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As a multifaceted disease, atherosclerosis is often characterized by the formation and accumulation of plaque anchored to the inner wall of the arteries and causes some cardiovascular diseases and vascular embolism. Numerous studies have reported on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. However, fewer studies focused on both genes and immune cells, and the correlation of genes and immune cells was evaluated via comprehensive bioinformatics analyses.

29 samples of atherosclerosis-related gene expression profiling, including 16 human advanced atherosclerosis plaque (AA) and 13 human early atherosclerosis plaque (EA) samples from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, were analyzed to get differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and the construction of protein and protein interaction (PPI) networks. Besides, we detected the relative fraction of 22 immune cell types in atherosclerosis by using the deconvolution algorithm of "cell type identification by estimating relative subsets of RNA transcripts (CIBERSORmune cells in the progression of atherosclerosis, as well as provide insight for discovering new treatments and drugs.

In this study, we suggested that the progression of atherosclerosis might be related to CD86, C1QB, CD53, C1QC, NCF2, and ITGAM and that it plays a role in regulating immune-competent cells such as T cell CD8 and macrophages M0 and M2. These results will enable studies of the potential genes associated with immune cells in the progression of atherosclerosis, as well as provide insight for discovering new treatments and drugs.This special issue of evolutionary applications focused on the evolution of cancer has provided a wealth of different viewpoints and results from leaders in the field. Together, these papers emphasize the importance of a broad perspective in order to understand why we and other animals get cancer, how it evolves within an individual, and what we can do about it. We can no longer take reductionist approaches that consider only the cancer cells and their genes. Instead, we need to understand how millions of years of evolution have guided strategies that shape cancer risk, why cancer risk varies across different animals, how cancer risk can vary in a population and be influenced by ecology (and influence this ecology), and of course how cancers evolve within us and the evolutionarily informed strategies to counter their impact. My goal here will be to "bring it all home," providing a refresher of lessons learned with added kibitzing.Carcinogenesis is a process of somatic evolution. Previous models of stem and transient amplifying cells in epithelial proliferating units like colonic crypts showed that intermediate numbers of stem cells in a crypt should optimally prevent progression to cancer. If a stem cell population is too small, it is easy for a mutator mutation to drift to fixation. If it is too large, it is easy for selection to drive cell fitness enhancing carcinogenic mutations to fixation. Here, we show that a multiscale microsimulation, that captures both within-crypt and between-crypt evolutionary dynamics, leads to a different conclusion. Epithelial tissues are metapopulations of crypts. We measured time to initiation of a neoplasm, implemented as inactivation of both alleles of a tumor suppressor gene. In our model, time to initiation is dependent on the spread of mutator clones in the crypts. The proportion of selectively beneficial and deleterious mutations in somatic cells is unknown and so was explored with a parameter. When the majority of non-neutral mutations are deleterious, the fitness of mutator clones tends to decline. When crypts are maintained by few stem cells, intercrypt competition tends to remove crypts with fixed mutators. When there are many stem cells within a crypt, there is virtually no crypt turnover, but mutator clones are suppressed by within-crypt competition. If the majority of non-neutral mutations are beneficial to the clone, then these results are reversed and intermediate-sized crypts provide the most protection against initiation. These results highlight the need to understand the dynamics of turnover and the mechanisms that control homeostasis, both at the level of stem cells within proliferative units and at the tissue level of competing proliferative units. Determining the distribution of fitness effects of somatic mutations will also be crucial to understanding the dynamics of tumor initiation and progression.Cancer is a widespread disease that affects most of the metazoans. However, cancer development is a slow process and, long before causing the death of the individual, may weaken organisms' capacities and impair their interactions with other species. Yet, the impact of cancer development on biotic interactions, and over the dynamics of the whole ecosystem, is still largely unexplored. BMS-387032 chemical structure As well, the feedback of altered biotic interactions on the evolution of resistance against cancer in the context of community ecology has not been investigated. From this new perspective, we theoretically investigate how cancer can challenge expected interaction outcomes in a predator-prey model system, and how, in return, these altered interaction outcomes could affect evolution of resistance mechanism against cancer. First, we demonstrate a clear difference between prey and predator vulnerability to cancer, with cancer having a limited impact on prey populations. Second, we show that biotic interactions can surprisingly lead to a null or positive effect of cancer on population densities. Finally, our evolutionary analysis sheds light on how biotic interactions can lead to diverse resistance levels in predator populations. While its role in ecosystems is mostly unknown, we demonstrate that cancer in wildlife is an important ecological and evolutionary force to consider.Ecological and evolutionary concepts have been widely adopted to understand