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The attractive tail of the intermolecular interaction affects very weakly the structural properties of liquids, while it affects dramatically their dynamical ones. Via the numerical simulations of model systems not prone to crystallization, both in three and in two spatial dimensions, here we demonstrate that the nonperturbative dynamical effects of the attractive forces are tantamount to a rescaling of the activation energy by the glass transition temperature T_g systems only differing in their attractive interaction have the same structural and dynamical properties if compared at the same value of T/T_g.A key strategy for sub-GeV dark matter direct detection is searches for small ionization signals that arise from dark matter-electron scattering or from the "Migdal" effect in dark matter-nucleus scattering. We show that the theoretical description of both processes is closely related, allowing for a principal mapping between them. We explore this for noble-liquid targets and, for the first time, estimate the Migdal effect in semiconductors using a crystal form factor. We present new constraints using XENON10, XENON100, and SENSEI data, and give projections for proposed experiments.Artificial crystals synthesized by atomic-scale epitaxy provide the ability to control the dimensions of the quantum phases and associated phase transitions via precise thickness modulation. In particular, the reduction in dimensionality via quantized control of atomic layers is a powerful approach to revealing hidden electronic and magnetic phases. Here, we demonstrate a dimensionality-controlled and induced metal-insulator transition (MIT) in atomically designed superlattices by synthesizing a genuine two-dimensional (2D) SrRuO_3 crystal with highly suppressed charge transfer. ABBV-2222 price The tendency to ferromagnetically align the spins in an SrRuO_3 layer diminishes in 2D as the interlayer exchange interaction vanishes, accompanying the 2D localization of electrons. Furthermore, electronic and magnetic instabilities in the two SrRuO_3 unit cell layers induce a thermally driven MIT along with a metamagnetic transition.The picosecond evolution of non-Maxwellian electron distribution functions was measured in a laser-produced plasma using collective electron plasma wave Thomson scattering. During the laser heating, the distribution was measured to be approximately super-Gaussian due to inverse bremsstrahlung heating. After the heating laser turned off, collisional ionization caused further modification to the distribution function while increasing electron density and decreasing temperature. Electron distribution functions were determined using Vlasov-Fokker-Planck simulations including atomic kinetics.Recent optomechanical experiments have observed nonclassical properties in macroscopic mechanical oscillators. A key indicator of such properties is the asymmetry in the strength of the motional sidebands produced in the probe electromagnetic field, which is originated by the noncommutativity between the oscillator ladder operators. Here we extend the analysis to a squeezed state of an oscillator embedded in an optical cavity, produced by the parametric effect originated by a suitable combination of optical fields. The motional sidebands assume a peculiar shape, related to the modified system dynamics, with asymmetric features revealing and quantifying the quantum component of the squeezed oscillator motion.Self-similar structures occur naturally and have been employed to engineer exotic physical properties. We show that acoustic modes of a fractal-like system of tensioned strings can display increased mechanical quality factors due to the enhancement of dissipation dilution. We describe a realistic resonator design in which the quality factor of the fundamental mode is enhanced by as much as 2 orders of magnitude compared to a simple string with the same size and tension. Our findings can open new avenues in force sensing, cavity quantum optomechanics, and experiments with suspended test masses.We present a comprehensive theory of the dynamics and fluctuations of a two-dimensional suspension of polar active particles in an incompressible fluid confined to a substrate. We show that, depending on the sign of a single parameter, a state with polar orientational order is anomalously stable (or anomalously unstable), with a nonzero relaxation (or growth) rate for angular fluctuations, not parallel to the ordering direction, at zero wave number. This screening of the broken-symmetry mode in the stable state does lead to conventional rather than giant number fluctuations as argued by Bricard et al., Nature 503, 95 (2013), but their bend instability in a splay-stable flock does not exist and the polar phase has long-range order in two dimensions. Our theory also describes confined three-dimensional thin-film suspensions of active polar particles as well as dense compressible active polar rods, and predicts a flocking transition without a banding instability.We demonstrate a conceptually new mechanism to generate an in-plane spin current with out-of-plane polarization in a nonmagnetic metal, detected by nonlocal thermoelectric voltage measurement. We generate out-of-plane (∇T_OP) and in-plane (∇T_IP) temperature gradients, simultaneously, acting on a magnetic insulator-Pt bilayer. When the magnetization has a component oriented perpendicular to the plane, ∇T_OP drives a spin current into Pt with out-of-plane polarization due to the spin Seebeck effect. ∇T_IP then drags the resulting spin-polarized electrons in Pt parallel to the plane against the gradient direction. link2 This finally produces an inverse spin Hall effect voltage in Pt, transverse to ∇T_IP and proportional to the out-of-plane component of the magnetization. This simple method