlight deficiencies in students' communication which medically-enculturated examiners may miss. Overcoming the challenges inherent to this is likely to enhance graduates' preparedness for practice.

Integrating patients into communications skills assessments could help to highlight deficiencies in students' communication which medically-enculturated examiners may miss. Overcoming the challenges inherent to this is likely to enhance graduates' preparedness for practice.

Healthcare professionals' attitudes toward people with chronic pain influence their clinical practice.

To investigate physiotherapy students' attitudes and beliefs toward people with chronic pain over the course of their Scottish undergraduate program.

In this observational study, physiotherapy students from one university were recruited in the first year and followed up to their final year (year 1 n =62/75, year 2 n =68/72, year 3 n =59/69, year 4 n =74/74) for 4 years. The Health-Care Providers' Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS with scores ranging from 15 to 105) was completed annually.

A one-way ANOVA found that attitudes and beliefs improved significantly (

<.01) from the first to final year (9.2±11.5 (mean±SD)). Participants showed a reduction in scores (signifying improved attitudes) annually with smaller reductions initially followed by a larger reduction in the final 2 years.

This is the first study to chart changes in the same cohort of physiotherapy students' attitudes and beliefs toward people with chronic pain over time. Future work should explore which aspects of degree courses, if any, impact upon attitudes and beliefs toward people with chronic pain so that courses can be enhanced accordingly.

This is the first study to chart changes in the same cohort of physiotherapy students' attitudes and beliefs toward people with chronic pain over time. Future work should explore which aspects of degree courses, if any, impact upon attitudes and beliefs toward people with chronic pain so that courses can be enhanced accordingly.TP53-aberrant myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia have dismal outcomes. Here, we define the clinico-genomic landscape of TP53 disruptions in 40 patients and employ clonal dynamic modeling to map the mutational hierarchy against clinical outcomes. Most TP53 mutations (45.2%) localized to the L3 loop or LSH motif of the DNA-binding domain. TP53 disruptions had high co-occurrence with mutations in epigenetic regulators, spliceosome machinery, and cohesin complex and low co-occurrence with mutations in proliferative signaling genes. Ancestral and descendant TP53 mutations constituted measurable residual disease and fueled relapse. High mutant TP53 gene dosage predicted low durability of remission. The median overall survival (OS) was 280 days. Hypomethylating agent-based therapy served as an effective bridge to transplant, leading to improved median OS compared to patients who did not receive a transplant (14.7 vs. 5.1 months). OS was independent of the genomic location of TP53 disruption, which has implications for rational therapeutic design.The disposition of a novel kynurenine monooxygenase inhibitor, CHDI-340246, was investigated in vitro and in animals.In vitro, there was minimal metabolic turnover of CHDI-340246 in all species. The protein binding was higher in human plasma (99.7%) relative to other species.In all species, blood clearance was low (60%) in all species.In rats, [14C]CHDI-340246 showed wide distribution of radioactivity in all tissues except brain and testes. In rats, the parent drug was the major circulating moiety with minor amounts of a sulphate conjugate of an O-dealkylated metabolite. The elimination occurred via the urinary route and to a lesser extent by biliary route, but mostly as metabolites. In cynomolgus monkeys, the parent drug predominated in plasma with only trace amounts of metabolites detected.Acyl glucuronide conjugate of CHDI-340246 was not detected in plasma of rats or monkeys.Overall, the ADME profile of CHDI-340246 was favourable in rats and monkeys for potential evaluation of KMO inhibition in humans.

Physiotherapy is a common treatment used for cervicogenic dizziness (CD). Treatment of the cervical spine using manual therapy techniques shows moderate evidence in favor of its use. International criteria for the treatment of the cervical spine have been described. Detecting patients' contraindications is the most important safety consideration. International criteria and recommendations for treatment of the cervical spine have been described, as well as safety criteria. A safe traction-manipulation intervention protocol is therefore possible. However, the effects of this protocol on dizziness intensity and dizziness-related disability have not been studied.

To analyze the effects of a traction-manipulation protocol in patients with CD.

The patients were referred by an otoneurologist, and after inclusion were randomly divided into a control group and an intervention group. The intervention was based on the application of a traction-manipulation protocol in the resting position. Dizziness intensity, self-reported disability, and cervical range of motion with and without a fixed gaze were assessed. All data were collected beforehand and at two days and four weeks after intervention.

At the two-days follow-up, statistically significant differences in favor of the intervention were observed between groups in the primary outcomes of dizziness intensity (

<.001) and Dizziness Handicap Inventory (

<.001), and at the four-week follow-up in dizziness intensity (

<.001) and Dizziness Handicap Inventory (


The traction-manipulation protocol reduces the intensity of dizziness, the patient's self-perceived disability, and improves cervical mobility with and without fixed gaze.

The traction-manipulation protocol reduces the intensity of dizziness, the patient's self-perceived disability, and improves cervical mobility with and without fixed gaze.Falloposcopy is the endoscopic examination of the fallopian tubes, which are challenging to access due to their deep body location, small opening from the uterus, and lumen filled with plicae. We and others have developed endoscopes that are inserted through the uterus guided by a hysteroscope into the tubal ostium. To better understand how to utilize these endoscopes either as standalone devices or in concert with everting delivery balloons, a preliminary study of anatomy and mechanical behavior was performed ex vivo on porcine and human fallopian tubes. Segments of fallopian tubes from the isthmus, ampulla and infundibulum were inflated with saline either to bursting or held at sub-burst pressures with saline or a saline-filled balloon. Formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections stained with Masson's trichrome were examined for damage to the mucosa and muscularis. Porcine fallopian tubes tolerated saline pressurization at 15 psi for 1 minute without morphological damage. Balloon inflation to 15 psi caused no apparent damage to the muscle layer or rupture of the fallopian tube, but balloon movement within the tube can denude the mucosal epithelial layer. Human fallopian tubes averaged higher burst pressure values than porcine tubes. Under pressurization, the external tube diameter expanded by minimal to moderate amounts. Human and porcine tissues were similar in histological appearance. These studies suggest that moderate pressurization is acceptable but will not appreciably expand the fallopian tube diameter. The results also indicate that pigs are a reasonable model to study damage from falloscopy as seen in human tissue.Arsenic (As) is a toxic metalloid present in high levels in diverse regions of Argentina. The aim of this study was to determine acute As-mediated toxicity in two different populations of autochthonous Hyalella curvispina amphipods from a reference site (LB) and an agricultural one (FO) within North Patagonia Argentina. Previously, both populations exhibited significant differences in pesticide susceptibility. Lab assays were performed to determine acute lethal concentrations, as well as some biochemical parameters. Lethal concentration (LC50) values obtained after 48 and 96 hr As exposure were not significantly different between these populations, although FO amphipods appeared slightly less susceptible. LC50-48 hr values were 3.33 and 3.92 mg/L As, while LC50-96 hr values were 1.76 and 2.14 mg/L As for LB and FO amphipods. The no observed effect concentration (NOEC) values were 0.5 mg/L As. Cholinesterase (ChE) activity was significantly diminished by As acute exposure (0.5-1.5 mg/L As), indicative of a significant neurotoxic action for this metalloid in both amphipod populations.

Autoři článku: Steenfuentes5207 (Fields Mckenzie)