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Research confirms the possibility of obtaining products with increased nutritional value available to consumers on a gluten-free diet.

Research confirms the possibility of obtaining products with increased nutritional value available to consumers on a gluten-free diet.Transport from and into the nucleus is essential to all eukaryotic life and occurs through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). There are a multitude of data supporting a role for nuclear transport in neurodegenerative diseases, but actual transport assays in disease models have provided diverse outcomes. In this review, we summarize how nuclear transport works, which transport assays are available, and what matters complicate the interpretation of their results. Taking a specific type of ALS caused by mutations in C9orf72 as an example, we illustrate these complications, and discuss how the current data do not firmly answer whether the kinetics of nucleocytoplasmic transport are altered. Answering this open question has far-reaching implications, because a positive answer would imply that widespread mislocalization of proteins occurs, far beyond the reported mislocalization of transport reporters, and specific proteins such as FUS, or TDP43, and thus presents a challenge for future research.The material for bone scaffold replacement should be biocompatible and antibacterial to prevent scaffold-associated infection. We biofunctionalized the hydroxyapatite (HA) properties by doping it with lithium (Li). The HA and 4 Li-doped HA (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 wt.%) samples were investigated to find the most suitable Li content for both aspects. The synthesized nanoparticles, by the mechanical alloying method, were cold-pressed uniaxially and then sintered for 2 h at 1250 °C. Characterization using field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) revealed particle sizes in the range of 60 to 120 nm. The XRD analysis proved the formation of HA and Li-doped HA nanoparticles with crystal sizes ranging from 59 to 89 nm. The bioactivity of samples was investigated in simulated body fluid (SBF), and the growth of apatite formed on surfaces was evaluated using SEM and EDS. Cellular behavior was estimated by MG63 osteoblast-like cells. The results of apatite growth and cell analysis showed that 1.0 wt.% Li doping was optimal to maximize the bioactivity of HA. Antibacterial characteristics against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) were performed by colony-forming unit (CFU) tests. The results showed that Li in the structure of HA increases its antibacterial properties. HA biofunctionalized by Li doping can be considered a suitable option for the fabrication of bone scaffolds due to its antibacterial and unique bioactivity properties.Cartilage is frequently damaged with a limited capacity for repair. Current treatment strategies are insufficient as they form fibrocartilage as opposed to hyaline cartilage, and do not prevent the progression of degenerative changes. There is increasing interest in the use of autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) for tissue regeneration. MSCs that are used to treat articular cartilage defects must not only present a robust cartilaginous production capacity, but they also must not cause morbidity at the harvest site. In addition, they should be easy to isolate from the tissue and expand in culture without terminal differentiation. The source of MSCs is one of the most important factors that may affect treatment. The infrapatellar fat pad (IPFP) acts as an important reservoir for MSC and is located in the anterior compartment of the knee joint in the extra-synovial area. The IPFP is a rich source of MSCs, and in this review, we discuss studies that demonstrate that these cells have shown many advantages over other tissues in terms of ease of isolation, expansion, and chondrogenic differentiation. Future studies in articular cartilage repair strategies and suitable extraction as well as cell culture methods will extend the therapeutical application of IPFP-derived MSCs into additional orthopedic fields, such as osteoarthritis. This review provides the latest research concerning the use of IPFP-derived MSCs in the treatment of articular cartilage damage, providing critical information for the field to grow.Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are reminiscent of their cell of origin and thus represent a valuable source of biomarkers. However, for EVs to be used as biomarkers in clinical practice, simple, comparable, and reproducible analytical methods must be applied. Although progress is being made in EV separation methods for human biofluids, the implementation of EV assays for clinical diagnosis and common guidelines are still lacking. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of established EV separation techniques from human serum and plasma, including ultracentrifugation and size exclusion chromatography (SEC), followed by concentration using (a) ultracentrifugation, (b) ultrafiltration, or (c) precipitation, and immunoaffinity isolation. We analyzed the size, number, protein, and miRNA content of the obtained EVs and assessed the functional delivery of EV cargo. Our results demonstrate that all methods led to an adequate yield of small EVs. While no significant difference in miRNA content was observed for the different separation methods, ultracentrifugation was best for subsequent flow cytometry analysis. AGI-6780 cell line Immunoaffinity isolation is not suitable for subsequent protein analyses. SEC + ultracentrifugation showed the best functional delivery of EV cargo. In summary, combining SEC with ultracentrifugation gives the highest yield of pure and functional EVs and allows reliable analysis of both protein and miRNA contents. We propose this combination as the preferred EV isolation method for biomarker studies from human serum or plasma.Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is an exocrinopathy characterized by the hypofunction of salivary glands (SGs). Aquaporin-5 (AQP5); a water channel involved in saliva formation; is aberrantly distributed in SS SG acini and contributes to glandular dysfunction. We aimed to investigate the role of ezrin in AQP5 mislocalization in SS SGs. The AQP5-ezrin interaction was assessed by immunoprecipitation and proteome analysis and by proximity ligation assay in immortalized human SG cells. We demonstrated, for the first time, an interaction between ezrin and AQP5. A model of the complex was derived by computer modeling and in silico docking; suggesting that AQP5 interacts with the ezrin FERM-domain via its C-terminus. The interaction was also investigated in human minor salivary gland (hMSG) acini from SS patients (SICCA-SS); showing that AQP5-ezrin complexes were absent or mislocalized to the basolateral side of SG acini rather than the apical region compared to controls (SICCA-NS). Furthermore, in SICCA-SS hMSG acinar cells, ezrin immunoreactivity was decreased at the acinar apical region and higher at basal or lateral regions, accounting for altered AQP5-ezrin co-localization. Our data reveal that AQP5-ezrin interactions in human SGs could be involved in the regulation of AQP5 trafficking and may contribute to AQP5-altered localization in SS patients.Diabetes mellitus is a main risk factor for delayed fracture healing and fracture non-unions. Successful fracture healing requires stimuli from different immune cells, known to be affected in diabetics. Especially, application of mononuclear cells has been proposed to promote wound and fracture healing. Thus, aim was to investigate the effect of pre-/diabetic conditions on mononuclear cell functions essential to promote osteoprogenitor cell function. We here show that pre-/diabetic conditions suppress the expression of chemokines, e.g., CCL2 and CCL8 in osteoprogenitor cells. The associated MCP-1 and MCP-2 were significantly reduced in serum of diabetics. Both MCPs chemoattract mononuclear THP-1 cells. Migration of these cells is suppressed under hyperglycemic conditions, proposing that less mononuclear cells invade the site of fracture in diabetics. Further, we show that the composition of cytokines secreted by mononuclear cells strongly differ between diabetics and controls. Similar is seen in THP-1 cells cultured under hyperinsulinemia or hyperglycemia. The altered secretome reduces the positive effect of the THP-1 cell conditioned medium on migration of osteoprogenitor cells. In summary, our data support that factors secreted by mononuclear cells may support fracture healing by promoting migration of osteoprogenitor cells but suggest that this effect might be reduced in diabetics.The adipocyte-derived 'satiety promoting' hormone, leptin, has been identified as a key central regulator of body weight and fertility, such that its absence leads to obesity and infertility. Plasma leptin levels reflect body adiposity, and therefore act as an 'adipostat', whereby low leptin levels reflect a state of low body adiposity (under-nutrition/starvation) and elevated leptin levels reflect a state of high body adiposity (over-nutrition/obesity). While genetic leptin deficiency is rare, obesity-related leptin resistance is becoming increasingly common. In the absence of adequate leptin sensitivity, leptin is unable to exert its 'anti-obesity' effects, thereby exacerbating obesity. Furthermore, extreme leptin resistance and consequent low or absent leptin signalling resembles a state of starvation and can thus lead to infertility. However, leptin resistance occurs on a spectrum, and it is possible to be resistant to leptin's metabolic effects while retaining leptin's permissive effects on fertility. This may be because leptin exerts its modulatory effects on energy homeostasis and reproductive function through discrete intracellular signalling pathways, and these pathways are differentially affected by the molecules that promote leptin resistance. link2 This review discusses the potential mechanisms that enable leptin to exert differential control over metabolic and reproductive function in the contexts of healthy leptin signalling and of diet-induced leptin resistance.In burn injuries, risk factors and limitations to treatment success are difficult to assess clinically. However, local cellular responses are characterized by specific gene-expression patterns. link3 MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are single-stranded, non-coding RNAs that regulate mRNA expression on a posttranscriptional level. Secreted through exosome-like vesicles (ELV), miRNAs are intracellular signalers and epigenetic regulators. To date, their role in the regulation of the early burn response remains unclear. Here, we identified 43 miRNAs as potential regulators of the early burn response through the bioinformatics analysis of an existing dataset. We used an established human ex vivo skin model of a deep partial-thickness burn to characterize ELVs and miRNAs in dermal interstitial fluid (dISF). Moreover, we identified miR-497-5p as stably downregulated in tissue and dISF in the early phase after a burn injury. MiR-218-5p and miR-212-3p were downregulated in dISF, but not in tissue. Target genes of the miRNAs were mainly upregulated in tissue post-burn. The altered levels of miRNAs in dISF of thermally injured skin mark them as new biomarker candidates for burn injuries. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report miRNAs altered in the dISF in the early phase of deep partial-thickness burns.

Autoři článku: Schwarzmoon3502 (Behrens Downs)