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Enabling efficient and durable charge storage under high sulfur loading and lean electrolyte remains a paramount challenge for Li-S battery technology to truly demonstrate its commercial viability. This work reports an amphoteric polymer binder, whose negatively and positively charged moieties allow for coregulation of both lithium cations and heteropolar lithium polysulfides through multiple intermolecular interactions. These interactions and the physical properties lead to simultaneously improved Li+ transport, polysulfide adsorption and catalysis, cathode robustness and anode stability. Therefore, this multifunctional binder endows Li-S batteries with compelling overall performances even under rigorous conditions. At low sulfur loading and copious electrolyte, the cell shows a low capacity-fading rate of 0.056% cycle-1 upon 700 cycles. At sulfur loading of 6.8 mg cm-2 and low E/S of 6 µL mg-1 , the cell still delivers stable areal capacities between 4.2 and 4.8 mAh cm-2 in 50 cycles without obvious decay at 0.2 C. The commercial feasibility of this work is further manifested by its zero added weight, low material cost, and ease of manufacturing and scale-up. The efficacy and simplicity of this work symbolize an example of lab-scale battery research aiming at improved technology and manufacturing readiness level.

Several European studies investigated the trends in psychotropic drug prescriptions (PDPs) among nursing home (NH) residents and reported a decline in antipsychotics prescriptions. Since the Dutch long-term care system differs from other European systems (e.g. higher threshold for NH admission and trained elderly care physicians), this study explores the trends in PDPs in Dutch NH residents with dementia.

The study used data from nine studies, comprising two cross-sectional studies, one cohort study, and six cluster-randomized controlled trials, collected in Dutch NHs between 2003 and 2018. With multilevel logistic regression analysis, NHs as a random effect, we estimated the trends in PDPs overall and for five specific psychotropic drug groups (antipsychotics, antidepressants, anxiolytics, hypnotics, and anti-dementia drugs), adjusting for confounders age, gender, severity of dementia, severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms, and length of stay in NHs.

The absolute prescription rate of antipsychotics was 37.5% in 2003 and decreased (OR=0.947, 95% CI [0.926, 0.970]) every year. The absolute prescription rate of anti-dementia drugs was 0.8% in 2003 and increased (OR=1.162, 95% CI [1.105, 1.223]) per year. The absolute rate of overall PDPs declined from 62.7% in 2003 to 40.4% in 2018.

Among Dutch NH residents with dementia, the odds of antipsychotics prescriptions decreased by 5.3% per year while the odds of anti-dementia drug prescriptions increased by 16.2%. There were no distinct trends in antidepressants, anxiolytics, and hypnotics prescriptions. However, overall PDPs were still high. The PDPs in NH residents remain an issue of concern.

Among Dutch NH residents with dementia, the odds of antipsychotics prescriptions decreased by 5.3% per year while the odds of anti-dementia drug prescriptions increased by 16.2%. There were no distinct trends in antidepressants, anxiolytics, and hypnotics prescriptions. However, overall PDPs were still high. The PDPs in NH residents remain an issue of concern.

To explore how Australian exercise physiologists (EPs) utilise pain neuroscience education (PNE) in their management of patients with knee osteoarthritis.

A semi-structured interview concerning a knee osteoarthritis vignette was designed to understand each participant's beliefs about physical activity, pain, injury and coping strategies and quantify their use of pain neuroscience concepts. Themes were derived from pre-determined pain target concepts as well as others that emerged from thematic analysis.

Thirty EPs (57% male, mean clinical experience 7years (SD 7.1) participated in the semi-structured interviews. 13 themes emerged. EPs primarily focussed on (1) active treatment strategies are better than passive, (2) pain and tissue damage rarely relate, and (3) learning about pain can help individuals and society. Other themes included the use of biomedical-based education, pain during exercise and delivery of PNE. Underutilised themes included the role of the brain in pain, validation that pain is realE to reconceptualise knee osteoarthritis pain as a sign of an overprotective nervous system, rather than structural damage, may facilitate greater patient engagement in exercise therapies, thus improving patient outcomes.

To examine the determinants and metabolic impact of the reduction in fasting and postload insulin levels after a low n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio diet in obese youth.

Insulin secretion and clearance were assessed by measuring and modelling plasma insulin and C-peptide in 17 obese youth who underwent a nine-point, 180-minute oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) before and after a 12-week, eucaloric low n-6n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio diet. Hepatic fat content was assessed by repeated abdominal magnetic resonance imaging.

