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Tobacco consumed as smoke and smokeless forms is an important preventable public health issue projected to be the single largest cause of mortality worldwide. The aim of the study was to qualitatively assess the attitudes towards smoking, quitting and tobacco control policies among current smokers of different socio-economic status.

An in-depth interview for 10 current smokers and a focus group discussion comprising of 10 current smokers was conducted with a guide and moderator which was audio recorded. About 6, 8 and 6 subjects from white collar, blue collar, and black collar employee status participated in the study. Their tobacco consumption and dependence using the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence scale (FTNDS) was assessed.

About 50% of the participants had low; 30% had moderate and 20% had high nicotine dependency. Most of the participants started smoking by peer influence and continued as it made them to socialize. Relapses during their quit attempt was mainly due to work stress. Participants heard about the control of tobacco act but were unsure of the features in it. They perceived that no changes will happen if government bans production and selling of tobacco products. Also anti-tobacco commercials in social media will have no use. Nicotine replacement therapy may help in quitting the habit.

The study concluded that people in low socio-economic status had high nicotine dependency with inadequate knowledge on tobacco control policies. They strongly believe that an individual's self-restrain only can succeed him in quitting the habit.

The study concluded that people in low socio-economic status had high nicotine dependency with inadequate knowledge on tobacco control policies. They strongly believe that an individual's self-restrain only can succeed him in quitting the habit.

Smoking cessation counseling is not well established in Middle East countries including Palestine. This study assesses the practice of smoking cessation counseling among primary healthcare (PHC) physicians in Palestine and its determinants.

Over the period from April to September 2019, general practitioners, family medicine physicians, obstetricians and gynecologists, and dentists working at the PHC Centers in Palestine were approached through a cross-sectional design using a self-reported questionnaire. Proportionate stratified random sampling approach has been used. Sociodemographic, medical background, smoking cessation counseling training, smoking history, practice, knowledge, attitude, and confidence were evaluated. The proportion of favorable practice has been determined and its relationship with all variables has been evaluated. Ethical approval was received from the National University of An-Najah.

295 physicians were enrolled in the study with an 86% response rate. 75.5% (

= 222) were males wc health campaign for control of tobacco should be taken into account.

Pressure ulcer (PU) is one of the common, neglected and avoidable complications among bedridden patients. Despite the potential to reduce PU incidence, the evidence on the effect of patient/caregiver education is low. This pragmatic randomized controlled trial (CTRI/2011/07/001862) compared the impact of two structured educational interventions to patients and caregivers on prevention of PU in immobile orthopaedic patients.

Ninety-two orthopedically immobile patients (Braden score ≤12 or stage I PU) and their caregivers were (block) randomized into two equal groups. One group was offered Prevention Package 1 (PP1), i.e., self-instruction manual (SIM), one to one training and counselling on PU care practices. The second group (PP2) was given SIM only. Patients were followed equally at the hospital and home after discharge. Intention to treat analysis was conducted.

The cumulative incidence of PU was 8.7% in PP1 and 21.7% in PP2 for the entire study period. PU incidence rate in PP1 and PP2 was 0.9 and 2.4n in PU.

To describe the seizure pattern, treatment strategies and outcome in a series of children with Rolandic seizures or childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes.

Patients were defined as Rolandic epilepsy if on electroencephalographic studies high voltage spike and waves were seen in centrotemporal areas, could be followed by slow waves, often activated on sleep and could shift from one side to other or be secondarily generalized. Typical (TRS) or benign were those with normal intellect. Atypical rolandic seizures (ARS) were those associated with neuroregression of language and cognitive milestones. Patients were treated with antiepileptic drugs if more than one episode occurred or the first episode was generalized status epilepticus.

Thirty-three patients were included over the period of eight years (2012-2020). There was male preponderance (21 males versus 12 females). Four patients (12.12%) later evolved into Landau Kleffner syndrome (ARS group). The mean age of onset of epilepsy in the TRS group (29 patients) was 7.2 (+/-2.2) with the youngest patient being 4 years and the eldest being 12 years. In the ARS group the mean age of onset was 5 yrs. (+/-1.41). In the TRS group, 23 (79.31%) patients were managed on monotherapy AED. Seventeen patients (58.62%) responded (remission) to carbamazepine monotherapy alone. Six patients (20.68%) could afford oxcarbazepine monotherapy and went in remission with this therapy. In the ARS group all patients required three drugs (valproate, clobazam and levetiracetam). By the end of the study period, 23/33 (75.75%) patients remained seizure free.

Most patients with rolandic seizures have excellent prognosis being seizure free around puberty. The neurological outcome in most patients was normal.

Most patients with rolandic seizures have excellent prognosis being seizure free around puberty. The neurological outcome in most patients was normal.

The swine (H1N1) virus responsible for worldwide pandemics since 2009 is now causing seasonal epidemics. Since then alarming spikes of swine flu cases have been reported from Uttarakhand every year. There are limited studies conducted in this Himalayan belt to evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile of the patients admitted in tertiary care hospitals.

