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Study quality was evaluated using PRISMA criteria. RESULTS 43 studies were identified, 24 of which were categorized as obstacle-related (e.g., focusing on negative aspects of intimacy, such as risky behaviors) and 19 of which were deemed neutral or recovery-oriented (e.g., focusing on positive aspects of intimacy, such as marital functioning). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE Results highlight a need for greater communication and assistance in the areas of intimacy and sexuality for persons with psychotic disorders. Better access to resources such as dating skills and couples therapy programs as well as more consumer-oriented research is needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Nostalgia is a bittersweet-albeit predominantly positive-self-relevant and social emotion that arises from reflecting on fond and meaningful autobiographical memories. Nostalgia might facilitate successful aging by serving as a socioemotional selectivity strategy in the face of limited time horizons. Four studies tested the role of nostalgia in maintaining psychological wellbeing across the adult life span and across differing time perspectives. In Study 1, community adults (N = 443, age 18-91) completed measures of nostalgia proneness and 6 psychological wellbeing dimensions. Age was more positively related to wellbeing for those high than low on nostalgia proneness High-nostalgic individuals showed a maintenance or increase in psychological wellbeing with age, whereas low-nostalgic individuals did not. In Study 2 (N = 35, age 18-25), experimentally inducing a limited time perspective-a core trigger of socioemotional selectivity-in young adults prompted greater nostalgia. In Study 3 (N = 93, age 18-33) and Study 4 (N = 376, age 18-55), experimentally inducing a limited time perspective reduced some aspects of wellbeing among those who recalled an ordinary (Study 3) or lucky (Study 4) autobiographical memory, but this effect was eliminated among those who recalled a nostalgic memory. Nostalgia buffers perceptions of limited time and facilitates the maintenance of psychological wellbeing across the adult life span. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Aggression is an affect-laden behavior. The within-person variability of affective states that immediately precede, accompany, and follow aggression-and their links to between-person variability in aggressive behavior and traits-remain incompletely understood. To address this gap in our understanding, we examined 8 studies in which 2,173 participants reported the negative and positive affect they experienced before, during, and after a laboratory or online aggression task. We quantified the within-person variability within (flux) and across (pulse) negative and positive affect intensity, as well as the variability in oscillations between negative and positive affect (spin). Internal meta-analyses revealed an association between aggressive behavior and traits and flux in positive affect (against our preregistered predictions). Probing this effect with piecewise growth models showed that less aggressive individuals exhibited a pronounced decrease in positive affect during aggression, as compared to before and after the act. This downward fluctuation in positive affect was attenuated among aggressive individuals, who exhibited relatively stable levels of positive aggression-related affect. Thus, stable positive affect surrounding an aggressive act and higher positive affect during the act may buttress and promote aggressive tendencies. These findings support a reinforcement model of aggressive behavior, contrast with the aggression literature's conventional focus on negative affect and the instability thereof, and point to the utility of dynamic measures of moment-to-moment affect in understanding human social behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Everyday fluctuations in mood can influence our ability to remember to carry out intentions (prospective memory [PM]). Theories of mood-cognition interaction make differing predictions about the effects of positive and negative mood states on cognition that may change in aging. To test these predictions, we looked at the effects of age and induced mood on different types of PM tasks. Results showed that on a task which required constant attentional monitoring (event-based PM) young adults' performance was impaired by negative mood, whereas older adults' performance was not influenced by mood. Further analyses indicated that the deleterious effects of negative mood states in young participants were related to decreased monitoring. In another task which required more intermittent monitoring (time-based PM), older adults' performance actually improved under positive mood, whereas young adults showed no effect of mood. Contrary to predictions, these age differences were not related to improved emotion regulation in old age. We conclude that young adults are more likely than older to show PM failures caused by negative mood. Future research priorities are outlined to better understand the motivational and task characteristics which influence this phenomenon. