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Lean body mass is essential for health, yet consensus regarding the effectiveness of protein interventions in increasing lean body mass is lacking.

The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the dose-response relationship of the effects of protein intake on lean body mass.

The PubMed and Ichushi-Web databases were searched electronically, and reference lists of the literature included here and in other meta-analyses were searched manually.

Randomized controlled trials evaluating the effects of protein intake on lean body mass were included.

Two authors independently screened the abstracts; 5 reviewed the full texts.

A total of 5402 study participants from 105 articles were included. In the multivariate spline model, the mean increase in lean body mass associated with an increase in protein intake of 0.1 g/kg of body weight per day was 0.39 kg (95%CI, 0.36-0.41) and 0.12 kg (95%CI, 0.11-0.14) below and above the total protein intake of 1.3 g/kg/d, respectively.

These findings suggest that slightly increasing current protein intake for several months by 0.1 g/kg/d in a dose-dependent manner over a range of doses from 0.5 to 3.5 g/kg/d may increase or maintain lean body mass.

UMIN registration number UMIN000039285.

UMIN registration number UMIN000039285.Sensory cortices must flexibly adapt their operations to internal states and external requirements. Sustained modulation of activity levels in different inhibitory interneuron populations may provide network-level mechanisms for adjustment of sensory cortical processing on behaviorally relevant timescales. However, understanding of the computational roles of inhibitory interneuron modulation has mostly been restricted to effects at short timescales, through the use of phasic optogenetic activation and transient stimuli. Here, we investigated how modulation of inhibitory interneurons affects cortical computation on longer timescales, by using sustained, network-wide optogenetic activation of parvalbumin-positive interneurons (the largest class of cortical inhibitory interneurons) to study modulation of auditory cortical responses to prolonged and naturalistic as well as transient stimuli. We found highly conserved spectral and temporal tuning in auditory cortical neurons, despite a profound reduction in overall network activity. This reduction was predominantly divisive, and consistent across simple, complex, and naturalistic stimuli. A recurrent network model with power-law input-output functions replicated our results. We conclude that modulation of parvalbumin-positive interneurons on timescales typical of sustained neuromodulation may provide a means for robust divisive gain control conserving stimulus representations.

Ill health associated with household air pollution (HAP) is increasingly recognized as a public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. To date, attempts to reduce HAP have focussed on smoke from cooking fires and have ignored traditional cultural practices which generate purposely produced smoke (PPS). This study aimed to investigate PPS prevalence, reasons for use and safety perceptions.

The study was conducted in Wollo, Ethiopia, and used a mixed methods approach of quantitative surveys (analysed descriptively) and qualitative interviews with householders and healthcare workers (analysed thematically).

PPS use was reported by 99% of survey respondents and it was considered a fundamental part of life. Although reasons for use included housekeeping, culture/religion and well-being, coffee ceremony was most commonly cited (44% of respondents). Both householders and healthcare workers appeared to assume PPS is safe, except for people with certain underlying conditions. Healthcare workers felt the lack of evidence of harm from PPS meant there was no justification for intervention.

This study, the first in-depth study of PPS, has shown its use to be widespread, with many perceived benefits and thus a very important part of local culture in this sample Ethiopian community. Consequently, any public health interventions aimed at reducing HAP in this setting need to consider PPS.

This study, the first in-depth study of PPS, has shown its use to be widespread, with many perceived benefits and thus a very important part of local culture in this sample Ethiopian community. Consequently, any public health interventions aimed at reducing HAP in this setting need to consider PPS.We compared severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus-2 seroprevalence estimated from commercial laboratory residual sera and a community household survey in metropolitan Atlanta during April-May 2020 and found these two estimates to be similar (4.94% versus 3.18%). Compared with more representative surveys, commercial sera can provide an approximate measure of seroprevalence.

Silexan is a lavender essential oil with established anxiolytic and calming efficacy. Here we asked whether there is a potential for abuse in human patients.

We carried out a phase I abuse liability single-center, double-blind, 5-way crossover study in healthy users of recreational central nervous system depressants. They received single oral doses of 80 mg (therapeutic dose) and 640 mg Silexan, 2 mg and 4 mg lorazepam (active control) and placebo in randomized order, with 4- to 14-day washout periods between treatments. Pharmacodynamic measures included validated visual analogue scales assessing positive, negative, and sedative drug effects and balance of effects; a short form of the Addiction Research Center Inventory; and a drug similarity assessment. The primary outcome measure was the individual maximum value on the drug liking visual analogue scale during 24 hours post-dose.

