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Cell-free therapy has been inspired as a promising approach to overcome the limitations of traditional stem cell therapy. However, the therapeutic effect between extracellular vesicles and conditioned medium with the same source had not been compared. Our previous studies have shown that both the conditioned medium of adipose tissue (adipose tissue extract, ATE) and its further purification product small extracellular vesicles (sEV-AT) contributed to adipose tissue regeneration. In this study, we aimed to compare the ATE and sEV-AT in composition, inductivity on cells and de novo adipose regenerative potential.

The characteristics of sEV-AT and ATE were compared through protein and particle yield, particle size distribution and composition. The inductivity of sEV-AT and ATE on cells were compared through co-culture of sEV-AT or ATE with ASC, HUVEC and RAW264.7 in vitro. The capacity of promoting de novo adipogenesis was compared by implanting the silicone tube containing sEV-AT or ATE subcutaneously in vi of cell-free therapy, providing another option for different situations in clinical application. Furthermore, the complex contents of both sEV-AT and ATE should be studied comprehensively to avoid possible negative effects and to ensure sufficient safety for clinical applications.

Our results provided a direct comparison between EV and conditioned medium as cell-free therapeutic strategy. Both sEV and ATE had specific biological signature to facilitate tissue repair. Considering the convenience of extraction and acceptable effect, ATE represented a feasible product of cell-free therapy, providing another option for different situations in clinical application. Furthermore, the complex contents of both sEV-AT and ATE should be studied comprehensively to avoid possible negative effects and to ensure sufficient safety for clinical applications.

The present study is a phase I/IIa non-randomized, open-label study to evaluate safety and efficacy of a single, intravenous infusion of autologous, adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (adMSCs) over a period of 52weeks, in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

15 eligible RA patients aged 18-65years were enrolled and followed up at weeks 4, 12, 26 and 52 after receiving a single intravenous dose of 2 × 10

adMSCs. Efficacy was examined using American College of Rheumatology (ACR66/68 score) criteria for swollen and tender joint counts (S/TJC), and serum TNF-α, IL-6, CRP, and ESR levels. Safety endpoints included measures of hematologic, hepatic, and renal function.

ACR66/68 scores for both S/TJC showed significant improvements with large effect sizes (ES) at week 52 vs baseline (p < 0.01, ES = 0.83 and p < 0.001, ES = 0.93 respectively). Medium to large ES were also obvious for ACR66/68 scores measured at other timepoints. Levels of inflammatory markers, TNF-α, IL-6 and ESR remained ts the exploration of ad-MSCs as a therapeutic intervention for RA. Trial Registration Clinical trial registration number NCT03691909. Registered September 27, 2018- Retrospectively registered ( https// ).

The utilization of mobile health (m-health) has rapidly expanded during the COVID-19 pandemic, and there is still a lack of relevant clinical data pertaining to chronic low-back pain (CLBP) management. This study was designed to compare the effectiveness of m-health-based exercise (via guidance plus education) versus exercise (via guidance) during CLBP management.

Participants (n = 40) were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The intervention group received m-health-based exercise (via guidance plus education), whereas the control group received m-health-based exercise (via guidance). The exercise prescription video and educational content were sent to participants by the application (app), Ding Talk. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to test the baseline's intervention effects, 6-week follow-up, and 18-week follow-up. We selected function (Roland and Morris Disability Questionnaire) and pain intensity (current, mean, and most severe Numeric Rating Scale in the last 2 weeks) as the primary outcomes, changes of negative emotion (depression, anxious), and quality of life as the secondary outcomes.

Time's significant effect was found in pain, function, and health-related quality of life in both groups, but time did not show significant interaction effects. Participants were able to use m-based education with their anxiety and depression after treatment, but the relief only lasted until week 6. No differences were found on the aspect of mental health-related quality of life.

Preliminary findings suggest that m-health-based exercise (via guidance) may be a convenient and effective method to treat CLBP. However, additional health education didn't help more. More rigorous controlled trials are needed to improve the therapeutic effect in future studies.

Chinese Clinical Trials Registry Number ChiCTR2000041459 . Registered on December 26, 2020.

Chinese Clinical Trials Registry Number ChiCTR2000041459 . Registered on December 26, 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic and associated public health measures have had a profound impact on health systems worldwide. The aim of this study was to assess quantitative and qualitative changes in Pediatric Emergency Department (PED) visits in Sardinia, Italy, during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We retrospectively investigated the number and characteristics of visits to two major Sardinian PEDs, in the periods January-June 2020 and January-June 2019.

