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Based on our results, we propose that the effects of MYSV-infected cucumbers on the development time, fecundity, or preference of T. palmi may not be an important factor in MYSV spread between cucumbers.In the present study we have characterized the biophysical properties of wild-type (WT) α1β2 and α3β2 GABAA receptors and probed the molecular basis for the observed differences. The activation and desensitization behavior and the residual currents of the receptors expressed in HEK293 cells were determined in whole-cell patch clamp recordings. Kinetic parameters of α1β2 and α3β2 activation differed significantly, with α1β2 and α3β2 exhibiting rise times (10-90%) of 24 ± 2 ms and 51 ± 7 ms, respectively. In contrast, the two receptors exhibited largely comparable desensitization behavior with decay currents that could be fitted to exponential functions with two or three components. Most notably, the two receptor compositions displayed different degrees of desentization, with the residual currents of α1β2 and α3β2 constituting 34 ± 2% and 21 ± 2% of the peak current, respectively. The respective contributions of the extracellular domains and the transmembrane/intracellular domains of the α-subunit to these physiological profiles were next assessed in recordings from cells expressing αβ2 receptors comprising chimeric α-subunits. The rise times displayed by α1ECD/α3TMDβ2 and α3ECD/α1TMDβ2 receptors were intermediate to those of WT α1β2 and WT α3β2, and the distribution of the different components of the current decays exhibited by the two chimeric receptors followed the same pattern as the two WT receptors. The residual current exhibited by α1ECD/α3TMDβ2 (23 ± 3%) was similar to that of α3β2 but significantly different from that of α1β2, whereas the residual current displayed by α3ECD/α1TMDβ2 (27 ± 2%) was intermediate to and did not differ significantly from either of the WT receptors. This points to molecular differences in the transmembrane/intracellular domains of the α-subunit as the main determinants of the observed differences in receptor physiology between α1β2 and α3β2 receptors.Background Human breast milk (BM) fortification is required to feed preterm newborns with less than 32 weeks of gestation. However, addition of fortifiers increases osmolarity and osmolarity values higher than 450 mOsm/kg may be related to gastrointestinal pathology. Hence, fortifier selection and dosage are key to achieve optimal feeding. Objectives To compare the effect on osmolality of adding different fortifications, including recently developed formulations, to BM and to study evolution of osmolarity over time in supplemented BM. Methods Frozen mature BM from 10 healthy mothers of premature newborns was fortified with each of the following human milk fortifiers (HMF) AlmirónFortifier®, NANFM85®, or PreNANFM85®. In addition, fortified BMs were modified with one of the following nutritional supplements (NS) Duocal MCT®, Nutricia® AminoAcids Mix, or Maxijul®. Osmolality of BM alone, fortified and/or supplemented was measured at 1 and 22 hours after their preparation. All samples were kept at 4°C throughout n of NSs to PreNAN FM85® at 4% significantly increases osmolality above 450 mOsm/Kg. Thus, using PreNAN FM85® at 5% may be preferable to adding nutritional supplements since nutritional recommendations by the ESPGHAN are reached with a lower increase in osmolality.The pursuit of flood prevention safety and the mitigation of drainage contradiction against an unnecessary influx of floodwater require a modern and efficient model to optimize the management of the initial allocation of flood drainage rights. We attempted to formulate a framework for initial flood drainage rights allocation to promote the sustainable drainage of the Sunan Canal, China. The Pressure-State-Response (PSR) model was constructed using a literature review and interviews with experts and directors using 18 key indicators being determined from field surveys and library studies. We then assessed the flood status of Zhenjiang City, Changzhou City, Wuxi City and Suzhou City in the Sunan Canal zone using an entropy-based matter-element model. The flood drainage rights for a total of 400m3/s was allocated to the four cities in accordance with their flood status. Our research demonstrated that, overall, the four cities may gain the flood drainage rights of 106.67m3/s,120.40m3/s, 118.22m3/s and 54.71m3/s, respectively. Specifically, the calculation of the flood drainage for Wuxi was very close to the actual allocation in 2016, whereas there were differences in the other cities that should not be neglected.Introduction As facility-based deliveries increase globally, maternity registers offer a promising way of documenting pregnancy outcomes and understanding opportunities for perinatal mortality prevention. This study aims to contribute to global quality improvement efforts by characterizing facility-based pregnancy outcomes in Kenya and Uganda including maternal, neonatal, and fetal outcomes at the time of delivery and neonatal discharge outcomes using strengthened maternity registers. Methods Cross sectional data were collected from strengthened maternity registers at 23 facilities over 18 months. Data strengthening efforts included provision of supplies, training on standard indicator definitions, and monthly feedback on completeness. Pregnancy outcomes were classified as live births, early stillbirths, late stillbirths, or spontaneous abortions according to birth weight or gestational age. Discharge outcomes were assessed for all live births. Outcomes were assessed by country and by infant, maternal, and faare. Registers also permit enumeration of pregnancy loss less then 28 weeks. Documenting these earlier losses is an important step towards further mortality reduction for the most vulnerable infants.To address the problem of endogeneity in public opinion research, this study examines the opinions of healthcare held by the foreign born, i.e. those not socialized in the system they are asked to evaluate. It (a) explores the degree to which the healthcare ratings of the foreign born depend on the country's