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1542 ulcerative colitis effective targets were obtained with |Log2FC|> 1 and adjusted P-value  less then  0.05. The Venn analysis was contained 79 co-targets. Enrichment analysis showed that HQD played a role in TNF signaling pathway, IL-17 signaling pathway, Th17 cell differentiation, etc. IL6, TNF, IL1B, PTGS2, ESR1, and PPARG with the highest degree from PPI network were successfully docked with 19 core components of HQD, respectively. According to ZINC15 database, quercetin (ZINC4175638), baicalein (ZINC3871633), and wogonin (ZINC899093) recognized as key compounds of HQD on ulcerative colitis. PTGS2, ESR1, and PPARG are potential therapeutic targets of HQD. HQD can act on multiple targets through multi-pathway, to carry out its therapeutic role in ulcerative colitis.Optical imaging is paramount for disease diagnosis and to access its progression over time. The proposed optical flow imaging (VFC/iLIFE) is a powerful technique that adds new capabilities (3D volume visualization, organelle-level resolution, and multi-organelle screening) to the existing system. Unlike state-of-the-art point-illumination-based biomedical imaging techniques, the sheet-based VFC technique is capable of single-shot sectional visualization, high throughput interrogation, real-time parameter estimation, and instant volume reconstruction with organelle-level resolution of live specimens. The specimen flow system was realized on a multichannel (Y-type) microfluidic chip that enables visualization of organelle distribution in several cells in-parallel at a relatively high flow-rate (2000 nl/min). The calibration of VFC system requires the study of point emitters (fluorescent beads) at physiologically relevant flow-rates (500-2000 nl/min) for determining flow-induced optical aberration in the system point spread function (PSF). Subsequently, the recorded raw images and volumes were computationally deconvolved with flow-variant PSF to reconstruct the cell volume. High throughput investigation of the mitochondrial network in HeLa cancer cell was carried out at sub-cellular resolution in real-time and critical parameters (mitochondria count and size distribution, morphology, entropy, and cell strain statistics) were determined on-the-go. These parameters determine the physiological state of cells, and the changes over-time, revealing the metastatic progression of diseases. Overall, the developed VFC system enables real-time monitoring of sub-cellular organelle organization at a high-throughput with high-content capacity.Calpain 1 and 2 (CPN1/2) are calcium-dependent cysteine proteases that exist in cytosol and mitochondria. Pharmacologic inhibition of CPN1/2 decreases cardiac injury during ischemia (ISC)-reperfusion (REP) by improving mitochondrial function. However, the protein targets of CPN1/2 activation during ISC-REP are unclear. CPN1/2 include a large subunit and a small regulatory subunit 1 (CPNS1). Genetic deletion of CPNS1 eliminates the activities of both CPN1 and CPN2. Conditional cardiomyocyte specific CPNS1 deletion mice were used in the present study to clarify the role of CPN1/2 activation in mitochondrial damage during ISC-REP with an emphasis on identifying the potential protein targets of CPN1/2. Isolated hearts from wild type (WT) or CPNS1 deletion mice underwent 25 min in vitro global ISC and 30 min REP. Deletion of CPNS1 led to decreased cytosolic and mitochondrial calpain 1 activation compared to WT. Cardiac injury was decreased in CPNS1 deletion mice following ISC-REP as shown by the decreased infarct size compared to WT. learn more Compared to WT, mitochondrial function was improved in CPNS1 deletion mice following ischemia-reperfusion as shown by the improved oxidative phosphorylation and decreased susceptibility to mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening. H2O2 generation was also decreased in mitochondria from deletion mice following ISC-REP compared to WT. Deletion of CPNS1 also resulted in less cytochrome c and truncated apoptosis inducing factor (tAIF) release from mitochondria. Proteomic analysis of the isolated mitochondria showed that deletion of CPNS1 increased the content of proteins functioning in regulation of mitochondrial calcium homeostasis (paraplegin and sarcalumenin) and complex III activity. These results suggest that activation of CPN1 increases cardiac injury during ischemia-reperfusion by impairing mitochondrial function and triggering cytochrome c and tAIF release from mitochondria into cytosol.Interleukin-7 (IL-7) is a cytokine known for its importance in T cell development and survival. How IL-7 shapes CD8 T cell responses during an acute viral infection is less understood. We had previously shown that IL-7 signaling deficient mice have reduced accumulation of influenza-specific CD8 T cells following influenza infection. We sought to determine whether IL-7 affects early CD8 T cell expansion in the mediastinal lymph node and effector function in the lungs. Using IL-7Rα signaling deficient mice, we show that IL-7 is required for a normal sized mediastinal lymph node and the early clonal expansion of influenza-specific CD8 T cells therein. We show that IL-7 plays a cell-intrinsic role in the accumulation of NP366-374 and PA224-233-specific CD8 T cells in the lymph node. We also found that IL-7 shapes terminal differentiation, degranulation and cytokine production to a greater extent in PA224-233-specific than NP366-374-specific CD8 T cells. We further demonstrate that IL-7 is induced in the lung tissue by viral infection and we characterize multiple cellular sources that contribute to IL-7 production. Our findings on IL-7 and its effects on lower respiratory diseases will be important for expanding the utility of therapeutics that are currently available.Clinical