host-pathogen dynamics, and more recently, integrated into wildlife disease management. Cancer is a ubiquitous disease that affects most metazoan species; however, the role of oncogenic phenomena in eco-evolutionary processes and its implications for wildlife management and conservation remains undeveloped. link2 Despite the pervasive nature of cancer across taxa, our ability to detect its occurrence, progression and prevalence in wildlife populations is constrained due to logistic and diagnostic limitations, which suggests that most cancers in the wild are unreported and understudied. Nevertheless, an increasing number of virus-associated and directly transmissible cancers in terrestrial and aquatic environments have been detected. Furthermore, anthropogenic activities and sudden environmental changes are increasingly associated with cancer incidence in wildlife. This highlights the need to upscale surveillance efforts, collection of critirategies for screening cancer incidence in wildlife and discuss how to integrate ecological and evolutionary concepts in the management of current and future cancer epizootics.Studies of model animals like mice and rats have led to great advances in our understanding of the process of tumorigenesis, but this line of study has less to offer for understanding the mechanisms of cancer resistance. Increasing the diversity of nonmodel species from the perspective of molecular mechanisms of natural cancer resistance can lead to new insights into the evolution of protective mechanisms against neoplastic processes and to a wider understanding of natural cancer defense mechanisms. Such knowledge could then eventually be harnessed for the development of human cancer therapies. We suggest here that seabirds are promising, albeit currently completely ignored candidates for studying cancer defense mechanisms, as they have a longer maximum life span than expected from their body size and rates of energy metabolism and may have thus evolved mechanisms to limit neoplasia progression, especially at older ages. We here apply a novel, intraspecific approach of comparing old and young seabirds for improving our understanding of aging and neoplastic processes in natural settings. We used the long-lived common gulls (Larus canus) for studying the age-related pattern of expression of cancer-related genes, based on transcriptome analysis and databases of orthologues of human cancer genes. The analysis of differently expressed cancer-related genes between young and old gulls indicated that similarly to humans, age is potentially affecting cancer risk in this species. Out of eleven differentially expressed cancer-related genes between the groups, three were likely artifactually linked to cancer. The remaining eight were downregulated in old gulls compared to young ones. The downregulation of five of them could be interpreted as a mechanism suppressing neoplasia risk and three as increasing the risk. Based on these results, we suggest that old gulls differ from young ones both from the aspect of cancer susceptibility and tumor suppression at the genetic level.It is increasingly suggested that ecological and evolutionary sciences could inspire novel therapies against cancer but medical evidence of this remains scarce at the moment. The Achilles heel of conventional and targeted anticancer treatments is intrinsic or acquired resistance following Darwinian selection; that is, treatment toxicity places the surviving cells under intense evolutionary selective pressure to develop resistance. Here, we review a set of data that demonstrate that Darwinian principles derived from the "smoke detector" principle can instead drive the evolution of malignant cells toward a different trajectory. Specifically, long-term exposure of cancer cells to a strong alarm signal, generated by the DNA repair inhibitor AsiDNA, induces a stable new state characterized by a down-regulation of the targeted pathways and does not generate resistant clones. This property is due to the original mechanism of action of AsiDNA, which acts by overactivating a "false" signaling of DNA damage through DNA-PK and PARP enzymes, and is not observed with classical DNA repair inhibitors such as the PARP inhibitors. Long-term treatment with AsiDNA induces a new "alarm down" state in the tumor cells with decrease in NAD level and reactiveness to it. These results suggest that agonist drugs such as AsiDNA could promote a state-dependent tumor cell evolution by lowering their ability to respond to high "danger" signal. This analysis provides a compelling argument that evolutionary ecology could help drug design development in overcoming fundamental limitation of novel therapies against cancer due to the modification of the targeted tumor cell population during treatment.Cancer treatment is often aimed at achieving rapid, large, and sustained reductions in tumor burden. link3 Even when these strong responses are achieved, treatment frequently fails due to the emergence of drug-resistant cell lineages. Over the last decade, a variety of authors have suggested that treatment should instead be aimed at containing resistance rather than curing the patient. That new philosophy poses a dilemma how to choose between treatment regimens that can sometimes cure the patient and regimens that can delay progression but not cure the patient? Here, we investigate that choice. We define aspects of the evolution and ecology of tumor dynamics that determine whether it is better to attempt cure or to manage resistance. Even when it is possible to manage resistance and delay progression, this may not be the best treatment option. We show that the best option depends on how "cure" and "delaying progression" are prioritized, and how those priorities will vary among patients. We also discuss the difficulties of comparing in clinical trials traditional strategies that can sometimes successfully cure to alternative approaches where cure is not possible.

Autoři článku: Sloanpaul9019 (Espinoza Obrien)