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a second example of remote VirB anti-silencing at ospD1, which encodes a T3SS anti-activator and effector. Our study highlights that remote transcriptional silencing and anti-silencing occurs more frequently in Shigella than previously thought and it raises the possibility that long-range transcriptional regulation in bacteria may be commonplace. Copyright © 2020 American Society for Microbiology.Technology in bioanalysis, -omics, and computation have evolved over the past half century to allow for comprehensive assessments of the molecular to whole body pharmacology of diverse corticosteroids. Such studies have advanced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) concepts and models that often generalize across various classes of drugs. These models encompass the "pillars" of pharmacology, namely PK and target drug exposure, the mass-law interactions of drugs with receptors/targets, and the consequent turnover and homeostatic control of genes, biomarkers, physiologic responses, and disease symptoms. Pharmacokinetic methodology utilizes noncompartmental, compartmental, reversible, physiologic [full physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) and minimal PBPK], and target-mediated drug disposition models using a growing array of pharmacometric considerations and software. Basic PK/PD models have emerged (simple direct, biophase, slow receptor binding, indirect response, irreversible, turnover with inaynamics (PK/PD) have evolved to provide an array of mechanism-based models that help quantitate the disposition and actions of most drugs. We describe how many basic PK and PK/PD model components were identified and often applied to the diverse properties of corticosteroids (CS). R-848 cell line The CS have complications in disposition and a wide array of simple receptor-to complex gene-mediated actions in multiple organs. Continued assessments of such complexities have offered opportunities to develop models ranging from simple PK to enhanced PK/PD to quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) that help explain therapeutic and adverse CS effects. Concurrent development of state-of-the-art PK, PK/PD, and QSP models are described alongside experimental studies that revealed diverse CS actions. Copyright © 2020 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.HNF4α is a nuclear receptor produced as 12 isoforms from two promoters by alternative splicing. In order to characterize the transcriptional capacities of all 12 HNF4α isoforms, stable lines expressing each isoform were generated. The entire transcriptome associated with each isoform was analyzed as well as their respective interacting proteome. Major differences were noted in the transcriptional function of these isoforms. The α1 and α2 isoforms were the strongest regulators of gene expression while the α3 isoform exhibited significantly reduced activity. The α4, α5 and α6 isoforms, which use an alternative first exon, were characterized for the first time, and showed a greatly reduced transcriptional potential with an inability to recognize the consensus response element of HNF4α. Several transcription factors and coregulators were identified as potential specific partners for certain HNF4α isoforms. An analysis integrating the vast amount of omics data enabled the identification of transcriptional regulatory mechanisms specific to certain HNF4α isoforms, hence demonstrating the importance of considering all isoforms given their seemingly diverse functions. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.High-throughput sequencing methods have created exciting opportunities to explore the regulatory landscape of the entire genome. Here we introduce methods to characterize the genomic locations of bound proteins, open chromatin, and sites of DNA-DNA contact in Xenopus embryos. These methods include chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq), a combination of DNase I digestion and sequencing (DNase-seq), the assay for transposase-accessible chromatin and sequencing (ATAC-seq), and the use of proximity-based DNA ligation followed by sequencing (Hi-C). © 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.BACKGROUND Current guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend screening children for developmental problems by using a standardized screening tool and referring at-risk patients to early intervention (EI) or subspecialists. Adoption of guidelines has been gradual, with research showing many children still not being screened and referred. METHODS We analyzed American Academy of Pediatrics Periodic Survey data from 2002 (response rate = 58%; N = 562), 2009 (response rate = 57%; N = 532), and 2016 (response rate = 47%, N = 469). Surveys included items on pediatricians' knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding screening and referring children for developmental problems. We used descriptive statistics and a multivariable logistic regression model to examine trends in screening and referral practices and attitudes. RESULTS Pediatricians' reported use of developmental screening tools increased from 21% in 2002 to 63% in 2016 (P less then .001). In 2016, on average pediatricians reported referring 59% of their at-risk patients to EI, up from 41% in 2002 (P less then .001), and pediatricians in 2016 were more likely than in 2002 to report being "very likely" to refer a patient with global developmental delay, milestone loss, language delay, sensory impairment, motor delays, and family concern to EI. CONCLUSIONS Pediatricians' reported use of a standardized developmental screening tool has tripled from 2002 to 2016, and more pediatricians are self-reporting making referrals for children with concerns in developmental screening. To sustain this progress, additional efforts are needed to enhance referral systems, improve EI programs, and provide better