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tion speed, aggregation index, and aggregation percentage) in patients with NIDDM.

was known to have potential antioxidant activities because it contains of



). The antioxidant properties contributed to the hepatoprotective effect by binding to free radicals compound that causes oxidative stress and necrosis in thehepatocytes. The research aimed to determine the hepatorepair effects of the

ethanol extract onhigh-dose paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in Wistar rats.

This research used a true experimental method. Thirty white male rats were divided into sixth groups, i.e.,normal control group, group II-VI was induced paracetamol 2,000mg/kg BW for three days. After paracetamol-induced, group III-VI was treated with curcumin 800mg/kg BW,

extract 400, 800, and 1,200mg/kg BW for seven days. The hepatorepair parameter was obtained from AST/ALT, MDA tissue levels, and the number of hepatocyte necrosis cells. The data results were analyzed using the ANOVA test, followed by the LSD test to determine the difference between each treatment.

The results showed that

significantly (p<0.05) decreased the AST levels, MDA levels and the number of hepatocyte necrosis cells at a dose of 800mg/kg BW per orally treatment.

ethanol extract repaired the hepatic damage induced by paracetamol.

The E. mathaei ethanol extract repaired the hepatic damage induced by paracetamol.

The aim of this study was to identify the patterns of medication load, its medication burden, coordination of healthcare and patient's understanding of their conventional cardiac medications and related herbal-derived preparations.

The study is a mixed-method both, quantitative and qualitative approach, which involved Filipino elderly patients (n=69) enrolled in the outpatient service of the National Center for Geriatric Health, Manila. Data were gathered through face-to-face surveys and interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used during data analysis. Thematic analysis was also used to emphasize patterns in the responses of the participants.

Respondents were knowledgeable on the name (86.9%), visual characteristics (78.3%), and indication and administration of their medicine (88.4%). The frequency of their doctor's information on the possible side effects of the medicines was noted. The almost negligible difference in the proportions of those who asserted during tn of pharmacists' care for geriatric health must be strengthened and highly recommended. Supervision by the healthcare professionals, particularly by the pharmacists, must be fully established.

The majority of the elderly patients recognized the purpose and extent of medication. It was noted that pharmacists play a limited role in understanding selected Filipino elderly patients on their medication. Lack of communication between the patient and the pharmacist was noted as preliminary findings in the study. Respondents were not yet informed of the responsibility of the pharmacist to provide information regarding their medication. Integration of pharmacists' care for geriatric health must be strengthened and highly recommended. Supervision by the healthcare professionals, particularly by the pharmacists, must be fully established.

Ischemic stroke is known as a common causes of disability, lower psychological well-being as well as preventable death. The pathogenesis of ischemic stroke process becomes worse immediately after oxidative stress occurs. One of the flavonoids with antioxidant abilities is quercetin. This study was aimed to investigate quercetin administration on the behavioral functions (motor and sensory) and expression of melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) in mice with ischemic stroke.

Male ICR mice were divided into sham, stroke, stroke with quercetin 100, 150, and 200mg/kg. The stroke model was performed by blocking the left common carotid artery for 2h. Quercetin was intraperitoneally administered daily for seven days. Evaluation was conducted during two weeks after induction using ladder rung walking test and narrow beam test for motoric function and adhesive removal tape test for sensory function. On day-14 mice were sacrificed, MC4R expression in the dorsal striatum was determined using RT-PCR.

Stroke decreased the motor, sensory function and MC4R mRNA expression in dorsal striatum. Quercetin improved motor and sensory function, and upregulated expression of MC4R.

Quercetin administration after ischemic stroke improves behavioral function, possibly through the upregulation of MC4R in the brain.

Quercetin administration after ischemic stroke improves behavioral function, possibly through the upregulation of MC4R in the brain.

is one of the bacteria which causes nosocomial infection.

eradication using antibiotics combined with rifampicin has shown good results, whereas, adjuvant rifampicin has long been hypothesized to improve the outcome of

infection treatment. Resistant-rifampicin

mutates in

gene at some codons. This study was conducted to identify the mutation of

gene in

which was resistant toward rifampicin.

In this study, isolates collected in the Microbiology Laboratory of Dr. Seotomo Surabaya Hospital during May-September 2019. PGE2 molecular weight Then, the dilution method was carried out to determine the minimum inhibition concentration for resistant-rifampicin and dilution to determine the inhibition zone diameter. After that, DNA extraction was carried out from rifampicin-susceptible isolates as a control and resistant-rifampicin isolates followed by identification of

gene mutations by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and sequencing.

There were nine isolates studied. They were four resistant-rifampicin isolates and four susceptible-rifampicin isolates. In four rifampicin-resistant isolates, the most frequent mutations that occurred was His-481 codon (75%) followed by the Ile-527 codon (25%). Rifampicin-susceptible isolates mutated in Pro-475 and Asn-474 codons. One rifampicin-resistant isolate had two mutations in codons Ile-527 and Asn-474.

The type of mutation that causes the most rifampicin resistance was a missense mutation. The susceptible-rifampicin isolate experienced silent mutations. There was a relation between the type of missense mutation of

gene and rifampin resistance.

