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95 months (M=40, SD=64.87). Twelve patients had imaging studies depicting degenerative spine disease that would warrant surgical intervention at the time of examination by their primary physician. The average delay for referral to the Spine clinic for these patients was 16.5 months (M=5; SD=25.36). More than 89% of patients experienced significant neurologic improvement postoperatively. Conclusions There is a delay in the recognition of cervical spine disease amenable to a surgical resolution in patients with demyelinating disorders. Surgical treatment can lead to significant clinical improvement in this patient population even if delayed, and likely carries similar risk to that of the general population.Candida endocarditis is a rare infection that is becoming an emerging and growing health concern, especially among risk groups such as the elderly and the immunosuppressed. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Dilemmas about Candida endocarditis treatment are still around, particularly about the treatment options and their duration. We report a case of Candida parapsilosis prosthetic valve endocarditis with septic embolisms. An elderly male patient with a biological prosthetic valve presented with fever and constitutional symptoms. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed an area suggestive of splenic emboli. Transesophageal echocardiography showed a vegetation attaching to the prosthetic valve. Due to several comorbidities, he was not considered a candidate for surgical treatment. He was treated with antifungal drugs (liposomal amphotericin B and caspofungin) and was discharged with per os fluconazole. Later he presented with evidence of lumbar spondylodiscitis due to septic embolization and relapsing fungemia with multidrug-resistant isolates was documented. Unfortunately, the patient outcome was ill-fated and he died in hospital due to sepsis-related to the candidemia and also nosocomial urinary sepsis. selleck Here, we illustrate the complexity of diagnosing and managing fungal endocarditis due to its complications and poor prognosis.Scurvy is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency, historically associated with long sea voyages, periods of famine and war. Currently, it is often misdiagnosed and underreported, as physicians tend to consider it a disease of the past. We present the case of a 79-year-old female who was admitted to the Emergency Department complaining of pruritus. The patient lived alone and in poor hygiene conditions. Diet was scarce. One week before admission she was in contact with flea-ridden stray dogs. Sometime later she noted several fleas and multiple pruritic small papules, crusts, and excoriations on her torso, limbs, palms, soles, and scalp. Physical examination showed the patient to be pale, emaciated, and poorly groomed. Laboratory analysis showed microcytic anemia. Flea bites were treated with oral antihistamines and prednisolone. Follow-up one month later showed weight gain and partial resolution of skin lesions. However, multiple small ecchymosis on both lower and upper limbs, and occasional perifollicular petechias on her lower extremities, were noted. Additional workup showed undetectable serum vitamin C levels. A diagnosis of scurvy was made. The patient was treated with 1000 mg per day of oral vitamin C for one month leading to complete recovery. We present this case to remind that early recognition of vitamin C deficiency and appropriate supplementation are essential in patients with scurvy. Physicians should be aware of classic signs, symptoms, and social factors associated with this forgotten disease.Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), as a supportive modality for cardiopulmonary failure, is increasing in its use due to improved advances in technology and experience lending to availability and ease of implementation. Complications with ECMO are quite common, and with increasing use, an increase in complications are a natural result. These complications can be from the underlying disease process or from the ECMO process itself, including cannula insertion. One such complication includes perforation of surrounding structures at site of insertion. We will present a case of right atrial perforation after single lumen cannula insertion, which led to development of cardiac tamponade and subsequently cardiac arrest. In addition to cannula design, lack of wire rigidity can play a role in wire migration and injury to surrounding structures. We emphasize the importance of ultrasound guidance and surveillance with echocardiogram or fluoroscopy during ECMO cannulation, regardless of cannula type, to prevent fatal complications.Granulosa cell tumors (GCTs) of the ovary are rare, comprising less than 5% of all malignant ovarian neoplasms. While generally considered indolent, GCTs have a tendency for metastasis and delayed relapse, with recurrence developing in 20%-50%. Recurrent or metastatic disease is associated with aggressive behavior and a poor prognosis, as nearly 70% of patients developing recurrence will eventually succumb to their disease. The optimal management of relapsed disease is controversial. Initial salvage therapy typically involves surgical debulking followed by cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Unfortunately, tumor responses are durable for less than half of patients treated with this regimen. Radiation therapy is an attractive option for providing rapid palliation and improving local control without the morbidity of additional surgery or chemotherapy. Here we describe a case of multiply recurrent, rapidly growing intraperitoneal GCT refractory to repeated surgical debulking and several lines of systemic therapy. The patient was treated with two courses of palliative radiotherapy and achieved rapid symptomatic relief, achieving over a 90% reduction in tumor volume. Serum concentration of inhibin B, often inappropriately elevated in patients with GCT, decreased by 98% following irradiation with no interim systemic therapy. At one-year follow-up, the patient has no evidence of radiographic or biochemical recurrence.Femoral tunnel preparation during the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is a technically demanding step. The anteromedial (AM) portal technique necessitates knee hyperflexion during the femoral tunnel reaming. In a hyperflexed knee, the arthroscopic visualization of the laser markings on the femoral tunnel reamer becomes obscured. Thus, the calculation of the depth of the femoral tunnel becomes difficult. Our technique helps in femoral tunneling reliably without the need for arthroscopic visualization using the AM portal as a reference point to calculate the depth while drilling. This technique can be performed without the need for a second assistant to hold the arthroscope. Furthermore, this technique does not require any specific instruments, and there is no obligation for an additional incision.

Autoři článku: Schneidershields2371 (Melton English)