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t. Unfortunately, the development of new antimicrobials is an expensive high-risk process fraught with difficulties. The repurposing of chemical agents provides a solution to this problem, and while many have not been originally developed as antimicrobials, they have been proven safe in clinical trials. PBT2, a zinc ionophore, is an experimental therapeutic that met safety criteria but failed efficacy checkpoints against both Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases. It was recently found that PBT2 possessed potent antimicrobial activity, although the mechanism of bacterial cell death is unresolved. In this body of work, we show that PBT2 has multiple mechanisms of antimicrobial action, making the development of PBT2 resistance unlikely. AF-802 Copyright © 2020 Harbison-Price et al.The hierarchical quorum sensing (QS) systems of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, consisting of las, pqs, and rhl, coordinate the expression of bacterial virulence genes. Previous studies showed that under phosphate deficiency conditions, two-component regulatory system PhoRB could activate various genes involved in cytotoxicity through modulation of QS systems, but the mechanism by which PhoR/PhoB influences QS remains largely unknown. Here, we provide evidence that among the key QS regulatory genes in P. aeruginosa, rhlR, pqsA, mvfR, and lasI were activated by the response regulator PhoB under phosphate-depleted conditions. We show that PhoB is a strong competitor against LasR and RsaL for binding to the promoter of lasI and induces significant expression of lasI, rhlR, and mvfR. However, expression of lasI, encoding the signal 3-oxo-C12-HSL, was increased only marginally under the same phosphate-depleted conditions. This seeming inconsistency was attributed to the induction of pvdQ, which encodes an enzyme for degraficantly upregulated by phosphate depletion stress through the PhoR/PhoB two-component regulatory system, especially the upstream QS regulatory gene lasI We also present evidence that the response regulator PhoB was a strong competitor against the las regulators LasR and RsaL for the lasI promoter, unveiling the mechanistic basis of the process by which phosphate stress could modulate the bacterial QS systems. Copyright © 2020 Meng et al.Irene Ramos works in the field of immunology to viral infections. In this mSphere of Influence article, she reflects on how "Global analyses of human immune variation reveal baseline predictors of postvaccination responses" by Tsang et al. (Cell 157499-513, 2014, https// and "A crowdsourced analysis to identify ab initio molecular signatures predictive of susceptibility to viral infection" by Fourati et al. (Nat Commun 94418, 2018, https// made an impact on her by highlighting the importance of data science methods to understand virus-host interactions. Copyright © 2020 Ramos.Dysbiotic gut microbiota (GM) and disordered metabolic patterns are known to be involved in the clinical expression of atrial fibrillation (AF). However, little evidence has been reported in characterizing the specific changes in fecal microbiota in paroxysmal AF (PAF) and persistent AF (psAF). To provide a comprehensive understanding of GM dysbiosis in AF types, we assessed the GM signatures of 30 PAF patients, 20 psAF patients, and 50 non-AF controls based on metagenomic and metabolomic analyses. Compared with control subjects, similar changes of GM were identified in PAF and psAF patients, with elevated microbial diversity and similar alteration in the microbiota composition. PAF and psAF patients shared the majority of differential taxa compared with non-AF controls. Moreover, the similarity was also illuminated in microbial function and associated metabolic alterations. Additionally, minor disparity was observed in PAF compared with psAF. Several distinctive taxa between PAF and psAF were correlated withon. We found that different types of atrial fibrillation show a limited degree of gut microbiota shift. Gut microbiota dysbiosis has already occurred in mild stages of atrial fibrillation, which might act as an early modulator of disease, and therefore may be regarded as a potential target to postpone atrial fibrillation progression. Copyright © 2020 Zuo et al.Substantial concentrations of penicillin V potassium (PVK) have been found in livestock manure, soil, and wastewater effluents, which may pose potential threats to human health and contribute to the emergence of penicillin-resistant bacterial strains. In this study, bacterial strains capable of degrading PVK were isolated from sludge and characterized. Strain X-2 was selected for biodegradation of PVK. Based on morphological observations and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, strain X-2 was identified as an Ochrobactrum tritici strain. To enhance the PVK degradation ability of PVK, a whole-cell biodegradation process of Ochrobactrum tritici X-2 was established and optimized. In the whole-cell biodegradation process, the optimal temperature and pH were 30°C and 7.0, respectively. Under the optimized conditions, the degradation rate using 0.5 mg/ml PVK reached 100% within 3 h. During biodegradation, two major metabolites were detected penicilloic acid and phenolic acid. The present study provides a novel method for the lactam antibiotics. Copyright © 2020 Wang et al.Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are small, double-stranded DNA viruses that are significant risk factors in the development of cancer, and HPV accounts for approximately 5% of all worldwide cancers. Recent studies using data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) have demonstrated that elevated levels of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) are associated with improved survival in oropharyngeal cancers, and these elevated receptor levels were linked with human papillomavirus-positive cancers (HPV+cancers). There has been a dramatic increase in HPV-related head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HPV+HNSCCs) over the last 2 decades, and therapeutic options for this ongoing health crisis are a priority; currently, there are no antiviral therapeutics available for combatting HPV+cancers. During our TGCA studies on head and neck cancer, we had also discovered the overexpression of ERα in HPV+cancers. Here, we demonstrate that 17β-estradiol (estrogen) attenuates the growth/cell viability of HPV+cancers in vitro, but not HPV-negative cancer cells.

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