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A study of the influence of chronic alcohol intoxication, constant illumination and their combined effects on the morphofunctional state of the rat liver and the circadian rhythms (CR) of the studied parameters of the organism was carried out. It was found that both alcohol and constant illumination caused significant changes in the structure of the liver, as well as in the circadian rhythmicity of micromorphometric parameters of hepatocytes, ALT, and total and direct bilirubin rhythms; however, the combined effects of ethanol and constant illumination had the most significant effect on the studied parameters of the organism. These two factors caused disturbances in the circadian rhythms of the micromorphometric parameters of hepatocytes, disruption of the circadian rhythms of total protein, albumin, AST, ALT, and direct and total bilirubin, as well as disturbances in the expression and rhythmicity of the studied clock genes against a background of the development of an inflammatory process in the liver.Natural pyrethrins have been widely used as natural pesticides due to their low mammalian toxicity and environmental friendliness. Smad inhibitor Previous studies have mainly focused on Tanacetumcinerariifolium, which contains high levels of pyrethrins and volatile terpenes that play significant roles in plant defense and pollination. However, there is little information on T. coccineum due to its lower pyrethrin content and low commercial value. In this study, we measured the transcriptome and metabolites of the leaves (L), flower buds (S1), and fully blossomed flowers (S4) of T. coccineum. The results show that the expression of pyrethrins and precursor terpene backbone genes was low in the leaves, and then rapidly increased in the S1 stage before decreasing again in the S4 stage. The results also show that pyrethrins primarily accumulated at the S4 stage. However, the content of volatile terpenes was consistently low. This perhaps suggests that, despite T. coccineum and T. cinerariifolium having similar gene expression patterns and accumulation of pyrethrins, T. coccineum attracts pollinators via its large and colorful flowers rather than via inefficient and metabolically expensive volatile terpenes, as in T. cinerariifolium. This is the first instance of de novo transcriptome sequencing reported for T. coccineum. The present results could provide insights into pyrethrin biosynthetic pathways and will be helpful for further understanding how plants balance the cost-benefit relationship between plant defense and pollination.Psoriasis is a multifactorial genetic disease for which the genetic factors explain about 70% of disease susceptibility. Up to 30-40% of psoriasis patients develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA). However, PsA can be considered as a "disease within a disease", since in most cases psoriasis is already present when joint complaints begin. This has made studies that attempt to unravel the genetic basis for both components of psoriatic disease enormously difficult. Psoriatic disease is also accompanied by a high burden of comorbid conditions, mainly of the cardiometabolic type. It is currently unclear whether these comorbidities and psoriatic disease have a shared genetic basis or not. The nuclear factor of kappa light chain enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) is a transcription factor that regulates a plethora of genes in response to infection, inflammation, and a wide variety of stimuli on several cell types. This mini-review is focused on recent findings that highlight the importance of this pathway both in the susceptibility and in the determinism of some features of psoriatic disease. We also briefly review the importance of genetic variants of this pathway as biomarkers of pharmacological response. All the above may help to better understand the etiopathogenesis of this complex entity.This study investigated the effects of l-glutamine (Gln) and/or l-leucine (Leu) administration on sepsis-induced skeletal muscle injuries. C57BL/6J mice were subjected to cecal ligation and puncture to induce polymicrobial sepsis and then given an intraperitoneal injection of Gln, Leu, or Gln plus Leu beginning at 1 h after the operation with re-injections every 24 h. All mice were sacrificed on either day 1 or day 4 after the operation. Blood and muscles were collected for analysis of inflammation and oxidative damage-related biomolecules. Results indicated that both Gln and Leu supplementation alleviated sepsis-induced skeletal muscle damage by reducing monocyte infiltration, calpain activity, and mRNA expression levels of inflammatory cytokines and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α. Furthermore, septic mice treated with Gln had higher percentages of blood anti-inflammatory monocytes and muscle M2 macrophages, whereas Leu treatment enhanced the muscle expressions of mitochondrion-related genes. However, there were no synergistic effects when Gln and Leu were simultaneously administered. These findings suggest that both Gln and Leu had prominent abilities to attenuate inflammation and degradation of skeletal muscles in the early and/or late phases of sepsis. Moreover, Gln promoted the switch of leukocytes toward an anti-inflammatory phenotype, while Leu treatment maintained muscle bioenergetic function.Platelets in atherosclerosis, bypass stenosis, and restenosis have been extensively assessed. However, a sequential ultrastructural study of platelets in angiogenesis during the early phases of these lesions has received less attention. Our objective was the study of platelets in angiogenesis and vessel regression during intimal thickening (IT) formation, a precursor process of these occlusive vascular diseases. For this purpose, we used an experimental model of rat occluded arteries and procedures for ultrastructural observation. The results show (a) the absence of platelet adhesion in the de-endothelialized occluded arterial segment isolated from the circulation, (b) that intraarterial myriad platelets contributed from neovessels originated by sprouting angiogenesis from the periarterial microvasculature, (c) the association of