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Chronic alcohol consumption may result in liver injury and chronic liver disease, but other factors are likely to influence disease progression. Malnutrition, specifically micronutrient deficiency, is frequently associated with both alcohol use disorder and chronic liver disease. We hypothesize that micronutrient deficiencies may affect the progression of liver disease in this population.

Systematic integrative review of the medical literature; electronic search of MEDLINE 1950-2021; studies investigating role of any micronutrient in the acceleration of alcohol-related liver injury in humans or animals. Studies which specifically related to alcoholic hepatitis were excluded. Outcomes were extracted and recorded in tabulated form and discussed narratively.

We identified 46 studies investigating the role of micronutrient deficiencies in the pathogenesis of alcohol-related liver disease. Specific micronutrients which were identified included folic acid or related B vitamins (n = 9 studies), Vitamin D (n = levant magnesium deficiency. Long-term prospective cohort studies assessing the impact of micronutrients on liver disease progression in patients with alcohol use disorder are lacking and may help determine whether there is a causal role for micronutrient deficiencies in alcohol-related liver injury.

Autonomic dysfunction has been associated with risky drinking and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Although autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity has been attributed to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VmPFC)-limbic-striatal regions, the specific role of ANS disruption in AUD and its association with these regions remain unclear. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and concurrent electrocardiogram (ECG), the current study examined neural correlates of ANS activity in AUD and its role in AUD pathology.

Demographically matched 20 AUD patients and 20 social drinkers (SD) completed an fMRI task involving repeated exposure to stress, alcohol-cue and neutral-relaxing images in a block design. Based on the known VmPFC-limbic-striatal functions involved in emotions, reward and the ANS, we performed a regions of interest (ROI) analysis to examine the associations between ANS activity and neural responses in the VmPFC, amygdala, and ventral striatum.

Across conditions, AUD patients showed significatheir relevance to AUD pathology.

Neurophysiologic complexity in the cortex has been shown to reflect changes in the level of consciousness in adults but remains incompletely understood in the developing brain. This study aimed to address changes in cortical complexity related to age and anesthetic state transitions. This study tested the hypotheses that cortical complexity would (1) increase with developmental age and (2) decrease during general anesthesia.

This was a single-center, prospective, cross-sectional study of healthy (American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I or II) children (n = 50) of age 8 to 16 undergoing surgery with general anesthesia at Michigan Medicine. This age range was chosen because it reflects a period of substantial brain network maturation. Whole scalp (16-channel), wireless electroencephalographic data were collected from the preoperative period through the recovery of consciousness. Cortical complexity was measured using the Lempel-Ziv algorithm and analyzed during the baseline, premedication, m< 0.001), but complexity remained significantly reduced during recovery (0.873 [0.840, 0.902], P < 0.001).

Cortical complexity increased with developmental age and decreased during general anesthesia. This association remained significant when controlling for spectral changes during anesthetic-induced perturbations in consciousness but not with developmental age.

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status classification system celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2021. Its simplicity represents its greatest strength as well as a limitation in a world of comprehensive multisystem tools. It was developed for statistical purposes and not as a surgical risk predictor. However, since it correlates well with multiple outcomes, it is widely used-appropriately or not-for risk prediction and many other purposes. It is timely to review the history and development of the system. The authors describe the controversies surrounding the ASA Physical Status classification, including the problems of interrater reliability and its limitations as a risk predictor. Last, the authors reflect on the current status and potential future of the ASA Physical Status system.

In an effort to expedite the publication of articles , AJHP is posting manuscripts online as soon as possible after acceptance. Accepted manuscripts have been peer-reviewed and copyedited, but are posted online before technical formatting and author proofing. These manuscripts are not the final version of record and will be replaced with the final article (formatted per AJHP style and proofed by the authors) at a later time.

This review aims to summarize the evidence and pharmacological characteristics of treatment options for transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM). Additionally, this review highlights the role of clinical pharmacists in helping to secure newly introduced therapies.

ATTR-CM, a disease characterized by misfolded protein that is deposited in the myocardium and disrupts cardiac functioning, has historically been underdiagnosed due to the need for invasive biopsy and an illusion of rarity. Once diagnosed, limited treatment modalities for ATTR-CM have led providers to rely on nonphar and future clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of the available treatment modalities.

