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We did not find a difference in outcome after a presumed aseptic revision regardless of the emergence of UPCs. Similarly, we could not demonstrate that patients with UPCs presented with poorer function at baseline compared with culture-negative patients. The clinical relevance of UPCs thus requires further evaluation, especially in the case of C acnes as a potential pathogenic versus a merely colonizing microbe.Although spiral bacteria are uncommon, they cause bacteremia. We evaluated their characteristics, in particular, the time from the start of blood culture to the first report of a positive result to physicians, using the BACTEC blood culture system. In cases of spiral bacteremia, an extended treatment period should be considered.Glaesserella parasuis consists of 15 serovars with some of them highly virulent and some of them avirulent. As killed vaccines do not provide crossprotection across serovars, serotyping is of importance. Serotyping, previously done by gel diffusion, is now done by multiplex PCR followed by electrophoresis. Accurately differentiating 15 serovars by electrophoresis is problematic. To overcome this problem, a Luminex microbead-based multiplex assay was used to differentiate the serovars. The assay consisted of a multiplex PCR assay followed by hybridisation to microbeads which were then analysed on a Luminex machine. The newly developed assay was compared to the multiplex serotyping PCR and the gel diffusion/indirect haemagglutination assay (GD/IHA). The microbead-based assay worked very well for the 15 reference strains but when used on the 74 Australian field strains displayed some problems. The main problems were with the eight out of nine serovar 4 field isolates and the five serovar 7 and three serovar 14 field isolates. While the microbead-based assay could differentiate between the serovar 5 and 12 reference strains, which the serovar multiplex PCR could not, all four field isolates identified by GD/IHA as serovar 12 were identified as serovar 5 by the microbead-based assay. Serovar 4 has been noted to have a high diversity especially among strains from different countries. Our work clearly shows that the diversity of strains at both the national and the international level has to be taken into account when developing diagnostic assays.The increasing prevalence of extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) and plasmid-mediated AmpC (pAmpC) β-lactamases among Enterobacterales threatens our ability to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). These organisms are resistant to most β-lactam antibiotics and are frequently multidrug-resistant (MDR). Consequently, they are often resistant to antibiotics used to empirically treat UTIs. The lack of rapid diagnostic and antibiotic susceptibility tests (AST) makes clinical management of UTIs caused by such organisms difficult, as standard culture and susceptibility assays require several days. We have adapted a biochemical detection assay, termed dual-enzyme trigger-enabled cascade technology (DETECT) for rapid detection of resistance (time-to-result of 3 h) to other antibiotics commonly used in treatment of UTIs. DETECT is activated by the presence of CTX-M and pAmpC β-lactamases. In this proof-of-concept study, the adapted DETECT assay (AST-DETECT) has been performed on pure-cultures of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli (48 isolates) expressing ESBL or pAmpC β-lactamases to perform AST for ciprofloxacin (sensitivity 96.9%, specificity 100%, accuracy 97.9%) nitrofurantoin (sensitivity 95.7%, specificity 91.7%, accuracy 94%) and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (sensitivity 83.3%, specificity 100%, accuracy 89.4%). These results suggest that AST-DETECT may be adapted as a potential diagnostic platform to rapidly detect multidrug-resistant E. coli and K. pneumoniae that cause UTI.The role of G-quadruplexes in the cellular physiology of human pathogenesis is an intriguing area of research. Nonetheless, their functional roles and evolutionary conservation have not been compared comprehensively in pathogenic forms of various bacterial genera and species. In the current in silico study, we addressed the role of G-quadruplex-forming sequences (G4 motifs) in the context of cis-regulation, expression variation, regulatory networks, gene orthology and ontology. Genome-wide screening across seven pathogenic genomes using the G4Hunter tool revealed the significant prevalence of G4 motifs in cis-regulatory regions compared to the intragenic regions. Significant conservation of G4 motifs was observed in the regulatory region of 300 orthologous genes. Further analysis of published ChIP-Seq data (Minch et al., 2015) of 91 DNA-binding proteins of the M. tuberculosis genome revealed significant links between G4 motifs and target sites of transcriptional regulators. Interestingly, the transcription factors entangled with virulence, in specific, CsoR, Rv0081, DevR/DosR, and TetR family are found to have G4 motifs in their target regulatory regions. Overall the current study applies positional-functional relationship computation to delve into the cis-regulation of G-quadruplex structures in the context of gene orthology in pathogenic bacteria.Glycoprotein (GP)Ib that binds von Willebrand factor (vWF) and glycoprotein (GP)VI, that binds collagen play a significant role in platelet activation and aggregation, and are potential targets for antithrombotic treatment. They are targeted by snake venom proteinases. The effect of a such proteinase, mutalysin-II, on platelet aggregation was examined using washed human platelets and platelet-rich plasma. Its proteolytic activity on vWF, on its binding partner GPIbα, and on GPVI was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, and immunodetection with the corresponding antibodies after blotting. Dose- and time-dependently, mutalysin-II inhibits aggregation of washed platelets induced by vWF plus ristocetin and by convulxin, but with no significant effect on platelet-rich-plasma. Furthermore, mutalysin-II cleaves vWF into low molecular mass multimers of vWF and a rvWF-A1 domain to realease a ∼27-kDa fragment