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Pemetrexed is a folate analogue metabolic inhibitor for mammalian cells. Pemetrexed is established to be toxic to several cancer cells by interfering with their new biosynthesis of nucleotides and thus causing cell apoptosis. Presently, Pemetrexed is given to patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

This review focuses on the recent patents of Pemetrexed. This assessment includes patents grouped in segments like crystalline form patent, composition related patents, product patents, as well as a method of treatment. The aim of this review is to simplify inventors with altogether existing patents at a single place.

Data were searched from several available databases. In which, paid databases include Orbit® and SciFinder®. Free databases include Worldwide Espacenet® (EPO), Patentscope® (WIPO), InPASS (Indian patent database) and Google Patents.

Some new polymorph and composition related inventions of Pemetrexed have been recently patented as its orange-book listed patents will soon expire in May 2022. Further, because of the problem of oxidation through the development and continuing storage of Pemetrexed composition, several excipients are experimented within these patents to stabilize the same. Nevertheless, there is a need for further development of an improved composition of Pemetrexed with improved characteristics.

Wide research has been conducted on different processes for preparing Pemetrexed and formulation thereof. Such type of active research may clear the track for the generic companies in the United States which produces in the reduction of the price of the formulation and hence, providing universal health care at economic prices.

Wide research has been conducted on different processes for preparing Pemetrexed and formulation thereof. Such type of active research may clear the track for the generic companies in the United States which produces in the reduction of the price of the formulation and hence, providing universal health care at economic prices.The potential use of growth factors in stem cell-based therapies for the repair and regeneration of tissues and organs offers a paradigm shift in regenerative medicine. Growth factors are critical signalling molecules that play an important role in tissue development and remodelling. Plasma Rich in Growth Factor (PRGF) is a biotechnological strategy for the harvesting of the active substances of platelets, including growth factors, from the patient's blood. Because of their tremendous essential growth factor and bioactive agents, as well as their paracrine mechanisms, PRGF has been used as an efficacious option and adjuvant biological therapy in the repair and replacement of damaged organs. This article provides an overview of PRGF extraction and its properties and critically reviewed its clinical benefit and clinical trials in the treatment and regeneration of human organs. Regenerative medicine is a multi-billion-dollar industry with huge interest to clinicians, academics and industries, being considered as an emerging technology.The past decade has evidenced numerous developments in the treatment of heart diseases, however many patients with chronic heart failure suffer from quality of life. Therapeutic methods including drug-delivery, the heart's outside and inside the gadget, as well as heart transplantation, have been used to improve life. Cell therapy and tissue engineering have been recently introduced to medicine as a novel therapeutic approach. Treatment of heart diseases has been entered into novel lines through the introduction of cell therapy approaches. Based on the evidence, cell therapy has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of cardiac diseases. Since the first cell transplant to patients, different types of (stem) cells have been studied. PFK15 nmr The following aims to provide a comprehensive review on different types of cells and their roles used in cardiac cell-based therapy.

Minocycline is a tetracycline antibiotic that is widely used to treat infections, and is a first-line oral antibiotic in the treatment of moderate to severe inflammatory acne. Although it has high efficacy, several adverse reactions, including life-threatening ones have been reported in association with its use.

To identify all the potential adverse reactions due to minocycline and analyze them in terms of the number of cases reported so far, salient features, severity and clinical outcome.

Comprehensive PubMed search of English and non-English literature for case reports of adverse reactions to minocycline.

A total of 550 cases were identified from over 200 publications. The major reported adverse events caused by minocycline are drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome, autoimmune syndromes like hepatitis, lupus and vasculitis, acute eosinophilic pneumonia, pseudotumor cerebri, hyperpigmentation, serum sickness like reaction, Sweet's syndrome and drug fever. Several other reactions involving multiple organ systems have also been reported. All of these show an overlap of clinical features and may be associated with multiple events causing considerable morbidity. Eight of these cases resulted in the death of the patients.

In view of the evident potential of minocycline to cause long-lasting and severe adverse effects, significant morbidity and even mortality, it should be prescribed with caution in the first-line treatment for moderate to severe acne.

In view of the evident potential of minocycline to cause long-lasting and severe adverse effects, significant morbidity and even mortality, it should be prescribed with caution in the first-line treatment for moderate to severe acne.

