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05); however, there was no significant difference among the latter three treatment groups throughout 90 days of storage (p>0.05). On day 90 of storage, the unfermented control sausages yielded ~4.0 log colony-forming unit (CFU)/g of

spores compared to ~3.5 log CFU/g recovered from fermented samples and the unfermented cooked control samples identifying spore viability in all treatment groups.

spores were found to survive the acidity and cooking of fermented pork summer sausage and storage at 4°C for 3 months, thereby highlighting the need for effective intervention strategies to reduce the risk of

contamination in pork products.

C. difficile spores were found to survive the acidity and cooking of fermented pork summer sausage and storage at 4°C for 3 months, thereby highlighting the need for effective intervention strategies to reduce the risk of C. difficile contamination in pork products.

Mastitis is considered a significant disease of lactating animals. There are new attitudes for recognizing genes responsible for causing this disease to overcome and change the manipulation of this problem. This study aimed to isolate and identify

strains from mastitic bovine animals and detect some specific biofilm-forming genes (


, and biofilm-associated protein [

] genes

, and


A total of 121 mastitic milk samples were analyzed using biochemical tests (catalase test, oxidative-fermentative test, and coagulase test) and Gram stain. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction was applied to characterize biofilm genes (

, and

) in addition to (




, and


Among the 121 milk samples, 35 staphylococci isolates were derived with an incidence of 28.92% (35/121); among them, 19 are coagulase positive. Ninety percent of the isolates had

genes (

) while

gene was not recognized in any isolate. In addition, the incidence of


was 89.5% each. The prevalence of

specific groups (



, and

) was 78.9%, 52.6%, 10.5%, and 15.8%, respectively.

This study concluded that

has variant mechanisms of pathogenicity to form biofilm devoid of carrying a specific gene.

This study concluded that S. aureus has variant mechanisms of pathogenicity to form biofilm devoid of carrying a specific gene.

Aflatoxin M


) is a major fungal metabolite found in milk coming from aflatoxin B


) contaminated rations and is subsequently present in milk-based products demonstrating a serious public health hazard. This study aimed to investigate the levels of AFM

and AFB

in milk and some dairy products consumed widely by infants and children.

This study investigated the incidence of AFM

in 105 samples of processed cheese, Ras cheese, and raw milk (35 of each) retailed in the Egyptian markets. The degree of sensitivity and accuracy was evaluated using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method followed by the estimation of the positive samples using the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. Mold count was determined in the examined samples by investigating AFB

content using HPLC.


was found in all investigated Ras cheese, raw milk, and 82.86% of the processed cheese samples with mean values of 51.05±6.19, 40.27±3.996, and 10.77±1.39 ng/kg, reublic health hazards.

Piroplasmosis is a serious disease that infects animals, inflicting significant economic losses in the livestock industry and animal trade worldwide. Anti-piroplasm drugs now on the market have demonstrated host toxicity and parasite resistance. As a result, developing more effective and safer anti-piroplasm drugs becomes an urgent issue. This study aimed to evaluate the inhibitory effect of

methanolic extract (CA) against the growth of



, and

and against

in mice.

Fluorescence-based SYBR Green I assay was used to evaluate CA's inhibitory effect


when used either as a monotherapy or combined with diminazene aceturate (DA). The hematological parameters (HCT, hemoglobin, and red blood cells counts) were determined in the blood of mice every 96 h using Celltac a MEK-6450 electronic hematology analyzer.


growth of



, and

was inhibited by CA in a dose-dependent manner with IC

values of 4.87±1.23, 44.11±8.03, 8.23±2.54, and 1.26±0.50 mg/mL, respectively. In

-infected mice, a combination therapy consisting of CA and a low dose of DA showed a significant (p<0.05) inhibition of

growth nearly similar to those obtained by treatment with the full dose of DA.

The obtained results indicate that CA might be a promising medicinal plant for treating babesiosis, especially when used with a low dose of DA.

The obtained results indicate that CA might be a promising medicinal plant for treating babesiosis, especially when used with a low dose of DA.

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are a group of proteins that play a significant role in protecting cells against cellular stress.

is a conserved, sensitive, and abundant gene associated with heat stress's physiological adaptability. The objective of this study was to reveal the polymorphisms of the partial sequences of the

gene (5' untranslated region [UTR]) in seven cattle populations in Indonesia.

Polymerase chain reaction products (551 bp) of the

gene amplified from 102 animals representing seven cattle populations (Bali, Belgian Blue x Peranakan Ongole [PO] cross, Galekan, Jabres, Madura, PO, and Rambon) were sequenced by DNA sequencing method.

Fourteen single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), generally found at a low frequency, were detected. Among these SNPs, only 1117G>A, 1125A>C, and 1204T>C were polymorphic in all the analyzed breeds. A Chi-square test showed that the majority of the loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p

0.05). Varying levels of observed (0.050-0.571) and expee populations.