Insulin clearance at fasting and during the OGTT was significantly increased after the diet, while body weight, glucose levels, absolute and glucose-dependent insulin secretion, and model-derived variables of β-cell function were not affected. Dietary-induced changes in insulin clearance positively correlated with changes in whole-body insulin sensitivity and β-cell glucose sensitivity, but not with changes in hepatic fat. Subjects with greater increases in insulin clearance showed a worse metabolic profile at enrolment, characterized by impaired insulin clearance, β-cell glucose sensitivity, and glucose tolerance, and benefitted the most from the diet, achieving greater improvements in glucose-stimulated hyperinsulinaemia, insulin resistance, and β-cell function.

We showed that a 12-week low n-6n-3 PUFA ratio diet improves hyperinsulinaemia by increasing fasting and postload insulin clearance in obese youth, independently of weight loss, glucose concentrations, and insulin secretion.

We showed that a 12-week low n-6n-3 PUFA ratio diet improves hyperinsulinaemia by increasing fasting and postload insulin clearance in obese youth, independently of weight loss, glucose concentrations, and insulin secretion.Beacon is a basic data discovery protocol issued by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH). The main goal addressed by version 1 of the Beacon protocol was to test the feasibility of broadly sharing human genomic data, through providing simple "yes" or "no" responses to queries about the presence of a given variant in datasets hosted by Beacon providers. The popularity of this concept has fostered the design of a version 2, that better serves real-world requirements and addresses the needs of clinical genomics research and healthcare, as assessed by several contributing projects and organizations. Particularly, rare disease genetics and cancer research will benefit from new case level and genomic variant level requests and the enabling of richer phenotype and clinical queries as well as support for fuzzy searches. Beacon is designed as a "lingua franca" to bridge data collections hosted in software solutions with different and rich interfaces. Beacon version 2 works alongside popular standards like Phenopackets, OMOP, or FHIR, allowing implementing consortia to return matches in beacon responses and provide a handover to their preferred data exchange format. The protocol is being explored by other research domains and is being tested in several international projects.

Our prior magnetoencephalographic (MEG) investigations demonstrate that persons with cerebral palsy (CP) have weaker somatosensory cortical activity than neurotypical (NT) controls, which is associated with reduced muscular strength and mobility. Power training can improve lower extremity isokinetic strength, muscular power, and walking performance of youth with CP. Potentially, these clinically relevant improvements are partially driven by changes in somatosensory processing. The objective of this investigation was to determine if power training has complementary changes in muscular function and somatosensory cortical activity in youth with CP.

A cohort of youth with CP (N = 11; age = 15.90 ± 1.1 years) and NT controls (N = 10; Age = 15.93 ± 2.48 years) participated in this investigation. Quizartinib Youth with CP underwent 24 power training sessions. Pre-post bilateral leg press 1-repetition maximum (1RM), peak power production, 10-m walking speed, and distance walked 1-min were used as outcome measures. MEG neuroitential to promote cortical and muscular plasticity, which appear to have carryover effects for improved walking performance.2D van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) and superlattices (SLs) with exotic physical properties and applications for new devices have attracted immense interest. Compared to conventionally bonded heterostructures, the dangling-bond-free surface of 2D layered materials allows for the feasible integration of various materials to produce vdWHs without the requirements of lattice matching and processing compatibility. The quality of interfaces in artificially stacked vdWHs/vdWSLs and scalability of production remain among the major challenges in the field of 2D materials. Fortunately, bottom-up methods exhibit relatively high controllability and flexibility. The growth parameters, such as the temperature, precursors, substrate, and carrier gas, can be carefully and comprehensively controlled to produce high-quality interfaces and wafer-scale products of vdWHs/vdWSLs. This review focuses on three types of bottom-up methods for the assembly of vdWHs and vdWSLs with atomically clean and electronically sharp interfaces chemical/physical vapor deposition, metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, and ultrahigh vacuum growth. These methods can intuitively illustrate the great flexibility and controllability of bottom-up methods for the preparation of vdWHs/vdWSLs. The latest progress in vdWHs and vdWSLs, related physical phenomena, and (opto)electronic devices are summarized. Finally, the authors discuss current challenges and future perspectives in the synthesis and application of vdWHs and vdWSLs.Personality disorders (PD) are among the most severe mental disorders, leading to high clinical, familial and societal burden. In contrast to former perceptions, PDs are not a life-long destiny, but treatable with specialized treatment approaches. The current reluctance of clinicians to use this diagnosis in younger age groups obstructs the correct choice of treatment options for young people. Not diagnosing PD at an early stage means to deprive adolescents of effective treatments, thus increasing their risk of fatal outcome. In the upcoming ICD-11, a life-span perspective on mental disorders has been adopted that facilitates the use of the diagnosis PD in young people. Future research will show if the use of the new ICD-11 diagnosis of complex posttraumatic stress disorder will be helpful in a proportion of patients with a history of severe childhood traumatization.

Autoři článku: Schwartzdamsgaard4040 (Roed Rush)