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Nanocarbons have been demonstrated as promising carbon catalysts for substituting metal-based catalysts for the green treatment of wastewater. In this study, oxygen-functionalized mesoporous carbon (OCMK-3) was prepared by wet oxidation and exhibited high catalytic performance against ciprofloxacin (CIP) by activation of persulfate. The effects of environmental parameters (pH, temperature, coexisting ions) and process parameters (temperature, sodium persulfate concentration, catalyst agent dosage, initial concentration) on the removal of CIP were investigated. Compared with the pristine ordered mesoporous carbon (CMK-3), the removal efficiency of CIP by OCMK-3 was increased by 32% under optimal conditions. This rise in activity was attributed to the increase in oxygen-containing functional groups, porosity, and specific surface area of OCMK-3 with improved structural defects and electron transfer efficiency. Furthermore, based on active species scavenging experiments, a dual-pathway mechanism of the radical and nonradical pathways was discovered. The rational degradation pathway of CIP was investigated based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). In addition, the OCMK-3/PS system exhibited high decomposition efficiency in pharmaceutical wastewater treatment. This study provides an in-depth mechanism for the degradation of organic pollutants by carbon-based PS-AOPs and provides theoretical support for further studies.Water and wastewater treatment applications stand to benefit immensely from the design and development of new materials based on silica nanoparticles and their derivatives. Nanosilica possesses unique properties, including low toxicity, chemical inertness, and excellent biocompatibility, and can be developed from a variety of sustainable precursor materials. Herein, we provide an account of the recent advances in the synthesis and utilization of nanosilica for wastewater treatment. This review covers key physicochemical aspects of several nanosilica materials and a variety of nanotechnology-enabled wastewater treatment techniques such as adsorption, separation membranes, and antimicrobial applications. It also discusses the prospective design and tuning options for nanosilica production, such as size control, morphological tuning, and surface functionalization. Informative discussions on nanosilica production from agricultural wastes have been offered, with a focus on the synthesis methodologies and pretreatment requirements for biomass precursors. The characterization of the different physicochemical features of nanosilica materials using critical surface analysis methods is discussed. Bio-hybrid nanosilica materials have also been highlighted to emphasize the critical relevance of environmental sustainability in wastewater treatment. To guarantee the thoroughness of the review, insights into nanosilica regeneration and reuse are provided. Overall, it is envisaged that this work's insights and views will inspire unique and efficient nanosilica material design and development with robust properties for water and wastewater treatment applications.Several new techniques to repair the mitral valve affected by functional mitral regurgitation are in development. However, due to the heterogeneity of valve lesions between patients, predicting the outcomes of novel treatment approaches is challenging. We present a patient-specific, 3D ultrasound-derived computational model of the mitral valve for procedure planning, that faithfully mimics the pathological valve dynamics. 3D ultrasound images were obtained in three pigs induced with heart failure and which developed functional mitral regurgitation. For each case, images were segmented, and finite element model of mitral valve was constructed. Annular and papillary muscle dynamics were extracted and imposed as kinematic boundary conditions, and the chordae were pre-strained to induce valve tethering. Valve closure was simulated by applying physiologic transvalvular pressure on the leaflets. Agreement between simulation results and truth datasets was confirmed, with accurate location of regurgitation jets and coaptation defects. Inclusion of kinematic patient-specific boundary conditions was necessary to achieve these results, whereas use of idealized boundary conditions deviated from the truth dataset. Due to the impact of boundary conditions on the model, the effect of repair strategies on valve closure varied as well, indicating that our approach of using patient-specific boundary conditions for mitral valve modeling is valid.Bacteria have developed resistance to antibiotics by various mechanisms, notable amongst these is the use of permeation barriers and the expulsion of antibiotics via efflux pumps. The resistance-nodulation-division (RND) family of efflux pumps is found in Gram-negative bacteria and a major contributor to multidrug resistance (MDR). In particular, Salmonella encodes five RND efflux pump systems AcrAB, AcrAD, AcrEF, MdsAB and MdtAB which have different substrate ranges including many antibiotics. We produce a spatial partial differential equation (PDE) model governing the diffusion and efflux of antibiotic in Salmonella, via these RND efflux pumps. Using parameter fitting techniques on experimental data, we are able to establish the behaviour of multiple wild-type and efflux mutant Salmonella strains, which enables us to produce efflux profiles for each individual efflux pump system. By combining the model with a gene regulatory network (GRN) model of efflux regulation, we simulate how the bacteria respond to their environment. Finally, performing a parameter sensitivity analysis, we look into various different targets to inhibit the efflux pumps. The model provides an in silico framework with which to test these potential adjuvants to counter MDR.As HPE begins to turn their attention to the lived experiences of minoritized groups in society, health professions education (HPE) researchers need to be aware of the history of social science research and the ways it contributes to creating systems of oppression. This is because as 'knowledge producers,' we make decisions about how to design our studies, analyze and interpret data, and report it in ways that are frequently oblivious to the harmful legacy of social science research, and how it continues to bring harm to minoritized communities. To not do so is to perpetuate a system that has historically served the dominant group at the expense of those who are limited in representing the world for themselves. This article proposes that HPE researchers engage in disruptive research practices by delinking with their disciplinary training, and reimagine their role in the research process. To accomplish this, I suggest that they engage in three strategies attend to the research team's composition, embrace critical theory and investigate epistemological ignorance. These strategies are nowhere close to exhaustive, and they do not extend as far as the conversation must go in reimagining our role in the research enterprise. However, in providing some initial thoughts on this topic, I hope to invite the HPE community into discussion on how we might harness our collective responsibility to resist research practices that are harmful and unjust to minoritized communities.

