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Objective This study aimed to investigate the possible molecular mechanisms associated with ischemic stroke through the construction of a lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network. miRNA expression profile in GSE55937, mRNA and lncRNA expression profiles in GSE122709, and mRNA expression profile in GSE146882 were downloaded from the NCBI GEO database. After the identification of the differentially expressed miRNA, lncRNA, and mRNA using GSE55937 and GSE122709 in ischemic stroke vs. control groups, a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed. see more The lncRNA-miRNA, lncRNA-mRNA, and miRNA-mRNA pairs were predicted, and a lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network was constructed. Additionally, the gene-drug interactions were predicted. Characteristic genes were used to construct a support vector machine (SVM) model and verified using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. In total 38 miRNAs, 115 lncRNAs, and 990 mRNAs were identified between ischemic stroke and control groups. A PPI network with 371 nodes and 2306 interaction relationships was constructed. The constructed lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network contained 7 mRNAs, 14 lncRNAs, such as SND1-IT1, NAPA-AS1, LINC01001, LUCAT1, and ASAP1-IT2, and 8 miRNAs, such as miR-93-3p and miR-24-3p. The drug action analysis of the seven differential mRNAs included in the lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network showed that four genes (GPR17, ADORA1, OPRM1 and LPAR3) were predicted as molecular targets of drugs. The area under the curve of the constructed SVM model was 0.886. The verification results of the relative expression of RNA by qRT-PCR were consistent with the results of bioinformatics analysis. LPAR3, ADORA1, GPR17, and OPRM1 may serve as therapeutic targets of ischemic stroke. lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory axis such as SND1-IT1/NAPA-AS1/LINC01001-miR-24-3p-LPAR3/ADORA1 and LUCAT1/ASAP1-IT2-miR-93-3p-GPR17 may play important roles in the progression of ischemic stroke.As a domain of study centering on the nature of the body in the functioning of the individual organism, embodiment encompasses a diverse array of topics and questions. One useful organizing framework places embodiment as a bridge construct connecting three standpoints on the body the form of the body, the body as actively engaged in and with the world, and the body as lived experience. Through connecting these standpoints, the construct of embodiment shows that they are not mutually exclusive inherent in form is the capacity for engagement, and inherent in engagement is a lived perspective that confers agency and meaning. Here, we employ this framework to underscore the deep connections between embodiment and development. We begin with a discussion of the origins of multicellularity, highlighting how the evolution of bodies was the evolution of development itself. The evolution of the metazoan (animal) body is of particular interest, because most animals possess complex bodies with sensorimotor capacities for perceiving and acting that bring forth a particular sort of embodiment. However, we also emphasize that the thread of embodiment runs through all living things, which share an organizational property of self-determination that endows them with a specific kind of autonomy. This realization moves us away from a Cartesian machine metaphor and instead puts an emphasis on the lived perspective that arises from being embodied. This broad view of embodiment presents opportunities to transcend the boundaries of individual disciplines to create a novel integrative vision for the scientific study of development.Decades of research have informed our understanding of how stress impacts the brain to perturb behavior. However, stress during development has received specific attention as this occurs during a sensitive period for scaffolding lifelong socio-emotional behavior. In this review, we focus the developmental neurobiology of stress-related pathology during infancy and focus on one of the many important variables that can switch outcomes from adaptive to maladaptive outcome caregiver presence during infants' exposure to chronic stress. While this review relies heavily on rodent neuroscience research, we frequently connect this work with the human behavioral and brain literature to facilitate translation. Bowlby's Attachment Theory is used as a guiding framework in order to understand how early care quality impacts caregiver regulation of the infant to produce lasting outcomes on mental health.Hyper-adaptability, the ability to adapt to changes in the internal environment caused by neurological disorders, is necessary to recover from various disabilities, such as motor paralysis and sensory impairment. In the recovery from motor paralysis, the pre-existing neural pathway of the ipsilateral descending pathway, which is normally suppressed and preserved in the course of development, is activated to contribute to the motor control of the paretic limb. link2 Conversely, in sensory pathways, it remains unclear whether there are compensatory pathways which are beneficial for the recovery of sensory impairment due to damaged unilateral somatosensory pathways, such as thalamic hemorrhage. Here, we investigated the interaction between the left and right somatosensory pathways in healthy humans using paired median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs). Paired median nerve SEPs were recorded at CP3 and CP4 with a reference of Fz in the International 10-20 System. link3 The paired median nerve stimulation with different interstimulus intervals (ISIs; 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, and 100 ms) was performed to test the influence of the first stimulus (to the right median nerve) on the P14, P14/N20, and N20/P25 components induced by the second stimulus (left side). Results showed that the first stimulation had no effect on SEP amplitudes (P14, P14/N20, and N20/P25) evoked by the second stimulation