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10%, respectively. These data provide strong justification for larger multi-center validation studies to confirm the usefulness of these platelet indices during the assessment of sepsis on the ICU.The 2017 expanded Mexico City Policy prohibits non-US-based nongovernmental organizations from receiving US global health assistance if they either perform or refer for abortion services. We study the effects of the expanded policy on implementing partners of US-funded HIV programming by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) via a primary survey in all recipient countries and key-informant interviews in South Africa and the Kingdom of Eswatini (May-November 2018). Survey results showed that 28 percent (56 of 198) of organizations reported stopping or reducing at least one service in response to the policy. Reported service reductions included reducing the delivery of information about sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy counseling, contraception provision, and HIV testing and counseling. Interview data highlighted how these reductions were often a result of decreased patient flows or implementation of the expanded policy beyond what is required. Reductions disproportionately harmed pregnant women, youth, and key populations such as sex workers and men who have sex with men. Reduced delivery of sexual and reproductive health services has the potential to negatively affect many intended beneficiaries of PEPFAR funding, especially in areas with high HIV prevalence. Policy makers must respond to disruptions in service delivery and end any implementation that undermines US investment in high-quality HIV and sexual and reproductive health services.Insurance churn, or moving between different insurance plans or between insurance and uninsurance, is common during the perinatal period. We used survey data from the 2012-17 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System to estimate the impact of Affordable Care Act-related state Medicaid expansions on continuity of insurance coverage for low-income women across three time points preconception, delivery, and postpartum. We found that Medicaid expansion resulted in a 10.1-percentage-point decrease in churning between insurance and uninsurance, representing a 28 percent decrease from the prepolicy baseline in expansion states. This decrease was driven by a 5.8-percentage-point increase in the proportion of women who were continuously insured and a 4.2-percentage-point increase in churning between Medicaid and private insurance. Medicaid expansion improved insurance continuity in the perinatal period for low-income women, which may improve the quality of perinatal health care, but it also increased churning between public and private health insurance.Life expectancy in the US increased 3.3 years between 1990 and 2015, but the drivers of this increase are not well understood. We used vital statistics data and cause-deletion analysis to identify the conditions most responsible for changing life expectancy and quantified how public health, pharmaceuticals, other (nonpharmaceutical) medical care, and other/unknown factors contributed to the improvement. We found that twelve conditions most responsible for changing life expectancy explained 2.9 years of net improvement (85 percent of the total). Ischemic heart disease was the largest positive contributor to life expectancy, and accidental poisoning or drug overdose was the largest negative contributor. Forty-four percent of improved life expectancy was attributable to public health, 35 percent was attributable to pharmaceuticals, 13 percent was attributable to other medical care, and -7 percent was attributable to other/unknown factors. Our findings emphasize the crucial role of public health advances, as well as pharmaceutical innovation, in explaining improving life expectancy.Driven by a mission of justice, Manhattan Plaza and Penn South create beloved communities that care for people at all stages of life.Responding to an opioid crisis in Canada, policy makers have implemented supply-side interventions seldom used in the US, regulating insurance reimbursement to discourage the prescribing of specified opioids. Using national databases of all opioids dispensed through provincial pharmaceutical programs and of opioid hospitalizations from January 2006 through March 2017, we found that requiring physicians to obtain prior authorization for patients to receive reimbursement for OxyContin prescriptions substantially reduced OxyContin fills, particularly among opioid-naive patients; it also reduced overall opioid prescriptions, suggesting limited substitution. "Grandfathering" OxyNeo (an abuse-resistant OxyContin variant), allowing previous OxyContin patients to obtain OxyNeo, increased OxyNeo fills but had no detectable effect on total opioid prescriptions, which points to substantial opioid substitution among chronic users of prescription opioids. We found no effects of regulatory changes on opioid-related hospitalizations. These results suggest that restrictions on pharmaceutical formularies can reduce fills of targeted opioids with the additional benefit of altering treatment of opioid-naive and other patients differently. Canadian policy makers may wish to extend such regulations to more provincial formularies and private insurers, and policy makers in the US and elsewhere could fruitfully follow suit.Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are a vulnerable population with high rates of morbidity, mortality, and acute care use. DMOG Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans (SNPs) are an alternative financing and delivery model designed to improve care and reduce costs for patients with ESRD, but little is known about their impact. We used detailed clinical, demographic, and claims data to identify fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries who switched to ESRD SNPs offered by a single health plan (SNP enrollees) and similar beneficiaries who remained enrolled in fee-for-service Medicare plans (fee-for-service controls). We then compared three-year mortality and twelve-month utilization rates. Compared with fee-for-service controls, SNP enrollees had lower mortality and lower rates of utilization across the care continuum. These findings suggest that SNPs may be an effective alternative care financing and delivery model for patients with ESRD.

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