ATTR-CM treatments have emerged and, despite current limited data, are continuing to evolve. Tafamidis, the only agent approved by FDA for ATTR-CM, shows promise to improve survival and quality of life in patients with ATTR-CM. Pharmacists can play a key role in assisting with agent selection for this disease state, as well as providing knowledge about current and future clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of the available treatment modalities.The neurobiology of sentence production has been largely understudied compared to the neurobiology of sentence comprehension, due to difficulties with experimental control and motion-related artifacts in neuroimaging. We studied the neural response to constituents of increasing size and specifically focused on the similarities and differences in the production and comprehension of the same stimuli. Participants had to either produce or listen to stimuli in a gradient of constituent size based on a visual prompt. Larger constituent sizes engaged the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) and middle temporal gyrus (LMTG) extending to inferior parietal areas in both production and comprehension, confirming that the neural resources for syntactic encoding and decoding are largely overlapping. An ROI analysis in LIFG and LMTG also showed that production elicited larger responses to constituent size than comprehension and that the LMTG was more engaged in comprehension than production, while the LIFG was more engaged in production than comprehension. Finally, increasing constituent size was characterized by later BOLD peaks in comprehension but earlier peaks in production. These results show that syntactic encoding and parsing engage overlapping areas, but there are asymmetries in the engagement of the language network due to the specific requirements of production and comprehension.At our hospital, the main treatment for resectable esophageal cancer (EC) has since 2013 been total minimally invasive esophagectomy (TMIE). The aim of this study was to present the short- and long-term results in patients operated with TMIE. This cross-sectional study includes all patients scheduled for TMIE from June 2013 to January 2016 at Oslo University Hospital. Data on morbidity, mortality, and survival were retrospectively collected from the patient administration system and the Norwegian Cause of Death Registry. Long-term postoperative health-related quality of life (HRQL) and level of dysphagia were assessed by patients completing the following questionaries EORTC QLQ-OG25, QLQ-C30, and the Ogilvie grading scale. A total of 123 patients were included in this study with a median follow-up time of 58 months (1-88 months). 85% had adenocarcinoma, 15% squamous cell carcinoma. Seventeen patients (14%) had T1N0M0, 68 (55%) T2-T3N0M0, or T1-T2N1M0 and 38 (31%) had either T3N1M0 or T4anyNM0. Ninety-eight patients (80%) received neoadjuvant (radio)chemotherapy and 104 (85%) had R0 resection. Anastomotic leak rate and 90-days mortality were 14% and 2%, respectively. The 5-year overall survival was 53%. Patients with tumor free resection margins of >1 mm (R0) had a 5-year survival of 57%. Median 60 months (range 49-80) postoperatively the main symptoms reducing HRQL were anxiety, chough, insomnia, and reflux. Median Ogilvie score was 0 (0-1). In this study, we report relatively low mortality and good overall survival after TMIE for EC. Moreover, key symptoms reducing long-term HRQL were identified.We investigated the detrimental effects of chronic consumption of sweet or sweetened beverages in mice. We report that consumption of beverages containing small amounts of sucrose during several weeks impaired reward systems. This is evidenced by robust changes in the activation pattern of prefrontal brain regions associated with abnormal risk-taking and delayed establishment of decision-making strategy. Supporting these findings, we find that chronic consumption of low doses of artificial sweeteners such as saccharin disrupts brain regions' activity engaged in decision-making and reward processes. Consequently, this leads to the rapid development of inflexible decisions, particularly in a subset of vulnerable individuals. Our data also reveal that regular consumption, even at low doses, of sweet or sweeteners dramatically alters brain neurochemistry, i.e., dopamine content and turnover, and high cognitive functions, while sparing metabolic regulations. Our findings suggest that it would be relevant to focus on long-term consequences on the brain of sweet or sweetened beverages in humans, especially as they may go metabolically unnoticed.

Cognition-based theories dominate physical activity (PA) research, and many include a construct broadly defined as "beliefs about the consequences of behavior" (e.g., outcome expectancies, perceived benefits) hereafter referred to as perceived consequences.

With the quantity of available research on this topic, it is important to examine whether the literature supports perceived consequences as a predictor of PA.

A meta-analysis examining longitudinal associations between perceived consequences and PA in adults was conducted. Studies were eligible if (a) perceived consequences were measured at a time point prior to PA, and (b) the target behavior was a form of PA. An omnibus meta-analysis estimating the mean effect of all included studies, and separate meta-analyses for perceived consequences content categories were conducted.

This search yielded 6,979 articles, of these, 110 studies met inclusion criteria. Studies were published between 1989 and 2020, with sample sizes ranging from 16 to 2,824. All studies were evaluated as moderate to high quality.

Autoři článku: Shahhovgaard7094 (Proctor Bradley)