To characterize alterations in pupillary light reflex responses in subjects following coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), especially those with long-COVID.

Thirty-five subjects with previous COVID-19 and 30 healthy control participants were enrolled in this cross-sectional comparative study. An infrared dynamic pupillometry system (MonPack One; Metrovision, France) was used to quantify pupillary light responses. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) long-COVID questionnaire was used to identify persisting symptoms at least 4weeks after acute COVID-19.

The median time after the diagnosis of acute COVID-19 was 4.0 (2.0-5.0)months. There was an increase in the latency of pupil contraction (P = 0.001) and a reduction in the duration of pupil contraction (P = 0.039) in post-COVID-19 subjects compared to healthy controls. No significant differences were observed in the initial pupil diameter, amplitude and velocity of pupil contraction or latency, velocity and duration of pupil dilation. Long-COVID was present in 25/35 (71%) subjects and their duration of pupil contraction was reduced compared to subjects without long-COVID (P = 0.009). The NICE long-COVID questionnaire total score (ρ = - 0.507; P = 0.002) and neurological score (ρ = - 0.412; P = 0.014) correlated with the duration of pupil contraction and the total score correlated with the latency of dilation (ρ = - 0.352; P = 0.038).

Dynamic pupillometry reveals significant alterations in contractile pupillary light responses, indicative of parasympathetic dysfunction after COVID-19.

Dynamic pupillometry reveals significant alterations in contractile pupillary light responses, indicative of parasympathetic dysfunction after COVID-19.

Regulatory bodies recommend that outcome measures used in Alzheimer's disease (AD) clinical trials capture clinically meaningful changes for the trial participant. However, commonly used outcome measures do not reflect the individual's views on what matters to them individually. The aim of the electronic Person-Specific Outcome Measure (ePSOM) programme is to better understand what outcomes matter to patients in early Alzheimer's disease.

As part of the ePSOM programme, we designed and ran an online study to understand what matters to individuals when developing new treatments for AD. The ePSOM survey ran Aug 2019-Dec 2019 (UK) and collected primarily free text responses which were analysed using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. In this paper, we focus our analyses on individuals who reported having a neurodegenerative disease diagnosis (primarily Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or AD), reporting the most frequent and most important brain health priorities for this group. Due to a small samplndividual level.The interactions between calving season, the occurrence of retained placenta, intrauterine infections (IUI), and early mastitis, and their effects on the reproductive performance and milk yield of Holstein-Friesian cows in a tropical environment were studied using data from 3320 calvings (1948 cows) from two farms in El Salvador. Based on environmental conditions, season of calving was categorized into quadrimester 1 (November-February), quadrimester 2 (March-June), and quadrimester 3 (July-October) where quadrimester 2 and 3 had the highest ambient temperature and relative humidity, respectively. Cows were classified into 1, 2, and 3 + parities. The effects of quadrimester and of diseases on days to first service, services per conception, days open, interval between services and 305-day milk yield were studied in separated multivariate regressions. The likelihood of experiencing a disease contingent on the calving season and the likelihood of a cow being culled due to poor fertility associated with experiencing a disease were evaluated using logistic regression. Cows calving in quadrimester 2 and 3 were more likely to suffer from IUI and showed poorer reproduction than cows calving in quadrimester 1. Reproduction was more strongly affected by IUI. Mastitis increased the days to first service, days open, and interval between services. Mastitis and IUI also caused a lower 305-day milk yield. Overall, hotter and more humid conditions lead to higher incidence of disease and poorer reproductive performance. The physiological responses that lead to these phenomena should be further studied to understand the interactions between diseases, environmental conditions and reproduction.To slow the spread of COVID-19, many people now wear face masks in public. Face masks impair our ability to identify faces, which can cause problems for professional staff who identify offenders or members of the public. Here, we investigate whether performance on a masked face matching task can be improved by training participants to compare diagnostic facial features (the ears and facial marks)-a validated training method that improves matching performance for unmasked faces. We show this brief diagnostic feature training, which takes less than two minutes to complete, improves matching performance for masked faces by approximately 5%. A control training course, which was unrelated to face identification, had no effect on matching performance. Our findings demonstrate that comparing the ears and facial marks is an effective means of improving face matching performance for masked faces. These findings have implications for professions that regularly perform face identification.Transketolase (Tkt), an enzyme in pentose phosphate pathway, has been reported to regulate genome instability and cell survival in cancers. Yet, the role of Tkt after myocardial ischemic injury remains to be elucidated. Label-free proteomics revealed dramatic elevation of Tkt in murine hearts after myocardial infarction (MI). Lentivirus-mediated Tkt knockdown ameliorated cardiomyocyte apoptosis and preserved the systolic function after myocardial ischemic injury. In contrast, Tkt overexpression led to the opposite effects. Inducible conditional cardiomyocyte Tkt-knockout mice were generated, and cardiomyocyte-expressed Tkt was found to play an intrinsic role in the ischemic heart failure of these model mice. Furthermore, through luciferase assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation, Tkt was shown to be a direct target of transcription factor Krüppel-like factor 5 (Klf5). In cardiomyocytes under ischemic stress, Tkt redistributed into the nucleus. By binding with the full-length poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (Parp1), facilitating its cleavage, and activating apoptosis inducible factor (Aif) subsequently, nuclear Tkt demonstrated its non-metabolic functions. Overall, our study confirmed that elevated nuclear Tkt plays a noncanonical role in promoting cardiomyocyte apoptosis via the cleaved Parp1/Aif pathway, leading to the deterioration of cardiac dysfunction.As the demand for resources has increased with the high population growth rate, people have been tempted to encroach on wildlife areas for activities such as logging, animal husbandry, agriculture, and developmental projects. This has led to the spread of human-inhabited areas into wildlife habitats and resulting conflict between humans and wildlife. Human-monkey conflict (HMC) is a developing issue in Sri Lanka, negatively impacting both nonhuman primate conservation and human welfare. To address and mitigate HMC, it is essential to assess community-level awareness about nonhuman primates in order to mitigate such conflict. The aim of this study was to evaluate awareness and public perception towards diurnal monkeys in Polonnaruwa district in North Central Sri Lanka. A structured questionnaire survey (N = 200) was carried out from December 2018 to November 2019. Respondents' knowledge about monkeys was found to depend on gender and occupation. Respondents' attitudes towards monkeys were dependent on gender, ethnic group, religion, state of education, and monthly household income. Those who had experienced many disturbances from monkeys held more negative attitudes towards monkeys than others. A nonlethal multidisciplinary approach is critical to reducing the increasing HMC in Polonnaruwa district. Similar approaches can be operated in other areas where human-wildlife conflict is causing strain on wildlife conservation and human welfare.Sexual and romantic orientations are often considered one and the same, and attitudes about engaging in sexual behavior are assumed to be predominantly positive. The current study explored the concordance between sexual and romantic orientations among allosexual and asexual adults as well as the frequency with which they identify as having a sex-positive, sex-neutral, or sex-averse attitude. As expected, allosexual adults were largely sex-positive (82%) and almost all (89%) had a romantic orientation that matched their sexual orientation. In contrast, we found that only 37% of asexual adults had concordant sexual and romantic orientations and that most asexual adults self-identify as either sex-neutral (41%) or sex-averse (54%). Further, we used a semantic differential task to assess sexual intimacy attitudes and how they varied for adults based on sexual attitude. Asexual adults, regardless of sexual attitude, had less positive attitudes overall than allosexual adults. Interestingly, aromantic asexual adults did not have more negative attitudes about sexual intimacy than romantic asexual participants. Although asexual adults held less positive attitudes about sex than allosexual adults, there was considerable heterogeneity within our asexual sample. The current study provides further insight into the concordance between romantic and sexual orientation, and the associations among sexual and intimacy attitudes for both allosexual and asexual adults. These findings will have implications for future research on how asexual adults navigate romantic relationships.