platelets with blood components (fibrin, neutrophils, macrophages, and eosinophils) and non-polarized endothelial cells (ECs) forming aggregates (spheroids) in the arterial lumen, (d) the establishment of peg-and-socket junctions between platelets and polarized Ecs during intussusceptive angiogenesis originated from the EC aggregates, with the initial formation of IT, and (e) the aggregation of platelets in regressing neovessels ('transitory paracrine organoid') and IT increases. In conclusion, in sprouting and intussusceptive angiogenesis and vessel regression during IT formation, we contribute sequential ultrastructural findings on platelet behavior and relationships, which can be the basis for further studies using other procedures.Excessive cardiac fibrosis plays a crucial role in almost all types of heart disease. Generally, cardiac fibrosis is a scarring process triggered in response to stress, injury, or aging and is characterized by the accumulation of activated myofibroblasts that deposit high levels of extracellular matrix proteins in the myocardium. While it is beneficial for cardiac repair in the short term, it can also result in pathological remodeling, tissue stiffening, and cardiac dysfunction, contributing to the progression of heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden cardiac death. Despite its high prevalence, there is a lack of effective and safe therapies that specifically target myofibroblasts to inhibit or even reverse pathological cardiac fibrosis. In the past few decades, cell therapy has been under continuous evaluation as a potential treatment strategy, and several studies have shown that transplantation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) can reduce cardiac fibrosis and improve heart function. Mechanistically, it is believed that the heart benefits from MSC therapy by stimulating innate anti-fibrotic and regenerative reactions. The mechanisms of action include paracrine signaling and cell-to-cell interactions. In this review, we provide an overview of the anti-fibrotic properties of MSCs and approaches to enhance them and discuss future directions of MSCs for the treatment of cardiac fibrosis.Abnormal accumulation of Tau protein is closely associated with neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment and it is a biomarker of neurodegeneration in the dementia field, especially in Alzheimer's disease (AD); therefore, it is crucial to be able to assess the Tau deposits in vivo. Beyond the fluid biomarkers of tauopathy described in this review in relationship with the brain glucose metabolic patterns, this review aims to focus on tauopathy assessment by using Tau PET imaging. In recent years, several first-generation Tau PET tracers have been developed and applied in the dementia field. Common limitations of first-generation tracers include off-target binding and subcortical white-matter uptake; therefore, several institutions are working on developing second-generation Tau tracers. The increasing knowledge about the distribution of first- and second-generation Tau PET tracers in the brain may support physicians with Tau PET data interpretation, both in the research and in the clinical field, but an updated description of differences in distribution patterns among different Tau tracers, and in different clinical conditions, has not been reported yet. We provide an overview of first- and second-generation tracers used in ongoing clinical trials, also describing the differences and the properties of novel tracers, with a special focus on the distribution patterns of different Tau tracers. We also describe the distribution patterns of Tau tracers in AD, in atypical AD, and further neurodegenerative diseases in the dementia field.Truffles of the Tuber species are known as expensive foods, mainly for their distinct aroma and taste. This high price makes them a profitable target of food fraud, e.g., the misdeclaration of cheaper truffle species as expensive ones. While many studies investigated truffles on the metabolomic level or the volatile organic compounds extruded by them, research at the proteome level as a phenotype determining basis is limited. In this study, a bottom-up proteomic approach based on LC-MS/MS measurements in data-independent acquisition mode was performed to analyze the truffle species Tuber aestivum, Tuber albidum pico, Tuber indicum, Tuber magnatum, and Tuber melanosporum, and a protein atlas of the investigated species was obtained. The yielded proteomic fingerprints are unique for each of the of the five truffle species and can now be used in case of suspected food fraud. First, a comprehensive spectral library containing 9000 proteins and 50,000 peptides was generated by two-dimensional liquid chromatographys potential protein markers in the establishment of targeted analysis methods. Lastly, the obtained data may serve in the future as a basis for deciphering the biochemistry of truffles more deeply as well, when protein databases of the different truffle species will be more complete.Cytosolic pH homeostasis is a precondition for the normal growth and stress responses in plants, and H+ flux across the plasma membrane is essential for cytoplasmic pH control. Hence, this review focuses on seven types of proteins that possess direct H+ transport activity, namely, H+-ATPase, NHX, CHX, AMT, NRT, PHT, and KT/HAK/KUP, to summarize their plasma-membrane-located family members, the effect of corresponding gene knockout and/or overexpression on cytosolic pH, the H+ transport pathway, and their functional regulation by the extracellular/cytosolic pH. In general, H+-ATPases mediate H+ extrusion, whereas most members of other six proteins mediate H+ influx, thus contributing to cytosolic pH homeostasis by directly modulating H+ flux across the plasma membrane. The fact that some AMTs/NRTs mediate H+-coupled substrate influx, whereas other intra-family members facilitate H+-uncoupled substrate transport, demonstrates that not all plasma membrane transporters possess H+-coupled substrate transport mechanisms, and using the transport mechanism of a protein to represent the case of the entire family is not suitable.

Autoři článku: Soelbergdyer3158 (Finley Lauritzen)