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Respondents often stated that their relative had to be cared for and die outside their own home, which the relative did not want.

Our findings suggest the necessity for greater awareness of patients' and their relatives' needs in the last year of life. Addressing individual needs, integrating palliative and hospice care in acute hospitals and other healthcare structures, and identifying patients in their last year of life and their caregivers could help to achieve more targeted interventions and optimization of care.

Our findings suggest the necessity for greater awareness of patients' and their relatives' needs in the last year of life. Addressing individual needs, integrating palliative and hospice care in acute hospitals and other healthcare structures, and identifying patients in their last year of life and their caregivers could help to achieve more targeted interventions and optimization of care.

Health-Care Coalitions (HCCs) provide an important emergency response safety net function across the United States in preparedness and responses to disasters. A key challenge is the variation in the maturity and operational readiness of HCCs. The purpose of this study was to identify key tenets that define high-functioning HCCs and help mature HCCs into a higher-functioning state of operations.

This was a qualitative study based on grounded theory methodology using semi-structured interviews for data collection and thematic analysis. Participants were stakeholders (n = 39) of HCCs from across the United States at local, state, and federal levels.

Through an institutional logics lens, the 3 key attributes for high functioning-HCCs were identified as (1) having an established and growing partnership, (2) being value-driven culture, and (3) being response ready. In addition, 3 logics were deemed essential for guiding HCCs sources of governance, sources of partner engagement, and sources of sustainability. Participant responses describe the importance of these attributes and logics in influencing decision-making processes, supporting a community's resilience during a disaster, and fostering robust relationships among community partners.

Addressing these attributes and logics in planning and management of HCCs can help establish the foundation for partner collaborations and high-functioning HCCs.

Addressing these attributes and logics in planning and management of HCCs can help establish the foundation for partner collaborations and high-functioning HCCs.Level of contraceptive use is one of the primary proximate determinants of fertility level. Among Arab countries, Iraq experiences high fertility rates, especially among adolescents. According to the 2018 Iraq Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (IMICS 2018), 52.8% of currently married Iraqi women used a contraceptive method (36.1% used modern methods, and 16.7% used traditional methods). A multiple multinomial logistic regression model was adopted to investigate the demographic, socioeconomic, fertility, and cultural determinants of contraceptive use among currently married, nonpregnant Iraqi women based on the 2018 Iraq Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey data. The main findings indicated that women using modern contraceptive methods had more children, did not experience the death of a child, and had no desire for more children. Moreover, they were married before age 21, had at least an upper secondary education, had access to mass media, used the internet, belonged to a low or middle wealth category, and lived in urban Kurdistan. Kurdish women prefer to use traditional methods. The results suggest that family planning programmes should target women who live in southern/central areas of Iraq, as they were the least likely to use contraceptives, and motivate Kurdish women to use modern contraceptives rather than traditional contraceptives.

The juvenile justice system in the USA adjudicates over seven hundred thousand youth in the USA annually with significant behavioral offenses. This study aimed to test the effect of juvenile justice involvement on adult criminal outcomes.

Analyses were based on a prospective, population-based study of 1420 children followed up to eight times during childhood (ages 9-16; 6674 observations) about juvenile justice involvement in the late 1990 and early 2000s. Participants were followed up years later to assess adult criminality, using self-report and official records. A propensity score (i.e. inverse probability) weighting approach was used that approximated an experimental design by balancing potentially confounding characteristics between children with v. without juvenile justice involvement.

Between-groups differences on variables that elicit a juvenile justice referral (e.g. violence, property offenses, status offenses, and substance misuse) were attenuated after applying propensity-based inverse probability weights. Participants with a history of juvenile justice involvement were more likely to have later official and violent felony charges, and to self-report police contact and spending time in jail (ORs from 2.5 to 3.3). Residential juvenile justice involvement was associated with the highest risk of both, later official criminal records and self-reported criminality (ORs from 5.1 to 14.5). Sensitivity analyses suggest that our findings are likely robust to potential unobserved confounders.

Juvenile justice involvement was associated with increased risk of adult criminality, with residential services associated with highest risk. Juvenile justice involvement may catalyze rather than deter from adult offending.