Since 2004, national guidelines have supported the omission of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and radiotherapy for women ≥70 years of age with early-stage, hormone receptor-positive (HR+) breast cancer, but many women continue to receive at least one of these services. Provider- and patient-level factors may contribute to persistent utilization, but the role of facility-level factors is unknown. We aimed to determine facility-level variation of SLNB and adjuvant radiotherapy utilization in older women with early-stage, HR+ breast cancer undergoing breast-conserving surgery (BCS). Additionally, we aimed to explore factors associated with SLNB and radiotherapy utilization and the intra-facility correlation in their utilization.

We conducted a retrospective cohort study using a statewide registry of claims data. We included women ≥70 years of age diagnosed with breast cancer who underwent BCS from 2012 to 2019 at 80 hospitals in the Michigan Value Collaborative. The main outcome was inter-facility rates and variation of SLNB and radiotherapy, as well as intra-facility correlation in their utilization.

The cohort included 7253 women (median age 77years). Only 20% (n=1440) underwent BCS alone, whereas 71% (n=5122) underwent SLNB and 52% (n=3793) received radiotherapy. Inter-facility rates of SLNB ranged from 35 to 82% (median 70%), and radiotherapy ranged from 19 to 72% (median 49%). SLNB and radiotherapy were positively correlated (r=0.27, p=0.016).

SLNB and radiotherapy rates remain high with significant variation in utilization at the facility level. High utilizers of SLNB are likely to be high utilizers of radiotherapy, suggesting the opportunity for strategic targeting of these facilities and their clinicians.