institutional healthcare setting; (b) stresses the importance of referential standards and the significance of knowledge and previous experiences of healthcare services in the country of origin; and (c) investigates differences in healthcare ratings with the length of time foreign born spent in the destination country. This study uses data from the seven rounds of the European Social Survey (2002-2014) and applies multilevel modelling techniques. Results show the institutional characteristics of healthcare services in the country of residence are associated with healthcare evaluations of the foreign born, in particular if these services are compared to those in the country of origin the better healthcare institutions perform relative to those in the country of origin, the higher the healthcare ratings. Although comparisons with the country of origin seem relevant to all foreign born, they are sometimes more important to recent arrivals. This study suggests knowledge and experience of different healthcare institutions change perspectives and evaluations of healthcare. This finding enriches the discussion of the effects of socialisation and adaptation processes in the formation of public opinion.Background Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a devastating gastrointestinal disease of neonates, especially premature neonates. To date, there is no prophylactic treatment against NEC, except breast milk and slow increase in enteral feeding, and there is no antenatal prophylaxis. Aims To assess possible protective effects of antenatal N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) against the intestinal pathophysiological changes associated with NEC in a rat model of NEC and against its associated mortality. Methods Newborn Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 5 groups control (n = 33); NEC (n = 32)-subjected to hypoxia and formula feeding for 4 days to induce NEC; NEC-NAC (n = 34)-with induced NEC and concomitant postnatal NAC administration; NAC-NEC (n = 33)-born to dams treated with NAC for the last 3 days of pregnancy starting at gestational age of 18 days, and then subjected to induced NEC after birth; NAC-NEC-NAC (n = 36)-subjected to induced NEC with both prenatal and postnatal NAC treatment. At day of life 5, weight and survival of pups in the different groups were examined, and pups were euthanized. Ileal TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-10, NFkB p65, iNOS and cleaved caspase 3 protein levels (western blot) and mRNA expression (RT-PCR) were compared between groups. Results Pup mortality was significantly reduced in the NAC-NEC-NAC group compared to NEC (11% vs. 34%, P less then 0.05). Ileal protein levels and mRNA expression of all injury markers tested except IL-10 were significantly increased in NEC compared to control. These markers were significantly reduced in all NAC treatment groups (NEC-NAC, NAC-NEC, and NAC-NEC-NAC) compared to NEC. The most pronounced decrease was observed in the NAC-NEC NAC group. Conclusions Antenatal NAC decreases injury markers and mortality associated with NEC in a rat model. Antenatal administration of NAC may present a novel approach for NEC prophylaxis in pregnancies with risk for preterm birth.Purpose To understand the characteristics of a minority of Australian gay and bisexual men (GBM) who, despite an increase in the number and availability of HIV risk reduction strategies, do not consistently use a strategy to protect themselves from HIV. Methods This analysis is based on data from 2,920 participants in a national, online, prospective observational cohort study. GBM who never or rarely used HIV risk reduction strategies (NRR) were compared with two groups using multivariate logistic regression i) GBM using pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and ii) GBM frequently using risk reduction strategies (FRR) other than PrEP. Results Compared to PrEP users, NRR men were younger (p less then 0.0001), less socially engaged with gay men (p less then 0.0001) and less likely to have completed a postgraduate (p less then 0.05) or undergraduate degree (p less then 0.05). They were also less likely to have recently used amyl nitrite (p less then 0.05), erectile dysfunction medication (p less then 0.05) and cocaine (p less then 0.05) in the previous 6 months. Compared with FRR men, NRR men were less likely to have completed a postgraduate (p less then 0.0001) or undergraduate degree (p less then 0.05), scored higher on the sexual sensation-seeking scale (p less then 0.0001) and were more likely to identify as versatile (p less then 0.05), a bottom (p less then 0.05) or very much a bottom (p less then 0.05) during anal sex. Conclusions NRR men were largely similar to other Australian GBM. However, our analysis suggests it may be appropriate to focus HIV prevention interventions on younger, less socially engaged and less educated GBM, as well as men who prefer receptive anal intercourse to promote the use of effective HIV risk reduction strategies.Background The pattern of myocardial fibrosis differs significantly between different cardiomyopathies. Fibrosis in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is characteristically as patchy and regional but in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) as diffuse and global. We sought to investigate if texture analyses on myocardial native T1 mapping can differentiate between fibrosis patterns in patients with HCM and DCM. Methods We prospectively acquired native myocardial T1 mapping images for 321 subjects (55±15 years, 70% male) 65 control, 116 HCM, and 140 DCM patients. To quantify different fibrosis patterns, four sets of texture descriptors were used to extract 152 texture features from native T1 maps. Seven features were sequentially selected to identify HCM- and DCM-specific patterns in 70% of data (training dataset). Pattern reproducibility and generalizability were tested on the rest of data (testing dataset) using support vector machines (SVM) and regression models. Results Pattern-derived texture features were capable to identify subjects in HCM, DCM, and controls cohorts with 202/237(85.

Autoři článku: Sonnedowling3616 (Riise Enemark)