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Anti-ribosomal P (anti-Rib-P) antibody is a specific serological marker for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and routinely tested by targeting the common epitope of three ribosomal proteins of P0, P1 and P2. This study aimed to investigate if testing antibodies against individual ribosomal protein, but not the common epitope, is required to achieve the best diagnostic benefit in SLE.

The study included 82 patients with SLE and 22 healthy donors. Serum antibodies were determined by ELISA and immunoblot.

The prevalence of each antibody determined by ELISA was 35.4% (anti-Rib-P), 45.1% (anti-Rib-P0), 32.9% (anti-Rib-P1) and 40.2% (anti-Rib-P2) at 99% specificity, respectively. Of 53 patients with negative anti-Rib-P antibody, 21 (39.6%) were positive for anti-Rib-P0, 9 (17.0%) for anti-Rib-P1 and 12 (22.6%) for anti-Rib-P2 antibody. The positive rate of anti-Rib-P antibody detected by ELISA was close to the results by immunoblot (33.4%). Patients with any of these antibodies were featured by higher disease activity and prevalence of skin rashes than those with negative antibodies. Moreover, each antibody was particularly related to some clinical and laboratory disorders. The distribution of subclasses of IgG1-4 was varied with each antibody. Anti-Rib-P0 IgG1 and IgG3 were strongly correlated with disease activity and lower serum complement components 3 and 4.

Anti-Rib-P antibody is not adequate to predict the existence of antibodies against ribosomal P0, P1 and P2 protein. The examination of antibodies against each ribosomal protein is required to achieve additional diagnostic benefit and to evaluate the association with clinical and serological disorders as well.

Anti-Rib-P antibody is not adequate to predict the existence of antibodies against ribosomal P0, P1 and P2 protein. The examination of antibodies against each ribosomal protein is required to achieve additional diagnostic benefit and to evaluate the association with clinical and serological disorders as well.It is necessary to develop an understanding of the specific mechanisms involved in alpha-synuclein aggregation and propagation to develop disease modifying therapies for age-related synucleinopathies, including Parkinson's disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies. To adequately address this question, we developed a new transgenic mouse model of synucleinopathy that expresses human A53T SynGFP under control of the mouse prion protein promoter. Our characterization of this mouse line demonstrates that it exhibits several distinct advantages over other, currently available, mouse models. This new model allows rigorous study of the initial location of Lewy pathology formation and propagation in the living brain, and strongly suggests that aggregation begins in axonal structures with retrograde propagation to the cell body. This model also shows expeditious development of alpha-synuclein pathology following induction with small, in vitro-generated alpha-synuclein pre-formed fibrils (PFFs), as well as accelerated cell death of inclusion-bearing cells. Using this model, we found that aggregated alpha-synuclein somatic inclusions developed first in neurons, but later showed a second wave of inclusion formation in astrocytes. Interestingly, astrocytes appear to survive much longer after inclusion formation than their neuronal counterparts. This model also allowed careful study of peripheral-to-central spread of Lewy pathology after PFF injection into the hind limb musculature. Our results clearly show evidence of progressive, retrograde trans-synaptic spread of Lewy pathology through known neuroanatomically connected pathways in the motor system. As such, we have developed a promising tool to understand the biology of neurodegeneration associated with alpha-synuclein aggregation and to discover new treatments capable of altering the neurodegenerative disease course of synucleinopathies.

For decades, 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing has been the primary means for identifying the bacterial species present in a sample with unknown composition. One of the most widely used tools for this purpose today is the QIIME (Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology) package. Recent results have shown that the newest release, QIIME 2, has higher accuracy than QIIME, MAPseq, and mothur when classifying bacterial genera from simulated human gut, ocean, and soil metagenomes, although QIIME 2 also proved to be the most computationally expensive. Kraken, first released in 2014, has been shown to provide exceptionally fast and accurate classification for shotgun metagenomics sequencing projects. Bracken, released in 2016, then provided users with the ability to accurately estimate species or genus relative abundances using Kraken classification results. Kraken 2, which matches the accuracy and speed of Kraken 1, now supports 16S rRNA databases, allowing for direct comparisons to QIIME and similar systems.


Kraken 2 and Bracken provide a very fast, efficient, and accurate solution for 16S rRNA metataxonomic data analysis. Video Abstract.

Kraken 2 and Bracken provide a very fast, efficient, and accurate solution for 16S rRNA metataxonomic data analysis. Video Abstract.

This study was performed to evaluate the clinicopathologic characteristics of Lymph Node metastasis between investing layer of Cervical fascia and deep fascia of infrahyoid strap Muscles (LNCM) in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC).

Retrospective review of patients with PTC who underwent thyroidectomy and central compartment neck dissection (CND) from January 2016 to January 2018 was performed in two tertiary referral academic medical centers. A total of 2104 consecutive patients with PTC who underwent thyroidectomy and CND were included in the retrospective review. The LNCM was resected as a separate specimen by the surgeon and the clinicopathologic characteristics of the patients were recorded. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify risk factors for LNCM metastasis.

