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Sectional Couches For Sale

Modular sectionals maximize space by providing a variety of seating options. These types of sofas are ideal for larger families, and offer plenty of flexibility for guests.

Select upholstery that complements your aesthetic preferences as well as the style of your home. Choose fabrics that can withstand the messes of children and pets.

Vega LHR Max

The Vega LHR Max is a top-quality, tall and large sectional model that delivers the ultimate in reclining satisfaction. It comes with a headrest that is powered and a power lumbar system as well as a large middle storage area and the USB power station. This makes it the most flexible and feature-rich seat available today.

The sectional can be transformed into a love seat or sleeper sofa with the flip of a button. The Vega also comes with two cup holders in the stationary seat that is armless and two reading lights on the backrest, as well as an easy-to-use magazine storage pouch. The seat that is in the middle has an charging station that has two USB outlets as well as an outlet for 120V power.

We have an option that places a table made of wood between two recliners. This seat features an adjustable table top constructed from commercial grade wood laminate. It can be turned upwards to reveal the reversible lower shelf, which is able to hold two additional cup holders. The deep middle storage console also has a USB power station. It also features a LED lighting system that illuminates the cup holders and base rail to provide an immersive experience.

Each seat in the Vega also has our proprietary accessory dock that is located inside the arm. It can be added on more than a dozen accessories for your lifestyle like tray tables, wine glass holder and more. This is a great way to personalize your furniture and create the ideal layout for your family. You can make use of the many pre-designed layouts in our pricing configurator as a starting place or create your own sectional.

Magnum LHR

If you're looking for a modular sectional that's adaptable enough to fit your lifestyle look no further than the Logan by Apt2B. The Logan is made to order in Los Angeles and comes with more than 50 different fabric options that range from high-end velvets to various woven types. The Logan is available in a variety of colors to tailor the couch to fit your style.

Lovesac's Burrow upholstered sectional is a great option for a smaller living space. It's designed to fit into smaller layouts however, it's also a breeze to expand as your family grows and your needs change. This sectional will last many years due to its stain-resistant upholstery, solid plywood frame and CertiPUR US foam.

West Elm's Beale 5-piece sectional with reclining is another option. This elegant and classic seating option is ideal for a basement, media room or man cave due to its high-end comfort and authentic movie theater look. It has goose-down padded seats and memory foam padded backrests. Plus the Beale is built with durability in mind and includes an solid wood frame and steel hardware.

Modular sections with a combination of aesthetics and adaptability are perfect for those who want to be able to arrange their furniture in a flexible way however have a only a small amount of space. The Cozey Atmosphere sectional is an excellent example of this, with three different modules that can connect to form an L, or separate into a U shape. The pieces are available in nine different colors and a medium firmness, which means you're bound to find the perfect piece for your living room.

If you're looking for a traditional sectional with a classic silhouette You can't go wrong with the Cozy Dream reclining sectional from West Elm. It's made of contract-grade materials and comes with a large selection of fabrics that you can select from, including some which can be washed in the machine. In addition, the company's trademarked Clever construction allows you to easily transform this sofa into an L or U shape.

The Octane Magnum LHR modular reclining sectional is perfect for a basement, media room, or home theatre setting. Its high-density foam core as well as memory foam seat toppers offer superior comfort, and the lumbar and headrest with power support system lets you adjust the seat's position and angle for an optimal experience.

Magnum LHR also has a number of innovative features which make it an excellent option for those who want to sit in a high-end seating. It comes with an Accessory Dock located on the front of each arm. The dock lets you add a variety of accessories, including reading lamps, tray tables and swivel tablet holders, and so on. The sofa is also upholstered with black Italian top grain leather on all seating surfaces.

Octane LHR

Octane Epic LHR Massage sectional is available in a variety of seating configurations. You can personalize it to suit your space. It is upholstered in soft, luxurious Italian leather from the Luxe series, and you can request swatches to see how it looks and feels before you purchase. The leather is strong, and has a beautiful texture that has a deep pebbled texture. It has a low VOC finish, making it safe for your family.

This sectional has a number of unique features that aren't available in other theater seats for home use. The middle console folds down to reveal dual LED reading lights above each seat adjacent as well as magazines and two cup holders. It also has an accessory dock in the armrests that can accommodate many different accessories for the home, like a bowl for snacks and a phone holder, the tray table and much more.

This sectional also has power footrests. cheap couches for sale allows you to recline while keeping your feet elevated and is perfect to relax and kick back during marathons of movies. It's easy to activate by using an electronic remote or the button located on the inside of the armrest. There are three different footrest positions including upright, fully reclining and lounge.

This model also has adjustable headrests which can be moved up and down by pressing the button. This allows you to customize the amount of support you want which is great for those who suffer from neck or back discomfort.

Octane also offers the Bliss seating series, which features innovative heat and massaging functionality. This lets you relax during long movie-watching sessions and soothes sore muscles.

Octane provides a wide selection of seats that come with reclining options such as power recline and articulating head. Octane offers a variety of accent and upholstery colors to match your design and decor. You can even purchase an ottoman that matches the sectional to create a harmonious style in your home.

Octane home theater seating is highly rated by its customers for its comfort. Some users have complained about the quality of the structure and the reclining mechanisms of the seats. Seatcraft's home theater seating line that includes headrests with power and footrests, gives a similar experience for less. The company also has a selection of pillows that can be customized to add additional comfort and an aesthetic.

Autoři článku: Simonhart3422 (Bengtsson Funch)