The type of mutation that causes the most rifampicin resistance was a missense mutation. The susceptible-rifampicin isolate experienced silent mutations. There was a relation between the type of missense mutation of rpoB gene and rifampin resistance.

One of the methods used to treat coronary artery disease (CAD) is anticoagulant therapy, which involves administering anticoagulants to patients that inhibit the arrangement and actuation of clotting factors. Anticoagulant therapy in patients with CAD must be monitored and evaluated because its greatest side effect is the risk of bleeding. The research aimed to analyze anticoagulants used in therapy for CAD patients and identify potential adverse drug reactions and adverse drug interactions.

This was an observational study which collected data retrospectively at Bhayangkara Hospital Surabaya. Patient data had to meet the requirements for inclusion, which were patients treated for a diagnosis of CAD with anticoagulant therapy and were in conditions with or without complications and comorbid diseases. Data were obtained from 40 patient medical records. The data were then processed descriptively.

Most patients were male (80%) and aged 61-70 years old (37.5%). Fondaparinux was administered to 18 patients at a dose of 1×2.5mg SC. Furthermore, enoxaparin was administered to 15 patients at a dose of 2×60mg SC, and seven patients received warfarin at a dose of 1×2-4mg per oral.

The anticoagulants used in this study were fondaparinux 1×2.5mg SC (45%), enoxaparin 2×60mg SC (37.5%), and warfarin 1×2-4mg PO (17.5%). Side effects of the anticoagulants were absent. However, drug interactions with aspirin, clopidogrel, and allopurinol increased the risk of bleeding.

The anticoagulants used in this study were fondaparinux 1 × 2.5 mg SC (45%), enoxaparin 2 × 60 mg SC (37.5%), and warfarin 1 × 2-4 mg PO (17.5%). Side effects of the anticoagulants were absent. However, drug interactions with aspirin, clopidogrel, and allopurinol increased the risk of bleeding.


-methyltransferase (HNMT) is an enzyme that plays a crucial role in the inactivation of histamine in central nervous system, kidneys and bronchi. Inhibition of HNMT is known to have a potential role in treating attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, memory impairment, mental illness and neurodegenerative illnesses. Therefore, to find potential compounds that could be developed as novel HNMT inhibitors, this study conducted an

study of the secondary metabolites of

L and


In this study, we conducted a molecular docking study of 36 secondary metabolites of

L and 26 secondary metabolites of

using an

approach targeting HNMT protein (PDB ID 2AOT) using AutoDockVina software. The prediction of ADMET characteristics was done using the pkCSM Online Tool.

This study obtained one metabolite from

L (longifolene) and seven metabolites from

(+)-beta-atlantone, humulene epoxide, (-)-beta-curcumene, (E)-caryophyllene, germacrone, (R)-(-)-xanthorrhizol, and (-)-beta-caryophyllene epoxide which were predicted to have potential to be developed as HNMT inhibitors.

This study found several secondary metabolites of

L and

which had activity as HNMT inhibitors. This research can likewise be utilized as a basis for further research, both


, and clinical trials related to the development of secondary metabolites from

L and

as novel HNMT inhibitor compounds.

This study found several secondary metabolites of N. sativa L and C. xanthorrhiza Roxb which had activity as HNMT inhibitors. This research can likewise be utilized as a basis for further research, both in vitro, in vivo, and clinical trials related to the development of secondary metabolites from N. sativa L and C. xanthorrhiza Roxb as novel HNMT inhibitor compounds.

The high prevalence of HER2-positive breast cancer has become a significant concern in the health sector. The problem is more complex with the side effects of breast cancer drugs currently used. Thymoquinone (TQ), the main bioactive compound in

, has been shown to have anticancer activity. However, it is necessary to modify the structure of the thymoquinone derivatives to improve drug bioavailability. This study uses an

approach to predict pharmacokinetic profile, docking, quantitative structure-properties relationship (QSPR) of new thymoquinone-derived compounds as candidates cytotoxic agent for breast cancer with HER-2 positive.

The prediction of ADMET was using pkCSM online. Molecular docking was used to determine thymoquinone derivatives activity using Molegro Virtual Docker version 5.5 by docking the thymoquinone derivatives to the HER2 receptor targets, PDB ID 3PP0 and QSPR analysis using the IBM SPSS 21 version.

The 35 thymoquinone derivatives showed good physicochemical and absorption properties and not hepatotoxic, so they are suitable for oral drugs. The molecular docking of 35 thymoquinone derivatives against 3PP0 proteins showed better activity than thymoquinone. One of the thymoquinone derivatives, TQ 15, showed the largest negative RS value, meaning that is predicted to have the highest anticancer activity. Based on the QSPR analysis, the essential parameter in determining 35 thymoquinone derivatives activity was the lipophilic and steric parameter.

Based on

test, thymoquinone derivative, TQ 15, had the potential to be further developed as a HER2-positive breast cancer drug.

Based on in silico test, thymoquinone derivative, TQ 15, had the potential to be further developed as a HER2-positive breast cancer drug.

Autoři článku: Slaughterjohannesen8678 (Hubbard Storgaard)