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Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autoinflammatory fever syndrome distinguished by recurrent attacks of spontaneous peritonitis, pleuritis, fever, and arthritis. It is specifically seen in the ethnic groups of Mediterranean origin, but sporadic cases have been reported in Eastern Europe and America due to migrations. There is a number of cardiac manifestations associated with FMF.

Using PubMed as the search engine, the literature search was done for articles published between 1958 and 2020. To summarize the body of available evidence, a scoping review was carried out to find relevant articles and case reports in patients of FMF with cardiovascular manifestations.

In the literature, there is a number of mechanisms explaining the cause of cardiac involvement in FMF, including the subclinical inflammation and secondary (AA) amyloid deposition in the vessels and the myocardium. There is a variable and often spurious course of these manifestations and it can be associated with a poor prognosis such ashanisms subclinical atherosclerosis and amyloid deposition, and colchicine is the primary treatment of patients with FMF which shows the regression of amyloid deposits and prevents cardiovascular sequelae.Currently, Aedes aegypti, the principal vector of dengue virus in Indonesia, has spread throughout the archipelago. Aedes albopictus is also present. Invasion and high adaptability of the Aedes mosquitoes to all of these areas are closely related to their ecology and biology. Between June 2016 and July 2017, larval and adult mosquito collections were conducted in 43 locations in 25 provinces of Indonesia using standardized sampling methods for dengue vector surveillance. The samples collected were analyzed for polymorphism and phylogenetic relationship using the mitochondrial cox1 gene and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2). Almost all Ae. 6Aminonicotinamide aegypti samples collected in this study (89%) belonged to the same haplotype. A similar situation is observed with the nuclear ITS2 marker. Populations of Ae. aegypti characterized few years ago were genetically different. A closely related observation was made with Aedes albopictus for which the current populations are different from those described earlier. Ae. aegypti populations were found to be highly homogenous all over Indonesia with all samples belonging to the same maternal lineage. Although difficult to demonstrate formally, there is a possibility of population replacement. Although to a lower extent, a similar conclusion was reached with Ae. albopictus.SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause fatal inflammatory lung pathology, including thrombosis and increased pulmonary vascular permeability leading to edema and hemorrhage. In addition to the lung, cytokine storm-induced inflammatory cascade also affects other organs. SARS-CoV-2 infection-related vascular inflammation is characterized by endotheliopathy in the lung and other organs. Whether SARS-CoV-2 causes endotheliopathy by directly infecting endothelial cells is not known and is the focus of the present study. We observed 1) the co-localization of SARS-CoV-2 with the endothelial cell marker CD31 in the lungs of SARS-CoV-2-infected mice expressing hACE2 in the lung by intranasal delivery of adenovirus 5-hACE2 (Ad5-hACE2 mice) and non-human primates at both the protein and RNA levels, and 2) SARS-CoV-2 proteins in endothelial cells by immunogold labeling and electron microscopic analysis. We also detected the co-localization of SARS-CoV-2 with CD31 in autopsied lung tissue obtained from patients who died from severe COVID-19. Comparative analysis of RNA sequencing data of the lungs of infected Ad5-hACE2 and Ad5-empty (control) mice revealed upregulated KRAS signaling pathway, a well-known pathway for cellular activation and dysfunction. Further, we showed that SARS-CoV-2 directly infects mature mouse aortic endothelial cells (AoECs) that were activated by performing an aortic sprouting assay prior to exposure to SARS-CoV-2. This was demonstrated by co-localization of SARS-CoV-2 and CD34 by immunostaining and detection of viral particles in electron microscopic studies. Moreover, the activated AoECs became positive for ACE-2 but not quiescent AoECs. Together, our results indicate that in addition to pneumocytes, SARS-CoV-2 also directly infects mature vascular endothelial cells in vivo and ex vivo, which may contribute to cardiovascular complications in SARS-CoV-2 infection, including multipleorgan failure.A lytic Yersinia pestis phage vB_YpP-YepMm (also named YepMm for briefly) was first isolated from the bone marrow of a Marmota himalayana who died of natural causes on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau in China. Based on its morphologic (isometric hexagonal head and short non-contractile conical tail) and genomic features, we classified it as belonging to the Podoviridae family. At the MOI of 10, YepMm reached maximum titers; and the one-step growth curve showed that the incubation period of the phage was about 10 min, the rise phase was about 80 min, and the lysis amount of the phage during the lysis period of 80 min was about 187 PFU/cell. The genome of the bacteriophage YepMm had nucleotide-sequence similarity of 99.99% to that of the Y. pestis bacteriophage Yep-phi characterized previously. Analyses of the biological characters showed that YepMm has a short latent period, strong lysis, and a broader lysis spectrum. It could infect Y. pestis, highly pathogenic bioserotype 1B/O8 Y. enterocolitica, as well as serotype O1b Y. pseudotuberculosis-the ancestor of Y. pestis. It could be further developed as an important biocontrol agent in pathogenic Yersinia spp. infection.Antibodies are essential molecules for diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by pathogens and their toxins. Antibodies were integrated in our medical repertoire against infectious diseases more than hundred years ago by using animal sera to treat tetanus and diphtheria. In these days, most developed therapeutic antibodies target cancer or autoimmune diseases. The COVID-19 pandemic was a reminder about the importance of antibodies for therapy against infectious diseases. While monoclonal antibodies could be generated by hybridoma technology since the 70ies of the former century, nowadays antibody phage display, among other display technologies, is robustly established to discover new human monoclonal antibodies. Phage display is an in vitro technology which confers the potential for generating antibodies from universal libraries against any conceivable molecule of sufficient size and omits the limitations of the immune systems. If convalescent patients or immunized/infected animals are available, it is possible to construct immune phage display libraries to select in vivo affinity-matured antibodies. A further advantage is the availability of the DNA sequence encoding the phage displayed antibody fragment, which is packaged in the phage particles. Therefore, the selected antibody fragments can be rapidly further engineered in any needed antibody format according to the requirements of the final application. In this review, we present an overview of phage display derived recombinant antibodies against bacterial, viral and eukaryotic pathogens, as well as microbial toxins, intended for diagnostic and therapeutic applications.Contamination of fomites by human norovirus (HuNoV) can initiate and prolong outbreaks. Fomite swabbing is necessary to predict HuNoV exposure and target interventions. Historically, swab recovered HuNoV has been measured by molecular methods that detect viral RNA but not infectious HuNoV. The recent development of HuNoV cultivation in human intestinal enteroids (HIEs) enables detection of infectious HuNoV. It is unknown if the swabbing process and swab matrix will allow for cultivation of fomite recovered HuNoV. We used HIEs to culture swab-recovered HuNoV GII.4 Sydney from experimentally infected surfaces-a hospital bed tray (N = 32), door handle (N = 10), and sanitizer dispenser (N = 11). Each surface was swabbed with macrofoam swabs premoistened in PBS plus 0.02% Tween80. Swab eluate was tested for infectious HuNoV by cultivation in HIE monolayers. Infectious HuNoV can be recovered from surfaces inoculated with at least 105 HuNoV genome equivalents/3 cm2. In total, 57% (N = 53) of recovered swabs contained infectious HuNoV detected by HIEs. No difference in percent positive swabs was observed between the three surfaces at p = 0.2. We demonstrate that fomite swabbing can be combined with the HIE method to cultivate high titer infectious HuNoV from the environment, filling a significant gap in HuNoV detection. Currently, high titers of HuNoV are required to measure growth in HIEs and the HIE system precludes absolute quantification of infectious viruses. However, the HIE system can provide a binary indication of infectious HuNoV which enhances existing detection methods. Identification of infectious HuNoVs from swabs can increase monitoring accuracy, enhance risk estimates, and help prevent outbreaks.

