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The CFGG and CMS surfaces also exhibited only weak spin polarizations suggesting that the half-metallicity expected for these bulk states was not maintained at the surfaces.By neutron spin echo spectroscopy, we have studied the center of mass motion of short tracer chains on the molecular length scale within a highly entangled polymer matrix. The center of mass mean square displacements of the tracers independent of their molecular weight is subdiffusive at short times until it has reached the size of the tube d; then, a crossover to Fickian diffusion takes place. This observation cannot be understood within the tube model of reptation, but is rationalized as a result of important interchain couplings that lead to cooperative chain motion within the entanglement volume ∼d^3. Thus, the cooperative tracer chain motions are limited by the tube size d. If the center of mass displacement exceeds this size, uncorrelated Fickian diffusion takes over. Compared to the prediction of the Rouse model we observe a significantly reduced contribution of the tracer's internal modes to the spectra corroborating the finding of cooperative rather than Rouse dynamics within d^3.Motility-induced phase separation (MIPS), the phenomenon in which purely repulsive active particles undergo a liquid-gas phase separation, is among the simplest and most widely studied examples of a nonequilibrium phase transition. Here, we show that states of MIPS coexistence are in fact only metastable for three-dimensional active Brownian particles over a very broad range of conditions, decaying at long times through an ordering transition we call active crystallization. At an activity just above the MIPS critical point, the liquid-gas binodal is superseded by the crystal-fluid coexistence curve, with solid, liquid, and gas all coexisting at the triple point where the two curves intersect. Nucleating an active crystal from a disordered fluid, however, requires a rare fluctuation that exhibits the nearly close-packed density of the solid phase. The corresponding barrier to crystallization is surmountable on a feasible timescale only at high activity, and only at fluid densities near maximal packing. The glassiness expected for such dense liquids at equilibrium is strongly mitigated by active forces, so that the lifetime of liquid-gas coexistence declines steadily with increasing activity, manifesting in simulations as a facile spontaneous crystallization at extremely high activity.Starting from Shannon's definition of dynamic entropy, we propose a theory to describe the rare-event-determined dynamic states in condensed matter and their transitions and apply it to high-pressure ice VII. A dynamic intensive quantity named dynamic field, rather than the conventional thermodynamic intensive quantities such as temperature and pressure, is taken as the controlling variable. The dynamic entropy versus dynamic field curve demonstrates two dynamic states in the stability region of ice VII and dynamic ice VII. Their microscopic differences were assigned to the dynamic patterns of proton transfer. This study puts a similar dynamical theory used in earlier studies of glass models on a simpler and more fundamental basis, which could be applied to describe the dynamic states of more realistic condensed matter systems.We introduce sequential analysis in quantum information processing, by focusing on the fundamental task of quantum hypothesis testing. In particular, our goal is to discriminate between two arbitrary quantum states with a prescribed error threshold ε when copies of the states can be required on demand. We obtain ultimate lower bounds on the average number of copies needed to accomplish the task. We give a block-sampling strategy that allows us to achieve the lower bound for some classes of states. The bound is optimal in both the symmetric as well as the asymmetric setting in the sense that it requires the least mean number of copies out of all other procedures, including the ones that fix the number of copies ahead of time. click here For qubit states we derive explicit expressions for the minimum average number of copies and show that a sequential strategy based on fixed local measurements outperforms the best collective measurement on a predetermined number of copies. Whereas for general states the number of copies increases as log1/ε, for pure states sequential strategies require a finite average number of samples even in the case of perfect discrimination, i.e., ε=0.In superconducting circuits interrupted by Josephson junctions, the dependence of the energy spectrum on offset charges on different islands is 2e periodic through the Aharonov-Casher effect and resembles a crystal band structure that reflects the symmetries of the Josephson potential. We show that higher-harmonic Josephson elements described by a cos(2φ) energy-phase relation provide an increased freedom to tailor the shape of the Josephson potential and design spectra featuring multiplets of flat bands and Dirac points in the charge Brillouin zone. Flat bands provide noise-insensitive energy levels, and consequently, engineering band pairs with flat spectral gaps can help improve the coherence of the system. We discuss a modified version of a flux qubit that achieves, in principle, no decoherence from charge noise and introduce a flux qutrit that shows a spin-1 Dirac spectrum and is simultaneously quite robust to both charge and flux noise.The spontaneous order of electric and magnetic dipoles in ferroelectrics and ferromagnets even at high temperatures is both fascinating and useful. Transport of magnetism in the form of spin currents is vigorously studied in spintronics, but the polarization current of the ferroelectric order has escaped attention. We therefore present a time-dependent diffusion theory for heat and polarization transport in a planar ferroelectric capacitor with parameters derived from a one-dimensional phonon model. We predict steady-state Seebeck and transient Peltier effects that await experimental discovery.The lack of rotating black hole models, which are typically found in nature, in loop quantum gravity (LQG) substantially hinders the progress of testing LQG from observations. Starting with a nonrotating LQG black hole as a seed metric, we construct a rotating spacetime using the revised Newman-Janis algorithm. The rotating solution is nonsingular everywhere and it reduces to the Kerr black hole asymptotically. In different regions of the parameter space, the solution describes (1) a wormhole without event horizon (which, we show, is almost ruled out by observations), (2) a black hole with a spacelike transition surface inside the event horizon, or (3) a black hole with a timelike transition region inside the inner horizon. It is shown how fundamental parameters of LQG can be constrained by the observational implications of the shadow cast by this object. The causal structure of our solution depends crucially only on the spacelike transition surface of the nonrotating seed metric, while being agnostic about specific details of the latter, and therefore captures universal features of an effective rotating, nonsingular black hole in LQG.

Autoři článku: Spearsdowling0238 (Lloyd Greene)