trials evaluating cardiac progenitor cells (CPC) demonstrated feasibility and safety, but no clear functional benefits. Therefore a deeper understanding of CPC biology is warranted to inform strategies capable to enhance their therapeutic potential. Here we have defined, using a label-free proteomic approach, the differential cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments of human CPC (hCPC). Global analysis of cytoplasmic repertoire in hCPC suggested an important hypoxia response capacity and active collagen metabolism. In addition, comparative analysis of the nuclear protein compartment identified a significant regulation of a small number of proteins in hCPC versus human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC). Two proteins significantly upregulated in the hCPC nuclear compartment, IL1A and IMP3, showed also a parallel increase in mRNA expression in hCPC versus hMSC, and were studied further. IL1A, subjected to an important post-transcriptional regulation, was demonstrated to act as a dual-function cytokine with a plausible role in apoptosis regulation. The knockdown of the mRNA binding protein (IMP3) did not negatively impact hCPC viability, but reduced their proliferation and migration capacity. Analysis of a panel of putative candidate genes identified HMGA2 and PTPRF as IMP3 targets in hCPC. Therefore, they are potentially involved in hCPC proliferation/migration regulation.Since critical respiratory muscle workload is a significant determinant of weaning failure, applied mechanical power (MP) during artificial ventilation may serve for readiness testing before proceeding on a spontaneous breathing trial (SBT). Secondary analysis of a prospective, observational study in 130 prolonged ventilated, tracheotomized patients. Calculated MP's predictive SBT outcome performance was determined using the area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), measures derived from k-fold cross-validation (likelihood ratios, Matthew's correlation coefficient [MCC]), and a multivariable binary logistic regression model. Thirty (23.1%) patients failed the SBT, with absolute MP presenting poor discriminatory ability (MCC 0.26; AUROC 0.68, 95%CI [0.59‒0.75], p = 0.002), considerably improved when normalized to lung-thorax compliance (LTCdyn-MP, MCC 0.37; AUROC 0.76, 95%CI [0.68‒0.83], p  less then  0.001) and mechanical ventilation PaCO2 (so-called power index of the respiratory system [PIrs] MCC 0.42; AUROC 0.81 [0.73‒0.87], p  less then  0.001). In the logistic regression analysis, PIrs (OR 1.48 per 1000 cmH2O2/min, 95%CI [1.24‒1.76], p  less then  0.001) and its components LTCdyn-MP (1.25 per 1000 cmH2O2/min, [1.06‒1.46], p  less then  0.001) and mechanical ventilation PaCO2 (1.17 [1.06‒1.28], p  less then  0.001) were independently related to SBT failure. MP normalized to respiratory system compliance may help identify prolonged mechanically ventilated patients ready for spontaneous breathing.Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is an emerging noninvasive brain neuromodulation technique aimed at relieving symptoms associated with psychiatric disorders, including addiction. The goal of the present study was to better identify which phase of alcohol-related behavior (hedonic effect, behavioral sensitization, self-administration, or motivation to obtain the drug) might be modulated by repeated anodal tDCS over the frontal cortex (0.2 mA, 20 min, twice a day for 5 consecutive days), using female mice as a model. Our data showed that tDCS did not modulate the hedonic effects of ethanol as assessed by a conditioned place preference test (CPP) or the expression of ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization. Interestingly, tDCS robustly reduced reacquisition of ethanol consumption (50% decrease) following extinction of self-administration in an operant paradigm. Furthermore, tDCS significantly decreased motivation to drink ethanol on a progressive ratio schedule (30% decrease). Taken together, our results show a dissociation between the effects of tDCS on "liking" (hedonic aspect; no effect in the CPP) and "wanting" (motivation; decreased consumption on a progressive ratio schedule). Our tDCS procedure in rodents will allow us to better understand its mechanisms of action in order to accelerate its use as a complementary and innovative tool to help alcohol-dependent patients maintain abstinence or reduce ethanol intake.This study evaluated the influence of positive peritoneal cytology (PPC) on the prognosis of patients with stage IA endometrial cancer, and the usefulness of adjuvant chemotherapy in their treatment. We retrospectively analyzed the data of patients with stage IA endometrial cancer admitted in our hospital between 2005 and 2015. Among 989 patients who underwent peritoneal cytology, 135 (13.7%) had PPC. Multivariate analysis extracted several independent risk factors for recurrence in stage IA patients, including those with PPC. Adjuvant chemotherapy did not cause a significant difference in the 5-year relapse-free survival rate in patients with PPC (p = 0.78). Similarly, the 5-year recurrence-free survival rate with or without chemotherapy was not different among type II cancer patients (p = 0.11). However, the baseline risk of 5-year relapse-free survival without chemotherapy in patients with PPC and type II was very low (66.7%). While PPC was an independent risk factor for recurrence in stage IA endometrial cancer, adjuvant chemotherapy did not influence the survival rate in patients with PPC. While it is controversial whether adjuvant chemotherapy should be administered in stage IA uterine cancer with only PPC as a prognostic factor, it should be considered for early-stage patients who have multiple risk factors for recurrence.

Autoři článku: Spencerpihl5402 (Rasch Moser)