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We investigate glycine microsolvation with water molecules, mimicking astrophysical conditions, in our laboratory by embedding these clusters in helium nanodroplets at 0.37 K. We recorded mass selective infrared spectra in the frequency range 1500-1800  cm^-1 where two bands centered at 1630 and 1724  cm^-1 were observed. By comparison with the extensive accompanying calculations, the band at 1630  cm^-1 was assigned to the COO^- asymmetric stretching mode of the zwitter ion and the band at 1724  cm^-1 was assigned to redshifted C=O stretch within neutral clusters. We show that zwitter ion formation of amino acids readily occurs with only few water molecules available even under extreme conditions.Kubo formulas for Hall, transverse thermoelectric, and thermal Hall conductivities are simplified into on-shell commutators of degeneracy projected polarizations. The new expressions are computationally economical, and apply to general Hamiltonians without a gap restriction. We show that Hall currents in open boundaries are carried by gapless chiral excitations. Extrapolation of finite lattice calculations to the dc-thermodynamic limit is demonstrated for a disordered metal.We generalize the flux insertion argument due to Laughlin, Niu-Thouless-Tao-Wu, and Avron-Seiler-Zograf to the case of fractional quantum Hall states on a higher-genus surface. We propose this setting as a test to characterize the robustness, or topologicity, of the quantum state of matter and apply our test to the Laughlin states. Laughlin states form a vector bundle, the Laughlin bundle, over the Jacobian-the space of Aharonov-Bohm fluxes through the holes of the surface. The rank of the Laughlin bundle is the degeneracy of Laughlin states or, in the presence of quasiholes, the dimension of the corresponding full many-body Hilbert space; its slope, which is the first Chern class divided by the rank, is the Hall conductance. We compute the rank and all the Chern classes of Laughlin bundles for any genus and any number of quasiholes, settling, in particular, the Wen-Niu conjecture. Then we show that Laughlin bundles with nonlocalized quasiholes are not projectively flat and that the Hall current is precisely quantized only for the states with localized quasiholes. Hence our test distinguishes these states from the full many-body Hilbert space.Quasisymmetry is an unusual symmetry that can be present in toroidal magnetic fields, enabling the confinement of charged particles and plasma. Here it is shown that both quasiaxisymmetry and quasihelical symmetry can be achieved to a much higher precision than previously thought over a significant volume, resulting in exceptional confinement. For a 1 Tesla mean field far from axisymmetry (vacuum rotational transform >0.4), symmetry-breaking mode amplitudes throughout a volume of aspect ratio 6 can be made as small as the typical ∼50  μT geomagnetic field.Silica, water, and hydrogen are known to be the major components of celestial bodies, and have significant influence on the formation and evolution of giant planets, such as Uranus and Neptune. Thus, it is of fundamental importance to investigate their states and possible reactions under the planetary conditions. Here, using advanced crystal structure searches and first-principles calculations in the Si-O-H system, we find that a silica-water compound (SiO_2)_2(H_2O) and a silica-hydrogen compound SiO_2H_2 can exist under high pressures above 450 and 650 GPa, respectively. Further simulations reveal that, at high pressure and high temperature conditions corresponding to the interiors of Uranus and Neptune, these compounds exhibit superionic behavior, in which protons diffuse freely like liquid while the silicon and oxygen framework is fixed as solid. Therefore, these superionic silica-water and silica-hydrogen compounds could be regarded as important components of the deep mantle or core of giants, which also provides an alternative origin for their anomalous magnetic fields. These unexpected physical and chemical properties of the most common natural materials at high pressure offer key clues to understand some abstruse issues including demixing and erosion of the core in giant planets, and shed light on building reliable models for solar giants and exoplanets.The entanglement of charge density wave (CDW), superconductivity, and topologically nontrivial electronic structure has recently been discovered in the kagome metal AV_3Sb_5 (A=K, Rb, Cs) family. With high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we study the electronic properties of CDW and superconductivity in CsV_3Sb_5. The spectra around K[over ¯] is found to exhibit a peak-dip-hump structure associated with two separate branches of dispersion, demonstrating the isotropic CDW gap opening below E_F. The peak-dip-hump line shape is contributed by linearly dispersive Dirac bands in the lower branch and a dispersionless flat band close to E_F in the upper branch. The electronic instability via Fermi surface nesting could play a role in determining these CDW-related features. The superconducting gap of ∼0.4  meV is observed on both the electron band around Γ[over ¯] and the flat band around K[over ¯], implying the multiband superconductivity. The finite density of states at E_F in the CDW phase is most likely in favor of the emergence of multiband superconductivity, particularly the enhanced density of states associated with the flat band. Our results not only shed light on the controversial origin of the CDW, but also offer insights into the relationship between CDW and superconductivity.Multivalent associative proteins with strong