Eicosanoids and intracellular signaling pathways are potential targets for host-directed therapy (HDT) in tuberculosis (TB). We have explored the effect of cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor (COX-2i) treatment on eicosanoid levels and signaling pathways in monocytes.

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from TB patients included in a randomized phase I clinical trial of standard TB treatment with (n=21) or without (n=18) adjunctive COX-2i (etoricoxib) were analyzed at baseline, day 14 and day 56. Plasma eicosanoids were analyzed by ELISA and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), plasma cytokines by multiplex, and monocyte signaling by phospho-flow with a defined set of phospho-specific antibodies.

Lipoxygenase (LOX)-derived products (LXA4 and 12-HETE) and pro-inflammatory cytokines were associated with TB disease severity and were reduced during TB therapy, possibly accelerated by adjunctive COX-2i. Phosphorylation of p38 MAPK, NFkB, Erk1/2, and Akt in monocytes as well as plasma levels of MIG/CXCL9 and procalcitonin were reduced in the COX-2i group compared to controls.

COX-2i may reduce excess inflammation in TB

the LOX-pathway in addition to modulation of phosphorylation patterns in monocytes. Immunomodulatory effects of adjunctive COX-2i in TB should be further investigated before recommended for use as a HDT strategy.

COX-2i may reduce excess inflammation in TB via the LOX-pathway in addition to modulation of phosphorylation patterns in monocytes. Immunomodulatory effects of adjunctive COX-2i in TB should be further investigated before recommended for use as a HDT strategy.Signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) plays an important role in biological balance. Our and others previous studies implied that STAT3 had a great effect on fast-acting innate immunity against tuberculosis (TB). We hypothesized that stat3 SNP down-regulation of STAT3 leads to a change in susceptibility to TB in humans. To test this hypothesis, we investigated STAT3 SNPs using SNP scan™ technique in a case-control study of TB patients (n = 470) and HC subjects (n = 356), and then conducted functional studies of them using cellular models. We found that SNPs in STAT3 3`-UTR of rs1053004 TT and rs1053005 AA genotypes or T-A haplotype were associated with susceptibility to TB or TB severity. While the TT/AA genotype correlated with the low constitutive expression of stat3 and IL-17A in PBMC, the variant stat3 of rs1053004-rs1053005 T-A haplotype indeed reduced stat3 expression in reporter assays. Interestingly, host PBMC expressing the rs1053005 AA genotype and low constitutive stat3 exhibited the reduced ability to mount fast-acting innate immunity against mycobacterial infection in cellular models.

Autoři článku: Sonnefogh1234 (Mahmoud Wilson)