detectable by SDS-PAGE and blotting with mouse anti-rvWF-A1-domain IgG. Moreover, GPVI was cut by mutalysin-II into a soluble ∼55-kDa ectodomain and a fragment of ∼35-kDa. Thus, mutalysin-II inhibits vWF-induced platelet aggregation via cleavage of bound vWF-A1, and its receptor GPIbα. The additional cleavage of, GPVI, blocks collagen-induced platelets. Our data highlight mutalysin-II as an interesting platelet-directed tool targeting vWF-GPIbα binding and particularly GPVI. Thus, it might be suited for antithrombotic therapy as its combined inactivation of two receptors does not significantly compromise hemostasis, but shows high efficacy and safety. Studies are needed to further develop and demonstrate its potential benefits.Brown and beige adipose tissues are the primary sites for adaptive non-shivering thermogenesis. Although they have been known principally for their thermogenic effects, in recent years, it has emerged that, just like white adipose tissue (WAT), brown and beige adipose tissues also play an important role in the regulation of metabolic health through secretion of various brown adipokines (batokines) in response to various physiological cues. These secreted batokines target distant organs and tissues such as the liver, heart, skeletal muscles, brain, WAT, and perform various local and systemic functions in an autocrine, paracrine, or endocrine manner. Brown and beige adipose tissues are therefore now receiving increasing levels of attention with respect to their effects on various other organs and tissues. Identification of novel secreted factors by these tissues may help in the discovery of drug candidates for the treatment of various metabolic disorders such as obesity, type-2 diabetes, skeletal deformities, cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia. In this review, we comprehensively describe the emerging secretory role of brown/beige adipose tissues and the metabolic effects of various brown/beige adipose tissues secreted factors on other organs and tissues in endocrine/paracrine manners, and as well as on brown/beige adipose tissue itself in an autocrine manner. This will provide insights into understanding the potential secretory role of brown/beige adipose tissues in improving metabolic health.Liquid biopsy in cancer has gained momentum in clinical research and is experiencing a boom for a variety of applications. There are significant efforts to utilize liquid biopsies in cancer for early detection and treatment stratification, as well as residual disease and recurrence monitoring. Although most efforts have used circulating tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA for this purpose, exosomes and other extracellular vesicles have emerged as a platform with potentially broader and complementary applications. Exosomes/extracellular vesicles are small vesicles released by cells, including cancer cells, into the surrounding biofluids. These exosomes contain tumor-derived materials such as DNA, RNA, protein, lipid, sugar structures, and metabolites. In addition, exosomes carry molecules on their surface that provides clues regarding their origin, making it possible to sort vesicle types and enrich signatures from tissue-specific origins. Exosomes are part of the intercellular communication system and cancer cells frequently use them as biological messengers to benefit their growth. Since exosomes are part of the disease process, they have become of tremendous interest in biomarker research. Exosomes are remarkably stable in biofluids, such as plasma and urine, and can be isolated for clinical evaluation even in the early stages of the disease. Exosome-based biomarkers have quickly become adopted in the clinical arena and the first exosome RNA-based prostate cancer test has already helped >50 000 patients in their decision process and is now included in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines for early prostate cancer detection. This review will discuss the advantages and challenges of exosome-based liquid biopsies for tumor biomarkers and clinical implementation in the context of circulating tumor DNA and circulating tumor cells.The ubiquitin related modifier Urm1 protein was firstly identified in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and was later found to play important roles in different eukaryotes. By the assistance of an E1-like activation enzyme Uba4, Urm1 can function as a modifier to target proteins, called urmylation. selleck products The thioredoxin peroxidase Ahp1 was the only identified Urm1 target in the early time. Recently, many other Urm1 targets were identified, which is important for us to fully understand functions of urmylation. Urm1 can also function as a sulfur carrier to play a key role in tRNAs thiolation. Mechanisms of the Urm1 in protein and RNA modifications were finely revealed in the past few years. Biological and physiological functions of Urm1 were also found in different organisms. In this review, we will summarize these emerging progresses.

Chronic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the liver has been shown to play a causative role in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) progression, yet the underlying molecular mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Forkhead box A3 (FOXA3), a member of the FOX family, plays critical roles in metabolic homeostasis, although its possible functions in ER stress and fatty liver progression are unknown.

Adenoviral delivery, siRNA delivery, and genetic knockout mice were used to crease FOXA3 gain- or loss-of-function models. Tunicamycin (TM) and a high-fat diet (HFD) were used to induce acute or chronic ER stress in mice. ChIP-seq, luciferase assay, and adenoviral-mediated downstream gene manipulations were performed to reveal the transcriptional axis involved. Key axis protein levels in livers from healthy donors and patients with NAFLD were assessed via immunohistochemical staining.

FOXA3 transcription is specifically induced by XBP1s upon ER stress. FOXA3 exacerbates the excessive lipid accumulation caused by the acute ER-inducer TM, whereas FOXA3 deficiency in hepatocytes and mice alleviates it.

Autoři článku: Skoukline5134 (McCleary Juel)