Kefir, a natural probiotic containing bacteria and yeast, is a fermented milk product, whereas glucomannan from porang tuber (

) is prebiotic

. Simvastatin is a potent lipid-lowering statin that can be utilized for pharmacological therapy in obesity. This study aimed to determine the effect of goat milk kefir supplemented with porang glucomannan (synbiotic kefir) and goat milk kefir without glucomannan (probiotic kefir) on blood glucose, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), free fatty acids (FFAs), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), gene expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARg), and insulin-producing cells in rats fed a high-fat and high-fructose (HFHF) diet.

Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five dietary groups (1) Normal control, (2) rats fed HFHF, (3) rats fed HFHF+probiotic kefir, (4) rats fed HFHF+synbiotic kefir, and (5) rats fed HFHF+simvastatin. All of these treatments were administered for 4 weeks.

There were no significant differences in plasma glucose levels in HFHF diet-fed rats before and after treatment. However, plasma HbA1c and TNF-α decreased, and FFAs were inhibited in rats after treatment with synbiotic kefir. Synbiotic kefir decreased the gene expression of PPARγ2 in HFHF diet-fed rats but did not affect the total number of islets of Langerhans and insulin-producing cells.

Synbiotic kefir improved the health of rats fed an HFHF diet by decreasing HbA1c, TNF-α, and PPARγ2 gene expression and preventing an increase in FFAs.

Synbiotic kefir improved the health of rats fed an HFHF diet by decreasing HbA1c, TNF-α, and PPARγ2 gene expression and preventing an increase in FFAs.

Trimmed asparagus by-products (TABP) is the resultant waste from asparagus possessing. TABP has fructans, such as inulins and fructooligosaccharide, which can be utilized as an alternative prebiotic. This study was conducted to examine the effect of TABP dietary supplementation on the productive performance, nutrient digestibility, gut microbiota, volatile fatty acid (VFA) content, small-intestine histology, and meat quality of broilers.

A total of 320 1-day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308

) were raised under ambient temperature and assigned through a completely randomized design to one of four dietary treatments, with four replicates per treatment. The dietary treatments comprised corn-soybean basal diet supplemented with 0 (control), 10, 30, or 50 g/kg TABP. All birds were provided drinking water and feed

to meet the standard nutritional requirements of National Research Council for broiler chickens.

TABP supplementation to the broilers significantly increased the apparent ether extract, crude fiber,g broilers with the lower serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as atherogenic indices of serum compared with the control (p<0.05). Cholesterol contents and palmitic acid, oleic acid, saturated fatty acids, and Monounsaturated fatty acids levels decreased with an increase of TABP supplementation (p<0.05). Furthermore, TABP supplementation decreased atherogenic index (AI) and thrombogenicity index (TI) of meat (p<0.05).

Supplementation of 30 g/kg TABP in broiler diet could enhance broiler performance and provide chicken meat with beneficial properties, with decreased AI and TI resulted from altered cholesterol and fatty acid profiles.

Supplementation of 30 g/kg TABP in broiler diet could enhance broiler performance and provide chicken meat with beneficial properties, with decreased AI and TI resulted from altered cholesterol and fatty acid profiles.

is a well-known cause of both anemia and thrombocytopenia in dogs. There are insufficient epidemiological data on this blood parasite in Thailand and the association of infections with hematological abnormalities. This study aimed to analyze the molecular characteristics and to identify

as well as the risk factors associated with

infection in dogs in Khon Kaen, Thailand.

Blood samples from 126 dogs that visited animal clinics were subjected to molecular detection using nested polymerase chain reaction for

gene. The risk factors and hematological profiles associated with the infection were analyzed using the logistic regression test in program SPSS version 19.

Forty-one dogs were infected, indicating a 32.5% molecular infection rate of

. The factors significantly associated with

infection include animal housing status, low packed cell volume, low red blood cell count, and low platelets (p<0.05). Ten positive samples were amplified, sequenced, and phylogenetically analyzed. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis confirmed the current ten samples as

compared with reference sequences in GenBank, using the BLAST program hosted by NCBI, which showed 99.74-100% similarity.

This study provided the first data of infection rate of

using nested PCR and molecular characteristics of

in randomly selected domestic dogs in Khon Kaen, Thailand.

This study provided the first data of infection rate of E. canis using nested PCR and molecular characteristics of E. canis in randomly selected domestic dogs in Khon Kaen, Thailand.

The crocodile is a model for studying relevant sources of environmental contamination. They were determined an appropriate biomonitoring species for various toxins. The cytosolic and microsomal fraction of crocodiles plays a role in detoxifying xenobiotics. Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) metabolizes aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) to aflatoxin M1, while glutathione-

-transferase (GST) catalyzes carcinogenic agents. This study aimed to investigate the GST activity in various organs of

. Further, the fate of microsomal and cytosolic fractions from various crocodile organs against AFB1-induced apoptosis in human hepatocarcinoma (HepG2) cells was investigated.

The liver, lungs, intestines, and kidneys tissues from a 3-year-old crocodile (

) (n=5) were collected. The cytosolic and microsomal fraction of all tissues was extracted, and protein concentrations were measured with a spectrophotometer. Subsequently, a comparison of GST activity from various organs was carried out by spectrophotometry, and the protective effects of CYP450 and GST activity from various crocodile organs were studied.

Autoři článku: Singletonkristiansen7377 (Duffy Luna)