SLNB and radiotherapy rates remain high with significant variation in utilization at the facility level. High utilizers of SLNB are likely to be high utilizers of radiotherapy, suggesting the opportunity for strategic targeting of these facilities and their clinicians.An integrated device capable of generating large number of multiplexed optical vortex beams with arbitrary topological charge is considered as one of the crucial requirement for driving information photonics forward. Here we report a simple method for simultaneous generation of 100 multiplexed optical vortex beams from a polymer film of size 1 mm2 and thickness of 30 μm. This is achieved through a combination of computer-generated holography, digital hologram printing and photoisomeric polymers. When the fabricated sample is illuminated with a collimated laser beam, a pre-determined vortex array with arbitrary topological charge is emitted. The polymer film easy to synthesize and exhibits a diffraction efficiency of 30% with a retention period longer than 50 days.Rhynchophylline (RIN) and isorhynchophylline (IRN) are extracted from Uncaria rhynchophylla, which are used to treat Alzheimer's disease. However, the massive accumulation of RIN and IRN in U. rhynchophylla requires exogenous stimulation. Ethylene is a potential stimulant for RIN and IRN biosynthesis, but there is no study on the role of ethylene in RIN or IRN synthesis. This study investigated the regulation of ethylene in RIN and IRN biosynthesis in U. rhynchophylla. An increase in the content of RIN and IRN was observed that could be attributed to the release of ethylene from 18 mM ethephon, while ethylene released from 36 mM ethephon reduced the content of RIN and IRN. The transcriptome and weighted gene co-expression network analysis indicated the up-regulation of seven key enzyme genes related to the RIN/IRN biosynthesis pathway and starch/sucrose metabolism pathway favored RIN/IRN synthesis. In comparison, the down-regulation of these seven key enzyme genes contributed to the reduction of RIN/IRN. Moreover, the inhibition of photosynthesis is associated with a reduction in RIN/IRN. Photosynthesis was restrained owing to the down-regulation of Lhcb1 and Lhcb6 after 36 mM ethephon treatment and further prevented supply of primary metabolites (such as α-D-glucose) for RIN/IRN synthesis. However, uninterrupted photosynthesis ensured a normal supply of primary metabolites at 18 mM ethephon treatment. AP2/ERF1, bHLH1, and bHLH2 may positively regulate the RIN/IRN accumulation, while NAC1 may play a negative regulatory role. Our results construct the potential bidirectional model for ethylene regulation on RIN/IRN synthesis and provide novel insight into the ethylene-mediated regulation of the metabolism of terpenoid indole alkaloids.

Tuber-omics in potato with the T- and D-types of cytoplasm showed different sets of differentially expressed genes and proteins in response to cold storage. For the first time, we report differences in gene and protein expression in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers possessing the T- or D-type cytoplasm. Two F1 diploid reciprocal populations, referred to as T and D, were used. The pooling strategy was applied for detection of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) in tubers consisting of extreme chip colour after cold storage. RNA and protein bulks were constructed from contrasting phenotypes. We recognized 48 and 15 DEGs for the T and D progenies, respectively. DEPs were identified in the amyloplast and mitochondrial fractions. In the T-type cytoplasm, only 2 amyloplast-associated and 5 mitochondria-associated DEPs were detected. Of 37 mitochondria-associated DEPs in the D-type cytoplasm, there were 36 downregulated DEPs in the dark chip colour bulks. These fis) in tubers consisting of extreme chip colour after cold storage. RNA and protein bulks were constructed from contrasting phenotypes. We recognized 48 and 15 DEGs for the T and D progenies, respectively. DEPs were identified in the amyloplast and mitochondrial fractions. In the T-type cytoplasm, only 2 amyloplast-associated and 5 mitochondria-associated DEPs were detected. Of 37 mitochondria-associated DEPs in the D-type cytoplasm, there were 36 downregulated DEPs in the dark chip colour bulks. These findings suggest that T- and D-type of cytoplasm might influence sugar accumulation in cold-stored potato tubers in different ways. We showed that the mt/nucDNA ratio was higher in D-possessing tubers after cold storage than in T progeny. For the D-type cytoplasm, the pt/nucDNA ratio was higher for tubers characterized by dark chip colour than for those with light chip colour. Our findings suggest that T- and D-type cytoplasm might influence sugar accumulation in cold-stored potato tubers in different ways.

The open posterior approach in the form of either a Stoppa or Wantz operation may be a good alternative technique particularly in the repair of complex inguinal hernias. The term "complex inguinal hernia" designates hernias with a combination of arduous features including large hernia defects, large to giant hernia sacs, multiple recurrences, and bilaterality. In this retrospective analysis, we investigated our results of open posterior repair in view of its feasibility in patients with complex inguinoscrotal hernias.

From a series of 845 inguinal hernia patients, we retrospectively reviewed the records of 60 patients with complex inguinal hernias whom were directed to open preperitoneal repair by either a Stoppa or Wantz procedure.

More than 80% of cases were males with large to giant inguinoscrotal hernias. One half of patients had bilateral hernias, and one fourth had recurrent hernias. Early postoperative complications occurred in almost half of patients; however, most of them were minor. The most important early complication in this series was the full recurrences we encountered in the very next morning in two patients. Eighty-three percent of patients left hospital in the first 2 days averaging 1.8days of hospital stay. The meshdefect area ratio is < 7 in recurrent hernias while it is > 9 in nonrecurrent cases.

The open posterior approach to complex inguinal hernias facilitated both handling and repair of difficult hernias. It was very well tolerated by the patients, and yielded favorable postoperative results. We think the open posterior repair may be a method of choice in the repair of complex inguinal hernias.

The open posterior approach to complex inguinal hernias facilitated both handling and repair of difficult hernias. It was very well tolerated by the patients, and yielded favorable postoperative results. We think the open posterior repair may be a method of choice in the repair of complex inguinal hernias.

A disconnect often exists between those with the expertise to manage and analyze complex, multi-source data sets, and the clinical, social services, advocacy, and public health professionals who can pose the most relevant questions and best apply the answers. We describe development and implementation of a cancer informatics infrastructure aimed at broadening the usability of community cancer data to inform cancer control research and practice; and we share lessons learned.