Lymphoma of the female gynecologic tract is extremely rare. Typically, lymphoma is managed non surgically unlike other non-lymphomatous malignant tumors raising the importance to differentiate between both entities.

We describe the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of a case of uterovaginal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in a 50-year-old postmenopausal woman emphasizing Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) as a diagnostic and follow up tool. We reviewed the literature regarding the diagnostic methods for female genital lymphoma. Forty-five cases including our patient were reviewed with age range from 22 to 85 years. Vaginal bleeding was the most common presentation. The diagnosis was established by Papanicolaou smear, cervical biopsy (25/45), endometrial biopsy (6/45), vaginal biopsy (2/45), pelvic mass biopsy (2/45), iliac LN biopsy (1/45) and surgical diagnosis (8/45). Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) constitute the vast majority of the cases (82%). The uterine cervix was involved at diagnosis usion pattern with lower ADC values than carcinomas and post-operative changes.Cases of diverticulosis of the colon continue to increase, especially in Western countries. In these countries, two-thirds of the population older than 70 years of age are considered to experience this disease. Medical and surgical treatment for diverticulosis is begun actually for the complications of diverticulitis and lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage. The first evaluation of complicated diverticular disease is based on patient history, physical examination, and laboratory data. But all these exams and data can be inaccurate and are often questionable in the diagnoses of many features of the disease. To describe the position, severity, and presence of complications of a detected diverticulum is crucial to its appropriate treatment. The greater part of the patients have the mild disease and can be successfully cured medically. Only a small number of patients admit with acute diverticulitis and need urgent surgical intervention. Determining these patients early is crucial to morbidity and mortality reduction. Radiologic examination is important for exact evaluation of the extent of the course of the disease over the last three decades. This article aims to chart the place of the computed tomography (CT) imaging procedure in the assessment of acute complicated diverticular disease.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the main cause of dementia and it is a progressive neurogenerative disease characterized by the accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. There is currently no cure, however some treatments are available to slow down the progression of the disease, including gene therapy, which has been investigated as having great potential for the treatment of AD.

Thus, the aim of this review was to identify the efficacy of gene therapy to restore cognition in Alzheimer's disease.

a systematic review was carried out using papers published up to May 2020 and available in the Web of Science, Scopus, and Medline/PUBMED databases. Articles were considered for inclusion if they were original research that investigated the effects of gene therapy on cognition in AD. The methodological quality of the selected studies was evaluated using the Risk of Bias Tool for Animal Intervention Studies (SYRCLE's Rob tool), and the Jadad Scale.

Most preclinical studies obtained positive results in improving memory and learning in mice that underwent treatment with gene therapy. On the other hand, clinical studies have obtained inconclusive results related to the delivery methods of the viral vector used in gene therapy.

Gene therapy showed a great potential for the treatment of AD in preclinical trials, but results should be interpreted with caution since preclinical studies presented limitations to predict the efficacy of the treatment outcome in humans.

Gene therapy showed a great potential for the treatment of AD in preclinical trials, but results should be interpreted with caution since preclinical studies presented limitations to predict the efficacy of the treatment outcome in humans.

Major approach in controlling as well as eradicating the cancerous growth is through radiotherapy but this treatment leads to toxicity in the normal cells, leading to secondary malignancies, teratogenesis, and necrosis. More than 15,000 malignancies occur due to exposure to harmful radiations during computed tomography scans. Natural products are non-toxic; there have been reports that herbal products when given along with radiation have shown increase tumor control property. The discussed agents in this review have potential antioxidant, immunomodulatory, free radical scavenging, metal chelating, and anti-inflammatory properties.

To reduce the chances of toxicity, reduction in radiation dose or reducing the frequency of the therapy is done which usually leads to a therapeutically poor outcome. The most feasible method is to protect the normal cells by administration of radioprotective agents either before or after the exposure. These agents have been tested on animals and human cellmodels for evaluating ous studies have indicated the harmful effects of ionizing radiations on normal cells, to reduce these effects radioprotective agents are used before or after exposure to radiations. Compounds derived from natural sources are proved to have few side effects and they possess radioprotective property due to the presence of alkaloids, resins, volatile oils, tannins in their molecular structure. Various plants having such radioprotective constitutes have been identified for their radioprotective action and compiled in the present study.

Autoři článku: Sharmaismail6318 (Mohr Webb)