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Parental child-focused reflective functioning (RF)-understanding children's behavior as a function of mental states-and parental empathy-understanding, resonating with, and feeling concern for children's emotions-have each been linked to sensitive caregiving and children's attachment security in separate studies, but they have been neither directly compared nor have researchers tested whether they interact in predicting child outcomes. In this article, we offer theoretical perspectives regarding differences between the constructs, potential points of connection, and ways in which these constructs may function together. Then we test these ideas empirically with 2 samples of mothers of school-age children, exploring their unique and interactive associations with parenting sensitivity, children's attachment security, and children's emotion regulation. In Study 1, mothers (N = 105) watched their children completing a stressor task (i.e., an impossible puzzle); mothers then answered interview questions, from which separate teams coded state-like RF and empathy. In Study 2, mothers (N = 72) completed the Parent Development Interview, coded separately for trait-like parental RF and empathy. Results of the 2 studies converged, revealing moderate positive associations between parental RF and empathy. Further, both RF and empathy were positively associated with specific child outcomes (e.g., attachment security); also, there were unique patterns of association (e.g., parental empathy was uniquely associated with child physiological regulation [neuroendocrine reactivity]) and evidence that critical levels of both are important (e.g., for supportive parenting, accuracy of emotion judgment). Parental RF and empathy might be related to each other and to distinguishable capacities that contribute to attachment and related outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Emotion values vary within and between individualistic and collectivistic cultural contexts. The form of collectivism prevalent in Latin America emphasizes simpatía, a cultural model that stresses the relational benefits of positivity but also the costs of negativity. This model was predicted to engender a pattern of emotion values distinct from that of the more commonly studied collectivist group, people of Asian heritage (PAH), among whom an emphasis on moderating positive and negative emotions is typically observed, and from people of European heritage (PEH), among whom authenticity in emotions is typically valued. selleck inhibitor College students of Latino (n = 659), Asian (n = 446), and European (n = 456) heritage living in the United States completed a study examining positive and negative emotion values. Mixed-model analysis of variance that included interactions among culture, emotion valence (positive, negative), value type (desirability, appropriateness), and response type (experience, expression) suggested distinct patterns of emotion values across groups. People of Latino heritage (PLH) rated positive emotions as more desirable and appropriate to experience and express than PAH (ps .05) but more inappropriate to experience (p less then .001) compared with PEH. The emotion-value pattern that emerged was largely consistent with simpatía for PLH and provides new evidence of similarity and variation in emotion values in three distinct contexts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Inconsistent evidence suggests that pediatric attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be associated with impairments in the ability to use context clues to infer the emotion states of others. However, the evidence base for these impairments is comprised of data from laboratory-based tests of emotion inference that may be confounded by demands on nonaffective cognitive processes that have been linked with ADHD. The current study builds on our previous study of facial affect recognition to address this limitation and investigate a potential mechanism underlying children's ability to infer emotion state from context clues. To do so, we used a fully crossed, counterbalanced experimental design that systematically manipulated emotion inference and working memory demands in 77 carefully phenotyped children ages 8-13 (Mage = 10.46, SD = 1.54; 66% Caucasian/Non-Hispanic; 42% female) with ADHD (n = 42) and without ADHD (n = 35). Results of Bayesian mixed-model ANOVAs indicated that using context clues to infer the emotion state of others competed for neurocognitive resources with the processes involved in rehearsing/maintaining information within working memory (BF₁₀ = 1.57 × 10¹⁹, d = 0.72). Importantly, there was significant evidence against the critical Group × Condition interaction for response times (BF₀₁ = 4.93), and no significant evidence for this interaction for accuracy (BF₀₁ = 2.40). In other words, children with ADHD do not infer emotions more slowly than children without ADHD (d = 0.13), and their small magnitude impairment in accuracy (d = 0.30) was attributable to their generally less accurate performance on choice-response tasks (i.e., across both emotion and control conditions). Taken together, the evidence indicates that emotion inference abilities are likely unimpaired in pediatric ADHD and that working memory is implicated in the ability to infer emotion from context for all children-not just children with ADHD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Facial expressions of emotion convey more than just emotional experience. Indeed, they can signal a person's social group memberships. For instance, extant research shows that nonverbal accents in emotion expression can reveal one's cultural affiliation (Marsh, Elfenbein, & Ambady, 2003). That work tested distinctions only between people belonging to one of two cultural categories, however (Japanese vs. Japanese Americans). What of people who identify with more than one culture? Here we tested whether nonverbal accents might signal not only cultural identification but also the degree of cultural identification (i.e., acculturation). Using neutral, happy, and angry photos of East Asian individuals varying in acculturation to Canada, we found that both Canadian and East Asian perceivers could accurately detect the targets' level of acculturation. Although perceivers used hairstyle cues when available, once we removed hair, accuracy was greatest for happy expressions-supporting the idea that nonverbal accents convey cultural identification.

Autoři článku: Siegelrosen1205 (Bach Bjerg)