Juvenile justice involvement was associated with increased risk of adult criminality, with residential services associated with highest risk. Juvenile justice involvement may catalyze rather than deter from adult offending.The form of oral calcium (Ca) supplement and the Ca source influence Ca absorption dynamics resulting in different postpartum calcemia. The objective of this study was to investigate whether an oral Ca supplement (mainly CaCO3) offered for voluntary consumption would maintain or increase postpartum blood Ca to the same degree as a Ca bolus (mainly CaCl2) providing an equivalent dose of a Ca. A total of 72 Holstein cows were blocked by expected parturition date and parity. Within each block of 3 animals, cows were randomly assigned to one of three treatments, including an oral Ca supplement offered for voluntary consumption (Ca-drink, n = 23), an oral Ca bolus (Ca-bolus, n = 24), or an untreated group (CON, n = 25). selleck Treatments were administered once within 15 min postpartum. The Ca-drink provided 45 g of Ca (CaCO3 source) and was mixed in 20 L of lukewarm water and offered to cows for 30 min. The Ca-bolus provided 43 g of Ca (71% from CaCl2 and 29% from CaSO4) and was administered once. Both Ca-bolus and CON cving the Ca-bolus. Blood glucose was greater in Ca-bolus cows at 15 min after treatment administration compared with Ca-bolus and CON, while blood urea was higher in CON than Ca-drink and Ca-bolus throughout the sampling period. These results indicate that voluntary oral Ca resulted in a relatively stable calcemia, whereas higher fluctuations were observed in cows receiving the Ca-bolus. Due to a lack of differences between Ca-drink and Ca-bolus compared with CON, it is not possible to conclude regarding the efficacy in maintaining postpartum blood Ca.Several trematodes including Opisthorchis viverrini utilize Bithynia siamensis goniomphalos as a snail intermediate host in their life cycles. In order to capture a comprehensive range of host–parasite interactions and their transmission dynamic patterns, B. s. goniomphalos were sampled monthly over 4 consecutive years in an irrigated paddy-field habitat in northeast Thailand. Using a standard cercarial shedding method, a high diversity of trematodes (17 types) was recovered. Virgulate xiphidiocercariae were the most prevalent (7.84%) followed by O. viverrini (0.71%). In addition to seasonal and environmental factors, the quantity of irrigation water for rice cultivation correlated with transmission dynamics of trematodes in B. s. goniomphalos. The peak prevalence of all trematode infections combined in the snails shifted from the cool-dry season in 2010–2012 to the hot-dry season in 2013 associated with an increasing quantity of water irrigation. A low frequency of mixed trematode infections was found, indicating that the emergence of virgulate cercariae, but not of O. viverrini, was negatively impacted by the presence of other trematodes in the same snail. Taken together, the observed results suggest that interactions between host and parasite, and hence transmission dynamics, depend on specific characteristics of the parasite and environmental factors including irrigated water for rice cultivation.The control of human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is hard since there are no vaccines available as well as the treatment is hampered by toxicity and resistant parasites. Furthermore, as human, and canine VL causes immunosuppression, the combination of drugs with immunostimulatory agents is interesting to upregulate the immunity, reducing side-effects, improving treatment approaches against disease. Herein, we assessed the immunochemotherapy using miltefosine along with a vaccine formulated by Leishmania braziliensis antigens + saponin + monophosphoryl lipid-A (LBSapMPL) in L. infantum-infected hamsters. Two months after infection, the animals received treatments, and after 15 days they were evaluated for the treatment effect. The potential anti-Leishmania effect of miltefosine + LBSapMPL-vaccine was revealed by a specific immune response activation reflecting in control of spleen parasitism using half the miltefosine treatment time. The treated animals also showed an increase of total and T-CD4 splenocytes producing IFN-γ and TNF-α and a decrease of interleukin-10 and anti-Leishmania circulating IgG. In addition, it was demonstrated that the control of spleen parasitism is related to the generation of a protective Th1 immune response. Hence, due to the combinatorial action of miltefosine with LBSapMPL-vaccine in immunostimulating and controlling parasitism, this immunochemotherapy protocol can be an important alternative option against canine and human VL.In response to annual outbreaks of human cercarial dermatitis (HCD) in Lake Wanaka, New Zealand, ducks and snails were collected and screened for avian schistosomes. During the survey from 2009 to 2017, four species of Trichobilharzia were recovered. Specimens were examined both morphologically and genetically. Trichobilharzia querquedulae, a species known from four continents, was found in the visceral veins of the duck Spatula rhynchotis but the snail host remains unknown. Cercaria longicauda [i.e. Trichobilharzia longicauda (Macfarlane, 1944) Davis, 2006], considered the major aetiological agent of HCD in Lake Wanaka, was discovered, and redescribed from adults in the visceral veins of the duck Aythya novaeseelandiae and cercariae from the snail Austropeplea tomentosa. Recovered from the nasal mucosa of Ay. novaeseelandiae is a new species of Trichobilharzia that was also found to cycle naturally through Au. tomentosa. Cercariae of a fourth species of Trichobilharzia were found in Au. tomentosa but the species remains unidentified.

Autoři článku: Sloanorr0278 (Valentin Frank)