We built a multi-level database known as The Ohio Cancer Assessment and Surveillance Engine (OH-CASE) to link data from Ohio's cancer registry with community data from the U.S. Census and other sources. Space-and place-based characteristics were assigned to individuals according to residential address. Stakeholder input informed development of an interface for generating queries based on geographic, demographic, and disease inputs and for outputting results aggregated at the state, county, municipality, or zip code levels.

OH-CASE coes by enabling targeting of outreach, funding, and interventions to narrow cancer disparities.In germ cell transplantation experiments, the use of sterile recipients that do not produce their own gametes is an important prerequisite. Triploidization and dnd gene knockdown (KD) methods have been widely used to produce sterile fish. However, triploidization does not produce complete sterility in some fish species, and gene KD is labor and time intensive since it requires microinjection into individual fertilized eggs. To overcome these problems, in this study, we generated homozygous mutants of the dead end (dnd) gene in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using the clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) system, analyzed their reproductive capacity, and evaluated their suitability as recipients for germ cell transplantation. By crossing F1 heterozygous mutants produced from founders subjected to genome editing, an F2 generation consisting of approximately 1/4 homozygous knockout mutants (dnd KO) was obtained. The dnd KO hatchlings retained the same number of primordial germ cells (PGCs) as the wild-type (WT) individuals, after which the number gradually decreased. At 1 year of age, germ cells were completely absent in all analyzed individuals. To evaluate the dnd KO individuals as recipients for germ cell transplantation, germ cells prepared from donor individuals were transplanted into the abdominal cavity of dnd KO hatchlings. These cells migrated to the recipient gonads, where they initiated gametogenesis. The mature recipient individuals produced only donor-derived sperm and eggs in equivalent numbers to WT rainbow trout. These results indicate that dnd KO rainbow trout are suitable recipient candidates possessing a high capacity to nurse donor-derived germ cells.

Post-stroke muscle stiffness is a major challenge in the rehabilitation of stroke survivors, with no gold standard in clinical assessment. Muscle stiffness is typically evaluated by the Modified Ashworth Scale or the Tardieu Scale; however, these can have low reliability and sensitivity. Ultrasound elastography is an advanced imaging technology that can quantitatively measure the stiffness of a tissue and has been shown to have good construct validity when compared to clinically assessed muscle stiffness and functional motor recovery.

The purpose of this article is to systematically review the literature regarding the change in muscle stiffness as measured by ultrasound elastography in stroke survivors.

Scopus, PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library were searched for relevant studies that assessed the change in stiffness of post-stroke muscle stiffness measured by ultrasound elastography following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines.

In total, 29 articles were identified, using either strain elastography and shear wave elastography to measure the stiffness of muscles in stroke survivors, most frequently in the biceps and medial gastrocnemius muscles. The stiffness was typically higher in the paretic compared to the non-paretic or healthy control. Other variations that increased the stiffness include increasing the joint angle and introducing a passive stretch or muscle activation. The paretic muscle has also been assessed pre- and post-treatment demonstrating a decrease in stiffness.

Ultrasound elastography is a promising imaging technology for determining the muscle stiffness in stroke survivors with need for a standardized imaging protocol.

Ultrasound elastography is a promising imaging technology for determining the muscle stiffness in stroke survivors with need for a standardized imaging protocol.

The collection of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) following arthroplasty is common. PROMs data collection programs seek to maximise completeness in order to minimise selection bias and optimise representativeness of the sample attained. We aimed to determine if patient factors influence variation in PROMs program completeness between-hospitals.

Using data from a national arthroplasty registry PROMs program, we tested for associations between patient characteristics (age, sex, body mass index [BMI] and American Society of Anaesthesiologists [ASA] class) and both potential completeness (registration completeness the proportion of arthroplasty patients that were registered in the PROMs electronic system) and actual completeness (response completeness the proportion of arthroplasty patients who provided PROMs data) using linear regression.

When using all elective primary total hip, knee or shoulder arthroplasty procedures (N = 31,801) from 43 hospitals as the denominator, overall registration comph as access to patients, local resources and clinician engagement with the program. Efforts to improve the rates of completeness of arthroplasty PROMs programs at individual hospitals may not improve the representativeness of the sample.Myocarditis has been discovered to be a significant complication of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a condition caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus. COVID-19 myocarditis seems to have distinct inflammatory characteristics, which make it unique to other viral etiologies. The incidence of COVID-19 myocarditis is still not clear as a wide range of figures have been quoted in the literature; however, it seems that the risk of developing myocarditis increases with more severe infection. Furthermore, the administration of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine has been associated with the development of myocarditis, particularly after the second dose. COVID-19 myocarditis has a wide variety of presentations, ranging from dyspnea and chest pain to acute heart failure and possibly death. It is important to catch any cases of myocarditis, particularly those presenting with fulminant myocarditis which can be characterized by signs of heart failure and arrythmias. Initial work up for suspected myocarditis should include serial troponins and electrocardiograms. If myocardial damage is detected in these tests, further screening should be carried out. Cardiac magnetic resonance imagining and endomyocardial biopsy are the most useful tests for myocarditis. Treatment for COVID-19 myocarditis is still controversial; however, the use of intravenous immunoglobulins and corticosteroids in combination may be effective, particularly in cases of fulminant myocarditis. Overall, the incidence of COVID-19 myocarditis requires further research, while the use of intravenous immunoglobulins and corticosteroids in conjunction requires large randomized controlled trials to determine their efficacy.