From January to June 2020, 8399 PED visits with 1160 hospital admissions (13.8% of PED visits) were registered, compared with 15,692 PED visits (Δ = -46.5%) and 1819 hospital admissions (11.6% of PED visits) occurring from January to June 2019. Comparing January-June 2020 with January-June 2019, we found differences in the percentage of visits for age groups, and significant changes in the proportion of triage codes, with a decrease in green codes (72.1% vs 74.2%, respectively) and an increase in white codes (19.0% vs 16.5%, respectively). Moreover, in the period January-June 2020, the frequency of skin disorders and acute respiratory disease significantly decreased, while the frequency of trauma, acute surgical disease, intoxication, and neuropsychiatric disease significantly increased.

After the beginning of the Italian lockdown, we observed a marked drop in the number of PED visits, an increase in hospital admission rate, and radical changes in the reason for visit.

After the beginning of the Italian lockdown, we observed a marked drop in the number of PED visits, an increase in hospital admission rate, and radical changes in the reason for visit.

A treatment-induced drop in HbA1c has been suggested to be a risk factor for TIND.

From 60 included patients with severe diabetes mellitus (HbA1c over 8.5) only 21 patients adhered to the study protocol over 1year with a battery of autonomic nervous system tests scheduled before and after starting antidiabetic treatment.

In patients with a drop of HbA1c greater than 2 per cent points only some neurophysiologic tests and lab values tended to deteriorate with a trend to improve at later time points along the study. None of these changes were statistically significant, most likely because the study failed to reach the planned number of patients.

Poor adherence to diabetes treatment and to following the study protocol were the assumed obstacles in our patient cohort selected for very high HbA1c levels. In future studies a multi-center trial and case numbers of up to 500 patients may be needed to account for drop outs in the range observed here. Moreover, the number of tests in each patient at each visit may have to be reduced and special educational group sessions are warranted to cope with the limited adherence. Trial registration Ethic Committee University of Leipzig 439/15-ek. Selleck BIRB 796 Registered 22 April 2016.

Poor adherence to diabetes treatment and to following the study protocol were the assumed obstacles in our patient cohort selected for very high HbA1c levels. In future studies a multi-center trial and case numbers of up to 500 patients may be needed to account for drop outs in the range observed here. Moreover, the number of tests in each patient at each visit may have to be reduced and special educational group sessions are warranted to cope with the limited adherence. Trial registration Ethic Committee University of Leipzig 439/15-ek. Registered 22 April 2016.

Median raphe cyst is usually benign and asymptomatic male genitalia lesions. Although uncommon, infection may be a complication.

We report the case of a 4-year-old child presented to the emergency department for a serpiginous and redness lesion extended from the basis of the penis until the perineum. An infected median raphe cyst was suspected, and the patient underwent surgical treatment and antibiotic therapy with complete resolution of symptoms. Liquid culture resulted positive for Serratia Marcescens.

Infection is a rare complication, especially in childhood. To prevent relapses and clinical symptoms, the majority of authors recommend surgical excision followed by primary closure. In case of infections caused by Serratia Marcescens, chronic granulomatous disease should always be rule out.

Infection is a rare complication, especially in childhood. To prevent relapses and clinical symptoms, the majority of authors recommend surgical excision followed by primary closure. In case of infections caused by Serratia Marcescens, chronic granulomatous disease should always be rule out.

Cohesin is a chromosome-associated SMC-kleisin complex that mediates sister chromatid cohesion, recombination, and most chromosomal processes during mitosis and meiosis. However, it remains unclear whether meiosis-specific cohesin complexes are functionally active in mitotic chromosomes.

Through high-resolution 3D-structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) and functional analyses, we report multiple biological processes associated with the meiosis-specific cohesin components, α-kleisin REC8 and STAG3, and the distinct loss of function of meiotic cohesin during the cell cycle of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). First, we show that STAG3 is required for the efficient localization of REC8 to the nucleus by interacting with REC8. REC8-STAG3-containing cohesin regulates topological properties of chromosomes and maintains sister chromatid cohesion. Second, REC8-cohesin has additional sister chromatid cohesion roles in concert with mitotic RAD21-cohesin on ESC chromosomes. SIM imaging of REC8 and RAD21 co-staining revealed that the two types of α-kleisin subunits exhibited distinct loading patterns along ESC chromosomes. Third, knockdown of REC8 or RAD21-cohesin not only leads to higher rates of premature sister chromatid separation and delayed replication fork progression, which can cause proliferation and developmental defects, but also enhances chromosome compaction by hyperloading of retinoblastoma protein-condensin complexes from the prophase onward.

Our findings indicate that the delicate balance between mitotic and meiotic cohesins may regulate ESC-specific chromosomal organization and the mitotic program.

Our findings indicate that the delicate balance between mitotic and meiotic cohesins may regulate ESC-specific chromosomal organization and the mitotic program.

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