in all ISI conditions, suggesting that there might not be a neural connectivity formed by a small number of synapses in the left-right interaction of the somatosensory pathway. Additionally, the somatosensory pathway may be less diverse in healthy participants.Aims Post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is the decline in cognitive function of the central nervous system (CNS) after anesthesia/surgery. The present study explored whether anesthesia/surgery altered gut microbiota and fecal metabolites, examining their associations with risk factors of cognitive dysfunction in aged mice. Methods Sixteen-month-old C57BL/6 mice underwent abdominal surgery under isoflurane anesthesia to establish an animal model of POCD. The Morris water maze test (MWMT) was used as an indicator of memory after surgery. The effects of anesthesia/surgical interventions on gut microbiota, fecal metabolites, hippocampus, and serum levels of inflammatory factors were examined. Results The anesthesia/surgery induced more serious POCD behavior, increasing brain interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-1β levels than sham control mice. The relative abundance of bacterial genera Bacteroidales_unclassified, Mucispirillum, and Clostridiales_unclassified declined, whereas that of Escherichia-Shigella, actinomyces, Ruminococcus_gnavus_group, and Lachnospiraceae_FCS020_group were enriched after anesthesia/surgery compared to the baseline controls. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) showed that the metabolites differed between post-anesthesia+surgery (post_A + S) and baseline samples and were associated with the fecal metabolism of tryptophan, kynurenic acid, N-oleoyl γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 2-indolecarboxylic acid, and glutamic acid. Furthermore, the differential metabolites were associated with alterations in the abundance of specific bacteria. These results indicate that the POCD intervention may be achieved by targeting specific bacteria associated with neurotransmitter metabolism. Conclusions A transient cognitive disturbance induced by anesthesia/surgery may be associated with unfavorable alterations in gut microbiota and fecal metabolites, thereby contributing to the POCD development.The human brainstem harbors neuronal aggregates that ensure the maintenance of several vital functions. It also acts as a major relay structure for the neuronal information that travels between the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum and the spinal cord. As such, this relatively small portion of the human brain houses a multitude of ascending and descending fibers that course among numerous nuclei whose exact boundaries are still uncertain. Such a large number of nuclei and fiber tracts confined to a relatively small and compact brain region imposes upon the brainstem a highly complex cytoarchitectonic organization that still needs to be deciphered. The present work provides a topographic atlas of the human brainstem composed of 45 anatomical plates, each containing a pair of adjacent sections stained with Cresyl Violet and Luxol Fast Blue to help delineating brainstem nuclei and fiber tracts, respectively. The plates, which cover the entire midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata, are composed of equally-spaced sections referenced and aligned parallel to the ponto-mesencephalic junction rather than the fastigium or the obex. This topographic landmark is particularly suitable for neurosurgical interventions aiming at specific nuclei of the mesencephalic tegmentum. In complement, we provide 8 anatomical plates containing adjacent sections stained for choline acetyltransferase and Luxol Fast Blue, taken through the midbrain and the pons. This open access atlas of the human brainstem is intended to assist neuroanatomists, neurosurgeons and neuropathologists in their work.Excitotoxicity is one of the primary mechanisms of cell loss in a variety of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Other than the previously established signaling pathways of excitotoxicity, which depend on the excessive release of glutamate from axon terminals or over-activation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs), Ca2+ influx-triggered excitotoxicity through Ca2+-permeable (CP)-AMPA receptors (AMPARs) is detected in multiple disease models. In this review, both acute brain insults (e.g., brain trauma or spinal cord injury, ischemia) and chronic neurological disorders, including Epilepsy/Seizures, Huntington's disease (HD), Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease (AD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), chronic pain, and glaucoma, are discussed regarding the CP-AMPAR-mediated excitotoxicity. Considering the low expression or absence of CP-AMPARs in most cells, specific manipulation of the CP-AMPARs might be a more plausible strategy to delay the onset and progression of pathological alterations with fewer side effects than blocking NMDARs.Dragonflies are highly skilled and successful aerial predators that are even capable of selectively attending to one target within a swarm. Detection and tracking of prey is likely to be driven by small target motion detector (STMD) neurons identified from several insect groups. Prior work has shown that dragonfly STMD responses are facilitated by targets moving on a continuous path, enhancing the response gain at the present and predicted future location of targets. In this study, we combined detailed morphological data with computational modeling to test whether a combination of dendritic morphology and nonlinear properties of NMDA receptors could explain these observations. We developed a hybrid computational model of neurons within the dragonfly optic lobe, which integrates numerical and morphological components. The model was able to generate potent facilitation for targets moving on continuous trajectories, including a localized spotlight of maximal sensitivity close to the last seen target location, as also measured during in vivo recordings.

Autoři článku: Skaftecohen4140 (Bryant Hardin)