Cryoprecipitate, which contains fibrinogen and factor VIII in large quantities, is concentrated from fresh frozen plasma, and it has hemostatic effects in severe bleeding. We retrospectively examined the effects of cryoprecipitate on the increase in fibrinogen levels in patients with excessive intraoperative blood loss.

Ninety-seven patients who were administered cryoprecipitate during surgery between June 2014 and May 2019 were enrolled in our study and categorized according to the volume of intraoperative blood loss as follows group A, 2000-5000 mL; group B, 5000-10,000 mL; group C, > 10,000 mL. Data were extracted from electronic medical records and electronic anesthesia records. The primary endpoint was an increase in the fibrinogen level after the administration of cryoprecipitate.

Nine patients with no fibrinogen data and four patients with a bleeding volume of less than 2000 mL were excluded; thus, 84 patients (A n = 36, B n = 37, C n = 11) were evaluated. The mean intraoperative blood loss (mryoprecipitate is necessary to maximize the hemostatic effect, especially when the bleeding volume exceeds 10,000 ml.

The results of this study indicate that the effect of cryoprecipitate on the increase in fibrinogen level was most apparent in patients with excessive intraoperative blood loss ≥ 10,000 mL. In addition, most patients with intraoperative blood loss ≥ 5000 mL had fibrinogen levels less then 150 mg/dL which improved to ≥ 150 mg/dL after cryoprecipitate administration in approximately 70% of patients. Therefore, cryoprecipitate administration should be considered for patients with hypofibrinogenemia (≤ 150 mg/dL) experiencing severe bleeding (e.g., ≥ 5000 mL) and rapid administration of cryoprecipitate is necessary to maximize the hemostatic effect, especially when the bleeding volume exceeds 10,000 ml.Heavy metal pollution due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers (CF) causes major damage to the environment. Microbial biofilms, closely associated with the rhizosphere can remediate heavy metal-contaminated soil by reducing plant toxicity. Thus, this study was undertaken to examine the remedial effects of microbial biofilms against contaminated heavy metals. Fungi and bacteria isolated from soil were screened for their tolerance against Cd2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+. Three bacterial and two fungal isolates were selected upon the tolerance index (TI) percentage. Fungal-bacterial biofilms (FBBs) were developed with the most tolerant isolates and were further screened for their bioremediation capabilities against heavy metals. The best biofilm was evaluated for its rhizoremediation capability with different CF combinations using a pot experiment conducted under greenhouse conditions with potatoes. Significantly (P  less then  0.05), the highest metal removal percentage was observed in Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtilis biofilm under in situ conditions. When compared to the 100% recommended CF, the biofilm with 50% of the recommended CF (50CB) significantly (P  less then  0.05) reduced soil available Pb2+ by 77%, Cd2+ by 78% and Zn2+ by 62%. In comparison to initial soil, it was 73%, 76%, and 57% lower of Pb2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+, respectively. In addition, 50CB treatment significantly (P  less then  0.05) reduced the metal penetration into the tuber tissues in comparison with 100 C. Thus, the function of the developed FBB with T. harzianum-B. subtilis can be used as a potential solution to remediate soil polluted with Pb2+ Cd2+ and Zn2+ metal contaminants.A bacteriochlorophyll-containing bacterium, designated as strain N10T, was isolated from a terrestrial hot spring in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Gram-stain-negative, oxidase- and catalase-positive and ovoid to rod-shaped cells showed the features of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, i.e., strain N10T synthesised bacteriochlorophylls under aerobic conditions and could not grow anaerobically even under illumination. Genome analysis found genes for bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis, light-harvesting complexes and type-2 photosynthetic reaction centre in the chromosome. Phylogenetic analyses based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence and 92 core proteins revealed that strain N10T was located in a distinct lineage near the type species of the genera Tabrizicola and Xinfangfangia and some species in the genus Rhodobacter (e.g., Rhodobacter blasticus). Strain N10T shared  less then  97.1% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity with those species in the family Rhodobacteraceae. The digital DNA-DNA hybridisation, average nucleotide identity and average amino acid identity values with the relatives, Tabrizicola aquatica RCRI19T (an aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium), Xinfangfangia soli ZQBWT and R. blasticus ATCC 33485T were 19.9-20.7%, 78.2-79.1% and 69.1-70.1%, respectively. Based on the phenotypic features, major fatty acid and polar lipid compositions, genome sequence and phylogenetic position, a novel genus and species are proposed for strain N10T, to be named Neotabrizicola shimadae (= JCM 34381T = DSM 112087T). Strain N10T which is phylogenetically located among aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (Tabrizicola), bacteriochlorophyll-deficient bacteria (Xinfangfangia) and anaerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (Rhodobacter) has great potential to promote studies on the evolution of photosynthesis in Rhodobacteraceae.

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is one of the main viruses responsible of acute encephalitis. However, data on the prognosis and neurologic outcome of critically ill patients with VZV encephalitis are limited. We aimed to describe the clinical features of VZV encephalitis in the ICU and to identify factors associated with a favorable neurologic outcome. We performed a multicenter cohort study of patients with VZV encephalitis admitted in 18 ICUs in France between 2000 and 2017. Factors associated with a favorable neurologic outcome, defined by a modified Rankin Score (mRS) of 0-2 1year after ICU admission, were identified by multivariable regression analysis.