Of 2104 PTC patients, 451 patients (21.4%) had lymph nodes in the LNCM. Among them, 68 (15.1%) cases were confirmed to be positive in the LNCM. In total, the metastasis rate of LNCM in PTC patients was 3.2% (68/2104). Univariate analysis revealed that the metastasis of LNCM were more likely to have a primary site in the inferior pole, extrathyroidal extension (ETE), central cervical metastasis, level III and level IV metastasis. Multivariate analysis further showed tumor location in the inferior pole, ETE, level III and level IV metastasis conferred a significantly increased odds ratio for LNCM metastasis.

Attention should be paid to the lymph tissue in the LNCM for PTC patients, especially in presence of a primary site in the inferior pole, ETE, level III and level IV metastasis.

Attention should be paid to the lymph tissue in the LNCM for PTC patients, especially in presence of a primary site in the inferior pole, ETE, level III and level IV metastasis.

To investigate the diagnostic value of arterial spin labeling (ASL) and intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging in distinguishing nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in T1 stage from healthy controls (HC).

Forty-five newly diagnosed NPC patients in the T1 stage and thirty-one healthy volunteers who underwent MR examinations for both 3D pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL) and IVIM were enrolled in this study. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the mean values of blood flow (BF) derived from pCASL and IVIM derived parameters, including apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), pure molecular diffusion (D), pseudo-diffusion coefficient (D*) and perfusion fraction (f) between NPC tumor and benign nasopharyngeal mucosa of HC. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) was performed to determine diagnostic cutoff and efficiency. The correlation coefficients among parameters were investigated using Spearman's test.

The NPC in the T1 stage showed higher mean BF, lower ADC, D, and f compared to benign nasopharyngeal mured to IVIM in distinguishing malignant lesions from healthy tissue.

The ability to understand another's emotions and act appropriately, empathy, is an important mediator of relationship function and health intervention fidelity. We adapted the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) - an empathy scale - among seroconcordant expectant couples with HIV in the Homens para Saúde Mais (HoPS+) trial - a cluster randomized controlled trial assessing couple-based versus individual treatment on viral suppression - in Zambézia Province, Mozambique.

Using baseline data from 1332 HoPS+ trial participants (666 couples), an exploratory factor analysis assessed culturally relevant questions from the IRI. Because empathy is interdependent among couples, we validated the results of the exploratory factor analysis using a dyadic confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with dyadic measurement invariance testing. Finally, we assessed the relationship between scores on our final scale and basic demographic characteristics (sex, age, education, and depression) using t-tests.

We found two subscales 1each relates to retention in HIV, adherence to treatment, and prevention of maternal to child HIV transmission. Furthermore, this scale can be adapted for other sub-Saharan African populations, which will allow researchers to better assess HIV-related intervention efficacy.

This study is within the context of the HoPS+ trial, registered at as number NCT03149237 . Registered May 11, 2017.

This study is within the context of the HoPS+ trial, registered at as number NCT03149237 . Registered May 11, 2017.

The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the effect of iron supplementation during total knee arthroplasty (TKA) (1) Is the iron supplementation necessary during TKA? (2) When is the optimal timing of iron supplementation? (3) Which is better, between orally and intravenously administered iron supplementation? And (4) What is the optimal dose of iron supplementation?

A rigorous and systematic approach was used and each of the selected studies was evaluated for methodological quality. Data about study design, total number of cases enrolled, iron administration method, timing, and dose were extracted. Change in hemoglobin and transfusion rates were extracted to evaluate the effectiveness of iron supplementation.

Eleven studies were included in the final analysis. Most of studies reported that hemoglobin change between iron and control group did not show any difference. Only one study reported that iron supplementation could reduce the decrease in hemoglobin. However, transfusion rate showed ad transfusion rate.

Repair of a meniscal tear is indicated in certain conditions. Despite extensive research on the biomechanics of various repair methods, there has been minimal investigation of whether the suture material influences the meniscal-suture construct. The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanical properties of nine different suture materials under cyclic and load-to-failure conditions.

Ninety porcine menisci were randomly allocated to simple suture placement using either Ultrabraid®, Ultratape®, Magnum Wire®, TigerWire®, TigerTape®, LabralTape®, Orthocord®, 0 FiberWire®, or 2-0 FiberWire®. Each suture-meniscus specimen underwent cyclic loading followed by load-to-failure testing. Elongation, maximum load to failure, stiffness, and mode of failure were recorded and compared between each suture type using non-parametric testing. Mean ± standard deviation was reported and the statistical significance was p < 0.05.

Elongation during cyclic loading was lowest with 2-0 FiberWire (0.95 ± 0.17 mm); this value was statistically significantly different than the results for all other sutures except 0 FiberWire® (1.

Autoři článku: Soelbergantonsen1845 (Caspersen Lynn)