This study aims to summarize the clinical and epidemiological attributes of swine flu and to approximate the burden of Influenza A H1N1 (Swine Flu) cases in this Himalayan belt.

Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of influenza A H1N1 cases from October 2018 to April 2019 were retrospectively and descriptively analyzed using data from the Medical Records Section and the isolation ward at Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Sciences; Shri Mahant Indiresh hospital.

A total of 1126 (51.6%) patients were tested of which 30% (338) patients were found to be H1N1 positive. Maximum cases and positivity were detected in the months of January (26.4%), February (50.3%), and March (14.8%), and the patients in the age groups of 41-50 (21.9%) and 51-60 years (19.3%) accounted for majority of the cases. The most common symptoms were fever (85.8%), cough (82.2%), sore throat (82%), and breathlessness (71.3%). A case fatality ratio of 10.9% was observed. A significant statistical association (

value < 0.00001) was reported between co-morbid conditions and death.

According to the results of this study, close caution should be exercised in case of patients infected with H1N1 particularly those with co-morbidities.

According to the results of this study, close caution should be exercised in case of patients infected with H1N1 particularly those with co-morbidities.

Child birth is difficult period and associated with strenuous stress for the birth attendants as well, the parturient ladies, especially in primigravidae whose pelvis has not been tested.

A prospective case-control study at Dongola maternity hospital. To assess mode of delivery and outcome in primigravidae with unengaged head. The study included 248 primigravidae at term, singleton, and in labor, divided into case and control groups equally, unengaged and engaged head.

The overall results among both case and control group revealed no difference in mode of delivery, vaginal delivery was (77.4%) and (83.9%), respectively. The significant findings were head position as it was in the case group 24.2% O.A, 58.1% O.T, and 17.7% O.P. The corresponding figures in control group were 29%, 64.5%, and 6.5%. The difference was significant (

= 0.024). 91.9% of the case group augmented and 77.4% in the control group (

= 0.002). The most interesting significant difference was body mass index. in the control group 3.2% had a BMI of <20 kg/m

, 50% had a BMI 20-25 kg/m

, 16.8% had a BMI 25-30 kg/m

, and 30% had a BMI >30 kg/m

. In the cases, group were 3.7%, 31%, 25.3%, and 40% sequentially with significant difference (

= 0.011).

With good conduction of labor, there were no difference in mode of delivery and outcome in primigravidae with unengaged fetal heads.

With good conduction of labor, there were no difference in mode of delivery and outcome in primigravidae with unengaged fetal heads.

Inflammation, Infections, occupational diseases and neoplastic lesions are common in lungs. In Autopsy internal organs including lungs are studied to decide cause of death and figure out prevalence of various lung lesions. So, prophylactic prevention plan can be prepared for prevention of various lung lesions induced mortality and reducing need for invasive biopsy as well.

To find out frequency of various lung lesions in relation to age and sex and analyze histopathological spectrum of lung lesions.

Non interventional, record based cross sectional, retrospective autopsy study was done on 139 cases of lung autopsy samples at department of pathology of tertiary care hospital, Bhavnagar, Gujarat for 2 years on samples received from January 2016 to January 2018. Lungs were fixed in 10% formalin & processed. Paraffin wax embedding was done & sections stained with H&E stain. Gross and microscopic examination of samples done and diagnosis was done. All findings were recorded and tabulated.

Pneumonia is most common observed pathological lung lesion in our study which suggest that infections of lungs are common cause for mortality. Therefore, we suggest effective implementation of measures to prevent hospital acquired pneumonia may reduce mortality. Smoking was associated in nearly 70% patients. Autopsy study of such lung lesions can provide vision to plan preventive strategy to reduce mortality due to lung pathology.

Pneumonia is most common observed pathological lung lesion in our study which suggest that infections of lungs are common cause for mortality. Therefore, we suggest effective implementation of measures to prevent hospital acquired pneumonia may reduce mortality. Smoking was associated in nearly 70% patients. Autopsy study of such lung lesions can provide vision to plan preventive strategy to reduce mortality due to lung pathology.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced upon sudden lifestyle changes because of nationwide lockdowns mandating isolation at home, affecting daily habits and lifestyle changes. Selleckchem ABBV-744 The present study was conducted with an aim to assess these changes brought about because of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

The web-survey aimed to understand the immediate impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on people by using a structured questionnaire collecting demographic, lifestyle, and dietary information. The survey was disseminated online among the literate, urban, adult population with internet access.

Of the 1,200 people who received the survey, a total of 1,008 respondents participated in the study, aged between 18 and 81 years (Median- 24). An increase in daily screen time has been observed in 56.7% of the population. A decrease in work-related stress was observed in 43% of the population, sleep pattern improved in 36.7% people, and 27.1% of the inactive population showed increased physical activity. A significant decrease in the proportion of people consuming junk food (73.

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