Fifty-five patients (29 (53%) men, median age 53 (interquartile range 36-66)) were included, of whom 43 (78%) were immunocompromised. ICU admission occurred 1 (0-3) day after the onset of neurological symptoms. Median Glasgow Coma Score at ICU admission was 12 (7-14). Cerebrospinal fluid examination displayed a median leukocyte count of 68 (13-129)/mm

e 1 year after ICU admission. Older age and invasive mechanical ventilation were associated with a higher risk of disability and death.

Up to 34% of patients with medulloblastoma develop posterior fossa syndrome (PFS) following brain tumor resection and have increased risk of long-term neurocognitive impairments. Lack of agreement in conceptualization and diagnosis of PFS calls for improvements in diagnostic methods. The current study aimed to describe psychometric properties of a new posterior fossa syndrome questionnaire (PFSQ).

The PFSQ was informed by prior research and developed by a multidisciplinary team with subject matter expertise. Participants (N = 164; 63.4% Male; 78.7% White; M

 = 10.38years, SD = 5.09, range 3-31years) included patients with newly diagnosed medulloblastoma enrolled in the SJMB12 clinical trial. Forty-four patients (26.8%) were classified as having PFS based on attending physician's post-surgical yes/no report. A PFSQ was completed by a neurologist within 2weeks of coming to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for adjuvant treatment, irrespective of suspicion for PFS.

PFSQ items ataxia (100.00%), dysmetrelates of risk, predict long-term impairments, and develop targeted interventions. Additional measure validation, including correlation with symptom resolution, is required.

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive central nervous system (CNS) tumor with astrocytic differentiation. The growth pattern of GBM mimics that of the precursor cell migration during the fetal development of the brain. Diaphanous homolog (Diaph3) has been established to play a role in both CNS maturation and cancer progression as it is required both for cell migration and division. Furthermore, Diaph3 has been shown to play a role in malignant disease progression through hyperactivation of the EGFR/MEK/ERK in loss of expression and its overexpression correlating to hyperactivity of the mTOR pathway, both of which are with a well-established role in GBM. Herein, we aimed at establishing the diagnostic role of Diaph3 immunohistochemistry expression patterns in GBM and their possible implications for molecular response to different therapies.

The study utilized a retrospective nonclinical approach. Results of Diaph3 immunohistochemical expression were compared to healthy controls and reactive gliosis andal studies of which have shown promising, if mixed results in GBM.

The different expression pattern of Diaph3 in healthy controls, reactive gliosis and GBM shows promise as a clinical differentiating marker. Despite Diaph3 expression not correlating with survival and tumor size in GBM, there is an accumulating body of evidence that Diaph3 correlates with mTOR activity and can thus be used as a predictor for response to rapamycin and taxanes, clinical studies of which have shown promising, if mixed results in GBM.

Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (HEH) is extremely rare and the MRI features have never been investigated in a large group of patients.

A retrospective study was designed to review the MRI images of HEH patients. Two radiologists separately evaluated signal intensity (SI) on unenhanced imaging, morphological features, contrast-enhancement pattern at dynamic study. The MRI features were compared between patients with HEH and hepatic metastatic tumor (HMT).

Fifty-seven HEH patients were included in this study and a total of 412 lesions were evaluated. On per-lesion analysis, the rate of coalescent lesion and subcapsular lesion were 18.2% and 39.8%, respectively. Capsular retraction and lollipop sign were observed in 47 lesions (11.4%) and 60 lesions (14.6%), respectively. Large lesions (> 5cm) had the highest rate of coalescent lesion, subcapsular lesion, capsular retraction and lollipop sign. Target sign appeared in 196 lesions (47.6%) on T2 weighted (T2W) and 146 lesions (35.4%) on portal phase. Medium lesions (2-5cm) had the highest rate of target sign on both T2W (72.9%) and portal phase (55.2%). On per-patient analysis, compare with HEH patients, HMT patients seldom had the appearance of lollipop sign (66.7% versus 6.4%, p < 0.01), capsular retraction (59.6% versus 3.2%, p < 0.01) and target appearance on both T2Wand portal phase (64.9% versus 12.7%, p < 0.01).

MRI features of HEH correlated with the lesion size. Capsular retraction, lollipop sign and coexistence of target sign on both T2W and portal phase were relatively specific MRI features of HEH, which could be helpful in suggesting the diagnosis.

MRI features of HEH correlated with the lesion size. Capsular retraction, lollipop sign and coexistence of target sign on both T2W and portal phase were relatively specific MRI features of HEH, which could be helpful in suggesting the diagnosis.

Peritoneal fibrosis (PF) is commonly induced by bioincompatible dialysate exposure during peritoneal dialysis, but the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. This study aimed to investigate the roles of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) in PF pathogenesis.

Rat and cellular PF models were established by high glucose dialysate and lipopolysaccharide treatments. Serum creatinine, urea nitrogen, and glucose contents were detected by ELISA. Histological evaluation was done through H&E and Masson staining. GLUT1, PPARγ, and other protein expression were measured by qRT-PCR, western blotting, and IHC. PPARγ and GLUT1 subcellular distribution were detected using confocal microscopy. Cell proliferation was assessed by MTT and Edu staining.