Forty participants were randomized and 34 were evaluable for pharmacodynamic outcomes. In intraindividual head-to-head comparisons of the drug liking visual analogue scale maximum value, both doses of Silexan were rated similar to placebo whereas differences were observed between Silexan and lorazepam and between placebo and lorazepam (P < .001). These data were supported by all secondary measures of positive drug effects and of balance of effects. Differences between placebo and both doses of Silexan were always negligible in magnitude. Moreover, Silexan showed no sedative effects and was not perceived to be similar to commonly used drugs that participants had used in the past.

Silexan did not exhibit any abuse potential in a standard abuse potential detection screen study and is unlikely to be recreationally abused.

Silexan did not exhibit any abuse potential in a standard abuse potential detection screen study and is unlikely to be recreationally abused.

The US electronic cigarette (ECIG) market and use behavior continues to rise, warranting investigation of ECIG advertisement (ad) content within media channels frequented by youth including internet and television (TV). In order to inform potential policy regulations, this content analysis sought to assess the prevalence of youth-appealing content and spend characteristics among ECIG video ads.

Between 2015 and 2016, 46 ECIG video ads were identified using an ad-tracking firm and were coded using the Content Appealing to Youth (CAY) index. Bivariate analyses and analysis of variance were used to compare CAY indices between online and TV ads and by ECIG brands. Ad-specific spend and source information, including website/TV program targeted were examined descriptively.

Common youth-appealing features included use of animation (56.5%) and content related to positive sensations (52.2%), promoting mood (34.8%), individuality/freedom (23.9%) and addiction (19.6%). Features not associated with youth appeal also were prevalent. Few differences were observed by media source or ECIG brand. TV ads accounted for the largest spend, and Vuse was the top spending brand. Websites/TV programs were diverse.

Findings support regulatory efforts to restrict the use of youth-appealing content within ECIG ads as well as the reduction of media sources available for ECIG marketing.

Findings support regulatory efforts to restrict the use of youth-appealing content within ECIG ads as well as the reduction of media sources available for ECIG marketing.Selection for crop cultivars has largely focused on reproductive traits, while the impacts of global change on crop productivity are expected to depend strongly on the vegetative physiology traits that drive plant resource use and stress tolerance. We evaluated relationships between physiology traits and growing season climate across wine grape cultivars to characterize trait variation across European growing regions. We compiled values from the literature for seven water use and drought tolerance traits and growing season climate. Cultivars with a lower maximum stomatal conductance were associated with regions with a higher mean temperature and mean and maximum vapor pressure deficit (r2=0.39-0.65, P less then 0.05, n=14-29). Cultivars with greater stem embolism resistance and more anisohydric stomatal behavior (i.e. a more negative water potential threshold for 50% stomatal closure) were associated with cooler regions (r2=0.48-0.72, P less then 0.03, n=10-29). Overall, cultivars grown in warmer, drier regions exhibited traits that would reduce transpiration and conserve soil water longer into the growing season, but potentially increase stomatal and temperature limitations on photosynthesis under future, hotter conditions.The taxonomic status of the medically important spider genus Loxosceles Heineken et Lowe, 1832 (Sicariidae) in Iran, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan is revised. Two species are described as new to science Loxosceles coheni sp. n. (♂♀, southwestern Iran) and Loxosceles turanensis sp. n. (♂♀, southern Turkmenistan and eastern Iran). Additionally, Loxosceles alicea Gertsch, 1967 syn. n. (♀, Peru) is synonymized with Loxosceles rufescens (Dufour, 1820). The local distribution of all treated species is mapped (including several new records), and reported cases of loxoscelism from this region are briefly reviewed.The relationship between canopy defoliation by insects and yield loss in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) has been extensively researched. However, detailed analysis of varieties with different properties and examination of methods of defoliation are still lacking. Absence of research results has led many producers to use a very conservative economic threshold (ET) of 10% defoliation in the management of insect defoliators. A series of leaf removal experiments was conducted on a determinate chipping variety of potato at different plant stages. In 2002, the highest levels of defoliation induced upon the plant canopy were 50, 30, and 75% for tuber initiation, full bloom, and plant maturity stages, respectively. In 2003, defoliation levels were increased to 70, 80, and 90% for tuber initiation, full bloom, and plant maturity, respectively. Total yield was unaffected, and no significant changes in market sized yield, or number of marketable tubers were observed at any growth stage in either year. Because the determinate variety showed remarkable ability to recover from substantial defoliation, two different methods of defoliation hand cut (cutting the edge of leaves with scissors while avoiding the midrib) and hole punching (hole-punching leaf tissue [15.08-mm diameter] while avoiding midrib) were tested. Although total yield was unaffected, marketable yield and small potato yield were reduced, Thus, although defoliation methods must be considered, a 10% defoliation ET is exceedingly conservative and an ET of 60% for all stages of determinate chipping potato could be adopted by growers.

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