enables the detection of the perpendicular magnetization component in a magnetic insulator in a nonlocal geometry.We show that the segmental mobility of thin films of poly(4-chlorostyrene) prepared under nonequilibrium conditions gets enhanced in the proximity of rough substrates. This trend is in contrast to existing treatments of roughness which conclude it is a source of slower dynamics, and to measurements of thin films of poly(2-vinylpiridine), whose dynamics is roughness invariant. Our experimental evidence indicates the faster interfacial dynamics originate from a reduction in interfacial density, due to the noncomplete filling of substrate asperities. Importantly, our results agree with the same scaling that describes the density dependence of bulk materials, correlating segmental mobility to a term exponential in the specific volume, and with empirical relations linking an increase in glass transition temperature to larger interfacial energy.With optical spectroscopy we provide evidence that the insulator-metal transition in Sr_2Ir_1-xRh_xO_4 occurs close to a crossover from the Mott- to the Slater-type. The Mott gap at x=0 persists to high temperature and evolves without an anomaly across the Néel temperature, T_N. Upon Rh doping, it collapses rather rapidly and vanishes around x=0.055. Notably, just as the Mott gap vanishes yet another gap appears that is of the Slater-type and develops right below T_N. This Slater gap is only partial and is accompanied by a reduced scattering rate of the remaining free carriers, similar as in the parent compounds of the iron arsenide superconductors.This corrects the article DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.251105.Quantum critical points often arise in metals perched at the border of an antiferromagnetic order. The recent observation of singular and dynamically scaling charge conductivity in an antiferromagnetic quantum critical heavy fermion metal implicates beyond-Landau quantum criticality. link3 Here we study the charge and spin dynamics of a Kondo destruction quantum critical point (QCP), as realized in an SU(2)-symmetric Bose-Fermi Kondo model. We find that the critical exponents and scaling functions of the spin and single-particle responses of the QCP in the SU(2) case are essentially the same as those of the large-N limit, showing that 1/N corrections are subleading. Building on this insight, we demonstrate that the charge responses at the Kondo destruction QCP are singular and obey ω/T scaling. This property persists at the Kondo destruction QCP of the SU(2)-symmetric Kondo lattice model.The transition metal thiophosphates MPS_3 (M=Mn, Fe, Ni) are a class of van der Waals stacked insulating antiferromagnets that can be exfoliated down to the ultrathin limit. MnPS_3 is particularly interesting because its Néel ordered state breaks both spatial-inversion and time-reversal symmetries, allowing for a linear magnetoelectric phase that is rare among van der Waals materials. However, it is unknown whether this unique magnetic structure of bulk MnPS_3 remains stable in the ultrathin limit. Using optical second harmonic generation rotational anisotropy, we show that long-range linear magnetoelectric type Néel order in MnPS_3 persists down to at least 5.3 nm thickness. However an unusual mirror symmetry breaking develops in ultrathin samples on SiO_2 substrates that is absent in bulk materials, which is likely related to substrate induced strain.We demonstrate three-dimensional trapping of individual Rydberg atoms in holographic optical bottle beam traps. Starting with cold, ground-state ^87Rb atoms held in standard optical tweezers, we excite them to nS_1/2, nP_1/2, or nD_3/2 Rydberg states and transfer them to a hollow trap at 850 nm. For principal quantum numbers 60≤n≤90, the measured trapping time coincides with the Rydberg state lifetime in a 300 K environment. We show that these traps are compatible with quantum information and simulation tasks by performing single qubit microwave Rabi flopping, as well as by measuring the interaction-induced, coherent spin-exchange dynamics between two trapped Rydberg atoms separated by 40  μm. These results will find applications in the realization of high-fidelity quantum simulations and quantum logic operations with Rydberg atoms.We introduce a novel method for the simulation of the impact scattering in vibrational scanning transmission electron microscopy electron energy loss spectroscopy simulations. The phonon-loss process is modeled by a combination of molecular dynamics and elastic multislice calculations within a modified frozen phonon approximation. The key idea is thereby to use a so-called δ thermostat in the classical molecular dynamics simulation to generate frequency dependent configurations of the vibrating specimen's atomic structure. The method includes correlated motion of atoms and provides vibrational spectrum images at a cost comparable to standard frozen phonon calculations. We demonstrate good agreement of our method with simulations and experiments for a 15 nm flake of hexagonal boron nitride.Experiments and simulations show that when an initially defect-free rigid crystal is subjected to deformation at a constant rate, irreversible plastic flow commences at the so-called yield point. The yield point is a weak function of the deformation rate, which is usually expressed as a power law with an extremely small nonuniversal exponent. We reanalyze a representative set of published data on nanometer sized, mostly defect-free Cu, Ni, and Au crystals in light of a recently proposed theory of yielding based on nucleation of stable stress-free regions inside the metastable rigid solid. The single relation derived here, which is not a power law, explains data covering 15 orders of magnitude in timescales.

Autoři článku: Simonsenflindt9144 (Wren Stein)