Serum creatinine, urea nitrogen and glucose, and PPARγ and GLUT1 expression in rat PF model were reduced by PPARγ agonists Rosiglitazone or 15d-PGJ2 and elevated by antagonist GW9662. Rosiglitazone or 15d-PGJ2 repressed and GW9662 aggravated peritoneal fibrosis in rat PF model. PPARγ and GLUT1 were mainly localized in nucleus and cytosols of peritoneal mesothelial cells, respectively, which were reduced in cellular PF model, enhanced by Rosiglitazone or 15d-PGJ2, and repressed by GW9662. TGF-β and a-SMA expression was elevated in cellular PF model, which was inhibited by Rosiglitazone or 15d-PGJ2 and promoted by GW9662. PPARγ silencing reduced GLUT1, elevated a-SMA and TGF-b expression, and promoted peritoneal mesothelial cell proliferation, which were oppositely changed by PPARγ overexpression.

PPARγ inhibited high glucose-induced peritoneal fibrosis progression through elevating GLUT1 expression and repressing peritoneal mesothelial cell proliferation.

PPARγ inhibited high glucose-induced peritoneal fibrosis progression through elevating GLUT1 expression and repressing peritoneal mesothelial cell proliferation.We consider a class of density-dependent branching processes which generalises exponential, logistic and Gompertz growth. A population begins with a single individual, grows exponentially initially, and then growth may slow down as the population size moves towards a carrying capacity. At a time while the population is still growing superlinearly, a fixed number of individuals are sampled and their coalescent tree is drawn. Taking the sampling time and carrying capacity simultaneously to infinity, we prove convergence of the coalescent tree to a limiting tree which is in a sense universal over our class of models.

Even though extensive studies have surveyed long non-coding RNA (lncRNA)-related networks in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage (HIBD), the concrete function of lncRNA H19 (H19) in HIBD is still in ambiguity. Therein, this work intends to decipher H19-related network of microRNA (miR)-140-5p and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in HIBD.

Brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) from BALB/c mice were isolated and induced by oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD). OGD-induced BMECs were transfected with depleted or restored H19, miR-140-5p or STAT3, and cell apoptosis, migration and angiogenesis were examined. H19, miR-140-5p and STAT3 expression and their internal connections were tested.

H19 and STAT3 were overexpressed while miR-140-5p was down-regulated in OGD-induced BMECs. H19 or STAT3 knockdown, or miR-140-5p restoration repressed apoptosis and improved migration and angiogenesis of OGD-induced BMECs. MiR-140-5p restoration negated the impacts of up-regulated H19 on OGD-induced BMECs. H19 bound to miR-140-5p to modulate STAT3 expression.

The work illustrates that depleting H19 or STAT3 or restoring miR-140-5p attenuates HIBD and supplies a novel perspective for HIBD management.

The work illustrates that depleting H19 or STAT3 or restoring miR-140-5p attenuates HIBD and supplies a novel perspective for HIBD management.Alcohol use is associated with poor outcomes among people living with HIV (PLWH), but it remains unclear which alcohol use measures best predict future HIV viral non-suppression over time. This study aimed to compare the ability of five alcohol use measures to predict risk of suboptimal HIV viral load trajectories over 36 months. We analyzed data from a cohort of PLWH in Florida including survey data linked to the state HIV surveillance system on prospective HIV viral loads over 36 months (n = 783; 66% male; 55% Black; Mage=46, SD = 11). Four trajectory patterns for HIV viral load were identified consistently low (65.1%), decreasing (15.9%), increasing (10.6%), and consistently high (8.4%). Past year alcohol use frequency (OR = 2.1, CI1.0-4.4), drinks consumed on a typical drinking day (OR = 2.2, CI1.2-4.1), frequency of binge drinking (OR = 2.6, CI1.3-5.2), and alcohol-related problems score (OR = 1.7, CI1.1-2.7) were the measures predictive of the risk of future viral non-suppression above specific thresholds.Economic vulnerability is often reported to underlie involvement in sex work among female sex workers (FSW), but may also create urgency in women's work, limiting women's negotiating power with clients and in turn, increasing their vulnerability for violence and HIV. This study assessed economic vulnerability in relation to violence and sexual risk behaviors for HIV among a sample of FSW in Tijuana, Mexico. FSW at least 18 years of age were recruited through venue-based sampling for a survey (n = 228) and in-depth interviews (n = 50) to investigate HIV risk factors in this region. Using crude and adjusted logistic regression models, we assessed lack of financial support from others as well as reports of financial hardship separately in relation to experiencing sexual violence (e.g. by clients, police, relationship partners, in the past 6 months), physical violence (past 6 months), STI diagnosis, and inconsistent condom use (past 30 days). Qualitative interviews (n = 50), conducted with a subsample of the survey participants, were also examined for related themes. FSW who reported no financial support were more likely to report sexual violence (OR = 2.1; 95% CI1.1-4.2). FSW who reported financial hardship were more likely to experience sexual violence (OR = 1.9; 95% CI1.1-3.6) and physical violence (OR = 1.9; 95% CI1.1-3.6), as well as to report past 30-day inconsistent condom use (OR = 2.4; 95%CI 1.3-4.6) and to test positive for an STI (OR = 1.9; 95% CI1.1-3.4). Qualitative data substantiated these findings. Findings suggest that interventions to improve economic well-being may be useful to prevent the intersecting concerns of violence and HIV among FSW.

Autoři článku: Slatteryhurst7808 (Henry Underwood)