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To demonstrate the potential of positron emission tomography with

F-fluorodeoxyglucose in the diagnosis of a rare manifestation of lymphoma - peripheral nerve plexus lesions.

A 73-year-old female patient with B-cell small cell lymphoma, stage II B complained of progressive weakness in the lower and upper extremities. The patient was referred for

F-FDG PET/CT to rule out disease progression and evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

The diagnosis of neurolymphomatosis was verified. Neurolymphomatosis differs from paraneoplastic, inflammatory, or drug-induced neuropathies both in terms of clinical manifestations and in terms of prognosis. Difficulties in diagnosis lie in the extreme variety of symptoms and the extensive differential diagnosis.

F-FDG PET/CT is a sensitive method for the diagnosis of neurolymphomatosis.

18F-FDG PET/CT is a sensitive method for the diagnosis of neurolymphomatosis.The review, based on original data, reports in historical aspect about the ambiguous suicidal situation in Russia and its regions and its unique features, the socio-economic burden of suicides and parasuicides; achievements and typical shortcomings of the domestic suicidal service. The groups of the greatest risk of suicidal behavior as targets of priority therapeutic and preventive measures are identified. The ways of developing suicidology as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, improving the structure and function of suicidal services and their key elements, targeted multilevel biopsychosocial interventions and their evaluation are outlined.

To reveal clinical and biological correlations in patients with attenuated symptoms of schizophrenia in the first juvenile depression, namely, the correlation between SOPS and HDRS-21 scores and the levels of activities of glutathione, glutamate and energy metabolism enzymes in the blood of patients.

The study included 81 young men, aged 16-25 years, with the first depressive episode (ICD-10 items F32.1, F32.2, F32.38, F32.8), from which the groups with predominantly attenuated positive symptoms (group 1,

=36) and predominantly attenuated negative symptoms (group 2,

=24), and a group without attenuated schizophrenia symptoms (group 3,

=21) were selected. The control group consisted of 20 mentally healthy men aged 19-25 years. Rabusertib Psychometric methods (SOPS and HDRS-21) and psychopathological methods were used. Activities of cytochrome

oxidase (COX), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzymes were determined spectrophotometrically in blood cee pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of a high clinical risk of psychosis and contributes to the search for markers of the initial stages of schizophrenia.

The discovery of clinical and biological correlations in groups of patients with attenuated symptoms of schizophrenia in the structure of juvenile depression contributes to understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of a high clinical risk of psychosis and contributes to the search for markers of the initial stages of schizophrenia.

To evaluate the association of serum folate levels with schizophrenia and its clinical characteristics in patients from a Russian sample.

Ninety-three patients with schizophrenia and 60 healthy volunteers were examined. Determination of serum folate levels was performed by chemiluminescent immunoassay on microparticles (Architect, Abbott Lab SA). Symptoms of schizophrenia were assessed with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, the Calgary Schizophrenia Depression Scale, the Snight-Hamilton Anhedonia Scale, the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia, the Personal and Social Performance Scale, the Scale for Therapy Side-Effects assessment, Simpson-Angus scales, abnormal involuntary movements scale, Barnes akathisia rating scale. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica 6.0. Since the data distribution was different from normal, non-parametric criteria were used.

Patients had significantly lower folate levels than healthy controls (

=0.00053), mainly in women (

=0.0025). At thained in the Russian sample on the association of folate deficiency with schizophrenia and a wide range of clinical indicators, including those affecting the prognosis of schizophrenia, indicate the high relevance of further study of this topic and the introduction of approaches to augmentation of antipsychotic therapy for schizophrenia with folates.

The results obtained in the Russian sample on the association of folate deficiency with schizophrenia and a wide range of clinical indicators, including those affecting the prognosis of schizophrenia, indicate the high relevance of further study of this topic and the introduction of approaches to augmentation of antipsychotic therapy for schizophrenia with folates.

To evaluate the effectiveness of low doses (25-75 mg/day) of quetiapine (Seroquel) in patients with bipolar affective disorders in a euthymic state with signs of impaired impulse control.

The main criteria for patients' selection were as follows both sex, diagnoses of bipolar affective disorders, remission (euthymic state), adult age (from 18 to 60 years old), stable basic therapy. The duration of the study was 6 weeks, a dose of quetiapine (Seroquel) varied from 25 to 75 mg. The examinations were carried out with the Barratt scale, computerized Go-No-Go and Balloon tests.