tracking of child outcomes. Copyright © 2020 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.Quantifying RNA is an important and necessary step before most RNA analysis techniques. Methods for quantifying RNA can be classified into two categories ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometric methods, which are based on the absorption spectra of the purine and pyrimidine bases; and fluorescent dye-based methods, which measure the fluorescence intensity of dyes that selectively fluoresce when bound to nucleic acids. If the RNA sample is pure (i.e., without significant amounts of contaminants such as proteins, phenol, agarose, or other nucleic acids), UV spectrophotometric measurement of the amount of UV irradiation absorbed by the bases is simple and accurate. However, if the sample contains significant quantities of impurities or if the concentration of RNA is very low, it is better to use fluorescent dye-based methods. An overview of spectrophotometric and fluorescent dye-based RNA quantification methods is given here, as are several options for storing purified RNA preparations. Proper storage of RNA samples is important; it can help minimize RNase contamination and consequent sample degradation. © 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.Purified RNA may need to be concentrated by precipitation for downstream applications. Precipitation of RNA with ethanol (or isopropanol) is the standard method to recover RNA from aqueous solutions. © 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.In this protocol, DNA fragments are separated according to size by electrophoresis through low-melting-temperature agarose, and then recovered by melting the agarose and extracting with phenolchloroform. The protocol works best for DNA fragments ranging in size from 0.5 to 5.0 kb. Yields of DNA fragments outside this range are usually lower, but often are sufficient for many purposes. © 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.Mice, rats, or hamsters are immunized by giving biweekly injections of a purified antigen, cultured cells, or cDNA. For mice, if a pure, soluble protein antigen is being used and is abundant, a dose of 50-100 µg in adjuvant at each immunization is a sensible general recommendation; for rats and hamsters, a dose of 100-200 µg is sufficient. Lower doses can be used for antigens with higher immunogenicity. Adjuvants (Freund's, Ribi, Hunter's TiterMax, ImmunEasy, or Alum) should be mixed with the immunizing antigen for the first two immunizations only; Complete Freund's adjuvant is only used with the first immunization. Subsequent immunizations are performed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or normal saline, with or without Incomplete Freund's adjuvant. The choice of adjuvant is dependent on the subclass of immunoglobulin required. Over the course of the 6-wk immunization schedule, each animal usually receives a total of six injections (three subcutaneous and three intraperitoneal). Once a good titer has developed against the antigen of interest, regular boosts and bleeds are performed to collect the maximum amount of serum. For rats and hamsters, boosts should be spaced every 2-3 wk, and serum samples of 400-500 µL should be collected 10-12 d after each boost. For mice, boosts should be spaced every 2-3 wk, and serum samples of 200-300 µL should be collected 10-12 d after each boost. © 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.For most immunoblots developed with chemiluminescence or with fluorochrome-based detection systems, it is possible to remove the primary and secondary antibodies from the membrane without affecting the bound antigen. This allows you to reuse the membrane for detection of another protein antigen. The blots developed with chromogenic substrates can also be stripped of antibodies and reprobed, but the bands detected in the first round of immunoblotting will remain unaffected. Stripping and reprobing of the membrane are particularly useful when the amount of sample is limited or when it is important to accurately compare the signal between two different protein antigens in the same sample. Examples of such experiments include determining the levels of a protein antigen in a series of samples relative to the loading control and comparison of the phosphorylated form to the total levels of the protein in the sample. © 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.Before probing blots for the presence of an antigen, the total composition of the transferred proteins can be determined by staining the nitrocellulose or polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane. Staining for proteins is useful to determine the position of the non-prestained molecular weight markers or individual lanes on the gel and to ensure that efficient transfer has occurred. It can be also used to verify equal loading of the samples in the gel when a comparison of the protein of interest between the different samples is important. The conventional procedures such as Coomassie Blue and silver staining methods used for staining polyacrylamide gels are incompatible with immunoblotting. Ponceau S is the more common staining method in immunoblotting protocols because it is compatible with antibody-antigen binding, is cost efficient, and provides a good contrast between the stained bands and background. In this protocol, nitrocellulose or PVDF membrane is rinsed with ultrapure H2O after the transfer of proteins. Ponceau S dye is applied as an acidic aqueous solution, and the proteins on the membrane are stained with red color. The membrane is briefly destained with water and can be photographed or scanned to obtain the image of the total protein staining. Individual lane positions or the molecular weight standards can be marked with a pencil, if required. © 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

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