complementary interactions play a crucial role in phase separation of intracellular liquid condensates. We study the internal dynamics of such "bond-network" condensates comprising two complementary proteins via scaling analysis and molecular dynamics. Selleck RSL3 We find that when stoichiometry is balanced, relaxation slows down dramatically due to a scarcity of alternative binding partners following bond breakage. This microscopic slow-down strongly affects the bulk diffusivity, viscosity, and mixing, which provides a means to experimentally test this prediction.Magnetic materials in which it is possible to control the topology of their magnetic order in real space or the topology of their magnetic excitations in reciprocal space are highly sought after as platforms for alternative data storage and computing architectures. Here we show that multiferroic insulators, owing to their magnetoelectric coupling, offer a natural and advantageous way to address these two different topologies using laser fields. We demonstrate that via a delicate balance between the energy injection from a high-frequency laser and dissipation, single skyrmions-archetypical topological magnetic textures-can be set into motion with a velocity and propagation direction that can be tuned by the laser field amplitude and polarization, respectively. Moreover, we uncover an ultrafast Floquet magnonic topological phase transition in a laser-driven skyrmion crystal and we propose a new diagnostic tool to reveal it using the magnonic thermal Hall conductivity.Dissipative Kerr solitons in microresonators have facilitated the development of fully coherent, chip-scale frequency combs. In addition, dark soliton pulses have been observed in microresonators in the normal dispersion regime. Here, we report bound states of mutually trapped dark-bright soliton pairs in a microresonator. The soliton pairs are generated seeding two modes with opposite dispersion but with similar group velocities. One laser operating in the anomalous dispersion regime generates a bright soliton microcomb, while the other laser in the normal dispersion regime creates a dark soliton via Kerr-induced cross-phase modulation with the bright soliton. Numerical simulations agree well with experimental results and reveal a novel mechanism to generate dark soliton pulses. The trapping of dark and bright solitons can lead to light states with the intriguing property of constant output power while spectrally resembling a frequency comb. These results can be of interest for telecommunication systems, frequency comb applications, and ultrafast optics.If the time evolution of a quantum state leads back to the initial state, a geometric phase is accumulated that is known as the Berry phase for adiabatic evolution or as the Aharonov-Anandan (AA) phase for nonadiabatic evolution. We evaluate these geometric phases using Floquet theory for systems in time-dependent external fields with a focus on paths leading through a degeneracy of the eigenenergies. Contrary to expectations, the low-frequency limits of the two phases do not always coincide. This happens as the degeneracy leads to a slow convergence of the quantum states to adiabaticity, resulting in a nonzero finite or divergent contribution to the AA phase. Steering the system adiabatically through a degeneracy provides control over the geometric phase as it can cause a π shift of the Berry phase. On the other hand, we revisit an example of degeneracy crossing proposed by AA. We find that, at suitable driving frequencies, both geometric-phase definitions give the same result and the dynamical phase is zero due to the symmetry of time evolution about the point of degeneracy, providing an advantageous setup for manipulation of quantum states.We report the first operation of a Ra^+ optical clock, a promising high-performance clock candidate. The clock uses a single trapped ^226Ra^+ ion and operates on the 7s ^2S_1/2→6d ^2D_5/2 electric quadrupole transition. By self-referencing three pairs of symmetric Zeeman transitions, we demonstrate a frequency instability of 1.1×10^-13/sqrt[τ], where τ is the averaging time in seconds. The total systematic uncertainty is evaluated to be Δν/ν=9×10^-16. Using the clock, we realize the first measurement of the ratio of the D_5/2 state to the S_1/2 state Landé g-factors g_D/g_S=0.598 805 3(11). A Ra^+ optical clock could improve limits on the time variation of the fine structure constant, α[over ˙]/α, in an optical frequency comparison. The ion also has several features that make it a suitable system for a transportable optical clock.Stimulated by the recent experiment [F. Ando et al., Nature (London) 584, 373 (2020).NATUAS0028-083610.1038/s41586-020-2590-4], we propose an intrinsic mechanism to cause the superconducting diode effect (SDE). SDE refers to the nonreciprocity of the critical current for the metal-superconductor transition. Among various mechanisms for the critical current, the depairing current is known to be intrinsic to each material and has recently been observed in several superconducting systems. We clarify the temperature scaling of the nonreciprocal depairing current near the critical temperature and point out its significant enhancement at low temperatures. It is also found that the nonreciprocal critical current shows sign reversals upon increasing the magnetic field. These behaviors are understood by the nonreciprocity of the Landau critical momentum and the change in the nature of the helical superconductivity. The intrinsic SDE unveils the rich phase diagram and functionalities of noncentrosymmetric superconductors.

Autoři článku: Skouclemensen4186 (Russo Andreasen)