The study group included 32 patients (11 men and 21 women), mean age 31.2±9.7 years (minimum 18, maximum 60 years). The changes in Barratt total score (

0.000014, Wilcoxon test, effect size 0.48) and Balloon total earnings (

0.03, Wilcoxon test, effect size 0.22) were statistically significant and reflected clinically significant improvement. The changes of the indices of the Go-No-Go test were not significant. The data of fMRI showed an increase in the connectivity of the cortex of the central and parietal tegmentum of the left hemisphere with other areas of the brain, which correlated with the changes in psychometric and test parameters.

The results of the study showed that add-on of the low doses of quetiapine (Seroquel) significantly decreases impaired impulse control in remitted patients with bipolar affective disorders both in self-evaluation and in risk-taking experimental test. The drop of high level of impulsivity can improve the quality and stability of remission and reduce behavioral risks due to impaired impulse control.

The results of the study showed that add-on of the low doses of quetiapine (Seroquel) significantly decreases impaired impulse control in remitted patients with bipolar affective disorders both in self-evaluation and in risk-taking experimental test. The drop of high level of impulsivity can improve the quality and stability of remission and reduce behavioral risks due to impaired impulse control.

To study the use of Cellex in a population of patients aged 45 to 75 years with ischemic stroke and TIA, with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), with diabetic distal symmetric polyneuropathy.

The study involved 80 patients (men - 52.5%, women - 47.5%) in the rehabilitation period of stroke, including TIA, developed in T2DM. The patients were divided into 2 groups (40 people in each) in the 1st group, patients received Cellex 1.0 ml subcutaneously 1 time per day in addition to routine practice; the 2nd group received only routine practice. Cellex was prescribed in the form of two 10-day treatment courses with a break of 1 month. The range of patients examination during the whole study period (4 visits, 65 days) included an assessment of neurological symptoms (NIHSS, NISLL, DN-4, TSS scales), neurophysiological examination (EMNG), analysis of daily activity (SF-36 questionnaire, the Rivermead Mobility Index, the Modified Rankin Scale), the emotional state assessment on the scale and the effects of therapy on the Clinical Global Impression Scale.

The clinical efficacy of the drug was shown in the form of an improvement of clinical parameters and data on EMNG of the lower extremities on the 60th day of the study. Improvement was observed in 17.5% of patients in the 1st group, while in the 2nd group deterioration was observed in 15.0% of patients, as evidenced by the presence of statistically significant differences. The study drug was also shown to be well tolerated and safe.

The use of the Cellex is effective and safe in patients with T2DM in the recovery period of stroke.

The use of the Cellex is effective and safe in patients with T2DM in the recovery period of stroke.

To assess the incidence of spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 (SCA8) in patients with progressive cerebellar ataxia and describe the clinical features of the SCA8 phenotype in Russian patients.

Genotyping of CTA/CTG repeats in

gene was carried out in 411 patients with degenerative ataxias using fragment analysis. SCA types 1, 2, 3 and 6 as well as Friedreich's ataxia were preliminarily excluded. All patients underwent brain MRI study. Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA), and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA) to screen for cognitive impairment were used.

Six patients with SCA8 (1.5%) were identified as carriers of the expansion in the

gene (91-152 CTA/CTG repeats). All cases were sporadic. Age of onset ranged from 14 to 42 years. All patients had slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, oculomotor disturbances, dysarthria, pyramidal signs, and two patients had cognitive impairment. In one patient the clinical presentation corresponded to multiple system atrophy cerebellar type (ataxia, orthostatic hypotension, cerebellum and brainstem atrophy). Brain MRI study in all patients revealed cerebellar atrophy.

SCA8 is a rare form of autosomal dominant ataxia with a predominance of the classical phenotype. All identified cases of SCA8 were sporadic, which should be taken into account when planning genetic testing in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia.

SCA8 is a rare form of autosomal dominant ataxia with a predominance of the classical phenotype. All identified cases of SCA8 were sporadic, which should be taken into account when planning genetic testing in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia.

To determine the significance of anxiety disorder and comorbid disorders in patients with post-covid brain fog, to determine the effectiveness of the GABAergic nootropic drug with an anxiolytic effect - Anvifen.

92 post-COVID-19 patients with no organic brain damage who complain of brain fog 12 weeks after the onset of COVID-19 symptoms. Group 1 (

=40; 43.4±4.5 years) were treated at home; group 2 (

=32; 44.9±5.5 years) were treated in a hospital without oxygen support; group 3 (

=20; 45.1±4.8 years) were treated in a hospital with oxygen support. Assessment scales Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA); Trail Making Test part B (TMT-B); a scoring questionnaire for the subjective characteristics of sleep; Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS), 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36). According to the indicated scales, no statistically significant differences were found between the groups, therefore, the data of all patients were combined into one group, the indicators were compared before and after treatment (Anvifen 500 mg three times a day for 21 days).

Autoři článku: Stallingswells3498 (Carlson Skovbjerg)