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This study provides a robust cell-free protein synthesis toolbox with easy extract preparation and high protein yield. It also enables more researchers to reap the benefits from the cell-free biosynthesis platform.Transport accessibility experienced by an individual depends on their needs and abilities, as represented by their individual characteristics, such as age, income and gender. Although important from an equity perspective, the individual component of accessibility is currently ignored in most transport equity studies. This paper evaluates the impact of including individual characteristics into logsum-based accessibility measures for transport equity analysis. Using data from the London Travel Demand Survey (LTDS) 2011-13, two alternate logsum measures of accessibility are specified - with and without individual characteristics. An empirical analysis of spatial, social and economic equity is conducted using both the measures, and the outcomes are compared. The results clearly demonstrate that ignoring individual characteristics in logsum measures of accessibility can lead to unreliable outcomes for social and economic equity analysis, but do not add significant value when aggregated across large geographical zones for spatial equity analysis. Overall, ignoring individual characteristics masks the disparity in distribution of accessibility, as measured by the Gini index. Although not straightforward, the difference between accessibility patterns using the two logsum measures also yields insights into the possible causes of inequity, which can provide actionable inputs to policy makers. The study highlights that personal needs and abilities are often responsible for accessibility variations among individuals and ignoring them can result in a misleading picture of equity, as demonstrated quantitatively in this paper.As asynchronous online discussions gain a broader usage due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the need for understanding of students' ideas from unstructured textual data becomes more pressing. In this experimental study, we examine the effects of recommendations on message quality and community formation from voluminous online discussions. Drawing on literature from group cognition, knowledge building discourse, and learning analytics, we calculate message quasi-quality index (QQI) scores based on message lexical complexity and topic-related keyword usage by participants in explaining their ideas. Furthermore, we examine the empirical evidence on the relationship between QQI scores and participants' interactions. Finally, we visualize network structures via sociograms and hierarchically cluster participants to identify subgroups. Our analysis of 281 messages finds that recommendations helped participants to write more messages that compared alternative viewpoints and refined preliminary ideas with higher QQI scores. Results also show that recommendations cultivated a sense of collective agency to increase the opportunity for creativity and reduce the likelihood that peripheral participants will be dissatisfied and fail to identify with a community. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.The crack development is considered to be one of the most severe threats to the durability of concrete infrastructure. This study aims to enhance the durability performance of cementitious material with the pH-responsive Superabsorbent Polymer (SAP). The SAP was synthesized with acrylic acid (AA)-methyl acrylate (MA) precursors, and three type samples with different crosslinking levels were prepared. The examination on the pH sensitivity indicated that the swelling capacity of the prepared SAP would first increase and then decrease with solution alkalinity, and the peak swelling potential was achieved around pH value of 12 for all the three type SAP with solution/gel mass ratio of 500. Further examination indicated the alkalinity of the buffer solution was reduced during the adsorption test, which can be caused by the hydrolysis of the amide groups and the crosslinker. Besides that, it was also found the solution/gel ratio and the Ca(OH)2 content could affect the swelling potential of the SAP. After that, the performance tests were conducted for the evaluation of concrete with SAP. A wax-coating protocol for the SAP was designed by using the hot-water method to prevent its swelling during mixing process. It was found that the strength reduction for samples with wax-coated SAP was insignificant compared to that of the control samples. Furthermore, durability tests supported the wax-shell could be broken by the crack propagation in concrete. And further experimental studies are needed to optimize the wax-size and shell thickness for enhanced self-sealing efficiency.Acoustic nanodrops are designed to vaporize into ultrasound-responsive microbubbles, which presents certain challenges nonexistent for conventional nano-emulsions. The requirements of biocompatibility, vaporizability and colloidal stability has focused research on perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Ivacaftor Shorter PFCs yield better vaporizability via their lower critical temperature, but they also dissolve more easily owing to their higher vapor pressure and solubility. Thus, acoustic nanodrops have required a tradeoff between vaporizability and colloidal stability in vivo. The recent advent of vaporizable endoskeletal droplets, which are both stable and vaporizable, may have solved this problem. The purpose of this review is to justify this premise by pointing out the beneficial properties of acoustic nanodrops, providing an analysis of vaporization and dissolution mechanisms, and reviewing current biomedical applications.Humans are quick to notice if an object is unstable. Does that assessment require attention or can instability serve as a preattentive feature that can guide the deployment of attention? This paper describes a series of visual search experiments, designed to address this question. Experiment 1 shows that less stable images among more stable images are found more efficiently than more stable among less stable; a search asymmetry that supports guidance by instability. Experiment 2 shows efficient search but no search asymmetry when the orientation of the objects is removed as a confound. Experiment 3 independently varies the orientation cues and perceived stability and finds a clear main effect of apparent stability. Experiment 4 shows converging evidence for a role of stability using different stimuli that lack an orientation cue. However, here both search for stable and unstable targets is inefficient. Experiment 5 is a control for Experiment 4, showing that the stability effect in Experiment 4 is not simple side-effects of the geometry of the stimuli.

Autoři článku: Skovgaardfulton4541 (Breen Egeberg)